Children’s Mental Health Outcome Measures Reporting System User Manual
Children’s Mental Health Outcome Measures Reporting System User Manual
Children’s Mental Health Outcome Measures Reporting System User Manual Children’s Mental Health Outcome Measures Updated 02.24.2014 Table of Contents Components of the Children’s Mental Health Outcome Reporting System.............................................................................................................3 Logging into CMH Outcome Measures .........................................................4 1. Enter Client information ........................................................................5 2. Enter Provider Information ....................................................................7 3. Select the Evaluation Period .................................................................7 4. Submission History................................................................................8 Completing Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) .....................10 Completing Child and Adolescent Service Intensity Instrument (CASII) ..12 Completing the Early Childhood Service Intensity Instrument (ECSII) .....13 Summary Page ..............................................................................................14 Submission Notification Page......................................................................16 CMH Reports Option.....................................................................................16 Updated 02.24.2014 Page 2 Components of the Children’s Mental Health Outcome Reporting System Client and Provider Information SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) Entry Forms CASII (Child and Adolescent Service Intensity Instrument) Entry Form – includes listing the services recommended by the treatment team ECSII (Early Childhood Service Intensity Instrument) Entry Form – includes listing the services recommended by the treatment team Summary Page – a report of scores for the SDQs and CASIIs or ECSIIs completed during the current session Checklist - shows completed and uncompleted tasks indicates completed tasks indicates current task being completing indicates tasks to be completed Submission History – Allows providers to check the submission history of tests for clients. It will not allow providers to see scores of measures done by other providers. CMH Reports – Allows agencies and providers to run reports of the data they submitted to this system by client, by provider, or by agency. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 3 Logging into CMH Outcome Measures 1. Log in to MN–ITS to reach the MN–ITS Welcome page (refer to the Login process, if necessary). 2. Select CMH Outcome Measures from the left-hand menu to complete Children’s Mental Health Outcome Measures Note: This is the current location of this link. The menu on the left side of the computer screen changes as new functions are added to MN-ITS. The “CMH Outcome Measures” link will always be on the left side. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 4 Report Option Client Information Provider Information Client and Provider Information Field titles with an asterisk (*) indicate the information is required. 1. Enter Client information Enter ID #: You have 3 options for this number O MHCP Subscriber ID – if client has this number. This is a numerical field, 8 digits starting with 0. Only numbers should be entered here. Be sure you are using the correct ID number. If client does not have a MHCP Subscriber ID, check the small box as seen below. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 5 o CMH ID # - If the client was previously assigned a CMH number. This is an 11 digit number starting with 99--- This number will be displayed in the header of reports generated from the system (see example below). Do not enter your agency’s internal case numbers here. Do not enter any letters or numbers that have not been assigned by this system. o Generate a new CMH ID # - If the child does not have an MHCP Subscriber ID, and has never been entered into this system, check the box and the system will generate a CMH ID. (Note: Use that number on all future submissions for that client.) NOTE: A CMH ID will always appear in the header of the report. The system generates a CMH ID number for all children entered into the system, even if the child has an MHCP Subscriber ID. If you have entered an MHCP Subscriber ID, continue to use that number for future submissions. If you receive the error message below, please check to ensure that you have entered the correct MHCP Subscriber ID as well as the correct birthdate. If these two entries do not match, you will receive this error message. Gender Primary Diagnosis (this is a “text only” field- enter the DSM or DC:0-3 diagnosis) Race (Enter as many as apply) Ethnicity Date of Birth (00/00/0000) County of Residence Tribe Residential Status (this is a dropdown menu) Updated 02.24.2014 Page 6 2. Enter Provider Information Both the Clinic National Provider Identifier (NPI) and the Clinician NPI are required. o Clinic National Provider Identifier (NPI) o Clinician National Provider Identifier (NPI) Note: The Mental Health Professional (MHP) is responsible for assuring the information is entered in the system and is correct. If the primary therapist is a mental health practitioner, the NPI number entered here should be that of clinical supervisor. If there is more than one MHP involved with the client, the treatment team should designate the primary therapist who will be responsible for data entry and whose NPI number should be used. 3. Select the Evaluation Period Evaluation information is entered for specific time frames. Your first entry on an individual client should be entered in the “Initial” evaluation period. Evaluation periods cover three-month time frames. If you are unsure of the evaluation period to enter, you can check the“Submission History” (See # 4 below) to determine what the appropriate period would be for the current data The first data you submit on a child should be considered the “initial” evaluation period, regardless of how long they have been receiving services through your agency. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 7 Report Option Evaluation Period Submission History 4. Submission History You have the option to check the submission history of outcome measures for a specific case. This can be done by following the directions below: a. Select the submission history link at the bottom of the page. b. A pop-up box will appear requesting an ID number. c. Enter a CMH or MHCP Subscriber ID and click on the “Get History” button. (The number listed below is a sample case not an actual child.) Updated 02.24.2014 Page 8 d. The submission history for this ID number will be presented. 5. Select or cancel. Demographic information overwrite warning: If the demographic information you enter for the child is different from a previous entry, you will receive the following warning message: If there is a need to update the demographic information for a child (i.e. a change in placement, an error in previous submissions) click “ok” and the previous information will be updated. If you did not intend to change any information, click “cancel”, and return to the demographic section to make the appropriate amendments. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 9 Important to Note: 1. Only 1 set of measures (SDQ, CASII or ECSII, & Recommended Services) is allowed each evaluation period. If you receive a warning that an SDQ, ECSII or CASII has already been submitted, verify that you are the provider who should be entering Outcome Measures for this child. Do not overwrite data unless you are certain you are the primary provider for this child. 2. All SDQs and the CASII or ECSII may be entered at the same time or in several data entry sessions. The summary page only lists the scores for the data entered during that data entry session. If you would like your summary page to include all SDQs and the CASII or ECSII for that evaluation period, you may wish to wait to enter data until you have all necessary forms. Completing Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) Complete forms on as many Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQ) as obtained (parents, youth, teacher, etc). There is a limit of one parent and one teacher form for each evaluation period. Choose the most representative parent or teacher form. If you do not have an SDQ for this evaluation period, you may choose “Skip SDQ” to move on to the CASII or ECSII. 1. Select the SDQ Category Type. (Parent, Teacher, Self) 2. Select SDQ Form Age. 3. Enter the Evaluation Date (This is the date the SDQ was completed, not the date the information is entered into the system). 5. Select a response for each item. If item was skipped, select “N/A.” Updated 02.24.2014 Page 10 SDQ Item Entry 5. Select “Continue to impact scores for this SDQ form”. 6. Select a response for each item. If item was skipped, select “Not Answered”. 7. If the Impact section was not completed, select “Not Answered” for each item. SDQ Impact Scores Updated 02.24.2014 Page 11 8. Click to “Add another SDQ form”; “Continue to CASII Entry”; “Continue to ECSII Entry”; or “Score, Review and Submit” to move to a new section. Completing Child and Adolescent Service Intensity Instrument (CASII) 1. Enter the Evaluation Date (This is the date the CASII was completed, not the date the information is entered into the system.) 2. Select the appropriate options on the form. All items must be completed. 3. Select “Continue to Recommended Services.” Updated 02.24.2014 Page 12 4. Select the services and hours per month that are currently being recommended by the treatment team. You must enter this information in order to submit the CASII. 5. Click “Add Additional Services” to add more than one service. Enter the hours/month of each recommended service. You may enter up to 10 services. 6. Use the “Other” category to list services that are not included in the drop-down list. There is a 30 character limit in this category. If you enter more than 30 characters in this box you will receive an error message when you try to submit this document. 7. Select Score, Review and Submit. CLICK THIS BUTTON ONLY ONCE OR YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE DUPLICATED IN THE DATABASE. Completing the Early Childhood Service Intensity Instrument (ECSII) 1. Enter the Evaluation Date (This is the date the ECSII was completed, not the date the information is entered into the system.) 2. Select the appropriate options on the form. All items must be completed. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 13 7. Select “Continue to Recommended Services.” 8. Select the services and hours per month that are currently being recommended by the treatment team. You must enter this information in order to submit the ECSII. 9. Click “Add Additional Services” to add more than one service. Enter the hours/month of each recommended service. You may enter up to 10 services. 10. Use the “Other” category to list services that are not included in the drop-down list. There is a 30 character limit in this category. If you enter more than 30 characters in this box you will receive an error message when you try to submit this document. 11. Select Score, Review and Submit. CLICK THIS BUTTON ONLY ONCE OR YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS MAY BE DUPLICATED IN THE DATABASE. Summary Page This page presents the scores of the forms entered during this session 1. You will receive the following warning. Warning: Data entered in this session will be submitted and saved only after you click on the 'SUBMIT' button. Please review and then submit this data. If you wish to edit the data, then click on the 'edit' link provided in the checklist on the right panel of this screen. Once you submit the data, you cannot make any changes. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 14 2. Print this page for your records. Warning: PLEASE PRINT FOR YOUR RECORDS. Data cannot be accessed after submitted. For your records, it is recommended that you write the date the summary was printed on your printed copy. 3. Select Submit. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 15 Submission Notification Page CMH Reports Option This button allows an agency to create reports of the data they submitted by client, by clinician caseload, or by agency. Pushing this button leads you to a menu of reports you can create, depending on how you are logged into the system. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 16 • If you are logged in as an individual provider who does not have full agency permissions, you will have the ability to print the following reports of: o the data you submitted on a specific client o averages of the data you submitted for the clients in your caseload (at that agency) • If you are logged in as an agency representative you will have the ability to print the following reports of: o the data your agency submitted on a specific client Updated 02.24.2014 Page 17 o averages of the data submitted by providers in your agency by providers’ caseloads (if a provider works in more than one agency, you will only have access to data submitted for your agency) o averages of all of the data submitted for your agency. • You can return to the data entry page by clicking on the link “Enter data for a new Client.” How to use these menus Select the type of report you wish to run. 1. Client Report – Click on “Individual Client Reports” a. A pop up box appears. Enter either the CMH ID (11 digits starting with 99) or MHCP ID (eight digits starting with 0). If your MHCP number is fewer digits, try adding zeros to the front of it) b. Select the report you wish to run. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 18 c. You will receive a list of visual reports and data tables- Below is a brief excerpt from a full report Updated 02.24.2014 Page 19 2. Clinician Caseload Report – Click on “Provider Caseload: Averages Across Caseload” You will receive a series of averages on graphs and tables for caseload, depending on which table was selected. Updated 02.24.2014 Page 20 3. Agency Caseload Report – Click on “Clinic Caseload: Averages Across Clinic” (Only available to those with Administrative Privileges) You can only request reports for the clinic you logged in under. You will receive a list of graphs and tables of average scores. Technical Assistance For technical system questions (i.e. you are experiencing difficulty accessing MN-ITS) contact the MHCP Provider Call Center Updated 02.24.2014 Page 21 For assistance or questions about the CMH outcomes application (i.e. entering data or requesting reports) contact: Whitney Lester 651-431-2049 Pat Nygaard 651-431-2332 Updated 02.24.2014 Page 22