UNIVERSITY OF KOTA SCHEME OF EXAMINATION AND COURSES OF STUDY Department of Pure & Applied Physics Faculty of Science M.Tech. (Solar Energy) First Semester Examination, December 2014 Second Semester Examination, May 2015 UNIVERSITY OF KOTA MBS Marg, Near Kabir Circle, KOTA (Rajasthan)-324 005 INDIA Edition: 2014 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) CONTENTS S. No. 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Particulars Page No. Course Structure with Distribution of Marks Objectives of the Course Duration of the Course Eligibility for Admission Structure of the Programme Attendance Teaching Methodologies Maximum Marks Scheme of Examinations Question Paper Pattern A. Continuous or Internal Assessment B. Semester or External Assessment Distribution of Marks for Practical Examinations A. Continuous or Internal Assessment B. Semester or External Assessment Rules regarding determination of results Classification of Successful Candidates Syllabus Page 2 of 19 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 9 9 10 11 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) Course Structure with Distribution of Marks Year / Semester Serial Number, Code & Nomenclature of Paper Number I Year I Semester Code 1.1 SOL101 1.2 1.3 SOL102 SOL 103 1.4 1.5 SOL104 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 SOL201 SOL202 SOL 203 SOL204 2.5 SOL205 SOL105 Duration of Exam. Nomenclature Solar Radiation and Energy Conversion Power Plant Technology Fundamentals of Material Science and Engineering Solar Collectors Laboratory Practices Teaching Hrs/Week & Credit L P C 3 Hrs 4 4 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 4 4 4 4 20 20 80 80 100 100 07 07 29 29 36 36 3 Hrs 6 Hrs 4 4 8 24 20 50 130 20 20 20 20 80 150 470 80 80 80 80 100 200 600 100 100 100 100 07 20 29 60 36 80 Solar Photovoltaics Solar Heating and Cooling Energy Audit and Management Modeling and Analysis of Solar Systems Laboratory Practices 07 07 07 07 29 29 29 29 36 36 36 36 50 130 150 470 200 600 20 60 80 16 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 3 Hrs 16 16 4 4 4 4 6 Hrs 16 4 4 4 4 16 8 16 24 Sem. Assess. 80 Total Marks 100 Min. Pass Marks Conti. Assess. 20 Total I Year II Semester Distribution of Marks Conti. Sem. Total Assess. Assess. Marks 07 29 36 Objectives of the Course: With the growth in the power and renewable energy sector, the requirement of trained and skilled manpower has increased and will increase manifold in coming years. The successful implementation and running of the projects will depend on the availability of the skilled personnel. As government is laying impetus on utilization of solar energy through Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, many companies and many small and big projects on solar energy are coming up which require manpower trained in solar energy technologies. It is estimated that around 150 thousand jobs are there in field of solar energy utilization in India. In India very few institutes offer courses specialized in solar energy technologies, and nowhere in Rajasthan such a course is being run. Solar energy technologies are varied and cover the areas ranging from heating, cooling, cooking, electricity production, drying, distillation, agricultural and industrial applications etc. So it is felt that a complete scientific course addressing the issues of solar energy technologies and power generation should be initiated and thus this course of Master of Technology in Solar Energy has been started from year 2014-15. Duration of the Course: The duration of the course is two years which has been organized in four semesters. The first three semesters would consist of theory, laboratory work, and seminar. Fourth semester would focus on research project. Eligibility for Admission: B. E. / B. Tech. / M.Sc. (Physics/Math/Chemistry) with Physics and Math at B.Sc. level For GEN category candidates of Rajasthan-55%; Other state-60%; SC/ST/OBC/SOBC- 50%. • The admission shall be through Merit and Written test. The weightage of the individual component will be calculated as given below o 50% of the marks obtained in the passing examination. o 50% of the written test Page 3 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) • • • The minimum pass marks for admission in aggregate of the above mentioned components is 40%. GATE qualified candidates are exempted from the entrance test for a period of two years as per the validity of the GATE score. Admission of such candidates may be made on the merit in GATE. Pattern of written test o The test will be based on objective type of questions. o The questions will be of scholastic aptitude type. o The question paper will consist of 50 questions with duration of 60 min. o There is no negative marking. o Each correct answer carries 2 marks. Syllabus o Basic mathematics (vector, matrices, determinants, calculus, trigonometry), fundamentals of computers, basic electrical and electronic circuits, fundamental thermodynamics, solar energy applications, English. Structure of the Programme: The programme will consist of: (i) Core and applied courses of theory as well as practical papers which are compulsory for all students. (ii) Dissertation / Project Work / Practical training / Field work, which can be done in an organization (Government, Industry, Firm, Public Enterprise, etc.) approved by the Department. Attendance: Every teaching faculty, handling a course, shall be responsible for the maintenance of attendance Register for candidates who have registered for the course. The teacher of the course must intimate the Head of the Department at least seven calendar days before the last instruction day in the semester about the attendance particulars of all students. Each student should earn 75% attendance in the courses of the particular semester failing which he or she shall not be permitted to sit for the End-Semester Examinations. However, it shall be open to the authorities to grant exemption to a candidate who has failed to obtain the prescribed 75% attendance for valid reasons and such exemptions should not under any circumstance be granted for attendance below 65%. Teaching Methodologies: The classroom teaching would be through conventional lectures or power point presentations (PPT). The lecture would be such that the student should participate actively in the discussion. Student seminars would be conducted and scientific discussions would be arranged to improve their communicative skills. In the laboratory, instruction would be given for the experiments followed by demonstration and finally the students have to do the experiments individually. For the students of slow learning, special attention would be given. Maximum Marks: Maximum marks of a theory and practical paper shall be decided on the basis of their contact hours per week. One teaching hour per week shall carry 25 maximum marks and therefore, four teaching hours per week shall carry 100 maximum marks for each theory paper/course. Each four contact hours per week for laboratory or practical work shall be equal to two contact hours per week for theory paper, therefore, for 16 contact hours per Page 4 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) week for practical work shall be equal to 08 contact hours per week for theory paper and shall carry 200 maximum marks. Scheme of Examinations: The examination shall be divided into two parts in which first part is continuous assessment or internal assessment and second part is semester assessment or external assessment. The continuous assessment for each theory paper shall be taken by the faculty members in the Department. Periodical test or term test for internal assessment shall be one and half hour duration and shall be taken according to academic calendar which shall be notified by the Department/University. The semester assessment shall be three hours duration to each theory paper and six hours duration to each practical paper and shall be taken by the University at the end of each semester. Assessment pattern and distribution of maximum marks is summarized as given below: The evaluation of the seminar shall be based on the internal assessment process only. A student cannot repeat the assessment of periodical test or term test. However, if for any compulsive reason the student could not attend the test, other tool for assessment may be framed by the teacher in consultation with the Head of the Department. If the regularity factor is similar for all the students in that case it may be merged with the term test weightage. Question Paper Pattern: (A) Internal Assessment: 20% weightage of Maximum Marks (20 Marks out of 100 Maximum Marks) For internal assessment examinations the scheme shall be followed as: Section A: One compulsory question will have four parts of 0.5 marks each i.e. total marks 2 with word limit 20 words for each part. Section-B: Two questions with internal choice with descriptive answer type of 4 marks each. (max. two questions) Periodical Test / Term Test Format DEPARTMENT OF PURE & APPLIED PHYSICS UNIVERSITY OF KOTA, KOTA Page 5 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) First/Second Internal Test 20………. Duration of Exam: 1.30 Hr Class: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) Subject: No. of Students: Max. Marks: 10 Semester: Paper: Teacher: Note: The question paper contains two sections as under: Section A: One compulsory question will have four parts of 0.5 marks each i.e. total marks 2 with word limit 20 words for each part. Section-B: Two questions with internal choice with descriptive answer type of 4 marks each. (max. two questions) SECTION A Q.1(a) ½ ½ (b) ½ (c) ½ (d) SECTION B Q.2 4 OR Q.3 4 Q.4 4 OR Q.5 4 (B) External Assessment 80% weightage of Maximum Marks (80 Marks out of 100 Maximum Marks) All the question papers of M.Tech. (Solar Energy) semester scheme shall contain two sections as under: Section-A : One compulsory question with eight parts of 16 marks in total, having 2 parts from each unit, of short answer in 20 words for each part of 2.0 marks each. Section-B : There shall be two questions from each unit (total units four) with internal choice with descriptive answer type of 16 marks each. The students will have to attempt one question from each unit. Duration of Examination: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 Note: The syllabus is divided into four units and question paper will be divided into two sections. Section-A will carry 16 marks with one compulsory question of equally divided 8(eight) short answer type questions (about 20 words) and examiners are advised to set two short questions from each unit. Section-B shall be of two questions from each unit (total units four) with internal choice with descriptive answer type of 16 marks each. The students will have to attempt one question from each unit Page 6 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) External Examination Format SECTION-A: 8 x2=16 (Answer all questions) (Two question from each unit with no internal choice) Q. No. 1 (i) ………................................…………………………………………… (ii) ………................................…………………………………………… (iii) ………................................…………………………………………… (iv)………................................…………………………………………… (v)………................................…………………………………………… (vi)………................................…………………………………………… (vii)………................................…………………………………………… (viii)……................................…………………………………………… 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark SECTION-B: 4 x 16=64 (Answer one question from each unit with internal choice) Q. No. 2. . ………………........…………………………………………… Or …………..........……………………………………………………. 16 Marks Q. No. 3. ……………...........……………………………………………… Or ………………………............…………………………………….... 16 Marks Q. No. 4. ……………………………............……………………………… Or ………………………………………............……………………… 16 Marks Q. No. 5. …………………………………………….............……………… Or ………………………………………………………............…….... 16 Marks Q. No. 6. ……………………………………………………………............ Or ……………………………………………………………................ 16 Marks Q. No. 7. ……………………………............……………………………… Or ………………………………………............……………………… 16 Marks Q. No. 8. …………………………………………….............……………… Or ………………………………………………………............…….... 16 Marks Q. No. 9. ……………………………………………………………............ Or ……………………………………………………………................ 16 Marks Page 7 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) Distribution of Marks for Practical Examinations: Duration of Exam: 06 Hours S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Maximum Marks: 150 Name of Exercise Experiment-1 Experiment-2 Viva-voce Practical Record Total Marks Marks 50 50 25 25 150 The internal component of 50 marks will be evaluated during the internal assessment process. Rules regarding determination of results: Each semester shall be regarded as a unit for working out the result of the candidates. The result of the each semester examination shall be worked out separately (even if he/she has appeared at the paper of the lower semester along with the papers of higher semester) in accordance with the following conditions: (a) The candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination if he/she secures minimum 36% marks in each theory (internal and external separately) paper(s) prescribed for the semester. (b) For the practical, project work and seminar, a candidate should secure at least 40% marks in internal and external separately. The evaluation of the seminar shall be based on the internal assessment process. (c) A student must secure at least 40% marks in the aggregate of the internal and external components of the theory papers individually prescribed for the semester. (d) A candidate who does not fulfil either of the aforesaid conditions i.e. (a)-(c) shall be declared as failed in that particular paper, which he/she can reappear in the next year examination as a due paper. However, the internal marks shall be carried forward for the total marks of the due examination. (e) If a candidate fails in the internal assessment, he/she shall be declared failed in that paper(s) of odd/even semester. In such a case he/she shall reappear in the same paper as due paper in odd/even semester examination of next year and for the marks obtained by him/her out of external component shall be raised proportionally to the marks out of total marks for working out the results. (f) A candidate failing or absenting in one or more theory paper(s) as well as also in practical, project work at a semester examination shall be permitted to join the courses of study for the next higher even semester i.e. II semester and eligible to re-appear in that paper(s) along with higher semester (next year) examinations provided that he/she must have cleared at least 60% of the papers (including practical, seminar, project as one paper) prescribed for the first and the second semester examinations taken together for promotion to the III semester. (g) A candidate for a semester examination shall be offered all the papers prescribed for that semester examination and in addition he/she shall be required to take due papers of any lower semester examination(s) provided that the number of chances to clear theory, practical, project work paper shall be limited to two only. (h) If a student who has been promoted to the next semester wishes to improve his/her performance can be permitted to do so in case of the theory papers only belonging to Page 8 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) the immediately preceding semester. In such a case he/she shall have to appear in these papers along with the papers of his/her own semester. (i) The grace marks scheme shall be applicable as per University norms. Classification of Successful Candidates: Candidates who secure 60% of the aggregate marks in the whole examination shall be declared to have passed the examination in First Division. Candidates who secure 50% marks or more but less than 60% of the aggregate marks in whole examination shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second Division. Candidates who secure 40% marks or more but less than 50% of the aggregate marks in whole examination shall be declared as pass. Candidates who obtain 75% of the marks in the aggregate shall be deemed to have passed the examination in First Division with Distinction provided they pass all the examinations prescribed for the course at the first appearance. Candidates who pass all the examinations prescribed for the course in the first instance and within a period three academic years from the year of admission to the course only are eligible for University Ranking. A candidate is deemed to have secured first rank provided he/she (i) Should have passed all the papers in first attempt itself. (ii) Should have secured the highest marks. Page 9 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) Semester I SOL 01- Solar Radiation and Energy Conversion Unit I World energy resources - Indian energy scenario - Environmental aspects of energy utilization. Renewable energy resources and their importance – Global solar resources. Solar spectrum – Electromagnetic spectrum, basic laws of radiation. Physics of the Sun - Energy balance of the Earth, energy flux, solar constant for Earth, green house effect. Unit II Solar radiation on the earth surface - Extraterrestrial radiation characteristics, Terrestrial radiation, solar insolation, spectral energy distribution of solar radiation. Depletion of solar radiation - Absorption, scattering. Beam radiation, diffuse and Global radiation. Measurement of solar radiation – Pyranometer, pyrheliometer, Sunshine recorder. Unit III Solar time - Local apparent time (LAT), equation of time (E). Solar radiation geometry Earth-Sun angles – Solar angles. Calculation of angle of incidence - Surface facing due south, horizontal, inclined surface and vertical surface. Solar day length – Sun path diagram – Shadow determination. Estimation of Sunshine hours at different places in India. Calculation of total solar radiation on horizontal and tilted surfaces. Prediction of solar radiation availability. Unit IV Thermodynamic cycles – Carnot , Rankine cycles - Brayton cycle – Stirling cycle – Binary cycles – Combined cycles, reheat, regeneration and supercritical. Introduction to solar thermal and electrical energy conversion. References 1. Foster R., Ghassemi M., Cota A., “Solar Energy”, CRC Press, 2010. 2. Duffie J.A., Beckman W.A. “Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes”, 3rd ed., Wiley, 2006. 3. De Vos, A., “Thermodynamics of Solar Energy Conversion”, WileyVCH, 2008. 4. Garg H.P., Prakash J., “Solar Energy Fundamentals and Applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005. 5. Kalogirou S., “Solar Energy Engineering”, Processes and Systems, Elsevier, 2009. 6. Petela, R., “Engineering Thermodynamics of Thermal Radiation for Solar Power”, McGraw-Hill Co., 2010. Page 10 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) 7. Yogi Goswami D., Frank Kreith, Jan F. Kreider, “Principles of Solar Engineering”, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2003. 8. Andrews J., Jelley N., “Energy Science”, Oxford University Press, 2010. SOL02- Power Plant Technology Unit I Introduction to power generation. Load duration curves, location of power plants, types of power plants- Steam, hydro, diesel, gas, nuclear, biomass, solar and wind, power plant economics, Indian energy scenario. Unit II Analysis of Steam Power Plants (SPP): Components of steam power plants, Effect of variations, variation of steam condition on thermal efficiency of steam power plant. Typical layout of SPP. Efficiencies in a SPP. Unit III Analysis of Hydroelectric Power Plants (HEPP): Components of HEPP, Types of turbinePelton, Francis, Kaplan, Propeller, Deriaz and Bulb turbines, Typical layout of HEPP, Performance of turbines and comparison. Unit IV Analysis of Diesel and Gas Turbine Power Plants: General layout of Diesel and Gas Turbine power plants, Performance of Diesel and Gas Turbine power plants, comparison with other types of power plants. References 1. P. K. Nag “Power Plant Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. S. C. Arora and S. Domkundwar “A Course in Power Plant Engineering”, Dhanpatrai & Sons. 3. M. M. El-Wakil “Power Plant Technology”, Mc Graw Hill 4. R. K. Rajput “Power Plant Engineering”, Laxmi Publications. 5. Black and Veatch “Power Plant Engineering”, Springer. SOL03- Fundamentals of Material Science and Engineering Unit I Electronic and atomic structures, atomic bonding in solids, crystal structure, interatomic bonding, structure of metals and ceramics, density computations, silicates, fullerenes, polymorphism, allotropy, crystal systems, polycrystalline and non-crystalline materials. Polymeric structures, molecular configuration of polymers, thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers, copolymers, polymer crystallinity, semiconductors, imperfections in solids. Page 11 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) Unit II Diffusion mechanisms, diffusion in ionic and polymeric materials, mechanical properties, concepts of stress and strain, Hooke’s law, tension, compression and shear. Stress-strain diagram and thermal stresses. Elasticity in metals and polymers, plastic deformation, yield stress, shear strength, strengthening mechanisms, effect of temperature, fracture behavior of various materials, failure analysis, phase diagrams and phase transformations. Unit III Electrical properties of metals, ionic materials, semiconductors and polymers, dielectrics, ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity, thermal properties, thermal conductivity, thermal stresses, magnetic properties, soft and hard magnetic materials, superconductivity, optical properties, photoconductivity. Unit IV Types and applications of metal alloys, ceramics and polymers, composites, synthesis, fabrication and processing of materials, corrosion and degradation of materials, material selection and design considerations for solar applications. References 1. William D. Callister “Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 2. Rose, R.M., Shepard L.A., and. Wulff, J. ‘The Structure and Properties of Materials” Wiley Eastern Ltd. 3. Sheckel ford J., F. Muralidham M.K., “Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers”, 6thedition, Pearson, 2007. 4. RaghavanV., “Materials Science and Engineering”, Prentice-Hall India, 2007. 5. Askeland D.R., “Science and Engineering of Materials”, 4thedition, Thomson, 2003. 6. Ramamrutam S., “Strength of Materials”, 16thedition, Danpat Rai Publications, 2010. SOL04- Solar Collectors UNIT I Fundamentals of solar collectors as devices to convert solar energy to heat. Nonconcentrating low temperature flat-plate and evacuated tube collectors. Design and structures of collectors for heating liquids and air. Optimal collector tilt and orientation. UNIT II Page 12 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) Concentrating collectors for medium and high temperature applications. Line-focusing and point-focusing concentrators: parabolic trough, parabolic dish, heliostat field with central receiver, Fresnel lenses, compound parabolic concentrator. Sun tracking mechanisms. UNIT III Collector performance - Useful energy gain, energy losses, efficiency. Use of selective coatings to enhance the collector efficiency. Concentrating collector performance concentration ratio, useful energy gain, energy losses, efficiency. Testing methods for collectors. UNIT IV Design considerations of solar collectors, special coatings, reflectors, lenses, receivers, tracking and non-tracking concentrator, thermal energy storage, heat exchangers, solar chimney, solar steam generators, solar ponds, solar still and solar dryer. Application of nonconcentrating collectors in low temperature for space heating and cooling, water heating, cooking, distillation drying, seawater desalination etc. Use of concentrating collectors for process heat production and power generation. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Artur V.Kilian., “Solar Collectors: Energy Conservation, Design and Applications”, Nova Science Publishers Incorporated, 2009. 2. Soteris.A.Kalogiru., “Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and systems”, 1st edition, Academic press, 2009. 3. K.Sukhatme, Suhas P.Sukhatme., “Solar energy: Principles of thermal collection and storage”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co. Ltd, 8th edition, 2008. 4. Duffie, J. A. & W. A. Beckman., “Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes”, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006. 5. H.P.Garg, J.Prakash., “Solar energy fundamentals and applications”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co. Ltd, 2006. 6. D.Yogi Goswami, Frank Kreith, Jan F.Kreider., “Principle of solar engineering”, 2nd edition, Taylor and Francis, 2nd edition, 2003. 7. G.N.Tiwari., “Solar energy: Fundamentals, Design, Modeling and Applications”, CRC Press Inc., 2002. LAB 01 Page 13 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) 1) To calculate the solar azimuthal angle for solar radiation with solar time (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) for 21 March, 21 June and 21 December and plot the results. 2) To calculate the angle of incidence of solar radiation in degree at solar noon for different days (at an interval of 20 days) of a year at surface inclined at 0°, 45° and 90° facing towards south (surface azimuth angle = 0°) and to plot the results. 3) To study the V-I characteristic of solar cell and to calculate the fill factor of the solar cell. 4) Study empirical relations for estimation of solar radiation and compare it with experimental data. 5) To study solar water heater and determine its efficiency. 6) To study solar hot box cooker and determine the figures of merit. 7) To determine the absorption coefficient of a liquid or solution (water, KMnO4) with the help of a photo voltaic cell. 8) To determine the optical band gap of a given materials either in bulk or in film form by UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer. 9) To study the Hall effect in Semiconductor and determination of allied parameters. 10) To find the Band gap of given semiconductor material with the help of Four Probe method. 11) Study of solar parabolic cooker. 12) Study of solar radiation through pyranometer and pryheliometer. 13) Study of Fresnel lens collector. 14) Any other equivalent and relevant practical Semester II SOL 05- Solar Photovoltaics UNIT I Photovoltaic effect - Principle of direct solar energy conversion into electricity in a solar cell. Semiconductor properties, energy levels, basic equations. Solar cell, p-n junction, structure. IV characteristics of a PV module, maximum power point, cell efficiency, fill factor, effect of irradiation and temperature. UNIT II Page 14 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) Commercial solar cells - Production process of single crystalline silicon cells, multi crystalline silicon cells, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, copper indium gallium di selenide cells, high efficiency solar cells. Design of solar PV systems and cost estimation. UNIT III Classification - Central Power Station System, Distributed PV System, Stand alone PV system, grid Interactive PV System, small system for consumer applications, hybrid solar PV system, concentrator solar photovoltaic. System components - PV arrays, inverters, batteries, charge controls, net power meters. PV array installation, operation, costs, reliability. UNIT IV Building-integrated photovoltaic units, grid-interacting central power stations, stand-alone devices for distributed power supply in remote and rural areas, solar cars, aircraft, space solar power satellites, solar PV lantern, stand alone PV system - Home lighting and other appliances, solar water pumping systems, Socio-economic and environmental analysis of photovoltaic systems REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Chetan Singh Solanki., Solar Photovoltaic: “Fundamentals, Technologies and Application”, PHI Learning Pvt., Ltd., 2009. 2. Jha A.R., “Solar Cell Technology and Applications”, CRC Press, 2010. 3. John R. Balfour, Michael L. Shaw, Sharlave Jarosek., “Introduction to Photovoltaics”, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Burlington, 2011. 4. Luque A. L. and Andreev V.M., “Concentrator Photovoltaic”, Springer, 2007. 5. Partain L.D., Fraas L.M., “Solar Cells and Their Applications”, 2nd ed., Wiley, 2010. 6. S.P. Sukhatme, J.K.Nayak., “Solar Energy”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, 2010. 7. Peter Wurel “Physics of Solar Cells”, Wiley-VCH. SOL06- Solar heating and cooling Unit I Potential and scope of solar heating and cooling, Types of solar heating and cooling systems, Solar collectors and storage systems for solar refrigeration and air-conditioning. Solar thermoelectric refrigeration and airconditioning. Economics of heating and cooling systems. UNIT II Page 15 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) Thermal comfort - Heat transmission in buildings - Bioclimatic classification. Passive heating concepts - Direct heat gain, indirect heat gain, isolated gain and sunspaces. Passive cooling concepts - Evaporative cooling, radiative cooling, application of wind, water and earth for cooling, roof cooling, earth air-tunnel. Energy efficient landscape design - Concept of solar temperature and its significance, calculation of instantaneous heat gain through building envelope. UNIT III Flat plate collector – Liquid and air heating - Evacuated tubular collectors - Overall heat loss coefficient, heat capacity effect - Thermal analysis. Design of solar water heating systems, with natural and pump circulation, solar cookers. Solar dryers and applications. Thermal energy storage systems. Solar pond - Solar greenhouse. UNIT IV Solar thermo-mechanical refrigeration system – Carnot refrigeration cycle, solar electric compression air conditioning, simple Rankine cycle air conditioning system. Absorption refrigeration – Thermodynamic analysis – Energy and mass balance of Lithium bromidewater absorption system, Aqua-ammonia absorption system, Calculations of COP and second law efficiency. Solar desiccant dehumidification. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kalogirou S.A., “Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems”, Academic Press, 2009. 2. Vogel W., Kalb H., “Large-Scale Solar Thermal Power Technologies”, Wiley-VCH, 2010. 3. Duffie J. A, Beckman W. A., “Solar Engineering of Thermal Process”, Wiley, 3rd ed. 2006. 4. Khartchenko N.V., “Green Power: Eco-Friendly Energy Engineering”, Tech Books, Delhi, 2004. 5. Goswami D.Y., Kreith F., Kreider J.F., “Principles of Solar Engineering”, 2nd ed., Taylor and Francis, 2000, Indian reprint, 2003. 6. Garg H.P., Prakash J., “Solar Energy Fundamentals and Applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005. 7. Laughton C., “Solar Domestic Water Heating”, Earthscan, 2010. Page 16 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) Yannas S., Erell E., Molina J., Roof Cooling Techniques: Design Handbook, Earthscan, 2006. SOL07- Energy audit and management Unit I Energy scenario –sector-wise energy consumption. role of energy managers in industries Energy audit questionnaire – Energy conservation Acts. Energy policies and development – Case studies on the effect of Central and State policies on the consumption and wastage of energy. Energy conservation schemes – Statutory requirements of energy audit – Economic aspects of energy audit –Tax rebates. Energy and exergy analysis, energy auditing- need, method, instruments used and report preparation, energy auditing in different sectors (residential, industrial, commercial etc.) and for different purposes (lighting, heating, cooling, power requirements, machines etc.). Analysis of energy audit reports and management measures. UNIT II Energy conservation in thermal utilities like boilers, furnaces, pumps and fans, compressors, cogeneration - steam and gas turbines. Heat exchangers, lighting system, motors, belts and drives, refrigeration system. UNIT III Electrical Systems - Demand control, power factor correction, load scheduling and shifting, motor drives, motor efficiency testing, energy efficient motors and motor speed control. Demand side management - Electricity Act, lighting efficiency options, fixtures, day lighting, timers and energy efficient windows. UNIT IV Case studies of Commercial/ Industrial/ Residential thermal energy conservation systems and their economical analysis. Organizational background desired for energy management persuasion, motivation, publicity role, industrial energy management systems. Energy monitoring and targeting - Elements, data, information analysis and techniques – Energy consumption, production, cumulative sum of differences (CUSUM). Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS). Economics of various energy conservation schemes. Financial, economic and environmental impacts of the conservation and management measures. Page 17 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) REFERENCES 1. Reay, D. A., “Industrial energy conservation”, Pergamon Press, 1st edition, 2003. 2. White, L. C., “Industrial Energy Management and Utilization”, Hemisphere Publishers, 2002. 3. Beggs,Clive, “Energy – Management, supply and conservation”,Taylor and Francis, 2nd edition, 2009. 4. Smith, C.B., Enegy “Management Principles”, Pergamon Press, 2006. 5. Hamies, “Energy Auditing and Conservation; Methods, Measurements, Management and Case study”, Hemisphere, 2003. 6. Trivedi, P.R. and Jolka K.R., “Energy Management”, Common Wealth Publication, 2002. SOL08- Modeling and Analysis of Solar Systems UNIT I Mathematical modeling overview – Types, stages, choosing the modeling equations, levels of analysis, steps in model development, solving and testing of models. Methodology of the system modeling, analysis, simulation and economic assessment. UNIT II Quantitative techniques – Interpolation - Polynomial, Lagrangian curve fitting, regression analysis and solution of transcendental equations. UNIT III Numerical solution of differential equations - Overview, convergence, accuracy. Overview of effective tools for solar energy systems - Evaluation of the energy production and savings of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies. UNIT IVDynamic simulation of solar heating and cooling systems, Simulation, design and analysis of solar thermal electric and photovoltaic systems, Sizing, simulation and analysis of photovoltaic systems. Case studies of energy system optimization – Application - Analysis and design of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. REFERENCES 1. Bender E.A., “Introduction to Mathematical Modeling”, Dover Publ., 2000. 2. Meyer W.J., “Concepts of Mathematical Modeling”, Dover Publ.,2004. 3. Dym C.L., “Principles of Mathematical Modeling”, Elsevier, 2004. 4. Duffie J.A., Beckman W.A. “Solar Engineering of Thermal Process”,Wiley, 3rd ed. 2006. Page 18 of 19 Syllabus: M.Tech. (Solar Energy) University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan) 5. Kalogirou S.A., “Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems”,Academic Press, 2009. 6. Sen Z., Solar Energy “Fundamentals and Modeling Techniques”, Turkey, 2008. 7. Vanek F.M., Albright L.D. “Energy Systems Engineering”, McGrawHill, 2008. LAB 02 1) To study the I-V and P-V characteristics of PV module with varying radiation and temperature level. 2) To study the I-V and P-V characteristics of series and parallel combination of PV modules. 3) To study the effect of variation in tilt angle on PV module power. 4) To study the effect of shading on module output power. 5) To study the working of diode as bypass diode and blocking diode. 6) To workout power flow calculations of stand-alone PV system of DC load with battery. 7) To workout power flow calculations of stand-alone PV system of AC load with battery. 8) To workout power flow calculations of stand-alone PV system of DC and AC load with battery. 9) To draw the charging and discharging characteristics of battery. 10) Study of wind parameters through anemometer. 11) To study combustion of fuels through multifuel combustion analyzer. 12) Study of energy audit instruments 13) Energy auditing of a room 14) Any other equivalent and relevant practical Page 19 of 19