Stewardship of Finance parish and all our ministries.


Stewardship of Finance parish and all our ministries.
Special Events this week at Holy Family
Sunday, October 19
• Coffee Hour hosted by Knights of Columbus
9:30AM HFS Scrip Store Open
10:30AM RE - Pre-school
5:45PM Marian Movement
Monday, October 20
6:30PM HS YouthLife Meeting
7:00PM Knights of Columbus—Social Meeting
Stewardship of Finance
Thank you for your financial gifts for the support of our
parish and all our ministries.
“Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve you as you
deserve; to give and not to count the cost.”
Weekly Report
Financial Offerings for the Weekend of 10/11 - 10/12:
Tuesday, October 21
7:00PM Catholic Scripture Study
7:00PM Schola Cantorum Rehearsal
This Week’s Collection:
Wednesday, October 22
9:30AM Catholic Scripture Study
6:30PM RE K - 6 Grade Classes
6:30PM JH YouthLife Meeting
7:00PM Grief & Loss Class
Total Sunday Collection = $13,722.73
Thursday, October 23
7:00PM Young Adult Connection
7:00PM RCIA Meeting
7:00PM Schola Cantorum Rehearsal
Debt Reduction Collection: $137.00
Friday, October 24
5:00PM Harmonic Youth Rehearsal
Sunday, October 26
9:30AM HFS Scrip Store Open
10:30AM RE - Pre-school
5:45PM Marian Movement
Altar Flowers
The flowers on the Altar this weekend were
donated by Terry and Martha Tibeau in
loving memory of Henry & Josephine
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday, 10/18
5:00PM Henry & Josephine Ruzicka+
Sunday, 10/19
8:30AM Holy Family Parishioners+
10:30AM Pasquale Masuccio+
Weekday Mass Intentions
10/21 Ricardo Delacruz+
10/22 Victor Ricci, Jr.+
10/23 Ernie Londino+
10/24 John McMahon+
Vietnamese Sunday Collection: $849.76
Percentage of Total Collections using EFT: 31%
(Electronic Fund Transfer)
Maintenance Fund Collection: $130.00
Any money in excess of budgeted requirements will be
held for future Parish contingencies.
World Mission Sunday
Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited today to
reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the
world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local
churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote
areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to
the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the
collection today help the work of priests, religious and lay
leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer
the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love
and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions
in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can in
today’s collection. For more information, please visit
Flower Donations
If you would like to make a donation towards flowers for
the Altar in memory of a loved one, please mail or place in
the collection basket an envelope with the following
information. The arrangements will be purchased and the
weekly bulletin will list the names of the donors and their
loves ones. The cost for 2 arrangements: one in front of
the Altar and another in front of the Ambo will be $50.00
Name of Donor: _______________________________
Remember In Your Prayers
Those who are ill:
Dale Lufkin
Val Legaspi
Cullen Steele
Leyton Jolly
Those who have died:
Antonio Bautista
Debra Hoptowit - Coffman
Latoya Midderhoff
Butch Larson
Donna Saiki
Phone Number: _______________________________
Name of who the flowers will be in memory of:
“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise
nor disgrace, because you know what you are.”
― Mother Teresa
Pg. 2 October 19, 2014
“Give the Lord glory and honor.”
Pastoral Care
Grief and Loss Series
Dear Holy Family Parish,
This year we have added “Hands-On Science Labs” to our
schedule. Every class has a dedicated time in the 8th
Grade portable that has been semi-converted for this
purpose. This past month the 7th Grade has been
working with microscopes (as you see in the pictures), and
Mrs. Piper comes up with interesting learning activities for
all the grades.
The students also have been enjoying the beautiful
weather of this last month on our beautiful play
area. There are some future Seahawk stars and soccer
champs, I believe, in our ranks!
Do you have unresolved feelings of grief
following a death, divorce, illness, job loss,
or life style change? Evening classes began Wed.,
October 15th from 7:00-9:00PM in the Parish Office It is
not too late to join the class. If you have any questions or
concerns please call the Pastoral Care Office at 253-8335130 Ext 209.
40 Days for Life
Make a difference in your community today!! Join the 40
days for Life Campaign and pray with other Christians/
Catholics on Mondays in front of the Planned Parenthood
in Federal Way through Nov. 1st. and help us Pray to End
Abortion. To date 9,001 lives have been saved as a direct
result of these prayer vigils. Over 650,000 people have
stood in prayer in over 300 cities across the United States
and 7 Countries. How do you do this?? 1 - 2 hour time
slots are available in Federal Way by going to Contact Lisa Tinsley @ for
more information and supplies. Families As Gift Bearers
Our role in bringing up the gifts is an acceptance of
Christ’s blessings for ourselves and our parish community.
In thanksgiving for our own blessings, we accept the honor
of being the bearers of gifts for the whole community. If
you wish to be part of this Ministry, please sign up by filling
out a form found in the vestibule and place it in the drop
box or the collection basket or contact the Youth Office at
God Bless,
Miss Feeney
RCIA Formation
Do you know of anyone who wishes to be a Catholic? Do
you have loved ones who have been away from the
church and want to return and re-learn more about the
Catholic faith? Do YOU need to spark your spiritual life
and want to have more understanding of this Catholic faith
that we have?
As a Baptized Catholic adult, have you received the
Sacrament of Confirmation? What about the Sacrament of
the Eucharist? If you desire to complete your Sacrament
of Initiation: (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist).
If you are planning to get married in the Catholic Church
and are missing the Sacrament of Confirmation, we can
help you complete this process in your life journey. Our
meetings will be on Thursdays, from 7-9 PM in the parish
center. Please call the Parish Office, 253-833-5130 ext
205, for an opportunity to ask questions and to come and
see how you can grow in your own faith journey.
Little Angels Nursery
The church nursery is now open Sundays during the 10:30
Mass. Just a reminder: Please do not bring your children
to the nursery if they appear to have any symptoms of
illness including runny nose, cough, fever, or tummy
troubles. We do not want to spread germs to our other
little ones in attendance. Thank you!
If your child is currently attending the Nursery weekly and
is ages 3-5 please consider signing them up for our
Preschool Parish School of Religion classes. Please see
Lindsay Carter for more information.
If you are interested in providing your time during Mass in
the Nursery please contact Lindsay at 253-833-5130 ext.
Pg. 3 October 19, 2014
Oct. 20, Monday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM for High School
Oct. 22, Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:45 PM for Junior High
“Pray always without becoming weary” says the Lord. We
are called to be persistent in our prayers. Last week we
had a much deeper appreciation for praying the rosary as
we all learned how to make our own rosary. We are
thankful to Linda, Annabelle Fryer's daughter, for joining
our Youthlife meeting to teach us rosary-making. May we
all learn to pray the rosary more often and make it a part
of our family life.
“For great is the Lord and highly to be praised.”
Parish School of Religion
Upcoming Schedule
Wed. - 6:30-7:45pm: October 22; November 5, 12, 19
Sun. - 10:30-11:30am: October 19, 26; November 2, 9, 16
Special Event: October 29th there will be no regularly
scheduled Parish School of Religion classes as we host
the Halloween Event in conjunction with Holy Family
School at 6:30pm. Please plan to join us for a fun evening.
DONATION NEED: We are in need of donations for game
prizes for the Halloween event. If you have any small
trinkets or appropriate prize items that you are able to
donate to the Children’s Ministry it would be much
appreciated. You can drop them by the Parish Office for
Lindsay or bring them on Wednesday evening to the
Parish Center. Thank you!
Have you paid your Parish School of Religion Fees?
If you have not yet paid your Parish School of Religion fee
for the year it is $40 per student and due as soon as
possible. The fees help pay for program materials and are
essential to providing the catechists with the supplies they
need to create interesting and engaging lessons. Thank
you to all the families that have already paid for the year.
Parish Halloween Reminder
Our Parish Halloween party will be next Wednesday, Oct.
29th, from 6:30-8:00PM in the hall. Please bring a bag of
candy to our Youthlife meetings next week for prize giveaways. Our High School and Junior High youth will be
running the games in the parish hall for all the children.
The annual Trick or Trunk will be sponsored by the Holy
Family School (PTO). We need your help to make this a
successful event.
Important Dates to Remember
Oct. 29 - Parish Halloween party/ Trick or Trunk 6:30-8PM
Nov. 1&2 - HS Catholic Youth Convention, Bellevue
Young Adult Connection
Young adults meet every Thursday from 7-9 PM in the
Parish Center library to continue learning about our
Catholic Faith and for fellowship. All young adults
including those who have received the Sacrament of
Confirmation are invited to come and join. Please do not
miss out on this opportunity!
Harmonic Youth Schedule
We are scheduled to sing on Sunday , Nov. 16th, at the
8:30 & 10:30 AM Masses. New members are always
welcome to join us. Please come to our next practice:
Friday, Oct. 24th from 5-7 PM in the parish center. Thank
you for sharing your talents with the parish community!
YOUTH OFFICE: Jocelyn Arida
(253) 833-5130 ext. 205
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their
echoes are truly endless.” ― Mother Teresa
Weekly Updates from the Parish School of Religion
Sunday October 5th
The 3 year old class had lots of fun interacting with the
story of Jesus feeding the crowd. After listening to the
story of how Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and
two fish the children shared a snack of bread and goldfish
crackers before completing a craft where they glued five
loaves and two fish onto their paper to help them
remember the story. They then had the opportunity to
pretend to have a picnic just like the boy who had brought
his lunch and shared with everyone. The children also
splashed around in a water sensory bucket full of rocks,
plastic fish, and lots of tools to scoop water and catch fish.
The 4/5 year old class this week planted seeds and is
currently observing their growth. They also made a seed
collage, and had fun working on a project with paper
petals to make a flower, as well as started a small
handmade book.
Wednesday October 8th
Each week I try to highlight some of the lessons and
activities happening in our program. This week I will focus
on grades K-2.
The Kindergarteners each left class this week with some
special clay creations that they made. Their lesson
focused on how God created people to be like Him and
people are God’s greatest creation. The children were all
so excited to tell their families about their creations as they
left class.
In first grade this week the students learned how each
person is made in the image and likeness of God. They
searched through magazines to make a collage of people
to help them celebrate the uniqueness of each individual.
The second grade class focused on how all People of God
are part of the Church, and that the Church is the Body of
Christ and Communion of Saints. They each left class with
a rosary to help them remember the devotion to Mary.
“ The Lord is king, he governs the peoples with equity.”
Pg. 4 October 19, 2014
Gospel Reflection
Catholic Cemeteries
Matthew 22:15-21
Gospel Summary
The chief priests and Pharisees tried to trap Jesus into
making a political error or renouncing God’s authority.
They asked whether or not it was lawful to pay taxes to
the emperor. Pointing out that is was Caesar’s head on
the coin, Jesus told them to give to the emperor what was
due the emperor, but to pay more attention to what
belonged to God.
Reflections for Families
Sometimes we can get into debates with our children
similar to the one Jesus had with the chief priests and
Pharisees. Children often wear us down with their
relentless arguing. We would do well as parents to imitate
Jesus’ simple and straightforward response.
Associated Catholic Cemeteries honors All Souls Day with
a special Mass that is celebrated at each of the Catholic
cemeteries. Below is the information for Mass times for
Saturday, November 1st, all are invited to attend:
God’s Words For This Week
Sun., Oct. 19
Is 45:1,4-6
1 Thes. 1:1-5
Matt 22:15-21
Mon., Oct. 20
Eph. 2:1-10
Luke 12:13-21
Tue., Oct. 21
Eph. 2:12-22
Luke 12:35-38
Wed., Oct. 22
Eph. 3:2-12
Luke 12:39-48
Thur., Oct. 23
Eph 3:14-21
Luke 12:49-53
Fri., Oct. 24
Eph 4:1-6
Luke 12:54-59
Sat., Oct. 25
Eph. 4:7-16
Luke 13:1-9
Gethsemane Cemetery:
English - 10:30 AM Archbishop Sartain presiding with a
blessing of the new shrine honoring St. Katherine Drexel.
Vietnamese - 1:00 PM
Korean - 2:30 PM
Calvary Cemetery:
English - 10:30 AM
Holylrood Cemetery:
North American Martyrs - Latin Mass - 8:00 AM
English - 10:30 AM
Korean - 12:30 PM
Vietnamese - 2:30 PM
For additional information please call Faye McClain, 253838-2240 or
Cornerstone Conference
The Bishops of Washington State are sponsoring this
conference covering life, Justice and peace, Oct. 24-25 at
the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. Be inspired by
gospel call to care for all who are unborn, poor or dying!
Please register online by October 20th to assure lunch
Rachel’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion
In a survey conducted by the Elliot Institute
(, almost three of every five women
who have had an abortion have suffered from suicidal
**Save the Date**
Plan on joining your fellow parishioners at our next Parish
Gathering which will take place on the weekend of
November 8 & 9 together with a Ministry Fair.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
We would like to thank all the generous volunteers who
give of their time and prayers to help the needy in Auburn,
Algona and Pacific:
Diana Casad, Mary Dorn, Margaret Hogan-Young, Gary
Klontz, Don Kurle, Karol Kusunose, Ron Kusunose,
Brooks Farr, Jourard Daep, Bernie Lamberty, Joe Fioretti,
Florence Mires, Dave Patnode, Dennis Sheehan, Rick
McFarlane, Dona Weber, Lionel Barthelemy, Larry Proud,
Pat Braaten, Stacy Nguyen, Maury Bregel, Kathy Vogel,
and Pat Hawley.
Thank You! Thank You!
Come with us on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat. We will
help you face that pain, opening yourself to God for Him to
heal you. November 7-9, 2014
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a
Coffee Hour after Sunday Masses this
Any Catholic gentleman, 18 years and older interested in
joining our fraternal order, please contact Don Hall at 253740-2894.
Cullen Steele
To follow Cullen’s progress please visit the Caring Bridge
website for updates and the history of Cullen’s story: