Document 6556783


Document 6556783
We are beginning our study of the Divided Kingdom. We
are starting with the northern kingdom of Israel.
The Memory
Peter 1:14.
are 2 Kings 17:39 and 1
The "My Daily Food" readings for this week
are: 1 Kings 12:1-7, 1 Kings 12:8-16, 1 Kings 12:17-24,
1 Kings12:25-33, 1 Kings15:25-34, 1 Kings 16:1-7 and 1
Kings 16:8-14.
The Good Samaritan
item for the pantry.
Check out
the nice
article and
picture of
our Youth
This was
in the
October 12, 2014
Please turn cell phones
off or put on vibrate.
During worship
service we offer:
Project is to bring an
- an attended Nursery
for 2 yrs. and under
Be sure to invite your friends to class
and tell them about Jesus!
- “NEXT” Children’s
for 3 yr olds - 5th grade
- Servant Schedule Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
"NEXT" Children's Ministry
This Sunday, Oct. 12
Don Bolin
Wyatt Carswell
Daniel Carswell
Kyla Fitzgerald
Linda Hames
Dawn Mitchell
Next Sunday, Oct. 19
Ed Fletcher
George VanNatta
Jeff Smith
Gloria Greene
JewRonda Greene
Wes & M.J. Braddock
Last Week’s Records:
Sun. A.M. Class Attendance: 100
Sunday A.M. Attendance
Sunday Contribution:
Average Contribution:
Our Elders:
Ed Fletcher / Steve Kennedy
Jeff Robison / Tom Webb
Sunday P.M. (includes Service, Life Groups and Twelve 2)
Ocala Oaks:
Budget 2014: $ 6,599.48
Minister: Jeff Robison
Youth Minister: Beef Branard
Service Schedule
Sun. A.M. Bible Class 9:00
Sun. A.M. Worship 10:00
Sun. P.M. Service 6:00
Wed. Bible Study 7:00
2750 SE Maricamp Road
Ocala, FL 34471
Phone: (352) 732-9867
Fax: (352) 732-7199
(*best viewed with
Google Chrome)
We are glad you are
here to help us celebrate
the Lord! Please
complete an
Attendance Card and
place it in the collection
tray. Thanks!
Order of Services
Song Leader: Don LeFrancois
Welcome - Elders
167 - Hosanna
F2 - That’s Why We Praise Him
810 - Listen to Our Hearts
113 - His Grace Reaches Me
118 - God Has Smiled on Me (verse 1, 3 & 1)
15 - Step by Step
38 - Awesome God
39 - Awesome Power
"Let Me Take A Selfie"
- Beef Branard
478 - Nearer, Still Nearer
(verses 2 & 3)
405 - If Jesus Goes with Me
(verses 1 & 3)
6:00 P.M. “Don’t Ask Why”
- Jeff Smith
Our Mission: To glorify God by inspiring and equipping people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Senior Luncheon TODAY!
All seniors 55 and over are welcome to join us in the Fellowship Hall TODAY
after worship service for a special luncheon!
Loving Care Preschool
Spaghetti Dinner
TOMORROW, Oct. 13th
5:30 - 7:30
Tickets are $7.00/ea.
Please support our preschool and enjoy a
delicious spaghetti dinner and night
Youth Nite and Wednesday
Dinner - THIS Wednesday,
Oct. 15th
Join the youth THIS Wednesday for a delicious dinner of
hamburgers and hot dogs! Please sign-up on the back of
your Attendance Cards TODAY for either “hamburger” or “hot dog”. After a devotional in the Fellowship
Hall, everyone is welcome to tour the newly remodeled
Youth Portable!
Our Cookbooks are Here!!!
Please be sure to stop by the table in the foyer this
morning and pick-up your cookbooks! Thanks soooo
much for your support with
this project to help purchase
a new A/C unit for our
Auditorium. If you didn't
pre-order and would like a
cookbook, we do have a few
extra. Thanks again!
Thanks for your contribution of $1,389 for our "10 for
God and My Neighbor" collection last
Sunday. $689 of that will go towards
our "Community Counts" project in
January. Thanks sooo much!
Words cannot express how much the
calls, cards and most of all the many
prayers said for me and Flo. Thank you
to everyone so very much.
In God's Love to All,
Mervin and Flo Long
Thank you for all of the wonderful thoughts and prayers
you have given our family over the past several months.
Jay's surgery went great and he is on the road to recovery!
We appreciate all of the support and the beautiful flowers.
From our family to yours - Thank You!
With Love,
Jay & Michelle Burkette
Don & Duronda Bolin
Fall Festival Needs
Our Fall Festival is scheduled for Sunday, October 26th
from 3-6! We are in need of bottled water, canned sodas
and individually wrapped candy. We would appreciate all
your donations! Please put them in the bin in the foyer.
Thanks so much for your support!
Woodland Place's Ladies Day
Saturday, November 1st
here in Ocala
Our very own, Deborah Lawson, is one of the speakers.
Let's get a group together to go and support Deborah.
Let the office (732-9867) know if you would like to go.
Prayer List Updates...
Mervin Long - Undergoing chemo.
Fred Harper - Moved to Avante.
Robert Wagner - He is having difficulties with the one kidney he has, seeing a specialist.
Jeff Wexler - Home now after neck surgery again last week, will require another surgery.
Norma Cartledge - Please pray for remission.
A.J. Taylor - Please pray that his medical concerns are safely resolved.
Jay Burkett - (Duronda Bolin’s son) Please pray the pathology report comes back with good results.
Debbie Wagner - (Robert and Georgina Wagner’s daughter-in-law) Heart difficulties.
Karen Stipes - (Judy and Eric Tolleson’s niece) Had some difficulties with her pregnancy, doing a little better, due
in November, please keep her in your prayers.
Laura DiCesare - (sister of a Loving Care Preschool’s employee) Cancer has returned, undergoing chemo again.
Janet Wyatt - (Theresa Kennedy’s sister) Her cancer markers are up, undergoing testing.
Emma Borchardt and parents, Gary and Sherry Borchardt - (Emma is Jeff Wexler’s grand-niece) Emma is 4
months old and is extremely ill but improving (Praise God!), please pray for continued strength to endure.
Jay Kennedy - (Steve Kennedy’s father) His kidneys are failing, he is ready to go home.
Mary Brock - (Gwen Whitehead’s mother) Recovering from recent triple by-pass surgery in Jacksonville.
Nora Colton - (Toni Taylor’s cousin) Please pray that chemotherapy goes well and she is rid of breast cancer.
Ellen Furlow - (former member here) Home now and doing better.
Nancy Bryant & Suzanne Henley - Please pray for safety as they are in Rwanda for a mission trip.
Terry Wiltsie - (relation to a co-worker of Brian Osgood’s and Steve Kennedy’s) Battling lung cancer and pneumonia, has a facebook page: Terry’s Breath of Hope.
Patricia Soder - (a blind friend of the Frosts) Patricia came home last week after receiving multiple heavy doses
of IV antibiotics. She will take pills now for a week and will be checked again by her doctor. Thank you to our
church family for all your prayers on her behalf. She and we appreciate you so much. Thanks to our heavenly
Father for answered prayers.
Hunter Grant - (Michael and Karleigh Heater’s younger brother) Health difficulties.
Barry Phillips - (Jeff Robison’s brother-in-law) An MRI of his brain last week revealed 3 brain tumors, he is now
in the research stage and how the dr’s will proceed, please pray for his wife, Debbie (Jeff’s sister).
Eastern European Missions/Ukraine - Please be praying about a meeting that will take place on October 27th between Dr. Vasyl Zhukkovkyy (Dean and Prof. of Education at the Ostroh Academy - a leading national university
if Ukraine) and the national Minister of Education and leaders of EEM. Please pray for even more rapid progress
in putting Bibles into all of the schools of Ukraine.
NO More Water Bottles, PLEASE!
We are no longer collecting these. Thank you.