484-844-9160 Parish and Mailing Address: 231 Upland Road, Brookhaven, PA ...


484-844-9160 Parish and Mailing Address: 231 Upland Road, Brookhaven, PA ...
Parish and Mailing Address: 231 Upland Road, Brookhaven, PA 19015
Telephone: 610-872-6192 Fax: 610-872-1120
Parish Website: www.olcbrookhaven.org
Parish Email: olcharity@comcast.net
Religious Education Office: 484-844-9160 Email: olcharityprep@gmail.com
Dominican Sisters at OLC Convent: 245 Upland Road, Brookhaven, PA
Telephone: 610-874-0172
Mass Schedule:
Our Lady of Charity, Pray for Us
Rev. Brian A. Izzo
(Email: pastor@olcbrookhaven.org)
Rev. Richard C. Williams
Pastor Emeritus, St. Thomas the Apostle,
Chester Heights
Mr. Jerry Esterson
(Email: finances@olcbrookhaven.org)
Mrs. Joan Boyle
(Email: olcharity@comcast.net)
Mrs. Eileen Wilson
(Email: olcharityprep@gmail.com)
Mr. Pete McLaughlin
Email: jrdubois7@gmail.com
The Rectory is open for business
Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Weeknights, Saturdays and Sundays are by previously arranged
appointment only.
Please call in advance for
Registration appointments or Letters of Eligibility.
Weekend: Saturday Vigil 5:15 pm — Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
Daily Mass: Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days: 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (on the actual day)
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day: 9:00 a.m.
Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 a.m.; 4:15 to 5 p.m.; and other times by appointment.
The Sacrament of Baptism is usually celebrated on the First and Third Sundays of each month at
Noon. Please call the Rectory and speak to the parish priest to register. First-time parents and
godparents are expected to attend a pre-baptismal formation session, which is offered on the second Sunday of the month in the Church after the 10:30 a.m. Mass as needed,. To register for session, please call parish secretary before first Friday of each month.
Couples planning to be married should contact the Rectory at least 6 months in advance of the
intended wedding date. Attendance at a Marriage Preparation program is required in accord with
Archdiocesan Policy.
Sacrament of the Sick and Holy Communion:
The parish priests are happy to assist anyone who wishes to receive the anointing of the sick, or to
receive Holy Communion. Special Ministers of Holy Communion also assist in taking Holy Communion to those parishioners who are unable to get to Mass. For more information, kindly call the
Catholic School Policy
School-aged children of OLC attend may attend either Holy Family Regional Catholic School in
Aston or Notre Dame de Lourdes Catholic School in Swarthmore. Our Parish does subsidize
Catholic education for all parishioners of OLC who are active and contributing members of the
Parish. Please note: Since our Parish School closed abruptly in June 2011, our school families began attending several Catholic elementary schools in the area. In fairness to those children currently attending the other schools, however, we will consider them “grandfathered” and continue
to subsidize their education in accordance with the policy about attendance and parish support.
Children who attend Public School are requested to register in our PREP Program beginning in
first grade to seventh grade. PREP meets on Tuesday evenings from September to May from 6:30
to 7:45p.m. There is a minimal tuition request to defray costs of the materials. No one is denied
access to PREP because of an inability to pay.
Our New Parish Mission Statement
We, the members of Our Lady of Charity Catholic Church, are devoted to building the Kingdom of God in our
neighborhoods. Relying on the example of Mary, the first and best disciple, and our parish Patroness, we strive to encourage and promote discipleship by making her Son Jesus present to all through Word, Sacrament, love and service.
October 12, 2014
October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary
In Preparation for the World Meeting of Families, September 22-27, 2015
O dear Jesus, I humbly implore You to grant Your special graces to our family. May our home be the shrine of peace, purity, love,
labor and faith. I beg You, dear Jesus, to protect and bless all of us, absent and present, living and dead.O Mary, loving Mother of
Jesus, and our Mother, pray to Jesus for our family, for all the families of the world, to guard the cradle of the newborn, the schools
of the young and their vocations. Blessed Saint Joseph, holy guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist us by your prayers in all the necessities of life. Ask of Jesus that special grace which He granted to you, to watch over our home at the pillow of the sick and the dying,
so that with Mary and with you, heaven may find our family unbroken in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.
5:15 p.m.
OCTOBER 11, 2014
John and Helen Paddock and
John Paddock, Jr
OCTOBER 18, 2014
5:15 p.m.
Dec’d Members of
Hart and Lipton Families
10:30 a.m.
Michael Takvorian
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
OCTOBER 19, 2014
OCTOBER 12, 2014
8:00 a.m.
Jim Hino
OCTOBER 13, 2014
Kenneth E. McNulty
OCTOBER 14, 2014
Mildred Autenreith Martin
8:00 a.m.
David Gardner
6th Anniversary
10:30 a.m.
Anne DeCurtis
1st Anniversary
Sunday, October 5
Number of Envelopes returned:
Number Attending Masses:
Thank you for your generosity!
OCTOBER 15, 2014
Dec’d Members of Mattero,
Giampalmi & Mesko Families
Our Parish’s Annual Celebration of
The Forty Hours Devotions
OCTOBER 16, 2014
Olaf Frandsen
OCTOBER 17, 2014
Pro Populo
OCTOBER 18, 2014
Franklin Thurber
This Week,
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
October 12, 13, & 14th
7:00 p.m. in Church
Father Lawrence Kozak
Preacher and Confessor
See you there...
Greetings from Father Izzo
We’ve done our part, now it’s up to you! The invitations have been made, all Parish Events
suspended, flowers arranged and everything made ready to welcome Our Lord in the Blessed
Sacrament during these next three days. As I have remarked in previous years, this is a perfect opportunity to be on a spiritual retreat with Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament.
The Church will be open following the morning Mass, all through the day. Stop in and make a
visit. Thank Our Lord for all the blessings you have in your life, and surely, we have a lot.
Plus, we have to pray for the conversion of the world, and for the many who are sick and suffering.
More than ever, when so many deny the More than ever, when so many deny the Real Presence or act as if this Great Sacrament is just a piece of bread, or receive it sacrilegiously or
without devotion, we need to manifest our Faith. God has been very good to so many of you
and to this Parish as a whole; we need to thank Him in return.
I hope that every family in our Parish will have someone present each night of our Forty
Hours. As I have always promised, the devotions on Sunday and Monday will last about a
half an hour. Tuesday evening, we may go a little time over, because of the Litany of the Sacred Heart prayer, but it won’t be too long.
Join our very talented Preacher for these devotions, Rev. Fr. Lawrence Kozak, an assistant
Pastor at Our Lady of Calvary Parish in Philadelphia. Father Kozak is a very fine preacher,
and gives spiritual talks to Parishes and Colleges throughout our Archdiocese.
Today, we bless our six new members of our Pastoral Council. They are Cindy Gallo, John
Maloney, Karen and Kevin McCaney, Erin McCormick and Breanne McGovern.
Please pray for our Parish Councils as they are a vital component of our Parish.
After an almost six week delay (and I really cannot tell you why there was such a delay, other than to say it
took that long to get the building permits) construction for the Don Guanella project began this
past week. This Residence will be called Don Guanella Community Group Home and is
scheduled to open on February 1, 2015.
I will keep you posted about construction and other information concerning this project
as we progress. But in the meantime, please pray for good weather, which we missed
during the delay, that God will allow some more good days especially in these first weeks
of construction.
Reflections by Fr. Leonard Peterson
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time,
October 12, 2014
Our 3rd OLC
“RSVP.” Four little letters found at the bottom of most
invitations, capturing the ever polite words of the French
“Repondez s’il vous plait”, or “Please reply”. Most of us
are graciously inclined to do just that, aware as we are
that our host needs our response to prepare properly for
the event. Not to reply is more than a breach of etiquette.
It is actually uncharitable toward the host, who thought
enough of you to include you.
Family Bingo Night
Such courtesies like an invitation reply are fading from
the scene. And if the behavior of at least some (underline
“some”) among the younger generation is to be reckoned,
we are becoming a rude people. Witness how a beachside
music concert open to young people last August was ruined by youngsters overdosing on drugs and trashing the
venue. This prompted the mayor of the town to declare
afterward “Never again!”
Happily I can contrast that scene with the opposite, as
witness thousands of happy and polite Asian youth
greeted our Holy Father at a Mass during his recent visit
to South Korea.
God has invited all of us to an indescribably wonderful
banquet, which is one way Jesus used to describe heaven.
I daresay His picture of heaven is far more exciting than
that of the cartoonists who picture heaven as harp strumming on clouds!
Our invitation arrives at Baptism. We are even given directions to the banquet hall through the Sacred Scriptures. We are asked to come dressed via sacramental
grace. We are even reminded by the Host not to bring
any gift for Him except our love. Have you sent back
your reply card?
It’s true that we all know people who think all of this as
fantasy for the foolish. Just as the Lord described in the
parable, they “ignore the invitation and walk away,” preferring their “farm or business.”
There are more of such people today in our country and
Europe. “Former Catholics” make up the second largest
group according to pollsters. Wisely, we let the King decide what to do about their ignored invitations. Nor
should we forget the stalwart Catholics in places like the
Middle East, China and Africa who cling to their creed
despite persecutions like those of ancient Roman days.
What is paramount for us is to keep our banquet ticket
secure and safe inside our hearts, making certain each
day that we renew for God our positive “RSVP.”
Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 7 PM
Thank you for your generosity with donations for the baskets. We are excited
at the response of donations we’ve been
receiving. Last year we gave away 53
baskets, and this year, we are hoping for
We will still accept donations for baskets
up until the night of the event. The more
items we get, the more baskets we can
raffle. Items requested include: Gift
cards, new, unused household items,
non-perishable foods, candles, and gift
Please use the boxes, at the church
doors, for the items. If donating gift
cards or cash, please put them in an envelope, marked BINGO, and drop them
into the collection basket. We would also
appreciate donated items, for the dessert
Angel Ministry Fair
Thanks to all who participated in our Angel Ministry Fair last weekend. Our ministry leaders did a
fantastic job with their tables. Every organization
had some new members sign up.
The winners of our “Visit all the Tables” are: 5:30
Mass – Leo Wright; 8:00AM Mass – Bob Owsiany;
and 10:30AM Mass – Gabrielle Sullenberger. Prizes were $5.00 WaWa gift cards.
The winner of the $50.00 WaWa gift card from
Father Izzo’s Corner was
Doreen McGettigan
Forty Hours, October 12, 13 and 14
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Forty Hours begins at the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, October 12
Our Church will be open for visits following the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Monday
and Tuesday until devotions at 7:00 p.m. each night.
Each night at 7:00 p.m. Devotions begin with traditional music, prayers said
before the Blessed Sacrament, a homily, and Benediction.
Confessions will be heard afterwards on Sunday and Monday.
Sign-up to schedule your time with Our Lord! Sign-up sheets will be located at main
church exits beginning this weekend.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Have you or someone you know given consideration to
becoming Catholic? If so, we encourage you and them
to attend our Information Session on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 7PM in the rectory Conference Room.
Attendance at this session does not constitute a commitment to conversion. Instead, there will be time for discussion, questions and a chance for you to see how our
program can fit into your life. If any of the following
describes you or someone you know, please call Joan at
the rectory to reserve your spot for our get-together on
Wednesday, October 15th at 7 pm:
(1) Persons who have never been baptized and would
like to become members of the Catholic Church;
(2) Persons who were baptized in another faith and who
no longer attend that church and are interested in
learning more about the Catholic Church;
(3) Persons who were baptized in the Catholic Church,
but who have yet to receive the sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation.
If you have any questions please contact Eileen Wilson
at 610-872-6192 (olcharityprep@gmail.com).
Please Pray for those who have died
Kindly keep in your prayers
Margaret Brooks
Aid for Friends
Aid for Friends has soup containers available for
soups, stews and chili. There are pre packaged containers by the Aid for Friends freezer (located outside of the Church Hall—rectory side). When you
are making your soups, etc., please think of
Aid for Friends.
OLC Youth Group Wants Y-O-U
Boys and girls in Grades 5 through 8, come have a
B-L-A-S-T and be a winner! Join OLC Youth Group
as we play B-I-N-G-O with the Sisters at the Assisi
House! It’s a fun way to be of service to others!
Come join us today, Sunday from 1:30 to 3:00 pm
at the Assisi House, 600 Red Hill Road, Aston. For
more information, email Jess DuBois at
Knights of Columbus
Beef and Beverage
Saturday, November 8
7 pm to 11 pm Church Hall
$20 per person
Includes roast beef sandwiches, salads and beverages. Music and dancing. Tickets on sale this
weekend after each Mass. No tickets sold at the
door. For questions, call Kevin McCaney at 610299-96 95 or kmccaney4443@verizon.net
For the happy repose of her soul and for the
consolation of her family and friends.
Our Monthly Food Collection
For October will be next weekend,
October 18th and 19th
Anyone wishing to donate non-perishable food items
can place them at the entrances of the Church next
Donated food items will be given to the Bernadine Center in Chester. We received a letter of thanks from the
Bernardine Center for our September donation of 104
pounds of food.
World Mission Sunday
Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out
and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s
youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches
throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas
across our world. Through the work of these
churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive
practical help and experience God’s love and mercy,
His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your
daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to
give generously in the collection for the Society for
the Propagation of the Faith. For more info, please
visit www.IAmAMissionary.org
Trip to Doolans, Springlake, NJ
Sponsored by the Charitians
Wednesday, December 3
Cost: $85
Bus leaves from Pathmark @ 9 am and returns
home @ 6 pm. Featuring: Dinner, Live dancing,
Comedian, One Hour Open Bar, Choice from 3
entrees. For more info, call Joe @ 610-874-0803.
Trip is open to everyone.
A call from God; a gift for others.
Consider the Priesthood.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Every Sunday at the 10:30 am Mass
Children ages 4 to 9
Parish Calendar of Events
Sunday, October 12
Forty Hours Devotion, 7 pm, Church
Monday, October 13
Forty Hours, 7 pm, Church
(No Scripture Class)
Tuesday, October 14
Legion of Mary, 5 pm, Rec. Conf. Room
PREP, 6:30 pm, School
Forty Hours Devotion, 7 pm, Church
Wednesday, October 15
Fresh Hope A.A., 5:30 pm, Rec. Mtg. Room
Thursday, October 16
Choir Practice, 7 pm, Church Choir Loft
Social Committee, 7 pm, Rec. Conf. Room
Liturgical Ministers’ Schedules for
Next Weekend
Saturday, October 18, 5:15 p.m.
Altar Servers: K. Glatts
Lector: Breanne McGovern
Special Ministers: Nancy Gownley,
Janice Sawicki, Peggy Pilone
Sunday, October 19, 8:00 a.m.
Altar Servers: Russell Lockbaum
Lector: Cynthia Vicente
Special Ministers: Dolores Lavelle,
Antoinette Bonacquisti,
Elizabeth Hermansen
Sunday, October 19, 10:30 a.m.
Altar Servers: A. & A. Mielechowsky
Lector: Len Jankauskas
Special Ministers: John Moletteri,
Bob Losak, Corinne O’Grady
Prayers for the Sick
Adele Blonski, Mary Ann Breen, Betty Burns,
Shawn Burns, Theresa Carlin, Patricia Cawley,
Jean Curran, Josephine D’Amico, Dolores DePrince, Maria DiPaola, Louis Finsterbusch, Ruth
Ford, Alice Gordon, Francis Griffith, Betty Hart,
Richard Laskoski, Mary Layer, Elaine Loflin, Mary
Micklo, Sandy Partin, Peter Razonski, Ted Stahl,
Susan Stairkoff, Maryanne Talley, Joseph &
Seraphine Traub, Adelaide Vernon, Shirley West,
Mae Wassel, Bettie Wenrick