Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace
Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace
WELCOME TO THE Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace Over 116 years of service to the people of God in Coney Island website: e-mail: THE MOST BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (Corpus Christi) May 29, 2016 A PARISH SERVED BY THE VOCATIONIST FATHERS Phone: (718) 266-1612 2866 WEST 17TH STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11224 MASS SCHEDULE (All Saturday and Sunday Masses in Church) Fax: (718) 301-2281 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Sunday: 9:30 AM (English), 11:00 AM (Spanish), 12:30 PM (English) Tuesday: 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM Weekday: 8:00 AM in Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel (or call anytime to make an appointment) Saturday morning: 9:00 AM in Church Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays: Closed Tuesday & Friday evenings: 6:30 PM (Spanish) in Church PARISH STAFF NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF SOLACE Saturday: 8:30 AM in Church before 9:00 AM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION Tuesdays: 6:00 PM (Spanish) in Church First Fridays: 5:30-6:30 PM (bilingual) in Church DAILY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Parishioners have been assigned every hour as a worshipper to Jesus in the Eucharist. All are welcome! The Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Our Lady of Divine Vocations Chapel. BAPTISM (in English): Parents wishing to have their child baptized are asked to make an appointment with the Parish Administrator. Please bring the child’s birth certificate. Baptisms in English are on Saturdays at 11:00 AM. CONFESSIONS: Confessions are heard before each of the Masses on Sunday: 9:00 to 9:25 AM, 10:30 to 10:55 AM (in Spanish), and 12:00 noon to 12:25 PM, or by appointment in the rectory. MARRIAGE: Please make arrangements with a priest at least six months before the wedding date. Log on to for diocesan guidelines on marriage preparation. .................................... Pastor e-mail: .................................. Parochial Vicar e-mail: . Ms. Epifania Tolama ........................................ Parish Secretary e-mail: Mrs. Maria Garces............. Religious Education Coordinator e-mail: Mr. Robert Weigel ........................Director of Music/Organist e-mail: Mr. Esteban Rodriguez .......................................... Maintenance Like us on facebook: Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace BAUTISMO (en español): Los padres que deseen el sacramento del Bautismo para sus hijos deben hacer una cita con uno de los sacerdotes. Por favor traigan el certificado de nacimiento del niño que va a ser bautizado. Los Bautismos en español son los Sábados a las 1:00 de la tarde. CONFESIONES: Se escuchan confesiones antes de cada Misa el domingo: 9:00 a 9:25 AM, 10:30 a 10:55 AM (en español) y 12:00 mediodía a 12:25 PM o por cita en la rectoría. MATRIMONIO: Por favor, hagan una cita con el sacerdote mínimo seis meses antes de la boda. Visite y lea las directrices diocesanas sobre la preparación al matrimonio. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Chris ) ‐ May 29, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, May 29, 2016 (Corpus Christi) 9:15 AM Vincent Godino r/b the Ambrosio Family Por La Salud de Alfonso Lopez r/b sus hijas 11:00 AM Ernesto Mendez r/b Francisca Mendez 12:30 PM Gustavo Cardona r/b Ida Navarro THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Sun. Confessions 8:45AM-9:10AM/10:30AM-10:55AM/12PM-12:25PM 05/29 9:30AM MASS MOVED TO 9:15AM TODAY 10:30AM: Corpus Christi Procession Mon. MEMORIAL DAY 05/30 Mass at 9:00 AM at Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance NO CATHOLIC CHARITIES FOOD PANTRY TODAY Tue. 7PM: Cursillista Group Monday, May 30, 2016 (Memorial Day) 05/31 9:00 AM Cosimo and Rose Gaglioti r/b family Wed. 6PM: Ensayo del Coro Español (iglesia) 06/01 7:30PM: Adult Choir rehearsal (church) Tuesday, May 31, 2016 8:00 AM o 6:30 PM Marina Reyes 5 Aniversario de Fallecimiento r/b hijas Wednesday, June 1, 2016 8:00 AM Graciano Mendez r/b wife, Cecilia and children Thursday, June 2, 2016 8:00 AM Friday, June 3, 2016 8:00 AM Danielle Carpenter r/b the Lefebvre Family Thu. 7PM: French Creole Prayer Group 06/02 Fri. 8PM: Grupo de Oracion Carismatica (en el auditorio) 06/03 Sat. 7PM: Divine Mercy Chaplet (in chapel) 06/04 Sunday, May 22, 2016 Total attendance: 1,106 1st collection: $3,460 Same week last year: $2,006 Thank you for your generosity! 6:30 PM Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:00 AM Our Lady of Solace Purgatorial Society Sunday, June 5, 2016 9:30 AM John Rentas: Happy Birthday Por el Eterno Descanso de Juana Lopez 11:00 AM r/b Petra Rodriguez Por La Salud de Ana L. Torres r/b Ida Navarro 12:30 PM Wendy Wagner r/b Joyce Jordan SACRAMENTAL CARE Pray for our sick: Deacon Dan Marley, Pat Marley, Jan Dunn, Sasha Joseph, Mary Sesso, Paula McDonough, Theresa Lane, Hector Rios, Maria Engrasia Sandoval, Doug Gonzalez, John James Osorio, José Arroyo, Joseph Moliere, Charlene Knight, Ana de Santiago, James Sweeney, Sylvia Fiorentino, Francisco Carrasquillo, Orville Willams, Patricia Bernal, Eric Price, Dolores Deloch, Caridad Nazario, JaRon McBride, Samuel Miller, Cheryl Humphrey, Ty Flood, Damaris Casado Holy Communion is brought every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday to the homebound at the Sea Crest and Shorefront nursing homes Pray for Vocations MAY MEMORIALS FLOWERS TO THE BLESSED MOTHER For the intentions of Lella De Angelis SANCTUARY LAMP Por la familia de Juan y Zaida Rodríguez y Cecilia Méndez BREAD AND WINE In Honor of Ms. Lopez’s Communion Candidates; Jamila Cruz, Jesus Lezama, Daniella Perez Cuautli and Alondra Perez ALTAR CANDLES In Memory of James Carchiolo r/b Dolly Cirillo and Children MEMORIAL DAY MASS Monday, May 30, 2016 9:00 AM at the Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance, MCU Park MISA DEL DÍA DE LOS CAÍDOS el lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016 a las 9:00 AM en Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance, MCU Park The Most Body and Blood of Christ May Crowning Today, May 29, 2016 after the 9:15 AM Mass, there will be a small procession with all the First Communion Candidates for the Crowning of the May. All are invited to attend! PRE-CONFIRMATION RETREAT will be Saturday June 4th, 2016 from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM for all students in the Confirmation Class. Attendance is mandatory. Invit[tion to [ll P[rishion_rs We cordially invite all the parishioners of the Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace to join our children enrolled in our Religious Education Program as they receive their Sacrament of Confirmation. El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo La Coronación de la Virgen María Hoy, 29 de mayo del 2016, habrá una pequeña procesión con los niños de Comunión para la Coronilla de la Virgen María. ¡Todos son invitados! RETIRO DE PRE CONFIRMACION de 9:30AM a 1:00 PM para todos los niños en clase de confirmación. Asistencia es obligatoria. Invit[]iòn [ To^os los P[rroqui[nos Cordialmente invitamos a todos los parroquianos de Nuestra Senora del Consuelo a que participen en los siguientes eventos de nuestros estudiantes en la cual recibran sus Sacramento de la Confirmación. Confirm[tion—Ms. Izzo’s Cl[ss June 12th, 2016 at the 12:30 PM Mass Children’s Literacy Program The Children’s Literacy Program will begin Sunday, July 10th and will continue through August 14th from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Classes are open for children between ages 6 and 16. Please call the rectory to register your child. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS Sunday, June 5th From 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM OUR LADY OF SOLACE CHURCH WALKING CLUB is a new program that will take place every Saturday at 10:00 AM and meets in the the rectory basement by NYU Lutheran Health Centers 1) BY OFFERING A DAILY PRAYER FOR THOSE CALLED BY GOD TO HIS SERVICE; 2) BY OFFERING A DAILY SACRIFICE FOR THIS INTENTION; 3) BY GIVING A DONATION WHEN ASKED. Programa de Lectura para Niños el domingo, 10 de julio y continuara hasta el 14 de agosto de 10:30 AM a 12:30 PM. Las clases son para los niños entre los 6 y 16 anos. EXAMENES DE PRESION ARTERIAL GRATIS el domingo, 5 de junio de 10:00 AM a 1:00 PM GRUPO DE CAMINAR DE IGLESIA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE CONSUELO por los Centros de Salud NYU Lutheran 1) OFRECIENDO UNA ORACI˖N DIARIA PARA AQUELLOS QUE DIOS LLAMA A SU SERVICIO; 2) OFRECIENDO AL SE˕OR UN SACRIFICIO DIARIO; 3) DONANDO UNA OFRENDA CUANDO PUEDAN. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Chris ) ‐ May 29, 2016 Our New Floor Sculptures Since the rededication of our church on Sunday, December 20, 2015, two temporary floor murals were painted at the rear of the church at its entrance, and in front of the church before the sanctuary. These mark the places where two permanent inlaid tile sculptures would eventually replace them. The floor sculptures are finished and will be placed into the floor in time for the date of our Confirmation Mass, Sunday. June 12, 2016. SAINT POPE PIUS X COAT-OF-ARMS The top part of the shield shows the arms of the Patriarch of Venice, which Pius X was from 1893 to 1903. It consists of the Lion of Saint Mark. The book to the left is inscribed “Peace to you” and “Mark the Evangelist rests here” in Latin, indicating that Venice is the final resting place of St. Mark. The shield itself displays the arms Pius X took as Bishop of Mantua: an anchor of hope cast into a stormy sea (the blue and silver wavy lines), lit up by a single sixpointed star of gold. In 1905, Bishop Charles Edward McDonnell of the Diocese of Brooklyn sent Rev. Joseph Francis Brody, founding pastor of Our Lady of Solace church, to Rome for an audience with Pope Pius X. The interview was recalled by George William Cardinal Mundelein (future Auxiliary Bishop and future Cardinal/Priest of Santa Maria del Popolo in Chicago), then a young priest, was present at the interview: “KNEELING AT THE FEET OF HIS HOLINESS, FATHER BROPHY ASKED HIM TO GRANT AN EXTRAORDINARY PRIVILEGE TO HIS CHURCH, BEGGING THAT OUR LADY OF SOLACE BE MADE A SHRINE IN PERPETUITY WITH SPECIAL INDULGENCES FOR ALL WHO VISIT IT. HIS HOLINESS LISTENED WHILE FATHER BROPHY SPOKE OF THE MANIFOLD AMUSEMENTS OF CONEY ISLAND AND OF HIS LITTLE CHURCH SET SO NEAR THE HEART OF ALL THE RUSH AND GLARE. THEN THE HOLY FATHER SMILED: ‘IF THE PEOPLE WILL TURN ONLY A MOMENT FROM PLEASURE TO PRAYER LET THEM BE REWARDED.’” Under Pius X’s decree Our Lady of Solace Church, after only than five years of existence, became Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace, a recognized Roman Shrine with the privilege of the Portiuncula Indulgence. HOLY TRINITY / HOLY FAMILY / THE THREE CHURCHES This floor sculpture will be placed before the sanctuary in relation to the Holy Trinity Apse and the Holy Trinity symbol over the main altar. 1. THE HOLY TRINITY — The triangle itself represents the triune God, each point representing one of the three Divine Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 2. THE HOLY FAMILY — These symbols represent the Holy Family. The Heart is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Golden Star represents Jesus’ mother, Mary, and the Lily represents His father on earth, St. Joseph. 3. THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH — The Universal Church is represented by these three circles: Triumphant Church that is the Church in Heaven, the Militant Church that is the Church on earth, and the Suffering Church that are the souls in Purgatory. El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo (Corpus Chris ) ‐ 29 de mayo de 2016 Nuestras Nuevas Esculturas de Suelo Durante la rededicación de nuestra iglesia el domingo 20 de diciembre de 2015, dos emblemas fueron pintados de forma temporal en el piso, uno a la entrada de la iglesia, y el otro frente al santuario antes de subir al altar. Estos emblemas deberán ser sustituidos por dos bajo relieves hechos con azulejos e incrustaciones en piedra que reemplazaran dichos dibujos. Los emblemas ya han sido terminados y serán colocados en el suelo a tiempo para la fecha de nuestra Misa de la Confirmación el 12 de junio de 2016. ESCUDO DE ARMAS DE SAN PÍO X, PAPA En la parte superior del escudo muestra los brazos del Patriarca de Venecia, Diócesis a la cual pertenecía el Papa Pío X durante los años 1893 a 1903. Está compuesto por el León de San Marcos. El libro a la izquierda está la inscripción "Paz a vosotros" y "Marcos Evangelista descansa aquí" en latín, lo que indica que Venecia es el lugar de descanso final de San Marcos. El escudo en sí exhibe los símbolos que Pío X tuvo como obispo de Mantua: un ancla de esperanza fundido en un mar tormentoso (líneas onduladas azules y plateadas), iluminada por una sola estrella de seis puntas de oro. En 1905, el obispo Charles Edward McDonnell de la Diócesis de Brooklyn envió el Padre Joseph Francis Brophy, pastor de la iglesia Nuestra Señora de Consuelo, a Roma, como fundador de la Iglesia, para una audiencia con el Papa Pío X. Durante la entrevista fue llamado por George William Cardenal Mundelein (futuro obispo auxiliar y el futuro cardenal / sacerdote de Santa María del Popolo en Chicago), entonces un joven sacerdote, estuvo presente en la entrevista: “ARRODILLADO A LOS PIES DE SU SANTIDAD, EL PADRE BROPHY LE PREGUNTÓ SI PODRÍA CONCEDERLE UN PRIVILEGIO EXTRAORDINARIO A SU IGLESIA, PIDIENDO QUE NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CONSUELO SE CONVIRTIERA EN UN SANTUARIO A PERPETUIDAD CON INDULGENCIAS ESPECIALES PARA TODOS LOS QUE LA VISITARAN. SU SANTIDAD ESCUCHÓ LAS PALABRAS PADRE BROPHY MIENTRAS LE HABLABA DE LOS DIVERSIDAD DE ENTRETENIMIENTOS QUE SE ENCUENTRAN EN CONEY ISLAND Y DE CÓMO SU PEQUEÑA IGLESIA ESTÁ ESTABLECIDA EN EL CORAZÓN DEL DESENFRENO Y EL DESLUMBRAMIENTO DE LA CIUDAD. A CONTINUACIÓN, EL SANTO PADRE SONRIÓ: "SI LA GENTE VA A CAMBIAR UN MOMENTO DE PLACER POR UN MOMENTO DE ORACIÓN; SEAN RECOMPENSADOS.” Bajo el decreto de Pío X, la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Consuelo, que después de cumplir sólo cinco años de existencia, se convirtió en Santuario de Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, una reconocida Santuario Romana con el privilegio de Indulgencia de la Porciúncula. EL EMBLEMA TRINITARIO Este escudo en bajo relieve se colocará delante del santuario, en relación con la Santa Trinidad Ábside y el símbolo de la Santísima Trinidad sobre el altar mayor. 1. LA SANTÍSIMA TRINIDAD — Representado con un triángulo, simbolizando el Dios trino, en sus tres personas divinas: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. 2. LA SAGRADA FAMILIA — Los símbolos de la Cruz con el Corazón, la Estrella fugaz y la Flor de Lirio representan a la Sagrada Familia . La Cruz con el Corazón es el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, la estrella de oro representa a María la Madre de Dios y la flor lirio representa a José el casto padre adoptivo de Jesús 3. LA SANTA IGLESIA UNIVERSAL — La Iglesia Universal está representada por tres círculos que se entrecruzan: La Iglesia Triunfante que son las almas que están en el Cielo, la Iglesia Militante, que son las almas que están en la tierra, y la Iglesia Purgante que son las almas en el purgatorio.
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