W e l c


W e l c
Northern Hills Baptist Church
Our Mission: “Love Jesus, Serve People, Change the World”
October 12, 2014
The Faith of Our Fathers
Northern Hills Baptist Church
17211 NE 180th, Holt, MO 64048
Email office@nhbcweb.org
Phone (816) 320-3301
OUR INVITATION TO YOU: The people of Northern Hills Baptist
Church join in welcoming you. We invite you to share in the
various activities of Worship, Bible Study and Ministry which our
church offers. If you do not have a Church Home where you are
actively in Christian Service, you may feel the Spirit’s leading to
make this your church. If so, we invite you to present yourself for
membership by:
• A Profession of Faith & Baptism
• A Letter from another Church
• A Statement of membership in
another church where you have
accepted Christ as Savior and
have been baptized by immersion.
WHEN TO COME FORWARD: You are invited to respond at the close
of the service when the Pastor offers an open invitation for you to
come forward and make your decision known. If you are in doubt
about anything, you may come forward and someone will be happy
to counsel with you.
Interim Senior Pastor
Tom Willoughby
Pastor of Senior Adults
Richard Hubbard, Pastor Emeritus
Directors of Youth
Mike Jensen
Lisa Lawrence
Minister of Music
Rev. Randy Simmons
Opportunities for the Week
Worship Service
October 12, 2014
Call to Worship
9:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri.
TODAY- October 12, 2014
Pastor Willoughby
Worship in Song
Deacon’s Prayer
Offertory Hymn
Send the Light
He Keeps Me Singing
JD Power
Cliff Ragsdale
Because He Lives
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Special
Worship in Song
Pastor Randy
A Perfect Heart
Lisa Bowles, Jenna
Petree, Carol Sanders
How Can I Keep From Singing
The Power of His Love
8:00am Worship Service
9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages
9:30am Adult/Youth SS Class in Sanc.
10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church
5:30pm NHBC Chili Cookoff
6:30pm Praise & Worship
MON - October 13, 2014
9:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Rock Inn
4:30pm Trek PT/5:15pm Youth PT Practice
6:30pm Human Resource Team Meeting
6:30pm NHCA Dads and Kids Pizza Nite
TUES – October 14, 2014
9:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Lathrop
1-4pm Women’s Quilting Group
4:30pm NHCA Volleyball
WEDS - October 15, 2014
I Simply Live
10:45am Children’s Church (K – 3rd grades only)
8:00am Men’s Bible Study – Youth Center
9:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Lathrop
2:00pm Staff Prayer/2:30 Staff Meeting
WEDS - Oct 15, 2014 (continued)
5:00pm Youth Praise/6:15 Trek praise prac
6:45pm AWANA
7:00pm Youth (6:15pm Youth Leaders)
7:00pm Men’s/Women’s Bible Study
THURS - October 16, 2014
8:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Rock Inn
6:30pm Precepts Bible Study
7:00pm Council Meeting
7:00pm Cowboy Church – Holt Arena
FRI - October 17, 2014
6:00am Prayer Time
SAT – October 18, 2014
10:00am -12:00pm Music Practice – Sanc
1:00pm AWANA Cubbies/Sparks - Gym
NEXT SUNDAY–October 19, 2014
Communion – Speaker, Matt Marrs
8:00am Worship Service
9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages.
10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church
Children come forward at the beginning of the last praise song.
The Faith of Our Fathers
So You Would Come
Pastor Willoughby
Next Week’s Praying Deacons
8:00am Curtis Stephenson
10:45am George Smith
Weekly Summary – 10/5/2014
Attendance Last Sunday
General Offering Last Sunday
MTD General Giving Received
MTD Expenses
2014/15 YTD Giving Received
2014/15 YTD Expenses
Our “Mission Month” Goal for International and North
American missions is $4000. The total amount collected
will be announced in the bulletin on Sunday, November 2.
8:00am Wee Worship
Ray and Deidre Arnone
9:30am Sunday School
Kathi Harris
10:30am – Babies (Nursery)
Brendon and Amy Turpen
10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Angela Crawford and Heidi Crum
10:30am – Older Wee Worship
Tammy Morgan and Aprylle Morgan
10:30am – Children’s Church
Bonnie R., Brenda H., Naomi Lewis
8:00am Wee Worship
Cheryl Simmons and Catherine Frederick
9:30am Sunday School
Susan Rosemann
10:30am – Babies (Nursery)
Harold and Barb Haines
10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Jenna Newsome and Nathan Ice
10:30am – Older Wee Worship
Andrea Newcomer and Karissa Terry
10:30am – Children’s Church
Ariel H., Stephanie P., Naomi Lewis
October is Minister Appreciation Month
Be sure to encourage those that minister in the church throughout the month
through prayer, cards, words of encouragement, etc. Here are more ideas:
6. Ask the pastor or another minister of the church what you can
pray about for him during the week, then follow up later for an
7. Help others to be mindful that no minister is perfect and
encourage them to give grace.
8. Pray for the children/grandchildren of the ministers/leaders in the
9. Take notes and listen intently to the message the pastor
preaches, then. encourage him with something you learned or
made an impact on you.
10. Send the pastor or one of the leaders of the church a card with a
personal message in it.
Needed: Preschool Team Leader and Exterior/Grounds Team
Leader. Please prayerfully consider filling one of these two
openings we have in our Directorate. Contact Stephanie Knoche
816-616-8499 for more information or to express interest.
Deacon Training Starts in November! The following have
responded to God’s call to enter Yokefellow Training in preparation
to serve as deacons at NHBC.
Roy Christy, Mike Quick, Brian Terry, Stan Vest and Brian Wathen
Please pray God’s continued anointing on them during this time.
Women’s Sunday School Class Sign UP
Meet in the sanctuary for a lesson on Lottie Moon (Today, Oct. 12).
Carol Sanders will be the facilitator of the women’s class that will be
meeting in the F.O.C. upstairs next Sunday (Oct 19) and she would
like to know how many ladies are interested in attending. Please
sign up below so she can plan.
NAME __________________________ Phone _______________
Message Notes
Date: October 12, 2014
Speaker: Pastor Tom Willoughby
Message: “The Faith of Our Fathers” Genesis 18:22-33
NHBC Messenger’s Report
76 Annual Clay-Platte Baptist Association Meeting
Lanny Rawdon, Roy Christy and Joe Dayringer attended the meeting on
the evening of October 5, 2014, where 103 messengers and 64 guests
were in attendance for a total of 167 present. The meeting was hosted
by the First Baptist Church of North Kansas City, who prepared a
wonderful meal and led the praise music.
Three new churches were voted into the Association, and two additional
ones came under watch care for this year.
October is Mission Month!
Our emphasis through the month is on local, International & North
American missions including having special “mission” speakers. We will
collect donations and pledges through October for the International
Mission Board Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and North American
Mission Board Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Our goal is $4,000.
Sixty percent of what is collected will be sent to Lottie Moon in December
and forty percent will be sent to Annie Armstrong in April. Please write
“Mission Month” on your check or envelope to designate.
TODAY, October 12, All Adult & Youth Sunday School
Classes again meet in the sanctuary at 9:30am for a corporate
lesson on Lottie Moon missions facilitated by Colleen Amos.
NEXT Sunday, October 19, Special Speaker, Matt Marrs, will
bring us a message on Missions during the 8:00am and 10:45am
worship services.
Sunday, October 26, is Our In-gathering Sunday and this will
be the last Sunday to collect toward our $4,000 goal. During the
offering time you can give or pledge toward Lottie Moon/Annie
Armstrong missions (feel free to use the envelopes in the pew
and chair pockets). One hundred percent of what is collected will
be sent to these two missions; sixty percent to Lottie Moon in
December and forty percent to Annie Armstrong in April. Please
prayerfully consider what you can give and be sure to write
“Mission Month” on your check or envelope to designate.
Reports were received from WMU, Disaster Relief, and Campus Ministry.
Plaques were given to Bill Morrison for his 14 years of volunteer work at
the 158 acre New Hope Retreat Center; and to Venette Brock,
(Association Secretary) for her strong and efficient support of the
Disaster Relief Team with their 57 deployments over the years.
The highlight of the evening was the announcement of Dr. Tony Preston
as the new Director of Missions (DOM) for the Association effective
January 2, 2015. He gave a short acceptance message and
emphasized the text in Colossians 1: 1-6.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joe Dayringer
Men Connecting with Men – Men Connecting with God
Men of NHBC are invited to attend a Men’s Retreat
at New Hope Baptist Retreat Center, 21209 NE 188th St – Holt, MO
Sponsored by Cowboy Church and New Direction Baptist Church
More October Happenings
TONIGHT! Sunday, October 12 - The VI Annual Great
Northern Hills Chili Cook-Off at 5:30pm (right before Praise &
Worship). Bring your best pot of chili! We will have a special
guest judge.
TONIGHT, Sunday October 12 NHBC Praise & Worship at 6:30pm
Tuesday, October 28 – NHCA McTeacher Night at McDonalds
from 4:00 to 8:00pm. Have your evening meal at McDonalds
and the school will receive 20% of all monies spent.
October 24-25 - Cost $20.00
Friday Evening – Cowboy Supper at 6:30pm
Saturday Morning – Breakfast at 8:30am
Speakers: Pastor Ronnie Ratcliff (10th St. Baptist Church, Trenton),
Steve Noyes (Church Planter-Rushville), Pastor Jon Denney (Mt. Zion
Baptist Church, Edgerton)
Sign up or get more information call:
Rick Lumm 816.790.3251 or Bill Collison 816.628.4334