Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick


Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick
College Marton. Register online now at hearts aflame.org.nz
Picking Up the Pieces
A programme developed for parent/carers, teachers etc exploring how young people experience grief. Poynton Room,
Pompallier Diocesan Centre, 30 New St, St Mary's Bay.
Please note that the above scheduled for the 14 October
has been cancelled.
In celebration of Eucharist and in your own personal prayer, please remember:
Recently Deceased: Roger Hoe, Val Mutch, Brian
Maynard, Henk Leenderts, Liz Hilton
Others who have died: Gabrielle Smith (10th Ann),
Eugene (Tup) Moody (5th Ann), Willy Leenderts
(3rd Ann), Colleen Quinn (5th Ann), Leonie Griffin (2nd Ann), Jack Johnson (17th Ann), John Bos
(4th Ann), Anna Yeoh (2nd Ann)
For the sick: Maureen Stephens; Mick Neenan;
Florence Ho, Pat Hamlet, Lynette Castle, Joan
Schischka, Kristen Smith, Joseph Ross, Joan
Wass, Marie Traue, Joan Arnott, Warren Holt,
Scott Pirie, Peggy Smyth, Josephine Aoun, Lisette Wesseling, Lovest Reynolds, Agnes Duffy,
Sarah Dwyer, Heidi McGowan, John Clapham,
Jack Roux, Cassie Moody, Peter & Margaret
Honnan, Shirley Moore, Carla Enright, Cade
Lucinsky, Dr. Vipul Upadhyay, Virginia Keith,
Brian Dodd, Francis McNabney, Sebastion Bell,
Rosie Rowan, Bert Woolcott, David Maguire,
Ilona Demjen, Thomas Chant, Delia Morris,
Nola Goosman, Jane Millard, Eileen Waldmeyer,
Dang, Lydia Schweder, Phil Kemble, Ferdinand
Sombrero, Nola Wolfe, Hercille Kirchner,
Louise Noble-Campbell, Katie Murray, Maura
Poots, Priscilla Stuart
Please contact the Parish Office to add or remove
names in the prayer list. Thank you.
CLEANING: Nim & Leigh Walker, Ruth Tomlinson, Shirley
FLOWERS: Rose Tam, Dollin Goh
LAWNS: Ben Wight, Liam Sutherland
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Justine Edwards, Michelle Barnett,
Fiona Richardson
Co-Ordinator: Joe O’Neill
Hall Preparation: Dudley & O’Neill
Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick
5.00: Kieran McEwen, Joe O’Neill
6.30: Betty Nobbs, Bridget Danbrook
8.00: Pamela & Julian Glyn
9.30: Mike Currey, Marie Dawson
5.30: Paul Wahl, Jo Crichton
5.00: Edmond Lee, Kathie McNabney
6.30: Allan Danbrook, Helen Henkin, Gabrielle
Hern, Paul Kay, Cynthia Keenan, Joseph Koshy,
Reena Alexander, Bridget Lobo
8.00: Peta Lindstrom, Ken McKay, Jo Maria,
Eithne Ness, Milan & Ben Payne, Ferdinand
Pereira, Jeanine Tomasso
9.30: John Downie, Juliana Hughes, Charles
Hurst, Savie Joseph, Matilda & Walter Martis,
Waldron Martis, Christoph Muller
5.30: Thomas Fairweather, Ami Cooper, Nathan
D’Mello, Dominic Gorski, Anthony Mukhtar
6.30: Danbrook Family
8.00: Helen & Paul Gleeson
9.30: Harris Family
5.30: Carne Family
6.30: Maugan & Christopher Stevens
8.00: Colin & Annette Bisman
9.30: Mike Currey, Christoph Muller
5.30: Matthew Henkin, Fran Carne
6.30: Karen Noble-Campbell, Clarissa Gouw
8.00: Bousfield Family
9.30: Volunteers please
5.30: Margaret Quiding
6.30: Clarissa & Sean Gouw, Raoul Mascarenhas
8.00: Anna George, Liam Bailey, Nathan Thachankary
9.30: Romain Rouge, Elias Falanitule, Matthew
5.30: Bridgette Carne, Liam Macapagal, Mariel
6.30: Joe Ranzinger 8.00: Gordon Sanders 9.30:
Grace Mascarenhas 5.30 Mario Macapagal
6.30pm: Betty Nobbs 8.00: Sue Bevan 9.30:
Eric Gray
6.30: Craig Pereira 8.00: Organ 9.30: 5.30:
COUNTING: Sandie & Wilfred D’Mello
Office & Parish Centre: 18 Par khill Road, PO Box 38-276, Howick
Church: Cor ner of Picton & Par k Hill Roads
Parish Priest: Fr Tony Dunn
Parish Secretary: Linda Van Heer den
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 10.00am -12.30pm; 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Phone: 534-8710 Email:office@howickcatholic.org.nz
Fax: 535 7563 Web address: www.howickcatholic.org.nz
Beachlands Mass Centre: Beachlands Community Hall
49 Wakelin Rd, Beachlands
12 October 2014, 28th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Masses for Sunday
Weekday Masses
Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri:
9.15am Mass
9.00am Mass
8.00am Mass
Reconciliation - Rite I
Saturday: After 8.00am Mass
1st Friday : After 9.15am Mass
Rosary: Weekdays after Mass
Novena: Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Wednesdays after 9.00am
1st Friday: Adoration 10.00am - 3.30pm
1st Sunday: Divine Mercy 2.50pm
3rd Friday: Healing Mass 9.15am
In Parish Centre:
St Vincent de Paul Committee:
Meeting every first Wednesday at
10.00am (downstairs).
Food bank open every Wednesday
after 9.00am Mass.
Need help? Please contact: David on
273 8859 or Patsy on 534 3940
Interested in becoming a Catholic?
An enquiry group meets every 2nd &
4th Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Parish
Centre or contact the parish office.
Is. 25:6-10; Ps. 23; Phil. 4:12-14,19-20; Matt. 22:1-14
Is. 45:1,4-6; Ps. 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5; Matt. 22:15-21
Fit For Mission
This weeks Fit For Mission quote from the Diocese:
“Today, there is a kind of preaching which falls to each
of us as a daily responsibility. It has to do with bringing the Gospel to the people we meet, whether they be
our neighbours or complete strangers.”
Did you talk about God or your faith today with anyone? Bless them, tell them you would pray for them.
October Month of the Holy Rosary
Friday night Rosaries at 7pm in the Church to be led by:
Week 3: Altar servers
Week 4: School
Week 5: Free for concert at Sancta Maria.
Friday 17 October 9.15am Mass is the Blessing of the Sick.
The Catholic Women’s League will be serving morning tea
after Mass. Come and join us.
There will be a 2nd collection on the weekend 18/19 October
for World Mission Sunday. Money collected is distributed by
the National Missions Office to help in the running of expenses of a diocese for 12 months in a missionary country.
Enrolment forms for the 2014/2015 Sacramental programme need to be
received by Sunday 19 October.
Pastor’s Column....
Simon Sebag Montefiore has written a fascinating
historical biography of Jerusalem. In his preface he
states: "Jerusalem was once considered the centre of
the world and today that is more true than ever."
Certainly in Jewish belief and culture that was true
because it was in Jerusalem that we find the Temple:
the locus of God's Real Presence among his people.
In the Holy of Holies where God's presence was most
intense above the ark of the covenant we find three
things: the stone tablets of the commandments, the rod
of the Priest, Aaron and some of the manna that fed the
Jews in the wilderness.
Our Catholic belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the
Eucharist is anticipated by this acute sense of God's
presence - the stone tablets, the priestly rod of Aaron
and the manna all eucharistic symbols.
The great Jesuit theologian, Karl Rahner, said the Eucharist was a "word event". The bread and wine are truly
and substantially changed into the Body and Blood of
Christ. Jesus is present Body, Soul and Divinity by the
creative and transformative power of the Divine Word.
That Word, is the Word and as Rahner states is still
operative in the reserved Eucharist in the Tabernacle.
The word tabernacle itself comes from the Latin word
"tabernaculum" or tent - a reference to when the Holy of
Holies was carried by the Israelites in a tent during their
desert wanderings.
There is a direct link between the presence of Jesus in
the Eucharistic sacrifice, which is the source and summit
of the whole Christian life, and the reserved species in
the tabernacle. Attentive affective adoration of Jesus
present there leads to and flows from the Mass.
Cardinal George, of Chicago, has pointed out that nearly
all the new evangelising initiatives in recent times have
found their wellspring in attentive, affective adoration of
the Word of God in His Real Presence in the Eucharist.
The most formidable intellects of last century: Cardinal
St John Henry Newman, GK Chesterton, Jacques Maritain, Edith Stein, Karol Wotyla, Dorothy Day all spent
hours "Looking at Him as He looked at them".
Today's Gospel is a direct invitation to each one to
come to the Feast of the Eucharist, to both as the
psalmist wrote, " taste and see" that the Lord is good.
Any evangelising initiative, in response to Pope Francis
revitalised call, needs to be fed and nourished at this
oasis of silent attentive and listening prayer as Jesus
speaks to us from His Real presence.
The Eucharistic Presence, not Jerusalem is now, the
centre and circumference, not only of the world, but the
entire Cosmos. Come to the Feast.
God Bless you all, Father Tony
Volunteers are needed to enlarge our base of contributors for composing the Prayers of the Community for
Sundays. Please give your names and contact to Linda
in the Parish Office. A workshop is in the planning for all
contributors, new and old.
Volunteers are needed to take responsibility for their
placement according to the changing liturgical seasons.
It is a serious commitment and a certain fitness and
agility is needed. Please indicate your interest to Linda
in the Parish Office.
If you would like to order any of the above please complete the relevant order forms which are in the foyer.
Completed forms, with payment to be brought to the
Parish Office by 26th October.
The 2015 Columban Calendar is available in the foyer at
a cost of $10 each. Please put payment in envelope
provided .
We hope you will join us at the gala from 10am to 2pm.
We will have wonderful food stalls, rides, white elephant,
books, clothing, toys, quick fire raffles and more! A fun
day for the whole family. Our donation container will be
open on Sunday 12 October from 3 - 4pm in the upper
car park at school.
Day of Prayer to Respect Life: Sunday 12 October 2014
“We need to recognise that through the legacy of the past,
which includes colonisation, we are often caught up in institutions that are inherently unjust. But we must make choices, both personal and collective. Our choices require a shift
in emphasis from violence to non-violence away from systems which stunt, shorten or endanger life, toward a lifegiving commitment to community and the protection of the
common good.” New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Conference,
A Consistent Ethic of Life - Te Kahu-O-Te-Ora 1997. A
Reflection from the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission.
HUNT, Monsignor Vincent Joseph on 8 October at Mercy Parklands Hospital, Ellerslie. Son of the late James and
Winifred; loved uncle to many nephews and nieces in
Ireland and UK; and esteemed priest for 62 years of the
Diocese of Auckland. Aged 90. Funeral procession will
leave St John Vianney House, 14 Vermont St, on Sunday
12 October at 4.30pm, followed by vigil prayers in Sacred
Heart Church, Ponsonby. Funeral Mass at Ponsonby on
Monday 13 October at 11am, followed by burial at Panmure Catholic Cemetery. May he rest in peace.
Personal Assistant to the Bishop of Auckland
We are looking for someone to provide professional and
confidential personal assistance, administration and secretarial support to the Bishop. This is a full time position and
we are seeking a talented person to ensure the effective
and efficient day to day running of the Bishop’s Office.
You will need to have excellent organisational, interpersonal and computer skills and be confident working on your
own initiative. To view the full advertisement, position
description and application form, please go to our website
www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz and look up staff vacancies.
Applications close Friday 17th of October 2014
Part-time Roles for Youth Ministry
Applications are open for two part-time roles for Jan-Sept
2015 in the Youth Ministry Office. For more information or
to apply go to: http://www.akyouth.org.nz/youth-and-youngadult-ministry-co-ordinator-vacancy/
Hi All
We hope those of you who made it along to the 'Hip Hoperation' movie enjoyed it.
Our next event is our Youth families BBQ & Bonfire Night
out at our place. This will be held on Saturday Night the
1st or 8th November. The date will be weather dependent, so if you are planning to come along please keep both
dates free, as we will only be able to let you know at the
end of October.
Enjoy your first week back at school.
Youth Contacts: Fran and Steve on 530 8911
Recent Papal Tweets: Pope Francis@Pontifex
‘Happy families are essential for the Church and for society.’
Diocesan Activity:
-The Catholic Young Professionals present “A Night in
Paris” a formal evening of dinner, dancing, music and
mingling on 22 November 2014, 7 pm in Parnell Rd.
Email catholicyoungprofessionalsnz@gmail.com for info.
- Diocesan Youth Mass is on Sunday, 26th Oct at 7pm at
the Cathedral.
- Check out www.akyouth.org.nz to keep up to date.
24-Hour Silent Retreat
Date: 14 – 15 November 2014 (Friday 7pm – Saturday
7pm) Venue: St Francis Retreat Centre, Mt Roskill. Cost:
$115pp (All inclusive) Booking is essential.
Please contact us at (09) 625 6651 or director@stfrancisretreatcentre.org.nz for more information.
APPLICATIONS INVITED for Semester 1, 2015
Applications close FRIDAY 14 November 2014
Applicants must be Catholics making a contribution to the
mission of the Catholic Church in the Auckland Diocese.
The bursaries are a contribution toward university fees for
theology courses. For information and an application
St Catherine’s Rest Home
package please contact:
Located next to St. Mary’s Convent in Ponsonby, Catholic Schools Office Pompallier Diocesan Centre
St. Catherine’s Rest Home currently has a vacancy for an Private Bag 47-904, Auckland, 1144. Ph:(09)360-3091
experienced registered nurse for 3 days a week, 8am to Fax: (09)360-3084, e-mail: annk@cda.org.nz
4pm - Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. St Catherine’s Rest
Home reflects the healthcare philosophy of the Sisters of
Mercy who own the facility and is certified to provide rest The Catholic Discipleship College is now taking applicahome aged care services for people over the age of 65. tions for students for 2015. We offer a nine month, live-in
For more information, phone Sandra Hunt, Executive course in Auckland starting in February which includes
Manager on (09) 360 8009 ext 780 or email san- prayer, Catholic faith teachings and development of outdra.hunt@stcatherines.org.nz
reach skills. Check out our web page: www.cdc.ac.nz or
contact Anne Marie at info@cdc.ac.nz or (09) 480 0548.
Jubilee Bursaries for university theological education
Friday 2nd to Sunday 11th January 2015. Nga Tawa