Coach From the 2nd of March till the 7th of March – 2014 @Berlin
Coach From the 2nd of March till the 7th of March – 2014 @Berlin
Coach Manual From the 2nd of March till the 7th of March – 2014 @Berlin Index 1. WELCOME TO WOW Berlin p.2 2. PROGRAM p.3 3. EUROPEAN GET TOGETHER p.7 4. BERLIN CITY RALLY p.8 5. The WOW assignment p.8 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9. 5.10. p.8 p.9 p.9 p.10 p.10 p.12 p.12 p.13 p.16 p.17 Context Assignment Learning outcomes Groups Innowiz ITB Berlin Deliverables Day-to-day and hour-to-hour work planning Assessment Awards 6. WOW hotspots and how to get where p.18 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. Generator Hostel EBC ITB Urania Getting around Public transportation: tickets Food and drinks in Berlin: tips p.18 p.21 p.22 p.24 p.25 p.26 p.26 7. PRACTICAL INFORMATION p.27 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. In case of emergency 3G-stick List of participating schools List of coaches List of students Code of conduct p.27 p.27 p.27 p.28 p.29 p.34 Student Manual - p1 1. WELCOME TO WOW Berlin WOW Berlin 2014 Window on the world Dearest coach, Welcome to the WOW Berlin ’14 project! The WOW-team is very pleased to meet you in Berlin and hopes that you will have a fruitful international experience in the capital of Germany! You will have the chance to meet colleagues from other schools and universities from all over Europe, building relationships for a future cooperation between your institute and theirs. The WOW Berlin project started in 2011 under the name Hedtour ITB Berlin. Hedtour is a network in the field of tourism within Businet, which is a business network of different European Universities and University Colleges. Since the edition of 2013 the project was called WOW Berlin. WOW stands for ‘Window on the world’. In this manual you will find the planning and tasks for the students as well as for you, the coach. Next to being a coach of one of the (international) groups of students, you will also be part of a jury on Thursday and Friday and you will be our contact for anything relating to the students you bring to Berlin. Your qualities as a coach will have a significant influence on the results of the students at the end of the week. We hope you will carry out your task with the greatest enthusiasm, just like in previous editions. Whatever questions you have, please contact Lien Vermeulen (project coordinator): E-mail: M: +32 474 72 79 05 We all know the importance of the internet and social media, so stay up to date during the project by checking following sites: - You can find all practical details and related information about this project on our website URL: - Give us a “Like” on Facebook and be able to follow each update of the project and see the pictures of you and your fellow students. Tag along! URL: - Follow us on Twitter and start tweeting! Make sure you use our hashtag: #wowberlin. URL: We are looking forward to prepare an amazing journey for all of the students, together with all the WOWcoaches! The WOW-team Student Manual - p2 2. PROGRAM A) STUDENTS Sunday March 2: WOW, nice to get to know you When What Where Before 17:00 Arrival of all partners at the hostel and check-in at the WOW-desk. Lobby Generator Hostel 21:00 – 23:00 ‘European get together’ Turbine (ground floor) Generator Hostel Monday March 3: WOW, what a nice city When What Where 7:00 – 9:00 Breakfast buffet Groundfloor Generator Hostel 9:00 – 10:00 Departure students City rally from the city center. There’s a list of participants at the end of this manual and on our WOW website. 17:00 - 18:00 Arrival City rally. Before 19:00 Post your best picture per cluster of the City Rally on Twitter. Generator Hostel Lobby Generator Hostel Tuesday March 4: WOW, how creative When What Where 7:00 – 9:00 Breakfast buffet 9:00 – 9:30 Transfer to Urania Groundfloor Generator Hostel Urania 10:00 – 12:00 Urania 12:00 – 14:00 Kick-off of the project (Announcement winner City Rally) Lunch at leisure 14:00 – 18:00 Brainstorm session Innowiz with coach EBC Hochschule Student Manual - p3 Wednesday March 5: WOW, sooooo big When What Where 7:00 – 9:00 Breakfast buffet 9:00 – 10:00 Transfer to ITB Groundfloor Generator Hostel U-Bahn Station 10:00 – 17:30 Visit ITB Berlin Messe Berlin 17:30 – 18:00 Meeting with coach/lecturer Messe Berlin 18:00 – 19:00 Transfer U-Bahn Station Thursday March 6: WOW, work work work When What Where 7:00 – 9:00 Breakfast buffet 9:00 – 12:00 Start working session (one groups start working on the presentation, one group starts working on the fair) Groundfloor Generator Hostel Berlin is your workplace 12:00 - 17:00 Continue working session EBC Hochschule 18:00 – 20:00 Product Presentations EBC Hochschule 20:00 - … Free for the night – enjoy Berlin! Student Manual - p4 Friday March 7: WOW, what a show When What Where 07:00 – 08:00 Breakfast buffet 08:00 – 08:45 Transfer to Urania Groundfloor Generator Hostel S-Bahn & Bus 09:00 – 10:00 Set up stand for WOW exhibition Urania (2nd floor) 10:15 – 11:30 Product Presentation of the 6 finalists in front of professional jury (1 winner, 2 runner-ups, 3 finalists) Urania (1st floor) 11:40 – 13:15 WOW Exhibition at Urania (looking at the different stands and pitch for your own product) Urania (2nd floor) and cafeteria Urania 13:15 – 14:15 Lunch + breakdown exhibition 14:30 – 15:00 Award giving ceremony for best presentation and best WOW exhibition 15:00 – 16:00 Students get their final grade. 16:00 Crying and transfer back home. Urania (1st floor) B) COACHES Sunday March 2: WOW, nice to get to know you When What Where Before 17:00 Arrival of all partners at the hostel and check-in at the WOW-desk. Lobby Generator Hostel 21:00 – 23:00 ‘European get together’ Turbine (ground floor) Generator Hostel Monday March 3: WOW, what a nice city When What Where 10:30 – 12:00 Introductory meeting WOW Berlin project EBC Hochschule 14:00 – 16:00 16:00 – 17:00 Innowiz creativity session Facultative Innowiz-consult EBC Hochschule Student Manual - p5 Tuesday March 4: WOW, how creative When What Where 9:00 – 9:30 Transfer to Urania Urania 10:00 – 12:00 Urania 12:00 – 14:00 Kick-off of the project (Announcement winner City Rally) Lunch with coaches Park Inn Radisson 14:00 – 18:00 Brainstorm session Innowiz with coach EBC Hochschule Wednesday March 5: WOW, sooooo big When What Where 9:00 – 10:00 Transfer to ITB U-Bahn Station 10:00 – 17:30 Visit ITB Berlin Messe Berlin 17:30 – 18:00 Meeting with your group Messe Berlin Thursday March 6: WOW, work work work When What Where 9:00 – 12:00 Start working session (one groups start working on the presentation, one group starts working on the fair) Free choice 12:00 - 17:00 Continue working session EBC Hochschule 18:00 – 20:00 Product Presentations in front of jury EBC Hochschule Student Manual - p6 Friday March 7: WOW, what a show When What Where 08:00 – 08:45 Transfer to Urania S-Bahn & Bus 09:00 – 10:00 Set up stand for WOW exhibition Urania (2nd floor) 10:15 – 11:30 Product Presentation of the 6 finalists in front of professional jury (1 winner, 2 runner-ups, 3 finalists) Urania (1st floor) 11:40 – 12:45 WOW Exhibition at Urania (in team of coaches assess stand + pitch) 12:45 – 13:15 Urania (2nd floor) Coaches collect all voting forms and deliberate about the winning group. 13:30 – 14:00 16:00 Award giving ceremony for best presentation and best WOW exhibition Crying and transfer back home. Urania (1st floor) 3. EUROPEAN GET TOGETHER On Sunday night there will be a ‘European Get Together’ at the Generator Hostel. Place to be is the Turbine, on the ground floor. The European Get Together is the informal kick-off of WOW Berlin ’14. Main aim is to introduce you as a coach to “your” team. But of course this is also the place and time to let each participating college present its home country. At the “European Get Together” we expect every country represented in the WOW project to decorate its own table. What are the ingredients? Small flags from the country Some typical food and drink A typical object that can be related to a story characterizing your country / culture. You can either elaborate on existing “clichés” about your home country, or come up with entirely suprising, unexpected tastes and stories. We leave it all up to you and your students! Do note that we count on you as a coach to organize “your” table, together with the students you bring. This includes Bringing to Berlin the necessary attributes as described above Getting your table ready before 9 pm on Sunday evening Making sure that you and/or some of your students are present at the table during the entire European Get Together Helping to put away the things you brought after the European Get Together Student Manual - p7 4. BERLIN CITY RALLY On Monday we give the students some time to get to know (and build) their team, and to discover Berlin during a City Rally. Please check the student manual to find out more about this activity. While the students will be at the City Rally, there will be an introductory meeting with the coaches at EBC Hochschule. In this meeting the project coordinator will give extra information about the day-to-day planning and explain more in detail what’s expected from the coaches. In the afternoon there will be the Innowiz session for the coaches. See further 5.5. Innowiz. 5. The WOW assignment On Tuesday we introduce the main part of WOW Berlin to the students: the WOW assignment. It is very important that every coach understands the assignment with the various subtasks and deliverables. Please also note when your presence as a coach is required to make sure your team stays on schedule. Below you find the same briefing we prepared for the students. We also provided a clear overview of the day-to-day work planning for the teams and their coaches. 5.1. Context In the present competitive tourist industry, where people can easily compose and book their trip themselves, being innovative and creative when offering tours and holidays is a must. Following up on trends, creating new travel concepts, specializing and staying in touch with the client is the key to success in this business. Student Manual - p8 5.2. Assignment 1. Create a new tour operator with a specific focus (country or region, target group, price, transportation, …) and define the USP (unique selling proposition) of the company. Brand this company with a mission statement, logo and catch phrase. 2. Create the first product of this company; a trip for a group of 20 people (where they are from, type of group, travel time and duration, type of trip,… these are all aspects the group needs to determine). No matter how long the trip takes, you work out 3 days of it very precisely. You determine and elaborate upon 15 service elements that include transportation, accommodation and entertainment. 5.3. Learning outcomes Knowledge 1. Creating an innovative product for the tourism trade in an autonomous way Spotting and incorporating travel trends into your product Generating innovative ideas to answer to market opportunities which are different from the competitor’s offers Converting, together with others, an innovative idea into a realistic product from a selling point of view Designing and managing a project together with others . Student Manual - p9 Skills 2. Communicating skills Using English as communication language in a multicultural group Developing and practicing intercultural communication skills Experiencing the implications of differences among cultures for international cooperation Being able to function in a multicultural and interdisciplinary group 3. Managing a project and the project processes. Coping with unexpected events which disrupt the processes in the project group, and reacting in an adequate manner. Handling a simple conflict situation in a multicultural and interdisciplinary project group. Evaluating the contributions of members of the project group and giving feedback to the project group Self-evaluation of the own contributions and reflection on own performance 5.4. Groups The average group will consist of 8 students, each with different nationalities and backgrounds. To every group a lecturer is assigned as a coach. The ITB in Berlin will be used as a source of information to acquire a broader knowledge of unfamiliar destinations, as well as to extend your network. 5.5. Innowiz INNOWIZ is an innovation method and an evolving creativity tool database. It is an open source project initiated by the Industrial Design Center at Howest University (Belgium). One could see innovation as the outcome of a creative process. A creative process consists of 4 steps: problem definition, idea generation, idea selection and idea communication. You can use this step-by-step plan as a cyclic problem solving method for tackling your challenging projects related to work or life. The INNOWIZ method is just as useful for structuring creative (brainstorm) sessions. You can enrich the 4 steps by making use of many different creativity techniques. Student Manual - p10 Dries Laperre, creativity lecturer at Howest, has been involved in the INNOWIZ tool from the beginning. He was the project leader of both the play,mate! and INNOWIZ IN A BOX projects. During WOW Berlin Wouter Doornaert, founder of the creative company Elevenfeet and Ralph Nafzger, industrial designer, will lead the creativity team. The INNOWIZ team has invested in the development of hands-on tools, which can be used in brainstorm sessions, in group or individually. The user doesn’t have to know the methodology or have any knowledge about how creativity works. Just grab a tool and play! For the coaches: on Monday the 4th of March there will be from 2pm till 4pm the Innowiz creativity session. We strongly recommend you to participate in this. Coaches who already participated in an Innowiz session during one of the previous editions and who believe that they can work perfectly with the Innowiz tools, can go to the facultative Innowiz-consult from 4pm till 5 pm. Student Manual - p11 5.6. ITB Berlin The ITB Berlin is the world’s largest tourism trade fair and the perfect place for you and your group to gather information and interact with the professionals from the tourism field. Your visit needs to be prepared well, in order to use your time efficiently at the fair. You need to make sure to collect as much information as possible at the fair if you want to get the maximum out of the project week. In consultation with your coach, you must design a strategy for your visit to the fair, and plan which information is needed, which stands you will visit at the fair and how you are going to approach the trade contacts you selected. 5.7. Deliverables Your project work will result in two deliverables: 1. PowerPoint presentation to be delivered on Thursday evening 5 to 8 minutes per group 8 slides – summary, according to briefing below. Don’t deliver a detailed travel itinerary of your product! You spend max. 1 minute per slide. To be presented by 2 group members for the jury of coaches on Thursday. Make it…WOW! Deadline Thursday at 5 pm, via e-mail to + on USB. Which slides? Slide 1:The company Logo, name, slogan mission, USP, … Slide 2: The Competition Positioning map of your company in relation to the major competitors in the home countries of one of the group members Slide 3: The target group Who is the first client of the company? Slide 4: Destination Where do you send your client? Slide 5: 3 days of your program Slide 6: Your 3 top service elements (out of 15) Slide 7: The Cost Cost calculation of the trip (without the flight and per person) – before VAT, taxes and profit for your company. Remember to gather and use B2B prices. Slide 8: Come and check us out! Summary of the above mentioned arguments. Why do we have to visit you at the WOW exhibition and buy your product? (1 sentence, 1 word, 1 image) Student Manual - p12 2. Stand at the WOW Exhibition, to be delivered on Friday Set up your own stand at the WOW Exhibition. The students are expected to arrive at Urania at 8.45h. You have one table and a board behind the table which you can use to decorate your stand. Feel free to decorate your stand in a very WOW way! At least three members of your group will be present at the stand during the whole duration of the fair (in a rotating schedule) to pitch to potential clients. The others walk around to collect information about the other competing companies and their products. Prepare the pitch you will use to persuade visitors to buy your product. Make sure the message is consistent, no matter which team member delivers the pitch. Also think of ways to address visitors of the WOW exhibition so they stop to listen to your pitch. Make sure you can answer on any question concerning your travel concept and that you can go into details. Prepare your stand as if you persuade end-users to book your product. 5.8. Day-to-day and hour-to-hour workplanning Tuesday 4 March: “WOW, how creative” Your presence as a coach is required during this activity. Make sure you make arrangements with your group about where exactly you will meet the next day at ITB, at 17.30. Time: 14:00 – 18:00 Place: EBC Hochschule To do 1: Create a tour operator with specific focus. Decide what your corporate identity and USP will be. Brand the company with a mission statement, logo and catch phrase. To do 2: Decide what the look & feel of your presentation will be, in line with your corporate identity and USP. To do 3: Collect ideas for your travel concept (destinations, types of holidays, …). To do 4: Work out a strategy for your ITB visit. Output 1: A concept for a tour operator with a specific focus Output 2: First 3 slides of your powerpoint presentation. Output 3: Ideas for your travel concept (destinations, types of holidays, …). Output 4: A strategy for your ITB visit. Student Manual - p13 Wednesday 5 March: “WOW, sooooo big” Coaches meet up with their group at the end of the afternoon (17.30) for a debrief. Make sure to make arrangements about when and where you will meet with your group on Thursday morning, if necessary. If not, you will meet your group at 12 at EBC Hochschule. Time: 10:00 – 17:30 Place: ITB To do: Visit ITB, following your strategy Output: All the information and materials you need for your travel product, your powerpoint presentation and the WOW exhibition stand. Thursday 6 March: “WOW, work, work, work” Your presence as a coach at EBC Hochschule is required from 12:00 – 20:00. You might meet with your group earlier, according to the arrangements made at the ITB fair. Time: 9:00 – 17:00 Place: From 9 AM – 12 AM students can choose their location. From 12 AM you are expected at EBC Hochschule. To do 1: Finalize your program (3 days/ 15 service elements). To do 2: Finish the powerpoint presentation and prepare your talk. To do 3: Prepare the design of your WOW exhibition stand. To do 4: Prepare your pitch for the WOW exhibition. How will you attract visitors and how will you pitch your product? Make sure every team member conveys the same message! Output 1: A finalized travel product. Output 2: Your powerpoint presentation and talk. Output 3: A design for your WOW exhibition stand and all the necessary attributes. Output 4: A pitch for the WOW exhibition. Friday 7 March: “WOW, what a show” Your presence as a coach is required from 9:00-16:00 Time: 9:00 - 10:00 (set-up stand) and 11.40 – 13.15 (the exhibition + pitch) Place: Urania To do: Set up your stand for the WOW exhibition and get ready to pitch. Output: A WOW stand and professional travel experts ready to meet the visitors. Student Manual - p14 5.9. ASSESSMENT The coach, as part of the jury, will have to assess the students in his group. Each student obtains an individual grade that sums up the progress on the learning goals as defined in 4.3: Managing a project and the project processes as a team and as a team member Creating an innovative product for the tourism trade in an autonomous way Communicating skills Overall, 4 forms will be completed by different evaluators. You find more info below. The forms with the exact evaluation criteria will be divided at the introductory meeting. Thursday 6 March: “WOW, work, work, work” As a coach, you need to complete Evaluation Form 2. You will also be part of a jury during the product and presention evaluation (Form 3) (18:0020:00). Time: 17:00 – 20:00 Place: EBC Hochschule FORM 1: STUDENT EVALUATION - TEAMWORK What: Teamwork (results in teamscore). Who: Team evaluates the team. Learning goal: 3. When: At the end of your work session on Thursday. Hand in the form to the president of the jury before you deliver your powerpoint presentation on Thursday. FORM 2: COACH EVALUATION - TEAMWORK What: Coach evaluates team members (individualizes teamscore). Who: Your coach. Learning goal: 3. When: At the end of your work session on Thursday. FORM 3: PRODUCT AND PRESENTATION EVALUATION What: Evaluation of your product and presentation (results in team score). Who: Jury of coaches. Note that your team coach won’t be part of your jury. Learning goal: 1 + 2. When: During your product presentation on Thursday. Friday 7 March: “WOW, what a show” All coaches will take up the role of jury member during the WOW Exhibition. Time: 11:40 – 12:30 Place: Urania 2nd floor FORM 4: WOW EXHIBITION EVALUATION What: Evaluation of your stand design and your product pitch (results in team score). Who: Jury of coaches. Note that your teamcoach won’t be part of your jury. Learning goal: 1+2. Student Manual - p15 How do you obtain your final grade? Each student obtains an individual score on 20, that will be converted to an ECTS-grade (ranging from A to F). When do students obtain their final grade? On Friday each lecturer will receive an overview of the scores of his students (grade on 20). The Transcripts of Records with the ECTS grades will be send to the responsible lecturers shortly after WOWBerlin. 5.10.Awards During the final Award Show we will elect two winning teams and honour them with a WOW-Award and a nice price. There are 2 awards to earn: 1. The WOW Exhibition Award – Coaches choose best stand and pitch. 2. The WOW Presentation Award – Professional jury chooses best presentation. Friday 7 March: “WOW, what a show” The grand final of WOWBerlin 2014 will be the award show. Two teams will take home a WOW award and some nice prices. They will get special honour on our WOW Facebook page and a nice certificate to include in their CV! Time: 14:30 – 15:00 Place: Urania 1st floor COMPETITION 1: WOW Presentation Award What: To be earned by the teams with the best product presentation on Friday. Who: Each jury of coaches selects the 2 best teams who can compete for the WOW Presentation Award. Six teams are our finalists for the WOW Presentation Award. How: These finalists will repeat their product presentation on Friday in Urania for all the WOWparticipants and coaches and… for a professional jury. The professional jury selects a winner and two runner-ups. COMPETITION 2: WOW Exhibition Award What: To be earned by the teams with the best WOW Exhibition stand design + product pitch. Who: Jury of coaches. How: 3 finalists are the teams with the highest score. The jury of coaches selects a winner and two runner-ups. Student Manual - p16 6. WOW hotspots and how to get where Below we inform the students about some practical issues. This information may be interesting for the coaches too. 6.1. Generator Hostel Address: Generator Hostel (Prenzlauer Berg) Storkower Strasse 160 10407 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 417 2400 Fax: +49 30 417 24080 URL: Facebook: E-mail: Student Manual - p17 Facilities at the hostel: In general: The hostel is open 24/7. Students stay in dorms and will be divided by the hostel per school. Every student receives a key card to enter his/her dorm. Should you lose your key card, you will get a replacement card for free (you need to show your ID though to get a replacement card). Check-in is at 3pm. If you arrive earlier you can leave your luggage at the reception (luggage room). Check-out is before 10am (breakfast until 11am). Luggage can be left in a luggage compartment. The hostel provides sheets. You can rent a towel at the reception or just bring your own. A washing machine is available (washing and drying at 5 EURO per load). Internet connection: Wireless internet is available on the entire ground floor of the hostel as well as in the rooms on the first floor. Wireless internet is for free (DaPhx Hot Spot). If you want to use the internet for less than an hour you just logon with your computer (no password required). If you want to use the internet for more than an hour you have to go to the reception and print a ticket from a box at the reception desk (press button ‘wireless 4 free’ and use the login code and password you receive). This ticket is valid for 6 hours. If you want to continue afterwards you can ask for a new login code. The hostel also provides internet access on desktop computers (50 cents per hour). Security: After 10pm the hostel should be quiet. Security staff will be checking the corridors all night long. After two warnings you may be requested to leave the hostel immediately. Leaving and entering the hostel at night is no problem. Security staff will check your key card when you enter the building. The project leader and mediacrew will be staying at the hostel and will make sure that the students behave properly. Laptops can be stored in your personal locker. All students have a locker in their room. You need to bring your own padlock (small version) in order to lock things up. If you do not have a padlock you can buy one for 3 EURO at the hostel. Copying and printing facilities at the hostel: You can make copies and print files for 5 cents (black and white copy) /10 cents (colour copy) per page at the hostel (special price). Student Manual - p18 House rules: Every lecturer is supposed to go through the house rules of the hostel with the students before checking in. ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ The breakfast buffet is open between 7.00 and 11.00am. It is not allowed to take food with you. For reasons of hygiene it is not allowed to consume any food or drinks in the rooms except water. The Generator bar is opened daily from 5.00pm for over 16-year-olds. You may not consume alcohol in your room or bring any into the building. Should the occasion arise it will be confiscated and you will be able to pick it up at the reception when checking out. All rooms should be checked for any defects by you upon arrival. Please note all defects into the damage report list handed out to you by the reception. The occupier of the room will be charged for any defects that have not been reported on the damage report list. Night time quiet is from 10pm to 7am. Do not hold any assemblies in your room or the corridors. Smoking is permitted for over 18-year-olds. Smoking directly in front of the GENERATOR hostel is not permitted after 11pm to avoid noise at night. For your own safety please read the evacuation sheets in your room! Sport activities in the car park are not permitted. You will be held liable for any damages caused. Your valued articles are supposed to be stored in our safe deposit boxes at the reception. The Generator will not take responsibility for any items you may store in the luggage room or in your room or any other part in the building. Entry to the GENERATOR hostel is permitted to house guests only. In urgent cases, we reserve the right to contact the school Management. Meals: The hostel room includes breakfast, which will be served daily between 7:00 and 11:00am. You can have dinner at the hostel between 18:00 and 22:00 but for groups (more than 10 persons) you need to book at least 2 week in advance. The price is 6,50 EURO for the daily special or 8,50 EURO for a set menu. Near the hostel (just around the corner) is the ‘Landsberger Forum’, a small shopping center with supermarket in the basement and some restaurants. A packed lunch can be ordered at the hostel in advance (4,50 EURO per person). Student Manual - p19 Drinks: There is a popular bar at the hostel which opens daily from 5pm onwards (open end!). Happy hour is from 17:00 till 19:00pm. 6.2. EBC EBC Hochschule Alexanderplatz 1 (on the sixth floor of the C&A building – entrance via the Galeria Kaufhof side) 10178 Berlin Tel: +49 30 28092626 We are happy that the Euro Business College (EBC Hochschule) is providing some of its classrooms as working rooms for us during our stay. Wireless internet is available in all classrooms. Student Manual - p20 6.3. ITB (Internationale Tourismus Börse) Every year Berlin is hosting the biggest trade fair in the tourism sector, the ITB or the “Internationale Tourismus Börse”. At this one week, the whole world is visiting Berlin, all hotels are overbooked and flights get really full (sometimes they are aw-full). We want you to play an active role at this event and we hope you will be able to immerse into everything a country has to offer. The ITB Berlin is, with a total of 170,000 visitors consisting of 110,000 trade visitors and 10,000 exhibitors from 180 countries, the leading B2B Platform of all tourism industry offers. For all other visitors, ITB Berlin is a wonderful possibility to discover the whole world within a few hours. In addition, the world’s largest tourism convention provides unique opportunities to benefit from the leading think tank of the global tourism industry. The whole variety of travelling is present at ITB Berlin: destinations, tour operators, booking systems, carriers, hotels and all other suppliers. Travel & Tourism accounts for 258 million jobs globally. At US$ 6 trillion (9.1% of GDP) the sector is a key driver for investment and economic growth at a global level. The ITB Berlin is the key place to learn about new trends, market developments, and to deepen intensive business relations. We want you, as students, to make use of these facilities. You will have to make use of these new trends for the development of your innovative product and you will need to make use of an extensive network of business people in the tourism field to make your product the most realistic as possible. For more information: URL: Student Manual - p21