Holy Family Catholic Community
Holy Family Catholic Community
Holy Family Catholic Community Sunday, October 12, 2014 • Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time "'The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.' The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests." - Mt 22:8b-10 " 'La boda está preparada; pero los que habían sido invitados no fueron dignos. Salgan, pues, a los cruces de los caminos y conviden al banquete de bodas a todos los que encuentren'. Los criados salieron a los caminos y reunieron a todos los que encontraron, malos y buenos, y la sala del banquete se llenó de convidados ". - Mt 22, 8-10 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Fall Chicken Dinner and Cash Drawing Saturday, November 15, 4:00—6:00 pm ● Holy Family St. Mary Gym Watch the mail for your cash drawing tickets and a chance to win $2,500! HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Visión de Holy Family Holy Family Vision Ser discípulos en Cristo – testigos vivos de la Buena Nueva. Disciples in Christ living witness to the good news. Cov thwj tim hauv leej Pleev ua tim khawv txog lub Moo Zoo. Misión de Holy Family "Holy Family" lub laug hauj lwm Somos una Comunidad Católica fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo para amar a Dios y seguir a Jesucristo mediante la fe, la vida de oración y el testimonio. Peb yog ib pab ntseeg kav tos liv tau Leej ntuj Plig Ntshiab lub hwj huam, kom peb nyiam Tswv Ntuj thiab raws Yes Xus Pleev nyob hauv txoj kev ntseeg, kev teev hawm thiab kev ua tim khawv. Holy Family Mission We are a Catholic community empowered through the Holy Spirit to love God and to follow Jesus Christ through faith, worship and witness. "Holy Family" lub aeem maug HOLY FAMILY CONTACT INFORMATION Parish offices and mailing address: 271 Fourth Street Way Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508 Holy Family Church / Corner of Co Rd. K and Co. Rd. T 271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:30 am-4:15 pm Friday, 7:30 am-noon www.hffdl.org Phone: (920) 921-0580 Fax: (920) 922-4866 holyfam@hffdl.org Facebook and Twitter: HolyFamilyFdL PASTORS Ext. Rev. Ryan Pruess rpruess@hffdl.org Very Rev. Robert Stiefvater frbob@hffdl.org Rev. Max Tzul, FMM mtzul@hffdl.org Rev. Alan Veik aveik@hffdl.org 148 147 144 145 Deacon Ricardo Muñoz 229 rmunoz@hffdl.org Deacon Dale Paczkowski dalep@hffdl.org Deacon Larry Hughes (retired) Contact through parish office ADMINISTRATION 117 125 123 124 101 BUILDING AND GROUNDS FACILITIES Al Nicolai, Supervisor anicolai@hffdl.org 126 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Dave Braun, Director dbraun@hffdl.org 2 Sacred Heart Church / Corner of S. Peters and Western Aves. 200 S. Peters Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935 St. Mary Church / Corner of Merrill and Marquette Sts. 59 E. Merrill Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935 St. Peter Church / Corner of Hwy. WH and Church Road N8079 Church Rd., Malone, WI 53049 Erin Cobb, Marriage and Family Life Coordinator Trisha Flasch, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Veronica Ford, Assoc. Dir. Mary Schroeder, Support Staff Barb Smet-Lang, Assoc. Dir. 133 Holy Family Catholic Community Pastoral Council 134 135 131 121 136 HISPANIC MINISTRY Deacon Ricardo Muñoz rmunoz@hffdl.org DEACONS Joseph Bird, Parish Manager jbird@hffdl.org Karen Boede, Clergy Secretary Kathleen Bunge, Bookkeeper Janice Elsinger, Support Staff Elise Estes, Receptionist Location of each of our worship sites: LITURGY AND MUSIC Paul Thelen, Director pthelen@hffdl.org Ron Jacobson, Fire Choir Director Tom Klamrowski, Choir Director Eva Thelen, Choir Director 229 122 Finance Council PASTORAL CARE Ruthann Ross, Director rross@hffdl.org Deacon Dale Paczkowski dalep@hffdl.org 139 SOCIAL MINISTRY Jack Braun, Director jbraun@hffdl.org Mike Frydryk, Chairperson / Stewardship Commission Doris Grajkowski, Human Concerns Commission Larry Heller, Worship Commission Ester Martinez, Human Concerns Commission Barb Piechowski, Formation Com. Larry Richardson, Stewardship Com. Harry Schneider, Trustee Kevin Shaw, St. Mary’s Springs Academy Joe Stephany, Finance Council Dixie Sullivan, Human Concerns Commission Sean Twohig, Formation Commission 119 ADVANCEMENT & COMMUNICATIONS Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement 140 gkraig@hffdl.org Matthew Rodenkirch, Communications 143 mrodenkirch@hffdl.org Steve Hess, Chairperson Mike McNamara Louie Paynter Harry Schneider, Treasurer Joe Stephany, Secretary St. Mary’s Springs Academy Kevin Shaw, President Doug Olig, Lead Principal | Erin Flood, Principal ADMINISTRATION OFFICES 114 Amory Street CAMPUS LOCATIONS Elementary Campus 95 E. 2nd Street Middle School Campus 63 E. Merrill Avenue High School 255 County Road K 924-0993 921-5300 921-9610 921-4870 SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS Time Church Celebrant Mass Intention MONDAY, October 13, 2014 Readings/Lecturas: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 7:00 am Sacred Heart Fr. Max 2:00 pm Lutheran Home Fr. Bob Richard Schmit (Anniversary) Open Intention TUESDAY, October 14, 2014—St. Callistus I 7:00 am Sacred Heart Readings/Lecturas: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Fr. Ryan Rita Luedtke (Anniversary) WEDNESDAY, October 15, 2014—St. Teresa of Jesus SMSA Readings/Lecturas: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 7:00 am Sacred Heart Fr. Max Judith Kain; Elmer and Helen Halle; Gene and Corinne Schaefer 8:00 am St. Peter Fr. Bob Carlton, Mary Frances and Carol Weigel 8:30 am St. Joseph Fr. Ryan Open Intention 9:30 am Woodlands Fr. Al Open Intention 2:10 pm Taycheedah Fr. Max Open Intention THURSDAY, October 16, 2014—St. Hedwig, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Fr. Max Readings/Lecturas: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 7:00 am Sacred Heart Reconciliation 7:30 am Sacred Heart Frs. John, Max, Ryan, Bob and Al (after 7:00 am Mass) Reconciliation 7:15 am Holy Family (prior to 8:00 am Mass) 8:00 am Holy Family Fr. Bob Louis Romuald; Dolores Chmielewski; LeRoy Schulz 3:00 pm Lakeview Fr. Al Open Intention FRIDAY, October 17, 2014—St. Ignatius of Antioch SMSA Readings/Lecturas: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 7:00 am Sacred Heart Fr. Bob Martha and Richard Korb and Olivia Majeska; Mary Musso (Anniversary) and August Musso; Kay Lewellin 8:00 am St. Peter Fr. Ryan Special Intention for W.S.; Mary Ann Mand 8:30 am St. Mary Fr. Max Marion Hannes SATURDAY, October 18, 2014—St. Luke, evangelist Fr. Al Readings/Lecturas: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 8:00 am St. Mary Reconciliation 8:30 am St. Mary (after 8:00 am Mass) Reconciliation 3:15 pm Sacred Heart (prior to 4:00 pm Mass) Sunday Vigil 4:00 pm Sacred Heart Reconciliation 3:15 pm St. Peter Sunday Vigil 4:00 pm St. Peter Fr. Bob Richard Davies; Kevin Liedke (Anniversary); Laura Braun Sunday Vigil 4:15 pm Holy Family Fr. Max Living and deceased of the Karls and Zangl Families; Bob DeGuire (Anniversary), Bill and Catherine DeGuire and Henrietta Bailey; Thomas John 'Jack' McCrory Fr. Ryan Paul Cerny Clarence and Alexia Waldschmidt (prior to 4:00 pm Mass) SUNDAY, October 19, 2014—29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings/Lecturas: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 7:15 am St. Mary Fr. Al Michele and Darlene Senecal; John and Monica Dumbaskas and Orvus and Helen Brockway; Sharon Wilhelms 8:00 am Holy Family ∆ Fr. Max Ronald Ross (Anniversary) and Roger Ross 8:30 am St. Peter † Fr. Ryan Patrick and Janet Switlick (Anniversary) 9:00 am Sacred Heart † Fr. Bob Dorothy Fox and Judy Fox Bellmer 9:30 am St. Mary † Fr. Al Donald Kohlman (Anniversary) 10:15 am Holy Family † Fr. Max Angeline Mathes 11:00 am Sacred Heart Fr. Ryan Dale Schob (Anniversary); Rudy and Alice Wirtz; Rev. John Endejan Reconciliation 11:15 am St. Mary Spanish St. Mary Fr. Bob Juanita Romo Sacred Heart Fr. Al For the Parishioners 12:00 pm 7:00 pm (prior to 12:00 pm Mass) Presiders’ schedule subject to change without notice. † Children’s Liturgy of the Word * Baptism during Mass ∆ Adoration after Mass Holy Family Catholic Community 3 PARISH LIFE Parish Membership Please call Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement, at the parish office, 921-0580, ext 140 or email gkraig@hffdl.org to set up an appointment to register. Available hours are Monday 11:00 am—7:30 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 am—4:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am—11:30 am. Marriage Preparation Please remember in your prayers the following from our Holy Family community who have died. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. John Snider Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the wedding date. Chad Stuiber Baptism Preparation Call the parish office to schedule baptism. New and expectant parents are required to attend a baptism preparation class; Godparents are also invited to attend. The next class will be held on Sunday, October 19 at 8:30 am in Holy Family Hall. ¿Cómo Ser Miembros De Nuestra Parroquia? Para inscribirse como miembro activo de la Parroquia, solo llame a las oficinas de Lunes a Jueves de 7:30 a 4:15 y Viernes de 7:30 a 12:00 del medio día. Pregunte por Diacono Ricardo Muñoz. 920-921-0580 ext. 229. Bautismos/Presentaciones Se comienza la preparación con un mínimo de 2 meses de anticipación. Las platicas para la preparación de Bautismos son el segundo Jueves y Sábado de cada mes. Jueves a las 6:00 pm o Sábado a las 10:00 am. Primera Comunión y confesiones (Reconciliación) Este Sacramento se recibe durante el segundo grado de la escuela. Las clases se comienzan cada año escolar, Septiembre-Mayo La celebración es aproximadamente la primera semana de Mayo. Matrimonios/Quinceañera Deben estar inscritos como miembros de la parroquia. Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación. Ritos de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) Esto es para los mayores de 18 años que no han recibido Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación. Inscribirse en Noviembre o Diciembre. Las clases comienzan en Enero y finaliza en Abril. Por cualquier duda o más información, llamar a Diacono Ricardo Muñoz. Bulletin Announcements The regular deadline for bulletin announcements is Thursday by 9:00 am, 11 days prior to the publication date. Contact Matthew via email at mrodenkirch@hffdl.org or send your information to the attention of Matthew at 271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508. All items are subject to approval and editing. When emailing, please include the name of your event in the subject line. 4 Holy Family Catholic Community October 25, 2014 II: Amy Alsteen and Thomas Guell 1:00 pm—Holy Family II: Elizabeth Hegler and Craig Winske 1:00 pm—St. Peter November 1, 2014 I: Lynnsea Saggert and Michael Drummond 1:00 pm—Holy Family Reconciliation Holy Family: Thursday, 7:15 am (prior to 8:00 am Mass) Sacred Heart: Thursday, 7:30 am (after 7:00 am Mass) Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass) St. Mary: Saturday, 8:30 am (after 8:00 am Mass) Sunday, 11:15 am (prior to noon Mass) St. Peter: Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass) Parish Devotional Life Morning Prayer Sacred Heart Monday-Friday 6:40 am Rosary Sacred Heart St. Peter St. Mary Monday-Friday Wednesday and Friday Saturday 7:40 am 7:40 am 8:30 am First Friday Novena Sacred Heart 1st Friday 7:30 am First Saturday Novena St. Mary 1st Saturday 8:30 am Eucharistic Adoration Sacred Heart Monday-Friday 6:00 am-10:00 pm Saturday 6:00 am to Sunday 10:00 pm A 30 minute Eucharistic Adoration will be held after selected Sunday Mass each week. See page 3 for dates. Adoration for Vocations St. Mary 1st Sunday following the 9:30 am Mass WEEK MON., Oct. 13 TUE., Oct. 14 WED., Oct. 15 THU., Oct. 16 AT A 7:30 am Sacred Heart Hospitality Room St. Vincent de Paul Spiritual Reflection 6:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym Open Basketball 6:30 pm Sacred Heart Hall Hispanic Couples Night 7:00 pm Holy Family St. Agnes Resource Room Stewardship Commission Sub-committee meeting 8:00 am St. Mary Maurer Hall Holy Family Mission Quilters 9:30 am Holy Family Fireside Room Women’s Ministry—Sharing our Journey 7:00 pm Sacred Heart Hospitality Room Bread of Life Prayer Group 7:00 pm Holy Family Conference Room Christian Formation Commission meeting 5:30 am Holy Family Hall Men’s Group 6:45 pm Holy Family Fireside Room Men’s Group 7:00 pm St. Mary Rectory Meeting Room Pastoral Council meeting 8:30 am Holy Family Fireside Room Women’s Ministry—Sharing our Journey 10:00 am Sacred Heart Hospitality Room SAT., Oct. 18 Faith Builders 5:00 pm Holy Family Hall MOMS Next 7:30 am Holy Family Hall Blood Drive 8:30 am Holy Family Fireside Room Women’s Ministry—Sharing our Journey Holy Family Gathering Space SUN., Oct. 19 GLANCE Fair Trade Sales (after Mass) 8:30 am Holy Family Hall Baptism Preparation 8:30 am Holy Family St. Agnes Resource Room RCIA 9:00 am Holy Family Fireside Room Java Jabber Holy Family Gathering Space Fair Trade Sales (after Mass) Daughters of Isabella Snow Removal Meeting on Tuesday, October 21 at 1:00 pm at Sacred Heart Center. Speaker Sister Ann McKean, CSA on “Advance Women, The Women of Nicaragua.” Come and enjoy. Holy Family is seeking RELIABLE individuals for weekend and holiday snow removal. These positions are for sidewalks and building entrances only. Pick up an application at Holy Family Parish Center, 271 Fourth Street Way. Contact Al Nicolai, Facilities Supervisor, for more information at 921-0580 or anicolai@hffdl.org. Memorial Holy Family has received a memorial donation in the name of Ambrose Braun Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Special Thanks For donations to the parish, given in honor of St. Joseph Fraternity of the Secular Franciscans Meeting at the St. Francis Home at 5:30 pm on Monday, October 13 for Crown Rosary at 5:30 pm followed by Mass in the St. Francis Chapel at 6:00 pm. Meeting at the Gathering Place (St. Francis Home) after Mass. If you have questions call Marilyn at 920-602-1301. Catharine Nuss on the occasion of her 100th Birthday. Thank You! Holy Family Catholic Community 5 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Religious Education Classes Sunday, October 12—5:00-7:00 pm Grades 9-10 Sacred Heart Center and Annex Wednesday, October 15—6:15-7:30 pm Grades 1-5 Sacred Heart Center Grades 6-8 Sacred Heart Annex “LIKE” our Facebook Pages! Holy Family Youth Ministry FdL Holy Family Young Adults FdL Youth Ministry is only as vibrant as its leaders. If you would like to get involved with one of our ministries, please let us know! Contact Trisha Flasch, Youth and Young Adult Coordinator at 921-0580 or tflasch@hffdl.org. Retreat for Middle School Moms and Daughters October 25, 11:00 am - 5:15 pm Registration at 10:45 am Holy Family Hall National Speaker Rosario Rodriquez, who will be speaking at Women of Christ and St. John Bosco Youth Day, will be our special guest talking about the beauty and dignity of women, especially middle school pre-teen young ladies. Check out her website, rosariorodriguez.org. Highlights include a wonderful lunch, time for moms and daughters, fun games, Mass and more. Contact Erin Cobb in Christian Formation, for more information at 921-0580 or ecobb@hffdl.org. Please register by Wednesday, October 15 to Holy Family office, 271 4th Street Way or to the SMSA office. $10 per person—no one refused Mother / Guardian Name: ________________________________________________ Youth’s Name __________________________ Home phone: __________________________ Family e-mail: _____________________________________ Emergency contact: ________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Allergy/Special Needs:______________________________ 6 Holy Family Catholic Community Why Catholic? Starting October 15: 6:15 – 7:30 pm at Sacred Heart Church Christian Formation will be offering a monthly series on deepening our understanding of what we believe as Catholics. We will use a great video series called Symbolon. This is geared to parents and Adult Confirmation candidates, but is open for everyone to grow in faith. No need to register and you can come to all or just one of our evenings. Check out the web site: www.symboloncatholic.org or call Dave Braun in the parish office, 921-0580 ext. 133 or dbraun@hffdl.org, for more information. Survey for SMSA Plans are underway for St. Mary's Springs Academy to undergo strategic planning in the coming months. As they prepare for those dialogues, the feedback of Holy Family parishioners is extremely important to them. Please take the time to answer some very important questions in an online survey. Your answers will be anonymous and will be used to help SMSA establish the framework for the continued advancement of Catholic education throughout the region. Please use the following link to access the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/ s/993G6TG. Oh behalf of St. Mary’s Springs Academy, thank you very much for your help in this important endeavor. What is MOMSnext? This is a group for mothers of school age children. A MOMSnext group is an open, accepting place for all mothers of school age kids to experience authentic community, personal growth, practical help and spiritual hope. Why should I join MOMSnext? MOMSnext is relationally relevant. Topics meet the specific and demanding needs of the “school age” mom. MOMSnext is focused on outreach and bringing new families to church. MOMSnext values mothering in the school years. MOMSnext is a group designed to encourage, equip and develop mothers of school age children. When and Where does MOMSnext meet? Meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of every month (October 16 – May 21) from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. All meetings will be held at Holy Family in the hall. If you have any questions, please call or text Paula Klapperich at 539-0211 or Heather Sphatt at 948-9857. SOCIAL MINISTRY Mental Illness Awareness Week Life Savers For Life October 6 - 12, 2013 Next Weekend: The Knights of Columbus NFdL Council 9685 will be will be handing our Life Savers after all Masses on October 18 and 19. All donations support Pro-life causes in our area. Please be generous in your aid of: Pro-Life Across America, New Beginnings, Holy Family Youth for Life and Bethany Christian Services. Thank you for your continued support. It’s time to make a difference: One in four American adults experiences a mental health problem in any given year. One in five young people ages 13 to 18 also experience mental illness. In fact, one-half of all mental illness begin by the age of 14 – three-quarters by age 24. Unfortunately, there are long delays between the first appearance of symptoms and when people get help. Less than one-third of adults and less than one-half of children with a diagnosed illness receive treatment. Continuing Mental Illness Awareness In 1990, the U.S. Congress established the first full week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) in recognition of the efforts of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). For more than 10 years, Holy Family has partnered with NAMI Fond du Lac to raise awareness through outreach, education and advocacy. Mental Illness Awareness Week Prayer O, God, we pray together as people from many different faith communities. We remember all those persons whose lives have been touched by mental illnesses. We give thanks for those persons who give of their time and talents to help others dealing with mental illnesses in their lives and in the lives of their families and friends. We give thanks for the improvement in medication and treatment programs that have enabled persons with mental illnesses to live productive lives. We pray that our society would do everything possible to make early diagnosis and treatment a standard operating procedure. We pray and ask that stigma be removed, so that persons and their families would get the appropriate help as soon as symptoms appear. Guide each one of us, and help us, as we endeavor to bring help and hope to those families and individuals. Amen Poverty Simulation Wednesday, November 5, Holy Family Parish Hall: This event, from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm, provides the opportunity for participants to assume the roles of different families living in poverty. What is the simulation? This event involves participants who assume the roles of different families living in poverty. The simulation will be conducted in Holy Family Hall with the “families” grouped in the center. Around the perimeter will be tables representing community resources and services. The task of the families is to provide for basic necessities and shelter for one “month,” consisting of four fifteen-minute weeks. What is its purpose? This poverty simulation experience is designed to help participants understand what it might be like to be a part of a typical low income family trying to survive from month-to-month. It is a simulation, not a game. The object is to sensitize participants to the realities of life faced by low-income people. Who should participate? This poverty simulation experience can be an “eye-opener” to anyone who wishes to understand more about the realities of poverty. Please join us in this free “Poverty Simulation” event. Registration is required - Cut and return to Holy Family or register online at hffdl.org/events. Name: _____________________________________ October is Respect Life Month Name: _____________________________________ “When God created each of us, He did so with precision and purpose, and He looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness.” This month, spend time in prayer and reflection to specifically focus on life issues and to pray for and promote greater respect for all human life. Pray that all people may recognize and treat each person as a masterpiece of God’s creation. Number attending: ____ Phone: ______________ Mailing Address: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Registration deadline is October 27. Return registration form to Holy Family, Attn: Poverty Simulation. Vocations “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Consider following Christ more closely as a priest, deacon or in consecrated life. Contact Fr. Luke Strand at 414-747-6437 or by email at vocations@sfs.edu. See their website at www.thinkpriest.org. Holy Family Catholic Community 7 PASTORAL CARE Blood Drive! The next Holy Family sponsored Blood Drive will take place on Saturday, October 18, from 7:30 – 11:30 am in Holy Family Hall. Everyday, ordinary people are saved by some extraordinary people…people who gave blood! Your donation could be the most valuable gift you ever give. Just ask anyone who has ever received blood! Please be a hero to someone in need! Theresa Johanek from Works of Mercy joins us for the October 19 Java Jabber! Please plan to join us on Sunday, October 19 for Java Jabber! This month’s guest will be Theresa Johanek, Director of Works of Mercy Ministry. The Works of Mercy is a ministry of the St. Francis Institute of Milwaukee and our very own Fr. Al Veik. Works of Mercy ministers to people with special needs and their families. Come and meet Theresa and learn about the beautiful work being done by the Works of Mercy! All are welcome… stay after the 8:00 am Mass or come early for the 10:15 am Mass and join us in the Fireside Room for Java Jabber! Jack O Lanterns…Good Inside and Out! Harvesting God’s Bounty Over the next several weeks, millions of people will be carving faces into pumpkins. But don’t throw away the seeds. They are a healthy snack. Pumpkin seeds contain fiber, zinc, potassium, magnesium, manganese and iron. They’re high in monounsaturated fat, but it does have some saturated fat so eat in moderation. Great recipe for a crunchy snack: Set the oven to 250 degrees Remove seeds from pumpkin. Separate seeds from pulp. Rinse slightly in water. Dry on paper towels. Toss seeds with olive oil (healthier) to coat or for 2 cups of seeds toss with 1 ½ tablespoons of melted butter. Salt lightly if desired but no salt is necessary. Other seasonings may be used. Put on a cookie or baking sheet, preferably with sides, in a single layer. Toss occasionally while in the oven. Bake for 2 hours until toasted and crunchy. Store in an airtight container; lasts longer if stored in the refrigerator. Enjoy! New Horizons Weekend Retreat! New Horizons is an archdiocesan ministry for separated and divorced Catholics. The next New Horizons retreat will be October 24-26, 2014, at Schoenstatt Retreat Center in Waukesha. Information and a registration form are available by contacting Annette in The Nazareth Project office at 414-758-2201, or by visiting www.johnpaul2center.org/NazarethProject/ SeparatedandDivorced.htm. 8 Holy Family Catholic Community Weekly Justice Challenge 28th Week in Ordinary Time Justice Challenge: The Sunday Gospel describes the wedding banquet to which the groom’s father invited his family and friends. But the invited guests chose not to come. In frustration, the father welcomed people beyond his immediate circle, even reaching out to people on the fringes of society. And they came! Jesus’ message is clear: through him, God has given us a new understanding of who the Chosen People are. They are not only people born into the Jewish community. The chosen people include anyone who says yes to God’s call. Your challenge this week is to look at someone who is not Catholic, a person you don’t know very well. It might be someone you pass on the street or in the grocery store, perhaps a person whom you consider different or wrong, scary or mean. Can you view the person through God’s eyes, seeing them as part of God’s chosen people? Can you name one way in which the person has said yes to God? In the coming week, commit yourself to a change of attitude or heart about this person. Holy Family Ministry Connection: What or who do you see when you walk by a person dining alone in a restaurant? Do you see the face of Jesus? When you see a person walking down the street, carrying what may very well be their worldly possessions; do you see the face of Jesus? Do you see them the way that God sees them; as one of his chosen people? We are all created in the image and likeness of God! Pause and think about that for a moment. You, a middle class person with 2 or more cars in the garage of a nice home; you, a working class person who has a job to go to each day; you, a stay at home mother, caring for her family and home – all of you are made in the image of God! The homeless person, whose clothes are tattered and worn, the family in line at Loaves and Fishes waiting for what may be their only meal of the day, the recently unemployed person who needs help from the St. Vincent DePaul Society and the Fondy Food Pantry – all of them are also created in the image of God! We are ALL God’s chosen people. This week say hello to someone who is dining or shopping alone, or is alone in the pew near you in church. Make yourself the face of Christ to them by being a bright spot in their day! Offer a couple of hours to help feed the hungry at Loaves and Fishes. Donate a bag of groceries to the Fondy Food Pantry. As the weather grows cold, remembering that there are those who don’t have a warm place to sleep at night, support the local warming shelter. And at the end of the day, thank God for your many blessings and for the ability to see Christ in everyone and then help your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ with an extra prayer for them. HOLY FAMILY Christmas Wreaths The Boy Scouts of Troop 777 are selling Christmas Wreaths as a fund raiser for the troop. Wreaths are offered in the following sizes and cost: 2’ (diameter) - $17 / 3’ - $26 / 4’ - $36 / 5’ - $52 Candy cane shape - $25 Balsam rope in 25’, 50’, and 100’ lengths - $1 per foot All of our wreaths are made in Wisconsin of fresh Balsam and decorated with a red velvet bow and frosted cones. Please order by October 21 The wreaths will be delivered by the scouts starting around Thanksgiving. AND BEYOND Journey Through Grief “Healing the Hurt in Your Soul” Saturday, October 18, 2014—8:00 am to 4:00 pm Congregation of Sisters of St Agnes Convent (Founders Hall), 320 County Rd K. For more information, call Agnesian Bereavement Center and Grief Relief 907-3940. Scripture with Scholars Join us on Tuesday, October 28, from 7:00 – 8:30 pm, at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 812 N Jackson St., Milwaukee, for an exploration of “Changes in Understanding the Bible in the Last 50 years,” featuring biblical scholar, Sr. Diane Bergant. This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. To order, please contact Dean Starks at 923-3672. Pro-life Mass Fr. Al Invites You to Join in an All Saints Day Trip to the GATE in Chicago! A Pro-life Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Jerome Hudziak, CFR on Tuesday, October 28 at 7:00 pm at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 8500 W. Cold Spring Road, Greenfield, with a reception to follow. All are welcome! Sponsored by the St. John the Evangelist Parish Pro-life committee and The Knights of Columbus Milwaukee PereMarquette Council 524 of Greenfield. Questions? Please contact the parish office at (414) 321-1965. All Saints Day, Saturday, November 1: Join together with Fr. Al and fellow parishioners as we visit with members of Our Lady Gate of Heaven Sister Parish in Chicago. Enjoy discussion and reflection time as we converse about the important saints in our lives. Tentative schedule: 7:45 am – Depart from Fond du Lac 11:30 am - Arrival and Welcome 12:00 pm - Opening Prayer and Reflection I by Fr. Al 1:00 pm - Lunch 1:45 pm - Reflection II by Fr. Al with discussion by all 3:00 pm – Mass: Feast of All Saints 4:00 pm – Hospitality, snacks and farewell 8:00 – 8:30 pm – Approximate return to Fond du Lac For more information: Contact Jack at the parish office, 921-0580, or email jbraun@hffdl.org. Please join us. Space is limited and registration is required. ---- Cut and return to Holy Family ---Name: _____________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ Number attending: ____ Phone: ______________ Amount enclosed at $35 per person: _______ Parish Financial Summary July 1, 2014 through September 28, 2014 Actual Revenue Budgeted Revenue Variance $661,904 $643,000 $18,904 Women of Christ Conference You are invited to the 6th Annual Women of Christ Conference on Saturday, November 1, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the West Bend County Fair Park. This year’s theme is “Jesus and Mary: Two Hearts-One Journey.” Speakers include Fr. James Kubicki, Fr. Andrew Apostoli and Rosario Rodriguez and includes Mass, Adoration, Confession and Eucharistic Procession. Bus leaves Holy Family parking lot at 7:00 am. For more information contact Lisa at 579-2895. Also see the website, womenofchist.net. Cost of the event is $40.00 and includes lunch and bus. Checks can be written out to Holy Family Catholic Community and mailed to Lisa Sutton at N5999 Joseph Dr., Fond du Lac, WI 54937 by October 29. Mailing Address: ________________________________ Name________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Registration deadline is October 15. Return payment and registration to Holy Family, Attn: Chicago Trip to “GATE.” Phone_________________________ to hance c t s a L r! registe Email___________________________________ Parish_______________________________________ Lunch (circle one): Ham sub Turkey sub Veggie sub Riding the bus: Yes or No Holy Family Catholic Community 9