Document 6563445


Document 6563445
Toilets are situated in the
Church Hall which is adjacent
to the Church (Holy Trinity,
Pennant and Llanddewi Aberarth).
Toilet facilities are also available in
Henfynyw next to the Vestry.
There is Pebbles (crèche)/J-team/Rock
Solid (Sunday School) in Holy
Trinity, on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th
Sundays. Please ask for details.
This parish is a Safe from Harm
organisation and works within the
guidelines of the Church in Wales. If
you are visiting us and have children,
they are very welcome to attend one of
our Pebbles/J-team/Rock Solid classes.
Please see one of the
wardens or clergy for
more information.
The sermons in HT Church
are recorded at the 11am
service. They are in mp3
format. Request for them can
be made via the ‘Services’ page of the
church website.
A wide variety of Christian
books to borrow and to buy
are available in HT Church.
If you are a taxpayer, please
consider letting the church
reclaim tax on your offering. This will
increase its value by 25% at no extra
cost to you. Use the envelopes at the
back of the church, making sure to fill
in your name and address. Thank you.
For the Hard of Hearing
Holy Trinity church has an
inductive loop system. If you
have a hearing aid, please set it to the
‘T’ setting. If you have any difficulties,
please speak to a churchwarden.
Services for the next few Sundays
19 October - Pentecost 19
Holy Trinity 8am
Cymun Bendigaid
Holy Communion & Sunday School
Evening Praise
Henfynyw 9:45am Family Service (Bilingual)
Evening Prayer (Bilingual)
No service
26 October - Last Sunday after Pentecost/Bible Sunday
Holy Trinity 9am
Cymun Bendigaid
Family Service
Holy Communion
Henfynyw 9:45am Morning Prayer (English)
Evening Prayer (Bilingual)
No service
The Parish of Henfynyw and Aberaeron with Llanddewi Aberarth and Llanbadarn Trefeglwys
website -
A very warm welcome to our
service today, especially to those
here for the first time. We do hope
you feel at home here, and would
encourage you to make yourself
known to people who look like they
have been around longer!
May God bless you / Bydded i
Dduw eich bendithio.
Today’s readings
(1984 readings
on page 194)
Isaiah 25:1-9
(page 708; tudalen 640)
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:1-9
(page 1180; tudalen 219)
Matthew 22:1-14
(page 990; tudalen 26)
Next week’s readings
Isaiah 45:1-7
Psalm 96:1-9
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22
Pentecost 18
Almighty God, you have
made us for yourself,
and our hearts are
restless till they find their
rest in you: teach us to
offer ourselves to your
service, that here we
may have your peace,
and in the world to
come may see you face
to face; through Jesus
Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns
with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, one God,
now and for ever. Amen.
12th October 2014
Holy Trinity
8am Cymun Bendigaid
11am Morning Worship
& Sunday School
(followed by tea/coffee)
(72, 1562, 1551, 419, 1210, 587)
6pm No service Harvest in Aberarth
9:45am Morning Prayer
Llanddewi Aberarth
6pm Harvest Service
No service
Please take this
notice sheet home
with you as a
reminder of what’s
on and as a
prompt for prayer!
For more information about the Christian faith please contact:
Rev Canon John P Lewis, The Vicarage, Panteg Road, Aberaeron, SA46 0EP.  01545 570433
Rev Mark Ansell, Dyffryn, Lampeter Road, Aberaeron, SA46 0ED.
 01545 570094
Parish News
The October/November copy of the Parish News
is out. If you don’t have a copy delivered, please
pick one up from the back of the church.
The September copy of Pobl Dewi (the Diocesan
newspaper) is out today. Please pick one up from
the back of the church.
Clocks go back at 2am on Sunday
26th October, thereby giving you an
extra hour in bed!
Harvest at Aberarth
Thank you to those who have
decorated Llanddewi Aberarth in
readiness for our Harvest services.
Please support this evening’s 6 o’clock
Harvest service, where the guest
preacher will be Canon Phillip Wyn
Davies, Vicar of Tregaron.
Lunch and Study meets
TOMORROW (13 )at
12:30pm in HT Church Hall.
We continue our study of
Philippians (1:12-30). Please sign up
on the A4 list if you intend coming.
The lunch is £2.50 per head.
Monday 13th
Clergy planning
12:30pm Lunch & Study at HT Church Hall
Tuesday 14th
Penrodyn Service
Min-y-Môr Service
7:30pm Homegroups meet (Glyn, John)
Wednesday 15th
7:30pm Homegroup meets (Mark)
Thursday 16th
Aberaeron Primary School Assembly
9:30am Holy Communion at HT Church Hall
10:30am Monthly Coffee morning at HT Ch Hall
HT PCC meeting in the Church Hall
Saturday 18th
Daniel and Rachel’s wedding at HT
Forthcoming Weddings
We remember especially in our
prayers, Daniel Thackray
and Rachel Fuller, getting
married at Holy Trinity on
Saturday. Also Gavin
Charlton and Catrin
Charlton, getting married at
Henfynyw on 25th October. We wish
both couples well on their big day.
Newly Married!
Please remember to pray for
Hugh and Rhiannon Davies ,
following their wedding at
Holy Trinity yesterday.
Prayer meeting
The next prayer
meeting is on Tuesday
28th October, at 8am, at HT Ch Hall.
found in the Operation
Christmas Child leaflet.
These gifts are distributed
to children who would not
otherwise receive gifts, or those who
live in areas of conflict and poverty.
Pink evening
A great time was had at the Pink
evening at the Vicarage for the older
Sunday School girls.
Ladies’ Christmas Supper@7
Although this is not until the end of
November (Thursday 27th), over half of
the places have been taken already.
Tickets priced at £8 (includes speaker
and two-course meal and coffee).
Julio & Norma Montoya
Another £160 has sent to Julio &
Norma Montoya in Peru. Thank you to
Operation Christmas Child
all who give for their refreshments
recommence THIS
It is time for us to begin collecting
after the 11am HT Sunday services. As
small gifts and toiletries suitable for
many of you know much damage
Wednesday. We
children to give as presents for
occurred to the building where the
begin our study of Paul’s first
Christmas this year. Please bring your
children receive their lessons. After a
letter to Timothy. If you’d like to gifts in wrapped shoe boxes and bring survey the damage was more severe
join a Homegroup, please have a to church on Sunday 16th November.
than they at first thought and will cost
word with the Vicar.
All the details of gift ideas can be
at least £12,000 to repair. If you do not
come into the Hall after the
HT PCC meeting...
service, perhaps you would
...THIS Thursday
Harvest Services
consider giving towards the cost,
(16 ) at 7pm at the
Sunday 12th October at Aberarth
Church Hall. Would
or even like to give a one-off
6pm Harvest Service
PCC members please
donation. Please see Rosemary or
make every effort to
Preacher: Canon Phillip Wyn Davies telephone 580775 to discuss this.
Vicar of Tregaron
Thank you for your help.