Document 6557453
Document 6557453
Called to Serve: Date: 18/19 October 6.30pm 9am 10.30 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time GREETERS Christina Fruscalzo Andrea Lai Rosina Fuhrer Joanne Gordon Susana Schmidt Gerard Koopmanschap 1st PROCLAIMER Carol Ryan Philippa Wilson Gloria Hettige 2nd PROCLAIMER Solomon Concessio Rod Fabish 12 October 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Merlyn Bonaparte Rosalie Andrews Sharron McSweeney Church Parish Priest Parish Secretary OFFERTORY PROCESSION Melchy Rodrigues Rajapakse Gillian & Ewen Mass Times & Family Family Laurenson Saturday Vigil 6.30pm at Johnsonville Sunday 9am at Johnsonville and 10.30am at Newlands Maree Goodall John Hutchings Victor Romero Weekdays James Lee Carole Hutchings Patrick Sy Phil Henty Patricia Cooney Robyn Watson NO MASSES DURING THE WEEK except Wednesdays - A Mass or at 1pm at the Johnsonville Uniting Church Michael Oh Dean O'Shaughnessy Kitty McKinley Rose Ohlsson Christine Frost Tisa Sison Email Webpage Jake Magadia Kate Cranney Louis Villanueva Renc Tamayo Mariano McClean J L Ibarra Jim & Betty Ted & Pauline Martinez Stewart White Family MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST ALTAR SERVERS COLLECTORS MUSIC CHURCH CLEANING David Dobson Cesar Capistrano Kyra Basabas Felicity Goltrap John Duffy & Verona D’Cruz Columban Calendars on sale now $10 37 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville Tel 478 7137 Fr Peter Fitzgibbon 9am to 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Through caring and praying for others as a living eucharistic community, we walk together and grow closer to God. Respect for Life Sunday – 12 October 2014 “At the heart of the biblical tradition there lies the clear revelation of God: Choose life not death. Through God all life was created and continues to be created.” New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Conference, A Consistent Ethic of Life, 1997. Mass at Saint Andrews in Newlands is Tuesday: 7:00 pm Thursday: 10:30 am No Wednesday Mass this week Friday: 9:00 am Saturday 6pm Sunday 9am Mass at St Bens in Khandallah is Tuesday to Friday 9am Saturday 6pm Sunday 9am First Reading Isaiah 25:6-10a The Lord will make a feast of rich food, and wipe away the tears from all faces. Second Reading Philippians 4:10-14,19-20 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Gospel John 22:1-14 Invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet. MASS INTENTIONS We ask for your prayers - Masses have been offered for Mary Fabish RIP( Anniv) Lloyd Salud RIP (Nephew of Cesar Capistrano) Next Week’s Readings Isaiah 1 Thessalonians John 45:1, 4-6 1:1-5ab14,19-20 22:1-14 World Mission Sunday is a priviledged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young churches in mission lands. Interfaith Our world is wracked by misunderstanding injustice, untold suffering and terrible violence. This coming week is designated Week of Prayer for World Peace. We encourage everyone - in families, communities and individually to set aside a few minutes each day this week to pray earnestly for peace in our time. YOUTH NEWS A big thank you to everyone taking part in the Holiday programmes for the October school holidays! The staff at Challenge 2000 always really enjoy the days and its awesome to see the young people get so involved and meet new people. On November 30th we will be performing a drama for the Marsden Bicentenary Ecumenical Service in our area. This will be a chance to celebrate 200 years of the Gospel being proclaimed in Aotearoa New Zealand. If you are interested in being a part of this then please get in touch with Heath. The junior youth group is back up and running again after the holidays! This week we will be meeting from 11:30am - 1:30pm. We will be looking at the theme Social Justice, having lunch together and playing some fun games to start off Term 4! It would be awesome to see everyone there! New people are always welcome. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Courtney on 4770045 or Next term we will be starting up exam study sessions! This will be held at St Patricks Kilbirnie, on Sundays from 4-8pm beginning October 19th. During the sessions we will be supporting the young people with study, having dinner and also playing some sport. We will be supported by teachers and university students. If you know anyone who would like to volunteer as a tutor please get in touch. If you would like to know more or have your child involved please contact Heath Hutton on 4770045 or Please remember to keep the Marist Challenge 2000 Gap Year students in your prayers as they continue on their month-long Pastoral Placement. We have heard that they are all doing very well and we are looking forward to having them back soon. From everyone at Challenge 2000 we wish you all the best for the final term of 2014! Please keep an eye on the notice board to see the different things that are coming up over the coming weeks and the different ways that you are able to be get involved. Fr Michael Hill IC is launching his recently published biography of the life of Blessed Antonio Rosmini at the Cathedral foyer, Hill Street, on Monday 20th October at 6.30 pm. It’s a fascinating story. Bishop Charles Drennan will introduce Father Hill and Kate de Goldi will chair the gathering. All very welcome. Refreshments will follow. Joshua Catholic Men's Fellowship St Vincent de Paul Food Basket Thank you for your continued contributions to our Food Bank through the Food Basket at Mass each week. We appreciate your assistance and couldn't provide food parcels for families in need, without your help. Warmly invites you and your friends to our Monthly Praise and Worship meeting on Thursday 16th October 2014 at 7.30 Connolly Hall Guildford Terrace Wellington Theme for this meeting : “You are chosen to be free” Enquiries to David Monastra phone 043881079 or text 0274477280 Stocks are again running low and we are in need of the following items: Weetbix and other cereals; tinned goods e.g. fruit, pasta sauce, soup, tomatoes, vegetables, baked beans, spaghetti, fish, meat meals; spreads e.g. jam, peanut butter, honey, vegemite, marmite; muesli bars, biscuits, sugar, flour and tea bags. Also personal hygiene items - toilet paper, tooth paste, tooth brushes, soap, washing powder and dish washing liquid. St Pats Old Boys Assoc. Annual Dinner visit our website WWW.SPCOB.ORG.NZ St Vincent de Paul Appeal for New Members Calling all 'Town' and 'Stream' Old Boys , you are invited to attend our annual dinner. To be held; Thurs 16th Oct 2014, @6pm ,SPC Hall, Kilbirnie. Guest Speaker: Cori Gonzalez-Macuer ( from, What We Do in the Shadows ), Cost: $45.00. Tickets , email: or Hadyn Nicholls 04 9734244 Thank you to those who responded our appeal for people to join us and help with the work we do in the community. We will be in contact with you all very soon to follow-up your interest. Dove invites all women to their meeting Saturday 18 th October 1.15-3.30pm at Connolly hall Guildford Terrace (off Hill St) Thorndon. Speaker: Bunty Bunce – a woman of vitality and fun, for 25 years she has travelled the nations, bringing the message of God’s love and hope to an aching world, author/evangelist. Theme: Her story. Join us for praise and worship, solid biblical teaching, prayer ministry and fellowship. Enquiries Sandra 475 5541 Paul Rosoman is delighted to invite you to join him at the launch of his latest CD “Ciacona!” Featuring an exciting selection of music from the baroque period, ideally suited to the instrument, this is the first recording of the organ of Old Saint Paul’s since a TVNZ video of its inauguration in 1977. The launch is at 3pm on Sunday, October 19th at Old Saint Paul’s, 34 Mulgrave Street, Wellington. We do hope you're able to attend. Please RSVP to: Nigel MacIntyre, PO Box 5845, Wellington 6145 / 04-472-1472 / 021-245-0067 or St Benedict’s School Spring Fair Sunday 19 October 11 – 2pm. St. Benedict’s School, 50 Nicholson Road, Khandallah. Come along and enjoy an afternoon where there is something for everyone: Toys, Clothing, Food, Cake Stall, White Elephant, Auctions, Books, Kids Zone, Craft, Tombola, Photo with Santa, and a special guest appearance from two Wellington Saints players and their NBL championship trophy! Are you a Saint Bernard’s College Old Boy?The old boys Association is being reestablished and all Saint Bernard’s Old Boys are invited to the Saint Bernard’s College Old Boys Association Inaugural AGM, Thursday 30 October 2014, at Saint Bernard’s College Staffroom, 183 Waterloo Road Lower Hutt. 7:30PM -8:30PM followed by nibbles and drinks. RSVP or any questions please contact Jim Nicolle: phone 027-5058421 ; email Open Home Foundation Long term foster care needed The Open Home Foundation is a Christian child and family support service. We are seeking a loving home to provide long term care for a 10 year old boy. Can you provide long term care for this child?: - He is able-bodied and physically active, - He has a moderate intellectual disability and is in a mainstream class, - He has behaviour needs that require a thoughtful and patient parenting style. As an Open Home Foundation foster parent you will receive: •Board payments, Full training, •Respite care, •24 hour support, •Additional specialised support. For an application pack or further details, please contact: Phillip Larking or Cath Berryman on Ph: 04 566 3990 TUI MOTU on sale after Masses this weekend - $7.00 The October edition of TUI MOTU contains thought-provoking articles for reflection, discussion and deep prayer. These include material around the Synod on Family, calls for the laity to once again take their role in our communities, vocations to priesthood and religious life and on-going commitment to address the painful issue of sexual abuse. ST BRIGID’S SCHOOL FAIR th 9 November - 10.30am - 1.00pm 9 - 11 Phillip St, Johnsonville A variety of quality stalls Great selection of food Games for the children Quickfire auctions Café for a cuppa and something to eat. Come along and grab a bargain!