Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace
WELCOME TO THE Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace Over 115 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island website: e-mail: SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (SUNDAY OF THE DIVINE MERCY) April 3, 2016 A PARISH SERVED BY THE VOCATIONIST FATHERS Phone: (718) 266-1612 2866 WEST 17TH STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11224 Fax: (718) 301-2281 MASS SCHEDULE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Sunday: 9:30 AM (English), 11:00 AM (Spanish), 12:30 PM (English) Weekday: 8:00 AM in Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel Saturday: 9:00 AM in Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel Tuesday & Friday evenings: 6:30 PM (Spanish) in Church Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Tuesday: 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM (or call anytime to make an appointment) Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays: Closed NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF SOLACE PARISH STAFF Saturday: 8:30 AM in Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION Tuesdays: 6:00 PM (Spanish) in Church First Fridays: 5:30-6:30 PM (bilingual) in Church DAILY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Parishioners have been assigned every hour as a worshipper to Jesus in the Eucharist. All are welcome! The Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel located in the former convent building. BAPTISM (in English): Parents wishing to have their child baptized are asked to make an appointment with the Parish Administrator. Please bring the child’s birth certificate. Baptisms in English are on Saturdays at 11:00 AM. CONFESSIONS: Confessions are heard before each of the Masses on Sunday: 9:00 to 9:25 AM, 10:30 to 10:55 AM (in Spanish), and 12:00 noon to 12:25 PM, or by appointment in the rectory. MARRIAGE: Please make arrangements with a priest at least six months before the wedding date. Log on to for diocesan guidelines on marriage preparation. .................................... Pastor e-mail: .................................. Parochial Vicar e-mail: . Ms. Epifania Tolama ........................................ Parish Secretary e-mail: Mrs. Maria Garces............. Religious Education Coordinator e-mail: Mr. Robert Weigel ........................Director of Music/Organist e-mail: Mr. Esteban Rodriguez...........................................Maintenance Like us on facebook: Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace BAUTISMO (en español): Los padres que deseen el sacramento del Bautismo para sus hijos deben hacer una cita con uno de los sacerdotes. Por favor traigan el certificado de nacimiento del niño que va a ser bautizado. Los Bautismos en español son los Sábados a las 12:00 mediodía. CONFESIONES: Se escuchan confesiones antes de cada Misa el domingo: 9:00 a 9:25 AM, 10:30 a 10:55 AM (en español) y 12:00 mediodía a 12:25 PM o por cita en la rectoría. MATRIMONIO: Por favor, hagan una cita con el sacerdote mínimo seis meses antes de la boda. Visite y lea las directrices diocesanas sobre la preparación al matrimonio. Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of the Divine Mercy) ‐ April 3, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, April 3, 2016 (Sunday of the Divine Mercy) 9:30 AM Rosalina and Luis Hernandez-Mayas: Happy Birthday in Heaven r/b Awilda Mayas 11:00 AM Rafael Ramirez r/b su esposa, Ines Sanchez 12:30 PM Jerryetta and Augie Pagano: Happy Birthday r/b Loving Family Monday, April 4, 2016 (Annunciation of the Lord) 8:00 AM Danielle Carpenter r/b the Lefebvre Family Tuesday, April 5, 2016 THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Sun. Confessions: 9AM-9:25AM/10:30AM-10:55AM/12PM-12:25PM 04/03 10:45AM: CCD Classes 11:30AM: OLS Baseball League Registration in auditorium 2:30PM: Bilingual Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Mass Mon. 8AM: SOLEMN MASS OF THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD 04/04 9AM-5PM: 9:30AM-1:30PM: Catholic Charities Food Pantry Tue. 7PM: Cursillista Group 04/05 Wed. 6PM: Ensayo del Coro Español (iglesia) 04/06 7:30PM: Adult Choir rehearsal (church) 8:00 AM For the health of James Carchiolo r/b The Cirillo Family 6:30 PM Wednesday, April 6, 2016 Thu. 6PM: Youth Choir Rehearsal (church) 04/07 7PM: French Creole Prayer Group (Parish Center 2) 8:00 AM Thursday, April 7, 2016 8:00 AM Henry Romani r/b Loving Family Friday, April 8, 2016 Sat. 11:30AM: OLS Baseball Registration in auditorium 04/09 7PM: Divine Mercy Chaplet (in chapel) 8:00 AM Gillian Bristow r/b The Bedeau Family 6:30 PM Francisco Villafañe r/b His Loving Children Saturday, April 9, 2016 9:00 AM Walter Welsh r/b Family Sunday, April 10, 2016 9:30 AM Gillian Bristow r/b The Bedeau Family Por el Eterno Descanso de Epifania Cardoso 11:00 AM r/b Familia Cuautli Cardoso Gloria Romero r/b Su hijo, Carmelo Ahuatl Thelma Meade, 12:30 PM with love by Carmen Saez and Family Fri. 8PM: Grupo de Oracion Carismatica (en el auditorio) 04/08 HOLY WEEK DONATIONS Holy Thursday, March 24, 2016 Collection: $362 Good Friday. March 25, 2016: Holy Land Collection :$1,415 Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 Total attendance: 1,622 1st collection: $4,330 2nd Collection Retired Priests: $1,169 Thank you for your generosity! APRIL MEMORIALS FLOWERS TO THE BLESSED MOTHER In Memory of Hazel Jaffier r/b her mother Mr. Ezequiel Carillo and Mrs. Emilia Rosales for their generosity in donating this year’s paschal candle. Thank you so much! SACRAMENTAL CARE Pray for our sick: Deacon Dan Marley, Pat Marley, Jan Dunn, Sasha Joseph, Mary Sesso, Paula McDonough, Theresa Lane, Hector Rios, Maria Engrasia Sandoval, Doug Gonzalez, John James Osorio, José Arroyo, Joseph Moliere, Charlene Knight, Ana de Santiago, James Sweeney, Sylvia Fiorentino, Francisco Carrasquillo, Orville Willams, Patricia Bernal, Eric Price, Dolores Deloch, Caridad Nazario, JaRon McBride, Samuel Miller, Cheryl Humphrey, Ty Flood, Damaris Casado Holy Communion is brought every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday to the homebound at the Sea Crest and Shorefront nursing homes Pray for Vocations SANCTUARY LAMP In thanksgiving to Almighty God for His many blessings r/b Rebecca Yamson BREAD AND WINE In Memory of Ralph Frigenti r/b P.L. ALTAR CANDLES For Cynthia Philbert NYU Lutheran Hospital will be here again TODAY from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Auditorium to provide free blood pressure screenings health-related questions. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity. Hospital NYU Luterana Estará aquí nuevamente HOY de 10:00 AM a 1:00 PM en el Auditorio Para hacer exámenes de presión arterial gratis y responder a sus preguntas acerca de su salud. Animamos a todos a tomar ventaja de esta oportunidad. Second Sunday of Easter Segundo Domingo de Pascua Bilingual Divine Mercy Chaplet, Veneration of the Relic of St. Faustina and Mass in Honor of the Divine Mercy There will be a feast and refreshments will be served after the Chaplet in honor of the Divine Mercy in the auditorium. All are welcome to participate! Coronilla en Bilingüe a la Divina Misericordia, Veneración de la Reliquia de la Santa Faustina y Misa en Honor a la Divina Misericordia Habra fiesta y comida en honor a la Divina Misericordia despues de la Coronilla en el auditorio. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a participar! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION is now underway. Your child must be enrolled even if he or she was a student this year. You may register your child at the rectory from Monday thru Friday from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM. For m s ar e also available through our parish website’s and may home page be filled out online and printed out. The registration fee is $40 per child. Ignatian Retreat Starting this Thursday, April 7, 2016, those who desire to deepen their awareness of God’s loving and abiding presence in their lives are invited to make a thirteenweek Ignatian retreat. For information regarding these weekly sessions, please call Sister Marion at (718) 372-2718. Millennium Theatre in Lancaster, PA Saturday, September 10, 2016 Buses will leave from church at 6:00 AM 1) BY OFFERING A DAILY PRAYER FOR THOSE CALLED BY GOD TO HIS SERVICE; 2) BY OFFERING A DAILY SACRIFICE FOR THIS INTENTION; 3) BY GIVING A DONATION WHEN ASKED. INSCRIPCION DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Retiro Ignaciano los que . Teatro Milenio en Lancaster, PA el sábado, 10 de septiembre del 2016 Los buses se irán de la iglesia a las 6:00 AM 1) OFRECIENDO UNA ORACI˖N DIARIA PARA AQUELLOS QUE DIOS LLAMA A SU SERVICIO; 2) OFRECIENDO AL SE˕OR UN SACRIFICIO DIARIO; 3) DONANDO UNA OFRENDA CUANDO PUEDAN. Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of the Divine Mercy) ‐ April 3, 2016 April 2016 How will you fill your God-shaped hole? St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Born in Burgundy, France, St. Madeleine Sophie received a rigorous education from her older brother Louis. She loved to learn and grew up to be an excellent teacher. With the help of Father Varin, she founded the Society of the Sacred Heart, which was dedicated to educating young women. She took her final vows in 1802. In 1826, her society received formal papal approval. She spent the rest of her life founding schools to teach children. Seeing with new eyes Sometimes we can do the right It’s easy to be nice to people who are nice to you or who are considered “respectable” company. Don’t be fooled by outward appearances, though. Everything done to our brothers and sisters Jesus counts as done to him. When you see someone you want to avoid, remember he or she is Christ in disguise and act accordingly . “Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels” (Hebrews 13:2). © Copyright 2016 Success Publishing & Media, LLC St. Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee,” (Confessions, Saint Augustine). Humans are created with a longing for something infinitely good, true, and beautiful - God. If we try to fill that longing with things that are not God, we are unsatisfied. Make room. We pursue money, friends, power, or possessions, thinking that we will be happy if we accumulate enough. The problem is that earthly rewards don’t last and distract us from what does. King Solomon could have chosen all the riches, esteem, and power in the world but rejected them because they would distract him from God. Value what lasts. “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God” (Romans 8:7). Pleasure makes us feel good in the moment but fades so we need more to feel good. Worse, pursuit of pleasure can lead to sin. Pleasure is not happiness. Happiness results when God shares himself with us and we draw close to him. Grow in love. Having received the gift of divine life, we must give it to others. "Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another" (1 John 4:11). When we share God's life and love, we grow in that very life and love. Why do Catholics bless themselves with holy water? The practice of blessing oneself with holy water harkens back to the washing rituals of the Old Testament Jews, who had to bathe before entering the temple. Today, when we bless ourselves with holy water, it brings to mind our own baptism. It was at our baptism that our souls were washed clean of original sin and we were officially made members of the Church. We also received the gift of faith. In blessing ourselves, we renew our baptismal promise. Segundo Domingo de Pascua (Domingo de la Misericordia Domingo) ‐ 3 de abril de 2016 Abril de 2016 Descubriendo esperanza y gozo en la fe católica. ¿Cómo llenará el hueco de Dios? Nacida en Borgoña, Francia, santa Magdalena Sofía fue rigurosamente educada por su hermano Luis. Le encantaba aprender y se convirtió en una maestra extraordinaria. Con la ayuda del padre Varín fundó la Congregación del Sagrado Corazón que se dedicó a la educación de las jóvenes. Tomó los votos solemnes en 1802. En 1826 la congregación recibió el visto bueno formal del papado. Pasó el resto de su vida fundando escuelas para educar a los niños. Ver con ojos nuevos Es fácil ser amables con los que son amables con nosotros o con quienes creemos que son compañía “respetable”. Pero no se deje engañar por las apariencias. Todo lo que hacemos por nuestros hermanos y hermanas Jesús lo siente como algo que le hacemos a él. Cuando vea a alguien que quiere evitar, recuerde que esa persona es Cristo disfrazado y actúe en consecuencia. “No olviden la hospitalidad; gracias a ella, algunos, sin saberlo, hospedaron a angeles” (Hebreos 13:2). © Copyright 2016 Success Publishing & Media, LLC San Agustín escribió: “Nos has creado para ti y nuestro corazón andará siempre inquieto mientras no descanse en ti” (San Agustín, Confesiones). Los seres humanos son creados con una querencia por algo infinitamente bueno, verdadero y bello: Dios. Si intentamos llenar esa querencia con cosas que no son Dios, nos sentimos insatisfechos. Hagan sitio. Vamos tras el dinero, amigos, poder o posesiones, pensando que seremos felices si acumulamos lo suficiente. El problema es que las recompensas terrenales no duran y nos distraen de lo que dura. El rey Salomón podría haber elegido todas las riquezas, estima y poder del mundo, pero rechazó todo porque podían distraerlo de Dios. Valoren lo que dura. “las tendencias de la carne llevan al odio de Dios” (Romanos 8:7). El placer hace que nos sintamos bien en el momento, pero se disipa así que necesitamos más para sentirnos bien. Peor aún, la búsqueda del placer puede llevarnos al pecado. El placer no es la felicidad. La felicidad llega cuando Dios se comparte con nosotros y nos acercamos a él. Crezcan en amor. Debemos dar a los demás el don de la vida divina que hemos recibido. “Queridos, si Dios nos ha amado de esta manera, también nosotros debemos amarnos unos a otros” (1 Juan 4:11). Cuando compartimos la vida y el amor de Dios, crecemos en esa misma vida y en ese mismo amor. ¿Por qué se santiguan los católicos con agua bendita? La práctica de santiguarse con agua bendita data se remonta a los rituales de ablución del Antiguo Testamento, en los que los judíos tenían que lavarse antes de entrar en el templo. Hoy, cuando nos santiguamos con agua bendita, recordamos nuestro bautismo. En nuestro bautismo se nos limpió el alma del pecado original y nos convertimos oficialmente en miembros de la Iglesia. También recibimos el don de la fe. Al santiguarnos renovamos las promesas del bautismo.
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