May 1, 2016


May 1, 2016
2510 So. Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803
(626) 284-8333 Website:
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Saturday Vigil
Saturday: 4:00-4:45PM
7:30AM, 9:00AM, 12:30PM
10:45AM Spanish
Daily: Mon-Sat
Holy Day Masses
8:30AM, 7:00PM
Please contact the Parish Office for arrangements regarding
Baptisms, Sacrament of Matrimony, and Funerals
Monday-Thursday 9:00AM - 7:30PM
9:00AM - 7:00PM
9:00AM - 1:00PM
Closed 1:00 - 2:00PM
Closed 1:00 - 2:00PM
Office: (626) 284-8333 Fax: (626) 282-4459
Mission Statement
We, the faith community of Saint Thomas More
Catholic church are called by God the Father, through
the guidance of the Holy Spirit to live lives inspired by
Jesus Christ.
We aspire to be a welcoming community with full,
active, and joyful participation in the celebration of the
Holy Eucharist. We are dedicated to grow in spirituality, to nurture and guide our children and youth, to
reach out and address the needs of other communities
around us.
Nuestra Misión
Nosotros, la comunidad de fe de la iglesia Católica
Saint Thomas More estamos llamados por Dios Padre,
por medio de la guía del Espíritu Santo, a vivir vidas inspiradas en Jesucristo.
Aspiramos a ser una comunidad acogedora y que
participa de forma plena, activa, y gozosa en la celebración de la Santa Eucaristía. Estamos dedicados a crecer
en espiritualidad, a educar y guiar a nuestros niños y
jóvenes, y a reconocer y atender las necesidades de otras
comunidades a nuestro alrededor.
Administrator: Fr . Er asmus Sor iano
(ext. 116)
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. J er emiah O’Neill
Deacon Couple: Rogelio and Emilia Gar cia (626) 705-1072
Pastoral Associate: Sr . Mar gar et Devlin, SSC
LMFT/Counseling (ext. 112)
Safeguard the Children Contact: Mae Ho
(ext. 139) or (626) 457-5302
Director of Religious Education: Mae Ho
(ext. 139) or (626) 457-5302
Liturgy & Music Coordinator: Sr . Andr ea J ohnson
(ext. 137)
Accounting Manager: Lucy Lai
(ext. 110)
Youth Ministry & Confirmation Coordinator: Fr ancisco Ramos
Assistant Coordinator: Gabr iella Ramos (ext. 135)
Parish Secretary: Lucia Alcantar
(ext. 141)
Parish Receptionist: Mimi Lewis
School Office: (626) 284-5778 Fax: (626) 284-3303
Admin. Team: J udy J ones and Ver onica Rodr iguez, (ext. 28)
Secretary: Mar y Helen Lazo, (ext. 29)
School Website: stthomasmor ealhambr a.or g
School Email: stthomasmor e@ear
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
Page 2
Administrator’s Corner
We are never alone
Sixth Sunday of Easter
In the first reading, we hear about the existence of a problem that arose within the early
Christian community. The problem arises on
the inclusion of Gentiles in the Christian community. The Jews
insisted that the Gentiles follow the Jewish rules and customs such
as circumcision for them to be incorporated in the community. To
solve the problem, the leaders of the church including Paul and
Barnabas met together and discussed the problem. Paul insisted
that the convert gentiles need not follow the Jewish traditions and
laws because their salvation comes from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The problem was resolved by the apostles
allowing the Gentiles not to be circumcised and the decision was
sent back to Antioch. The decision was through the guidance of
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit played an important role in the
life of the early Christians. The Holy Spirit accompanied them in
their mission; He guided them in their decisions, He strengthened
and helped them when faced with challenges and difficulties.
In the gospel, as Jesus is about to return to his Father, He gave
them assurance of his abiding presence. He knows that his return
to the Father will make the disciples feel orphaned. That is why
Jesus wanted to assure them that he is not leaving them. The disciples will still experience the presence of Jesus even when he is not
with them physically. Jesus assures them his abiding presence if
they keep his word: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and
my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our
dwelling with him.” Keeping his word (teachings) is not only a
proof of their love and fidelity to Jesus. It also enables them to
experience His presence. Jesus and the Father come to dwell in
them as they obey his word and commandments.
Not only that, Jesus has promised special help to enable them
to keep his word; the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who will be
their advocate, teacher, and help. “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” No wonder the apostles and disciples did not feel alone or abandoned. No wonder,
they remained united and focused on their mission. No wonder,
they were able to keep the teachings of Jesus. They have been
accompanied and guided by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit plays an important role in our lives. We need
him to guide us in our decisions. We need him to encourage and
strengthen us when we weakened. We need him for inspiration
when we are losing hope. The Holy Spirit has been the life force
of the early Christians. He is ever present in the life of the church
through the ages. He is still present and active in our lives today,
and we need him all the more.
The apostles and disciples in the first reading were able to
face the different challenges, obstacles and problems that came on
their way, maintained their unity because of their fidelity to the
word (teachings) of Jesus and the presence and guidance of the
Holy Spirit in their midst. They experienced the presence of God
in their midst through the Holy Spirit.
It is true that we are united with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
when we partake his sacred body and blood. However, the words
of Jesus in the gospel this Sunday tell us that God’s dwelling in us
is also made possible when we are faithful to his words and teachings. If we are faithful to him, we allow his words to form us,
guide us, nourish and strengthen us, and we will experience his
ever presence in us. Like the apostles, we can experience the presence and power of God in our lives through the Holy Spirit. May
we allow the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us always. With the
Holy Spirit, we are never alone.
Nunca estamos solos
Sexto Domingo de Pascua
En la primera lectura, escuchamos acerca de la existencia de un
problema que surgió dentro de la comunidad cristiana primitiva. El
problema surge en la inclusión de los gentiles a la comunidad
cristiana. Los Judíos insistieron en que los gentiles siguen las reglas y
costumbres judías como la circuncisión a fin de que se incorporen en
la comunidad. Para resolver el problema, los líderes de la iglesia,
incluyendo a Pablo y Bernabé se reunieron juntos y discutir el
problema. Pablo insiste en que los gentiles convertidos no necesitan
seguir las tradiciones y las leyes judías, porque su salvación viene de
la muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo. El problema fue resuelto por
los apóstoles que permiten a los gentiles no deben ser circuncidados y
la decisión fue enviado de regreso a Antioquía. La decisión fue a
través de la guía del Espíritu Santo. El Espíritu Santo tuvo un papel
importante en la vida de los cristianos primitivos. El Espíritu Santo
los acompañó en su misión; Los guio en sus decisiones, que fortalece
y les ayudó cuando se enfrentan a desafíos y dificultades.
En el Evangelio, como Jesús va a regresar a su Padre, les dio
seguridad de su presencia permanente. Él sabe que su retorno al Padre
hará que los discípulos se sienten huérfanos. Es por eso que Jesús
quería asegurarles que no les abandona. Los discípulos todavía
experimentan la presencia de Jesús aun cuando no está con ellos
físicamente. Jesús les asegura su presencia permanente si se van a
cumplir su palabra: “El que me ama, cumplirá mi palabra y mi
Padre lo amará y vendremos a él y haremos en él nuestra morada.”
Al cumplir su palabra (enseñanzas) no sólo es una prueba de su amor
y fidelidad a Jesús. También les permite experimentar su presencia.
Jesús y el Padre vienen a morar en ellos, ya que obedecen su palabra
y los mandamientos.
No solamente eso, Jesús ha prometido de ayuda especial para que
puedan cumplir su palabra; la morada del Espíritu Santo, que será su
consejero, maestro y ayuda. "El Paráclito, el Espíritu Santo que mi
Padre les enviará en mi nombre, les enseñará todas las cosas y les
recordará todo cuanto yo les he dicho. No es de extrañar, los
apóstoles y los discípulos no se sentían solo y abandonado. No es de
extrañar, que permanecieron unido y enfocado en su misión. No es de
extrañar, que fueron capaces de mantener las enseñanzas de Jesús.
Ellos han estado acompañados y guiados por el Espíritu Santo.
El Espíritu Santo juega un papel importante en nuestras vidas. Lo
necesitamos para guiarnos en nuestras decisiones. Lo necesitamos
para animar y fortalecernos cuando nos debilita. Lo necesitamos en
busca de inspiración cuando estamos perdiendo la esperanza. El
Espíritu Santo ha sido la fuerza de la vida de los primeros cristianos.
Él está siempre presente en la vida de la iglesia a través de los siglos.
Él todavía está presente y activo en nuestra vida en la actualidad y lo
necesitamos tanto más.
Los apóstoles y discípulos en la primera lectura fueron capaces de
enfrentar los diferentes desafíos, obstáculos y problemas que
surgieron en su camino; mantuvieron su unidad a causa de su
fidelidad a la palabra (enseñanzas) de Jesús y la presencia y la guía
del Espíritu Santo en medio de ellos. Ellos experimentaron la
presencia de Dios en medio de ellos a través del Espíritu Santo.
Es cierto que estamos unidos con Jesús en la Eucaristía, al
participar su sagrado cuerpo y sangre. Sin embargo, las palabras de
Jesús en el Evangelio de este domingo nos dicen que la morada de
Dios en nosotros también se hace posible cuando somos fieles a sus
palabras y enseñanzas. Si somos fieles con él, permitimos que sus
palabras nos forman, nos guían, nutrir y dar fuerza y
experimentaremos su presencia siempre en nosotros. Al igual que los
apóstoles, podemos experimentar la presencia y el poder de Dios en
nuestras vidas a través del Espíritu Santo. Que podemos permitir que
el Espíritu Santo nos enseña, nos guía siempre. Con el Espíritu
Santo, nunca estamos solos.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
Page 3
Please Pray for the Sick
First Reading — The question of whether circumcision is necessary
for salvation (Acts 15:1-2, 22-29).
Psalm — O God, let all the nations praise you! (Psalm 67).
Second Reading — John envisions the holy city, the new Jerusalem
(Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23 or Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20).
Gospel — The Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in Jesus’ name, will
teach us everything (John 14:23-29 or John 17:20-26).
Dolores Alatorre
Selvia Inado
Tony Pagliotti
Anita Alderete
Evelyn Ibarra
Sharon Palmiter
Mary Helen Andrade
Hector Ibarra
Albert Pelaez Jr.
Mariano Aoanan
Joseph Power
Rosa Astacio
Darwin Jenkins
Gary Jones
Patricia Bernal
Lourdes Brizuela
Lillian Lee
Steven Brown
Tod and Rose Marie
James Lindgren
Corina Ramirez
Esperanza, Marta, and
Diomira Ramirez
Ramon Ramos
Yee See Lipsun
Maria Raygosa
Eleanor Lopez
Debra Redo
Mary Campitiello
Mauricio Luna
Jean Reyes Williams
Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a
1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14
Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15
Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20
Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28
Acts 7:55-60; Ps 97:1-2, 6-7, 9;
Rv 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26
Primera Lectura — La cuestión de si los gentiles necesitaban ser
circuncidados para salvarse (Hch 15:1-2, 22-29).
Salmo — Que te alaben, Señor, todos los pueblos. Aleluya (Salmo 67
Segunda lectura — Juan tiene una visión de la ciudad santa, la nueva
Jerusalén (Apocalipsis 21:10-14, 22-23) o A pocalipsis 22:12-14, 16
-17, 20.
Evangelio —El Espíritu Santo, enviado por el Padre en nombre de
Jesús, nos enseñará todo (Juan 14:23-29) o Juan 17:20-26.
Hch 16:11-15; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a
1 Cor 15:1-8; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Jn 14:6-14
Hch 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Sal 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15
Hch 18:1-8; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 16:16-20
Hch 18:9-18; Sal 47 (46):2-7; Jn 16:20-23
Hch 18:23-28; Sal 47 (46):2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28
Hch 7:55-60; Sal 97 (96):1-2, 6-7, 9;
Ap 22:12-14, 16-17, 20; Jn 17:20-26
Fr. O’Neill
S. Cano
Blanca and Procoro
Castañeda Dennis del Bonnie Luna
Rafael and Gerardo
Jessica Cerda
Benny Chua
Candice Lyman
Ramon Lai
Antonino Soriano
Annie Bonilla
Mary Lou Ochoa
Ernest Wong
Corazon Castro
Salvador Rivera
Leo Fernandez
Glicerio Sison
Adria Garcia
Sister Jacinta
Rebecca C. Johnson
Maria T. Riley
Socorro Rios
Luz Rodriguez
Emilia Rodriguez
Isabel Cucci
Virginia Rosales
Gustavo Adolfo Delatorre
Sonia Gonzalez Deltoro
Gilbert Madrid
Cely Magpantay
Louis Sanchez
Alina Magrina
Aurora Santos
Edgardo Marin
Ronald Santos
Elias Esobedo
Jean Miceli
Robert Schmidt
Monica Monreal
Uldarica Sison
Barbara Montague
Efren and Bertha
Dean Smith
Dan Garcia
Dory Aoanan
Bishop Rodolfo Beltran
Daniela Garcia de la
Dolores Garcia
Juan Antonio Garcia
Caridad Muro
Jovita Tagle
Dolores Natividad
Rosa Gomez
Gisela Newson
Ricardo Villegas
Jose Gonzalez
Felicidad Villegas
Isaiah Gutierrez
Barbara Ornelas
Christopher Vindell
Leopoldo Hernandez
Memo Herrera
Sally Herrera
Carmen Hopping
Fariz Ziedan
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
Page 4
December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016
The Jubilee announcement had been made on the second anniversary of
the election of Pope Francis, during his homily for the penitential liturgy with which the Holy Father opened the “24 Hours for the Lord”.
This initiative, proposed by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of
the New Evangelization, promotes throughout the world the opening of
churches for an extended period of time for the purpose of inviting
people to the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The theme
for this year has been taken from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians,
“God rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4).
Please visit the Year of Mercy website at
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Join a fun-filled trip to:
Pechanga Resort Casino,
California’s Biggest Casino,
to raise funds for
St. Thomas More Church.
Bus pick-up
St. Thomas
More Church
2510 S.
Fremont Ave.
Donation amount:
$25.00 per person
Package includes:
Round trip transportation, tip to bus driver,
light snacks during trip, $5 casino play credit.
First time guests to Pechanga will receive a
$10 voucher that can be used for food, play or shopping.
Must be at least 21 years of age.
Bus capacity limit is 50 persons. Reservations will be taken on first-come - firstserved basis. Full payment is required upon reservation.
For “Guest Manifest” required by the casino, please provide player name, complete
address, Pechanga card # (if available) or your birthdate.
Player must show to Pechanga Casino a valid ID: driver’s license, State ID or passport; or your Pechanga card to receive promotional credits.
For information or reservations:
Luna Soriano (323) 528-5102
Lilly Carlisle (626) 485-4734
The Community of St. Thomas More Church wishes to thank Fr.
Erasmus Soriano gratefully for his kind service and leadership to our
community of St. Thomas More for these past three years. The
Archdiocese of Los Angeles has assigned Fr. Eras to another parish
in the archdiocese. He will be replaced by Fr. Thai Le, the administrator of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Los Angeles. Let us keep Fr.
Eras in our prayers and wish him well in his new assignment. He
will be missed.
In the same manner, the Community of St. Thomas More Church
also wishes to express its gratitude and appreciation to Sr. Margaret
Devlin for her years of ministry in the parish. Remaining within our
community, Sr. Margaret will be semi-retired starting April 30, 2016.
Her counseling ministry will continue as details are determined and
will be announced at a later date.
We invite you to come to the parish hall for cake and coffee in
thanksgiving for her many years of ministry in our parish on Sunday,
May 1st, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. All parishioners are welcome.
Vatican Splendors features over 200 objects, including personal mementos from both His Holiness Pope Benedict and
Pope Saint John Paul II. From the sights and sounds of the
grand Basilica to a touchable cast of Saint John Paul II's hand,
it's a true "insiders" view of the Vatican, including spiritual,
artistic and ceremonial treasures. With its vast collection of
paintings and artifacts dating from the earliest days of papal
history, Vatican Splendors provides an unprecedented opportunity for faith formation.
This program allows parishioners to obtain exhibit tickets at a
discounted price of $5 off each ticket. Tickets can be pur chased at or at the Reagan Library
box office. Enter or mention discount code: 'PARISH'.
Sunday B reakfast
Please join us in the hall for
Pork Ribs in Green Sauce, Eggs
and Chorizo, Huevos Rancheros,
Menudo, Coffee and Donuts
8:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Youth Group
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 1, 2016
Page 5
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Saturday, April 30, 2016
8:30 AM Fr. Hoan
Dory Aoanan †
4:00 PM Fr. Eras
5:00 PM Fr. Eras
Ramon Lai †
6:00 PM
Confirmation Class
Hall (or MC)
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday, May 1, 2016
8:30 AM
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
7:30 AM Fr. Hoan
Peter Phan †
9:30 AM
Legion of Mary
Ministry Center
9:00 AM Fr. Eras
Michael Toh †
7:30 PM
Youth Band Practice
10:45 AM Fr. Eras
Jova Salazar†
12:30 PM GP
Sheila & Alex: Wedding Anniversary
9:00 AM
Our Lady of Wisdom
Prayer Group
6:45 PM
English Choir Practice
7:00 PM
Grupo de Oración
Ministry Center
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
8:30 AM Fr. Eras
Dory Aoanan †
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
8:30 AM Fr. Harold
Anna Zenzola †
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
8:30 AM Fr. Eras
Maria Jung Soon Choi †
Thursday, May 5, 2016
8:30 AM Fr. Donovan Rodolfo Sanchez †
Friday, May 6, 2016
8:30 AM Fr. Eras
9:00 AM
Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Novena
7:00 PM
Bible Study
Ministry Center
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Fr. Eras and The Soriano Family
Saturday, May 7, 2016
8:30 AM Fr. Hoan
Therese Hoang Nguyen †
4:00 PM Fr. Eras
5:00 PM B. Curry
Dory Aoanan †
Sunday, May 8, 2016
7:30 AM Fr. Hoan
Peter Phan †
9:00 AM Fr. Eras
Mary Cerda †
Youth Nights
Ministry Center
8:00 PM
Spanish Choir Practice
9:00 AM
Eucharistic Adoration
7:00 PM
Divine Mercy
Ministry Center
Sunday Breakfast
Friday, May 6, 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016
5:00 PM
10:45 AM Fr. Eras
Fernando Salinas Birthday
12:30 PM Fr. Harold
Joan Nunez & Purie Nuestro †
Collections for 4/24/16
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:45 AM
12:30 PM
By mail/online
Bldg Fund
Altar Society
Special Projects Fund
6:30 PM
Sunday, May 8, 2016
8:30 AM
Safeguard the Children
Increase self-esteem through praise
Praise is just as important as providing food and shelter for a
child. Praise is an important aspect of raising a confident
child. When you praise a child, not only do you raise their
self-esteem and self-concept but you increase their overall self
-worth. One thing you can do is focus on the child and describe what you see. For example, you can say: “You are so
patient. That means a lot to your little brother.” For more tips
on praising children please,
or call (213) 637-7227.