Spring – 2016 - St. John`s Community Care


Spring – 2016 - St. John`s Community Care
Caring compassionately for aging and disabled people since 1985
The Administrative Offices and the Adult Day Program will be
closed on Memorial Day, May 30 and Independence Day, July 4.
Faith Plants the Seed…. Love Makes It Grow.
By Missy Athmer,
Director of Marketing
garden pots. They are more affordable and
easy to maintain, plus they come in a variety
of colors and sizes. Just be sure to provide
Gardening is a wonderful way to re-connect proper drainage so the plant roots don’t
and build on relationships with a loved one who drown. You can cluster the pots around your
has dementia. Although a patio or balcony to create touches of color
large vegetable garden and lush greenery. Along with the flowers you
may be too much to can plant some vegetables and maybe even
manage, patio container some herbs! Who doesn’t like the taste of
gar de ns se em fresh leaf lettuce or a juicy ripe tomato?
an ideal Don’t forget to consider how much shade and
s o l u t i o n . sun your area will receive before deciding on
Planters are what types of plants you’d like to grow. If
a great way possible, add some furniture so you can relax
to bring nature onto your patio or even up high and enjoy your miniature oasis. Let your loved
on your balcony. Pots come in a variety of styles one help plant and harvest. Then create a
and sizes, and they can enhance or fit into a favorite dish or clip a few flowers for your
small space. While you ponder your pot dining room table. Your loved one will have a
vegetable garden or floral paradise, here are sense of accomplishment. The sights, smells and
tastes will evoke memories or emotions about
a few things to consider.
the past, giving you both something to enjoy
You may want to purchase plastic or fiberglass and talk about! Now get growing!!
It’s spring! And that means it’s time to grab a
trowel and plant some seeds on a sunny day!
St. John’s Community Care in collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association
offered its first Cardinals Reminiscence League in March. It was a great
start to the Cardinals baseball season. We even had television coverage
on KTVI! This program is open to early memory loss individuals who love
the Cardinals and want to share their memories and socialize with other
Cardinal fans.
Our first session was fantastic. Beth Zurliene-Hartman and Mark Hartman
are volunteers leading this program. Starting with the Star Spangled
Banner right up to the 7th inning stretch, there was never a dull moment.
We had families sharing their memories of attending games, favorite
players, baseball history and terminology. They even ate popcorn!
continued pg. 2
An outreach ministry of
St. John Evangelical UCC
in Collinsville, IL.
Inside this issue:
Congratulations Patti
It’s A Brain Disease
Adult Day Program News
Caregiving Conference
Scott Credit Union presented St. John’s Community Care
with a $200 check to benefit the Cardinals Reminiscence
Early Memory Loss Program. The funds will be used to
purchase snacks and food for the group to enjoy while
meeting. Pictured above (l to r) Nancy Berry, CEO St.
John’s Community Care and Cassidy Beck, Scott Credit
Union Community Relations Representative.
Page 2
The Corner Office—Director’s Report
A recent mailing from the
Alz h e im e r’ s A sso c ia t i o n
included a letter written by a
woman whose husband has
early-onset Alzheimer’s.
(Early-onset is used to
describe individuals younger
than 65 who develop
dementia.) After a period of
adjusting to – and mourning –
the diagnosis, they learned to
make the best of the years left
to them.
what we would like to do. This new venture was
piloted by the Alzheimer’s Association, which invited
us to offer it locally. These 90 minute sessions on the
third Thursday of each month provide a social outlet
and the opportunity to talk about the St. Louis
Cardinals in the company of others experiencing
early memory loss. Our staff and volunteers will
plan the activities and lead the sessions.
St. John’s Community Care wants to be a resource for
people earlier in their journey with memory loss. Our
Cardinals Reminiscence League is one small piece of
We are deeply grateful to those of you who continue
to make financial gifts to support our ministries. We
couldn’t do it without you!
We have not yet been successful in finding funding to
offer early memory loss programming on a more
frequent basis. The State of Illinois currently owes us
about $150,000 for care given to their clients in July
2015 through February 2016. In addition, Governor
Nancy Berry, MHA She goes on to say, “this Rauner has proposed a major change which would
process would have been much limit eligibility for the Community Care Program,
Executive Director
effective July 1, 2016. There are lots of unknowns at
this point, but we are
trying to assess the
She goes on to say, “this process would have been
financial impact of this
much easier for me – for both of us – if I hadn’t
proposed change on top
of the continuing nondelayed getting the help and support we needed.”
payment issue. We are
blessed to have a
significant number of
easier for me – for both of us – if I hadn’t delayed private pay clients, and some of our state billing is
getting the help and support we needed.”
As being paid under consent decrees which the courts
professionals working with families facing dementia, we are forcing Illinois to pay. These are challenging
see people regularly whom we believe would benefit times for most human service organizations in Illinois.
from our support groups, workshops, and hands-on care
(Adult Day Centers or Home Services). It is not unusual While we wait for Illinois to live up to its commitments
for a family which toured our Adult Day Center 2 or 3 to low-income seniors needing help to stay out of
years ago to contact us about starting service. After a nursing homes, we are focused on increasing
few weeks of attending, most express the regret that enrollments in our Adult Day Centers. If you know
they had waited so long. They quickly see the benefits someone dealing with memory loss or needing care
to their loved one needing care as well as the rest of the for other reasons, please encourage them to contact
us or to visit our website (www.stjohnscc.org). Thanks
to a Washington University graduate student, we will
Current research shows that early intervention can soon add a virtual tour of the Collinsville Adult Day
improve quality of life. Some believe it also slows the Center to our website. She is also editing an
progression of the memory loss, but the jury is still out on interview with one of our participants and her
that. What is clear is that increased social activities, daughter-in-law who were gracious enough to share
“brain games”, and physical fitness decrease depression how they feel about having delayed trying out the
and anxiety. Life is more enjoyable.
Continued from front—
The Cardinals Reminiscence League will continue to meet on the third Thursday of each month at our Adult Day
Program in Edwardsville from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm throughout the Cardinals baseball season. All sessions
are free. Please contact Stacey Rhodes at 656-7090 for more information.
For more information on how you or your company can support the Cardinals Reminiscence League, call Missy at
618-344-5008 www.stjohnscc.org Look for us on Facebook.
Page 3
1991 was a good year for St. John’s Community Care!
If you are old enough, you might remember that in 1991 a
gallon of gas was around $1.12; 1lb of bacon $1.95; and
a dozen eggs 85 cents. You might even
remember going to the movies to see Thelma and
Louise or The Silence of the Lambs. Seems like
yesterday… right?
Well, for some of us here at St. John’s, it does
seem like yesterday when Patti Haddick joined
our staff. But we know … that was 25 years ago!
Patti continues to be a valued member of our
team and her contributions are vital for St. John’s
Community Care to continue to be successful in
meeting and living our mission and values.
Patti has always worked with the Caregivers for
our Home Services program and she has served
as the Director of that program for many years.
She oversees the daily operations of Home
Services program where she, along with Gail
Shaw, assists all those needing help in their
Our Home Services have grown substantially
over the years because of Patti’s
individual efforts, along with the
Thank you, Patti! Thank you for the thousands of little
efforts of Gail and their team of
things you do every day that add to the high quality care
35 Caregivers.
you provide for our clients and client families, the team
Patti possess great patience and
of St. John’s Caregivers and everyone you meet! We are
empathy. She is a master
blessed that you have chosen to be part of our team and
communicator to those struggling
to find resources for their loved
we hope we can count on you for another 25 years!!
one. She shares her love freely
with those that need a comforting voice or assurance that
things will work out with the best possible outcome.
Getting our newsletter
for the first time?
Need to correct something
in your address? Call us at 344-5008.
Want to get on our E-News List?
E-mail us at info@stjohnscc.org
Or sign up on our website at
www.stjohnscc.org .
If you are planning a family gathering
or need to do weekly grocery shopping,
don’t forget to use your Schnucks
eScrip card. A portion of your purchase
can be donated to St. John’s. Just make
sure to have your cashier swipe your
card before they start totaling your
order. If you do not have a card, pick
one up at Schnucks service counter
and register it to support St. John’s.
618-344-5008 www.stjohnscc.org
Page 4
On the Home Front
Home Services Program
It’s A Brain Disease.
Patti Haddick,
Director of
Home Services
Gail Shaw,
Home Services
Care Coordinator
We remember
their love
when they
can no longer
By Gail J. Shaw,
Home Services Care Coordinator
The 2015 Alzheimer’s Association fact
sheet states someone in the United States
develops Alzheimer’s every 67 seconds
and goes on to state in 2050, someone in
the United States will develop the disease
every 33 seconds. So, in the time it take to
scramble your morning eggs, someone will
develop Alzheimer’s.
Webster’s II New Riverside Dictionary
defines memory as the mental faculty of
storing past experiences and recalling
them at will. We have come to understand
Alzheimer’s and related dementias not
only causes one to loss their memory but
also there is the loss of social skills, intellect
and they may show emotional and
behavior changes.
Alzheimer’s/dementia is consider a brain
disease. Plaques and tangles form in the
brain and starts the process which will
compromise the brain. We now know
Alzheimer’s has a set circuit that it follows
through the brain. As it travels through the
brain, the brain becomes more and more
Alzheimer’s. Some will be able to understand
they have memory loss. Others may never
be able to understand they have Alzheimer’s.
This is due to either not being advised they
have the disease or because that part of the
brain has been so compromised the individual
does not have the ability to understand.
By the final stage of Alzheimer’s, the brain is
seriously compromised and has taken a
physical toll on the body. Individuals will not
be able to care for themselves, communicate
and even know their own family members.
They will be totally depended on someone to
care for all their needs.
Not understanding memory loss can be
frustrating for both the caregiver and the
person with memory loss at any stage. St.
John’s Community Care works with family
caregivers and our employees to help each
to better understand memory loss. This is
accomplished through trainings, workshops,
support groups and printed materials. The
outcome from these educational endeavors
improves one’s working knowledge of how to
care for someone with memory loss and helps
to create a less stressful working relationship
between the caregiver and the one
experiencing memory loss.
In the beginning stage, it first affects the
area of the brain that handles the
memory, learning, thinking and planning.
One may not really be too aware that If you or someone you know feels they are
something is starting at this point. There is experiencing memory loss, consider
very little impact on one’s daily life.
contacting St. John’s Community Care. We
can provide assistance and education on how
In the mild to moderate Alzheimer’s stage, to handle memory loss issues, direct you to
more plaques and tangles are formed. appropriate support groups and/or work
Speaking, understanding speech, with you to get in-home to care to relieve
perception and judgement will be caregiving duties and stress.
affected. There may also be changes in
one’s personality and behavior issues. You’re not alone when it comes to facing the
Individuals will become more confused and journey of living with memory loss or caring
their daily lives will start to be affected by for a love one who has memory loss.
their memory loss. This is the beginning of Together, we can make a positive difference
the person’s decline in remembering loved in the life of someone living with this
ones. This stage is when the majority of devastating brain disease.
individuals are diagnosed with
618-344-5008 www.stjohnscc.org Look for us on Facebook.
What’s Happening!
Adult Day Programs
By Stacey Rhodes,
Adult Day Program Director
Spring is a great time for great new
beginnings. We are celebrating new
beginnings in our Adult Day programs. First,
we welcome three new staff to our family.
Linda McFall will be working in our
Collinsville program. Karen Latsch and
Linda Robertson will be joining our
Edwardsville program. New staff bring new
ideas, talents, and smiles to our program as
we provide the quality of care that our
participants and families expect.
Each one of us loves to feel that bounce in
our step! Karen Clinton, our new hair stylist,
creates that feeling as the participants get
their hair shampooed, permed, and styled.
Karen makes our participants feel great
and look pretty, too! Karen comes to us with
many years of experience and seems to be
a perfect fit.
Karen is available on
Wednesday mornings. Please notify Lois
Clark or Stacey Rhodes if you are interested
in the salon services.
Our Cardinals Reminiscence League
for Early Memory Loss individuals
will meet monthly at our
Edwardsville Adult Day program.
It’s that time of year to pull out our
Cardinals gear and share those
memories. We want to thank our
volunteers Beth and Mark Hartman
and Don and Jenelle Emrick who are
leading each session.
Stacey Rhodes for more information
at 656-7090.
As our two Adult Day Programs
grow with new participants and
staff, we create new ideas and new
energy. Every day is exciting and
surprising as we laugh, sing, learn,
and enjoy each other. Please join us
for a new beginning in your life!
Stacey Rhodes
Adult Day Program
A BIG thank you goes out to Larry and
Cathy Whitehead for sponsoring Way Cool
Balloon artist Michael Geerlof as
entertainment for both our Collinsville and
Edwardsville Adult Day Programs. Michael
has a unique talent that mesmerizes our
participants. He takes a balloon or two and
creates a detailed balloon figure within
minutes while he is talking and entertaining
his audience. Each participant goes home
with one of his creations.
Adult Day
Program Wish List
Bingo prizes such as; individually
wrapped candy, regular and sugar free
Baby dolls with changeable clothing
Cash Donation
More fun photos on pages 6 & 7.
For more information about St. John’s Adult Day Programs,
please visit our centers in Collinsville or Edwardsville.
To arrange a tour, please contact Stacey at 344-5008.
618-344-5008 www.stjohnscc.org Look for us on Facebook.
St. John’s support groups provide opportunities for families and friends to discuss their concerns and uncertainties, as
well as find resources to help regain a sense of balance and hope. We also provide information about helpful coping
techniques and resources to make your job as caregiver a little less stressful. The sessions allow you to listen and
discuss common issues with the group, leaving you with more understanding and a sense that you are not
alone. There is no charge to attend.
Alzheimer’s Support Group—
April 12, May 10 & June 7
1:30—3:00 p.m.
Join others dealing with dementia
and memory loss at St. John’s
Community Care in Collinsville.
Sessions are held the 2nd Tuesday
of each month. Complimentary care
for loved ones available with
Call 618-344-5008
Family Caregiver Support
April 13, May 11 & June 8
5:30—7:00 p.m.
This support group is intended for
family caregivers caring for loved
ones with any type of disability. Join
us at St. John’s Community Care in
Collinsville for a light complimentary
dinner. Session held the 2nd
Wednesday of every month.
Complimentary care for loved ones is
available with a reservation.
Call 618-344-5008
St. John’s is pleased to share an additional
resource for families living with dementia.
Caring for a loved one with dementia is difficult.
Memory Care Home Solutions can help! Our
family-centered training programs equip caregivers
with the knowledge, strategies and skills to provide
care, prevent crises and manage difficult behaviors.
Caregivers who complete our program feel more
prepared and confident and less stressed. Their
loved ones with dementia maintain self-care abilities
for a longer period of time. By teaching caregivers
how to make the home setting safer and more
accessible, we help families extend time at home.
Families who participate in our program also
experience fewer trips to the emergency room with
their loved one and spend less time in hospitals.
Help is a call away - 314-645-6247
Serving Madison and St. Clair counties in Illinois
618-344-5008 www.stjohnscc.org Look for us on Facebook.
Family Caregiver Support
April 20, May 18 and June 15
6:30—8:00 p.m.
This support group is intended
for family caregivers caring for
loved ones with any type of disability.
Join us at St. John’s Community
Care in Edwardsville. Sessions are
held the 3rd Wednesday of
each month. Call 618-656-7090
Page 7
to our generous friends who made in-kind
gifts to support our Adult Day Programs!
May is Older
Americans Month.
St. John’s Community Care is
hosting an
Older Americans Worship Service
and Luncheon to honor May as
Older Americans Month.
Kay O’Neill—9 boxes of Girl Scout cookies
Bernice Sperino – stuffed animals
Margie Norris - Christmas cards and chair massage pad
Debbie Miller - Valentine cookies
Lucy Rhyne - jewelry and Valentine candy
Judy Zimmerman - greeting cards and stuffed Teddy bears
Donna Lacombe - easel, 2016 St. Louis Cardinal calendar
Lucille Aerne - Hershey candy kisses, Easter candy,
magazines, graham crackers
Anonymous - Candyland games
Cheryl Mines - sugar free candy, Christmas Santa candy,
trinkets, nail supplies
Ginny Hufker - donuts, rolls and bagels
Janet Davis - jewelry
Debbie and John Cox- Cardinals Poster,
“St. Louis Cardinals Yesterday & Today” book
Tom Schnitzius - “Superstars of Baseball” book
Jim and Gail Herren and St. Louis Cardinals - Cardinals
memorabilia: pins, hats, jerseys, baseball cards, rings,
pennants, and many more items to be
used at our Cardinals Reminiscence League
A celebration of experience,
wisdom and life!
Bring your family and friends to the
service held at
St. John United Church of Christ
Friday, May 27
11:00 am
A complimentary luncheon and
entertainment are planned following
the service. RSVPs can be made by
calling (618) 344-5008 by May 20.
618-344-5008 www.stjohnscc.org Look for us on Facebook.
Page 8
We are grateful for your kindness and generosity, and appreciate your desire to help us continue
to make a difference for our family caregivers and their loved ones.
(Donations received after March 14, 2016 will be acknowledged in the next issue.)
Joyce & Mark Achenbach
Lucile Aerne
Fred & Jane Albers
Mary Antas
Pam Baker
June Baumann
Nancy Berry
Robin & Marcia Biggs
Cindy Boeser
Ed & Lois Bluemner
Brett & Barbara Bray
Betty Brown
Jessica Buchana
Jim & Marsha Chomko
Darryl & Kim Collins
Mike & Laura Coracy
Gary Diepholz
Marvin Docter
Mark & Marilyn Doty
Pam & Patricia Eisele
Fire N Smoke Wood-Fired
Gary & Rhonda Fischer
Brad & Carla Gain
Ann Goldsmith
Dr. Richard Greiff
Friends of Sen. William Haine
Dana Heinritz
Mary Hoelting
Carol Holbert
Betty Howe
Doug & Marilyn Huber
Patti Hudak
Maggie Hughes
Mary Jane Johnson
Donald Jozwiak
Terry & Synthia Kalinowski
Alan & Lynn Kerkemeyer
Eileen Killinger
Norb & Linda Kniepp
Dick Koblitz
Larry & Bonnie Krupp
Ladies of the Knights
Bill & Bev Lindsey
Michael & Carol Maag
Henry & Janet Mahat
Mike & Becky McNeil
Pat & Kay McNeill
Mark & Carol Mestemacher
Bill & Lois Metzger
Glenda Moore
Jim & Carol Morrow
Louise Nichols
Don & Cindy Omohundro
Tom Schnitzius & Pam Gates
Gary & Debbie Peccola
Larry & Ann Powell
James & Rae Price
Rick & Stacey Rhodes
Lucy Rhyne
Betty Richardson
Michael, Katie & Nancy Rule
Todd Sanders
Eldon & Lois Schoeber
Marilyn Schorfheide
Norma Schorfheide
Mary Lou Schultze
Scott Credit Union
Don Shaffner
Sherry Skelton
St. John EUCC Special Offering
St. John's Evening Circle
St. John's Men's Fellowship
Cliff & Mary Stephenson
Stillwater Senior Living
Michelle Taylor
Karen Tilashalski
Dr. Tony Traxler
David & Diana Vogler
Delberta Wall
Dean & Juanita Wallen
Mark & Pam Waltermire
Pauline Wasiski
Kevin & Debbie Weinacht
Margie Weiss
Wilma Wenzel
Barbara Whitehead
Rob & Anita Whittington
James Woodcock
Lori & Bill Yanousek
Our loving families and
many blessings
Rich & Glenna Grab
Georgette Skelton & Danielle
Rich & Joyce Skelton
Sherry Skelton
Georgette Skelton
Anonymous Donor
Rich & Joyce Skelton
Danielle Skelton
Georgette Skelton
Rick & Janet Skelton
Danielle Skelton
Georgette Skelton
Sherry Skelton
Danielle Skelton
Georgette Skelton
Danielle & Wayne Reeves
Anonymous Donor
Jeffrey Deutsch
Sharon Deutsch
Eileen Achenbach
Jim & Patti Achenbach
Fay Fults
Mom and Earl W. Fischer
Nancy Fischer
Ron Achenbach
Anonymous Donor
Judith Beasley
Nancy Berry
Robin & Marcia Biggs
Rae Lee Brill
James & Patricia Buckhannon
Building Service Local
Collinsville Junior Service Club
Dennis & Jean Craft
Otto & Mary Ellen Daech
Harry & Shere Dapron
Dorothy Frey
Fay Fults
Tom & Rosemary Gerstenecker
Shirley Grimm
Allen & Sue Hollowa
Hollywood Heights Staff
Craig & Tina Keller
Doris Keller
Norb & Linda Kniepp
Rodney & Christine Koch
Marlyn Kruescheck
Floyd & Dorothy Langenwalter
Glenda Moore
Kim & Joe Osborn
Gary & Debbie Peccola
Vicki & Larry Reulecke
Paul Richter
Rod & Debra Schmidt
Norma Schorfheide
Rich & Joyce Skelton
Sherry Skelton
Don & Karen Take
Wilma Wenzel
Steven & Melanie Whitworth
Melvin Frey
Albert & Ann Giovando
Lena & Bill Fults
Fay Fults
Steven Giovando
Dorothy Frey
Henry & Edna Herren
Jim & Gail Herren
Stanley Huber
Ruth Huber
Charles Kitley
Bryan & Karyn Kitley
Joy Kondoudis
Faye Cady
Bill Krotz
Irene Krotz
Elna Larson
David & Caryl Kassing
Frank Lewis
Peggy Lewis
Corenne Lorsbach
Monty Lorsbach
Shirley Malus
Jim & Patti Achenbach
Mary and Marion McCreight
Mary Biernot
Louis & Helen Baczewski
Stanley Baczewski
Bill McGarvey
Marcia McGarvey
Helen Biggers
John Biggers
Robert McMillian
Gene & Rose Richardson
Ora Jane Bugger
Jerry Bugger
Paul Miller
Jeannine Miller
Marilyn Crowder
Bud Crowder
Edith Morton
Dave & Barb Lemm
Continued to page 9.
Page 9
George & Dorothy Morton
Dave & Barb Lemm
Jack Robinson
Cheryl Palmer
Chuck & Brian Skelton
Danielle Skelton
Georgette Skelton
Jerome Smith
Joanne Meyer
Lila Rives
Carl & Mary Theriot
Shannon Webb
Floyd Sperino
Bernice Sperino
Special thanks to the
Siteman Family
The Retirement
Foundation for their
year end gifts.
Can You
Marieta Stallings
John & Debbie Cox
LaWanda Hutchason
Annamae Sutton
Dennis & Peggy Diaz
Mrs. Donald Vincent's brother,
Dorothy Frey
Ruth Vincent
Roberta Lewis
June Waldvogel
Richard & Claire Baughman
Arline Whittington
Harry & Shere Dapron
Norman & Mary Wrigley
Jim & Gail Herren
Please remember St. John’s Community Care in your will.
Who’s Coming For Dinner?
Restaurant Fundraisers
Culver’s - Collinsville, Wednesday,
April 13 from 5 to 8 pm – St. John’s
will receive 15% of all orders
during these hours, including drive
through customers. No coupon is
Just for fun the staff and
participants at our
Adult Day Program did
a fun exercise and used their
creative talent to write
Haiku poems.
Here is one that a group of
participants wrote.
Go ahead and try it!
It’s fun and a great way to
get your creative juices
Springtime is almost blooming
Daffodils and roses
Sunshine warmer days are here
St. John’s Community Care
Monday, May 16
4 pm — 9 pm
Monday, May 16
from 4 to 9 pm.
St. John’s will
receive 25%!
Dine in only and
diners must have
ticket in order
for us to receive
a donation.
Clip & Bring This Coupon.
618-344-5008 www.stjohnscc.org
Non Profit
U.S. Postage PAID
222 Goethe Avenue
Collinsville, IL 62234
Phone: 618-344-5008
Collinsville, IL
Permit No. 4
Email: info@stjohnscc.org
An outreach ministry of:
St. John EUCC
Mailing permit address:
307 West Clay
Collinsville, IL 62234
surviving caregiving conference
A Map Through The Maze
An insightful conference designed for family caregivers who wish to gain valuable knowledge
and resources that will help them navigate the maze of caregiving.
Saturday, April 23
9:30 a.m.— 2:30 p.m.
St. John Church (rear)
307 West Clay Street
Collinsville, IL 62234
Legal and Financial Issues—Heidi Dodd, Attorney
Communicating with Your Doctor—Ellen Middendorf, MD
The Healing Power of Reminiscing With Your Family Member—Mike Stith
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know—Panel Discussion

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