Stewardship of Finance Special Events this week at Holy Family


Stewardship of Finance Special Events this week at Holy Family
Special Events this week at Holy Family
Sunday, October 12
9:30AM HFS Scrip Store Open
10:30AM RE - Pre-school
5:45PM Marian Movement
Thank you for your financial gifts for the support of our
parish and all our ministries.
“Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve you as you
deserve; to give and not to count the cost.”
Monday, October 13
6:30PM HS YouthLife Meeting
Weekly Report
Tuesday, October 14
7:00PM Catholic Scripture Study
7:00PM Schola Cantorum Rehearsal
Wednesday, October 15
9:30AM Catholic Scripture Study
6:30PM RE K - 6 Grade Classes
6:30PM JH YouthLife Meeting
7:00PM Grief & Loss Class
Financial Offerings for the Weekend of 10/4 - 10/5:
This Week’s Collection:
Vietnamese Sunday Collection: $1,258.00
Total Sunday Collection = $13,377.00
Thursday, October 16
7:00PM Young Adult Connection
7:00PM RCIA Meeting
7:00PM Schola Cantorum Rehearsal
Friday, October 17
5:00PM Harmonic Youth Rehearsal
Saturday, October 18
6:00PM Social Concerns—BUNCO
Percentage of Total Collections using EFT: 8%
(Electronic Fund Transfer)
Maintenance Fund Collection: $211.00
Debt Reduction Collection: $1500.77
Any money in excess of budgeted requirements will be
held for future Parish contingencies.
Strategic Plan Survey
Sunday, October 19
9:30AM HFS Scrip Store Open
10:30AM RE - Pre-school
5:45PM Marian Movement
Fridays Daily Mass will be 8:45AM. Adoration to follow
until 11:00AM.
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday, 10/11
5:00PM Gloria Forney+
Sunday, 10/12
8:30AM Holy Family Parishioners+
10:30AM Rufina Gadia+
Weekday Mass Intentions
10/14 Eileen Erickson+
10/15 Quintal Family
10/16 Veronica Trogdon+
10/17 Loreto Casimiro+
The Strategic Plan Survey is now available. You can
access the survey by going to the following link:
TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=HolyFamilyAuburn You
can take a hard copy of the survey home and return it to
the Parish Office during business hours, 8:30 - 4:00
Monday thru Friday, or drop it in the collection basket at
mass. All surveys should be submitted by Wednesday
October 15, 2014.
Vietnamese Coffee Hour
There will be a Vietnamese Coffee Hour after Mass
Sunday, October 12th. Be sure to stop over at the hall to
purchase and enjoy one of the fabulous Vietnamese
dishes that will be offered: Chicken noodle soup, Teriyaki
chicken with rice, BBQ pork vermicelli, Egg Rolls, Spring
Rolls and Sesame Seed Roll. The dinners will be served
from 9 AM to 3 PM. Price is $7.00.
Extraordinary Ministers
Remember In Your Prayers
Those who are ill:
Vincenzina Manka
Val Legaspi
Debra Hoptowit - Coffman
Leyton Jolly
Butch Larson
Stewardship of Finance
Dale Lufkin
Latoya Midderhoff
Cullen Steele
Donna Saiki
There will be a meeting for all current Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion as well as anyone that is
interested in sharing their time. The meeting will be on
Wednesday, October 15th at 7 PM in the Church. Please
contact Sue Bregel at or 253-350-1874 if
you are interested or have any questions.
“I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he
will not ask, 'How many good things have you done in your life?' rather he will ask, 'How much love did you put into what
you did?” ― Mother Teresa
Pg. 2 October 12, 2014
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
Pastoral Care
Grief and Loss Series
Dear Holy Family Parishioners,
We had a great week at Holy Family School! The week
started out with a beautiful prayer service for St. Francis of
Assisi. Since St. Francis was the one who began the
tradition of the Nativity scene, we took the opportunity to
have one of our own with our beautiful 1st and 2nd
Graders playing the lead roles.
Do you have unresolved feelings of grief
following a death, divorce, illness, job loss,
or life style change? Evening classes will
begin Wed., October 15th from 7:00-9:00PM in the Parish
Office and will continue for 8 weeks. There is no cost to
attend. If you have any questions or concerns please call
the Pastoral Care Office at 253-833-5130 Ext 209.
40 Days for Life
We also announced the “Students of the Month” - those
students who have demonstrated Christian values and
behavior in September. Congratulations to them all - and
to their proud parents!
Make a difference in your community today!! Join the 40
days for Life Campaign and pray with other Christians/
Catholics on Mondays in front of the Planned Parenthood
in Federal Way through Nov. 1st. and help us Pray to End
Abortion. To date 9,001 lives have been saved as a direct
result of these prayer vigils. Over 650,000 people have
stood in prayer in over 300 cities across the United States
and 7 Countries. How do you do this?? 1 - 2 hour time
slots are available in Federal Way by going to Contact Lisa Tinsley @ for
more information and supplies. To learn more...You are
invited to a 40 Days for Life potluck on Tuesday, October
14th at 6:00 at St. Philomena’s in Des Moines. Relay for Life
God bless,
Katy Feeney
RCIA Formation
Do you know of anyone who wishes to be a Catholic? Do
you have loved ones who have been away from the
church and want to return and re-learn more about the
Catholic faith? Do YOU need to spark your spiritual life
and want to have more understanding of this Catholic faith
that we have?
As a Baptized Catholic adult, have you received the
Sacrament of Confirmation? What about the Sacrament of
the Eucharist? If you desire to complete your Sacrament
of Initiation: (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist).
If you are planning to get married in the Catholic Church
and are missing the Sacrament of Confirmation, we can
help you complete this process in your life journey. Our
meetings will be on Thursdays, from 7-9 PM in the parish
center. Please call the Parish Office, 253-833-5130 ext
205, for an opportunity to ask questions and to come and
see how you can grow in your own faith journey.
Holy Family’s Relay for Life team is hosting a Dinner and
Bunco night to help raise money for American Cancer
Society. The party will be on Saturday, October 18th at
6:30PM. The fee for playing is $20 per person. Free
childcare will be provided. There will be door prizes so
come and join us for a fun event that supports a great
charity! Please contact Abbilene Overton at 253-269-6075
World Mission Sunday
Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission
Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help
build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest
Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the
Missions, in the most remote areas across our world.
Through the work of these churches, and their witness to
Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience
God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep
the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared
next weekend to give generously in the collection for the
Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more
information, please visit
Pg. 3 October 12, 2014
“...beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul.”
Oct. 13, Monday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM for High School
Oct. 15, Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:45 PM for Junior High
This week in our Youthlife meetings, we will all learn how
to make rosaries together. This will give us a better
appreciation of the Rosary Month. Special thanks to Linda
Fryer for her generosity in providing us with the supplies
and materials needed to make our own rosaries. We
encourage you to spend more time this month in praying
the rosary with your family or during your private time.
Important Reminder: Our Parish Halloween party/ Trick
or Trunk will be on Wednesday, October 29th. Our JH and
HS Youth will help in running the games for the small
children in the parish hall. Please bring a bag of candy to
donate for our game prizes during our Youthlife meetings.
High School Convention
This week is the deadline to submit the registration and
parental permission forms for those who are interested in
joining the Archdiocesan HS Youth Convention on Nov. 1
& 2 (Sat-Sun) at Bellevue College. Please don't forget to
bring the registration forms and fee with you when you
come to our HS Youthlife meeting this Monday, Oct. 13th.
Registration fee is $75 (payable to OYYAE). Please do not
hesitate to call the Youth Office if you have any questions.
Harmonic Youth
We will have our Harmonic Youth choir practice this
Friday, Oct. 17th from 5:00-7:00 PM in the church. We are
scheduled to sing next Sunday, Oct. 19th, for the 8:30 &
10:30 AM Mass. Please do your best to be at our
rehearsal this week. Thank you for sharing your time and
talent to the parish community.
YOUTH OFFICE: Jocelyn Arida
(253) 833-5130 ext. 205
Little Angels Nursery
The church nursery is now open Sundays during the 10:30
Mass. Just a reminder: Please do not bring your children
to the nursery if they appear to have any symptoms of
illness including runny nose, cough, fever, or tummy
troubles. We do not want to spread germs to our other
little ones in attendance. Thank you!
We currently have no volunteers that have offered to
provide their time with the youngest members of our
church during the 8:30 Mass so the nursery will not be
open during this time unless volunteers are found. If you
are interested in providing your time during 8:30 Mass in
the Nursery please contact Lindsay at 253-833-5130 ext.
Parish School of Religion
Upcoming Schedule
Wed. - 6:30-7:45pm: October 15, 22; November 5, 12
Sun. - 10:30-11:30am: October 12, 19t 26; November 2, 9
Special Event: October 29th there will be no regularly
scheduled Parish School of Religion classes as we host
the Halloween Event in conjunction with Holy Family
School at 6:30pm. Please plan to join us for a fun evening.
DONATION NEED: We are in need of donations for game
prizes for the Halloween event. If you have any small
trinkets or appropriate prize items please that you are able
to donate to the Children’s Ministry it would be much
appreciated. You can drop them by the Parish Office for
Lindsay or bring them on Wednesday evenings to the
Parish Center. Thank you!
You can still register for Parish School of Religion
classes; it’s not too late!!!
If you are still interested in signing your child up for
Wednesday evening classes or Sunday preschool classes
it is not too late even though classes have begun. We
want to provide a faith filled year of learning for all children
in the parish. Please contact Lindsay as soon as possible
to fill out a registration form.
Questions? Contact Lindsay at 253-833-5130 ext. 219;
If you have not yet paid your Parish School of Religion fee
for the year it is $40 per student and due as soon as
possible. The fees help pay for program materials and are
essential to providing the catechists with the supplies they
need to create interesting and engaging lessons.
Updates from first week:
September 28th—Sunday Pre School
The 3 year old class had lots of fun pretending to be
Martha and Mary by doing household type chores like play
vacuuming, sweeping, wiping up messes, and preparing
the table for a snack. We then shared a lovely snack and
craft together focusing on how we show love for others.
The 4/5 year old class used magnetic fishing poles to
practice catching fish and then made a beautiful poster
with fish sponge stamps. They heard a story about Jesus
and his disciples catching fish and did some more painting
crafts to help remind them of the story.
October 1st– School of Religion Class
This week many of the K-6 classes focused upon the
Creation story and the Trinity. I heard many great
discussions as I roamed the halls, saw some beautiful
drawings in the Kindergarten classroom, had the chance
to sit in on a talk in the sixth grade room about praying the
rosary, and overheard many great discussions as I
wandered the halls during classes. It is my hope that the
children who are attending the Parish School of Religion
are enjoying their Wednesday evenings and learning more
about their faith. All children enrolled in the Parish School
of Religion have a set of prayers they need to work on
memorizing for the year. Please practice these at home in
your daily routines to help students learn them.
“ Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life... “
Pg. 4 October 12, 2014
Gospel Reflection
Community News
Matthew 22:1-14
Gospel Summary
Matthew dealt harshly with the wedding guests who made
excuses for not attending the king’s son’s wedding. Not
only did they refuse the invitation, but they beat the
servant who went in search of them. The king knew that
there would be those who appreciated the banquet and
sent more servants out to the crossroads to find anyone
willing to come. Matthew ended his Gospel with what was
probably a separate parable. Someone dressed
inappropriately was removed from the banquet. Most
likely, Matthew intended his listeners to respond
appropriately to God’s invitation
Reflections for Families
Sometimes our children drag their feet and say they don’t
want to go someplace where they’ve been invited. Many
times we whisper to ourselves, “if only she would get
there, she would have a great time.” And sometimes she
does get there and, sure enough, she does have a great
time. If we’re honest with ourselves, we may find that the
same is true when we have gone reluctantly to an event
that turned out to be quite a pleasure. Wouldn’t those who
receive the original invitation to the wedding feast have
enjoyed a splendid part? The words of today’s gospel
caution us not to miss out on a great celebration. We need
to say “yes” to God’s invitation.
Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy, the moving, live
production performed by actress Maria Vargo and directed
by Leonardo Defilippis of Saint Luke Productions, will be
presented at St. Andrew Catholic Church,1401 Valley
Avenue in Sumner on Friday, October 17th at 7:00 PM.
God’s Words For This Week
Sun., Oct. 12
Is 25:6-10
Phil. 4:12-14,19-20
Matt 22:1-14
Mon., Oct. 13
Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1
Luke 11:29-32
Tue., Oct. 14
Gal 5:1-6
Luke 11:37-41
Wed., Oct. 15
Gal 5:18-25
Luke 11:42-46
Thur., Oct. 16
Eph 1:1-10
Luke 11:47-54
Fri., Oct. 17
Eph 1:11-14
Luke 12:1-7
Sat., Oct. 18
2 Tim 4:10-17
Luke 10:1-9
Admission is a free-will offering. For additional information
contact Christine Kolbrick at 253-863-2253 or visit
Catholic Cemeteries
Associated Catholic Cemeteries honors All Souls Day with
a special Mass that is celebrated at each of the Catholic
cemeteries. Below is the information for Mass times for
Saturday, November 1st, all are invited to attend:
Gethsemane Cemetery:
English - 10:30 AM Archbishop Sartain presiding with a
blessing of the new shrine honoring St. Katherine Drexel.
Vietnamese - 1:00 PM
Korean - 2:30 PM
Calvary Cemetery:
English - 10:30 AM
Holylrood Cemetery:
North American Martyrs - Latin Mass - 8:00 AM
English - 10:30 AM
Korean - 12:30 PM
Vietnamese - 2:30 PM
For additional information please call Faye McClain, 253838-2240 or
**Save the Date**
Our next Parish Gathering will take place on the weekend
of November 8 & 9 together with a Ministry Fair.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
We would like to thank all the parishioners of Holy Family
Church for your donations and spiritual support during the
past year. It is because of you that we are able to help
those in need.
If you are in need of help or you know someone who is,
please call us at 253-833-2546
Knights of Columbus
Save the date: Oct. 19, The Knights of
Columbus will be hosting a Coffee Hour after
Number of people helped in September:
Food 250, Clothing/Housewares 117, Utilities 6, Rent 6,
Furniture 12, and Homeless, 58.
Cornerstone Conference
Any Catholic gentleman, 18 years and older interested in
joining our fraternal order, please contact Don Hall at 253740-2894.
It will be held Friday evening, October 24th and all day
Saturday, October 25th at the Tacoma Convention Center.
The Knights ask all parishioners to remember to fill out the
Strategic Plan Survey.
Spanish translation is available. Partial scholarships are
available. Visit