Messiah Messenger October 2014 Volume 18, Issue 10


Messiah Messenger October 2014 Volume 18, Issue 10
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, the People of the United Methodist Church
Messiah United Methodist Church
408 Dominion Commons Way
Chesapeake, VA 23322
Messiah Messenger
October 2014
Volume 18, Issue 10
It’s VA Grown Apple Sale Time!
Amazing Grace Sunday!
October 12, 2014
Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come. ‘Tis
Grace that brought me safe thus far, and Grace will lead me home!
Messiah has come through a year of challenges that have included
dangers, toils and snares! Our entrance has moved off of Dominion Blvd
to Cedar Road, (complete with a new stop light.) We have a new address,
including a new zip code. It has looked to the folks outside the church that
we must be lost under a mountain of dirt and concrete, or drowned in the
floods of the parking lot.
NEVERTHELESS, God through Jesus Christ has brought us through into
a new beginning. We are the Church of Jesus Christ, together, making
disciples, during and following construction. We are the church of Jesus
Christ in ministry to the world, outside our doors, near and far. It is time
that we celebrate the milestones of our passage into this new era.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
T’was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relived.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
‘Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’ve first begun.
John Newton (1725-1807)
Messiah’s Purpose (Who we are)
 As believers in Jesus Christ, we are dedicated to
serving God by helping others come to know Christ
and by nurturing and teaching people through
example about life in Christ.
Messiah’s Vision 2015 (Where we are going)
 Messiah United Methodist Church will be a vibrant
church family that fills the sanctuary for worship
services and meets the spiritual and Christian
education needs of people of all ages and stages in
life. People will be brought to Christ; and together,
we will grow in the knowledge and love and God.
We will reach out in ministry to our community,
provide resources to reach our goals, sustain our
programs, and support good works in our
community and the world.
Goals (How we are going to get there)
 We will provide a nurturing environment for people
to grow and mature in Christ.
 We will reach out into the community to help those
in need and work to include people of all ages and
stages in life in our church family.
 We will provide worship opportunities and
programs that save the lost, praise God, inspire
followers to serve Him, and equip the congregation
to take Christ into the community.
 We will provide resources to accomplish our
Purpose and Vision.
Messiah Preschool News
10/5 Karla & Steve Waltner
10/18 Lisa & Clayton Spruill
10/26 Darlene & Jim Farley
This wonderful, colorful mural was painted by Janet Lantz and can be seen in
the foyer going out to the playground. Thanks, Janet!
The children have all returned to Messiah Preschool and have all acclimated
quite well! We still have openings for three and four year-olds!
10/10 Bev Parrish
You are all invited to our Christmas Program -- Monday, December 16th and
Tuesday, December 17th at 9:15 a.m.
Our Christmas break will be from December 18th to January 5th
Alex Hickey
10/10 Peyton Harrison
10/13 Cindy Rugraff
10/15 Beverly Matthews
10/19 John Cullipher
10/27 Mary Cuulipher
10/28 Jamie Maciejko
LIVE BIG in October: Children’s Sunday School
B.I.G. Theme:
Place orders for Fuji, Pink Lady, Golden Delicious,
Stayman, Winesap and Granny Smith apples
The Stories of Kings
B.I.G. Idea:
We believe that the stores of faithful kings help
us to be faithful leaders for God.
Bible Verse:
“The Lord is King! Let the earth rejoice”
Psalm 97:1
October Lessons
Oct. 5
Crown puzzle
Shepherd/King card game
Oct. 12
Kingly armbands
Wisdom Books
Oct. 19
Growth Chart
Remember & Follow
Oct. 26:
Jesus, King of Kings
Jesus, Name art
Kingly review
Messiah’s VA Apple Sale
Between Sept. 22-November 7, 2014
Pick up at the church -408 Dominion Commons Way (off Cedar Rd.)
November 15th 8:30am-1:30pm
Order apple butter and apple cider too!
Prices listed on church website:
or call the church office at 757-436-1682
Children’s fun activities on pick up day!
United Methodist Women
Missions without Money
Campbell soup labels are collected for the Wesley Community Center. This
center serves those through acts of advocacy and with programs designed to
effect reconciliation, collaboration, self-sufficiency and economic justice.
There is a box in the narthex for your labels.
Farm Fresh 123-4 Community Program - Save the bottom portion of your
receipts and help Crestwood Intermediate School get free stuff at the end of
the school year. There is a collection box in the narthex.
Box Tops for Education - We are collecting the box tops for Crestwood
Intermediate School. You can find these box tops on some of your favorite
grocery items - Pillsbury, Ziploc, Hefty, Green Giant, Nestle, etc.
Postage Stamps for UMCOR (United Methodist Council on Relief)
Save your canceled postage stamps. The stamps are sold to a stamp
collector and the proceeds are distributed through UMCOR. Stamps
should be trimmed to a border no closer than 1/4 inch around the outside
edge. Do not peel the stamps from the envelope. Place them in the collection
box in the narthex.
Norfolk Flower Card – If you have a card, don’t forget to pick up your
Daisies for October!
Food Closet – The food closet item for October cereal/oatmeal. Items
Messiah began partnering with other Chesapeake
churches last month with “Adopt-a-Lot” ministry. No, this
is not a clean up, but distributing a light breakfast and
snack items to those brothers and sisters who live in their
cars and spend their nights in the Wal-Mart parking lot on
Battlefield Blvd. Spearheaded by Jeff Rodeheaver, 2-5
persons are needed to gather at 6:45 a.m. on designated
Saturdays (for October: 10/4 & 10/18) at the Wal-Mart to
distribute bags to people in their cars. Also needed:
nourishing food items that require NO heating or utensils- fresh fruit, individual packages of cracker sandwiches
(peanut butter, cheese), string cheese, etc. Toiletries:
tissues, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, tooth brushes, paper
towels, etc. One of the churches furnishes hot breakfast
sandwiches to go with the bagged items.
If you able to pick up any of these items, Messiah will collect
non-perishable items in a box in the narthex (next to the Food
Closet Item container) to donate any perishable items, please
see Jeff, Jan Lawrence, or Pastor Ellen.
We did it!
10,584 packages were filled and sealed for
may be placed in the container in the narthex.
And we supplied 6 water filters
UMW News
The Annual UMW Yard and Bake Sale was a big success!
Military News
Ready or not, it is time to start thinking about the holidays! Messiah currently
has one military person serving overseas as a geographic bachelor, Mark
Parks. He will not be home for the holidays. I will be sending Mark a
Christmas package from the church. Since it takes longer for overseas mail to
be processed during the holiday season, the package will be mailed during
November. If you would like to donate items to include in the package,
either place your donation in the box labeled, “Military Christmas Package”,
located in the narthex, or give it to me. I will be collecting items during the
month of October. If you aren’t sure what to donate, monetary donatations
are greatly appreciated.
We made over $1,000 and this money will fund our mission in the
upcoming year. Thank you to everyone who donated, sorted,
priced, baked goodies to sell, made purchases, set up and cleaned
N ot only did your donations help the UMW raise money for
missions, but the following organizations received donations from
Rena B. Wright Primary School – Clothing
Crestwood Intermediate School – Clothing
Since Mark is living on a ship, thus space is very limited. Small individual
iitems are best. Some ideas are:
 Playing cards
 Chewing gum
 Candy (hard and chocolate)
 Crackers
 Peanuts
 Toothpaste
 Postage stamps
 NEX Gift cards
 Microwaveable items
Thank you for helping with this project. If you have any questions, please
contact me.
Cindy Parks
B.M. Williams Primary School – Children’s books and puzzles
Wesley Community Center – Clothing and shoes
Eggleston Services – Remainder of donations
As you can see, the yard sale not only provides funding for the
UMW missions, but also helps other organizations help others in
our community.
M.Y. October Calendar of Events:
10/5 – Yard Work at the Parrishes – Time TBA
10/12 – Rev. Paul Phillips will be doing a Lesson on Learning
About encouragement
10/19 – Lesson
10/26 – Lesson
Scripture Readers
10/5 Melody McPherson
10/12 Susan Mitchell
10/19 David Abeshaheen
10/26 Bob Parrish
Sunday School
Martha Phillips/Amy Turner
Join Pastor Ellen on Sunday mornings at 10:00 to grow, learn, and discover more
about the power of faith and God’s awesome love for us!
Josh Bender
Lucas Guzzo
Childen’s Church
Annette Kellum/Nan
3rd- 5th
Cindy Rugraff
Join M.Y. Zone on Facebook
Use your Facebook account (or ask to go on a parent’s
account) and join the group M.Y. Zone. Then get in on the
Nursery Attendants
Rachel Espirit
discussions between group members, offer ideas or
suggestions, or post your thoughts on a topic. It’s a great
way for us to support each other between meetings!
MY Zone Points: You can earn points each week at MY Zone
meetings and M.Y. W.A.Y. Café for things like bringing your Bible or
bringing a friend, and for bringing yourself to MY Zone. 10 points in a
month earns you a small prize!
M.Y. Life, M.Y. Zone Contact info:
Messiah church email:
.Messiah Church office: 436-1682
10/5 Susan Mitchell
10/12 Jim Rugraff
10/19 Vicki Cartos
10/26 Donna Kumjian
Communion Servers
Lisa & Bob Vincent
6:30 Praise Band
7:00 Choir
9:45 Sunday School
10:00 Youth Bible
11:00 Worship COMMUNION
6:00 MYouth
9:45 Sunday School
10:00 Youth Bible
11:00 Worship
“Amazing Grace Sunday”
Pig Pickin’ BBQ after
6:00 MYouth
Meals on Wheels
6:30 Praise Band
7:00 Choir
9:45 Sunday School
10:00 Youth Bible
11:00 Worship
6:00 MYouth
Office Closed
6:30 Praise Band
7:00 Choir
Office Closed
Office Closed
Scouts 4:30-5:30
9:45 Sunday School
10:00 Youth Bible
11:00 Worship
6:00 MYouth
6:30 Praise Band
7:00 Choir
Scouts 4:30-5:30
6:30 Praise Band
7:00 Choir
Office Closed
Office Closed