Children’s Sabbath La Plata United Methodist Church October 12, 2014


Children’s Sabbath La Plata United Methodist Church October 12, 2014
La Plata United Methodist Church
The Seventh Sunday of Kingdomtide
Children’s Sabbath
October 12, 2014
Café Worship (8:30)
Gathering Music
Mike Rainwater
(Get your coffee, food and mingle)
Welcome (Finding our places)
Mike Blakeley
Thoughts for Centering on Today’s Worship Theme
Please stand, if able
Opening Prayer (Together)
God of laughter and joy, you call us to rejoice in all times
through your great love. You encourage us to giggle with our
children, to laugh with our friends and family, and to shed
tears of joy and thanksgiving. Lord we gather to thank you for
the children in our presence and in our lives. May we bless
them as much as they bless us. Amen.
Greeting Each Other in the Name of Christ
Please be seated
Announcements & Invitations
Sharing Our Week: Blessings & Trials
Time of Prayer:
Silent Prayers
Pastoral Prayer
Lord’s Prayer (Together)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine
is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
“Reload” - 2 Minute Coffee Break
Please be seated
Scriptures for the Day
New Testament Lesson:
The Gospel Lesson:
The Meditation
See page 7
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-9
Rev. Bruce A. Jones
“Party Like It’s 2114”
Please stand, if able
Departure Music
Mike Rainwater
Today's 8:30 Service Prayer Partner is Joyce Hancock.
Traditional Worship (11:00)
*You may leave your cell phones ON, but set to vibrate or silent, please*
Prayer Before Worship
As we settle down in preparation for worship, let us remember
that children and their joys and their noise are all happy sounds
to you. Help us to always welcome the children and to
encourage them to have faith in you. Amen.
Prelude, Lighting the Altar Candles,
& A Time of Quiet Meditation
Linda Dent Mitchell
When the Prayer Before Worship has finished and the Prelude
begins, please quiet yourselves in preparation for worship.
“God is So Good/I Will Worship Him”
Cherub Choir
Please stand, if able
Call to Worship (Responsively)
from Psalm 106
Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his faithful love
endures forever.
Who could possibly repeat all of the Lord’s mighty acts or
publicly recount all his praise?
The people who uphold justice, who always do what is right, are truly
Remember me, Lord, with the favor you show your people. Visit
me with your saving help so I can experience the good things
your chosen ones experience.
So I can rejoice in the joy of your nation,
So I can praise along with your possessions.
Opening Hymn
UM Hymnal, 277
“Tell Me the Stories of Jesus”
Invocation (Together)
Almighty and Everlasting God; we gather this day to worship
you and to give you thanks for the children in our lives and the
children in our church. We thank you for all the things they
have taught us about you, and about trusting you. We are often
surprised by their insight, their faith, their understanding. We
pray for them, Lord, that they may never lose that trust and
their joy of living, where each day is an adventure and each day
is a chance to learn and grow closer to you. We pray all this in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
Passing the Peace
The Peace of the Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Let us greet our neighbors and extend God’s peace to each other.
Please be seated
Cherub Choir & Crimson Angels
“Every Move I Make”
The Children’s Moment
Karen Hamner
Welcome, News & Opportunities
Presentation Of Bibles
The New Testament Lesson
Philippians 4:1-9
Rejoice in the Lord, always
See page 7
The Offertory:
Chancel Choir
“A Shepherd’s Song”
Please stand, if able
The Doxology
UM Hymnal, 95
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all
creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication (Pastor)
Hymn of Preparation
UM Hymnal, 558
“I Am the Church”
The Gospel Lesson
Matthew 22:1-9
The Wedding Banquet
See page 7
This is the word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
Please be seated
The Message
Rev. Bruce A. Jones
“Party Like It’s 2114”
Please stand, if able
Closing Hymn
UM Hymnal, 601
“Thy Word”
Congregational Response
The Faith We Sing, 2080
All I need is you, Jesus, all I need is you.
You are the source of all I need. All I need is you.
Linda Dent Mitchell
† Among the top 50 Favorite Hymns of 2014
The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God
and for his beautiful wife Karen on their 9th
Wedding Anniversary by Scott Sheffield
Acolyte: Olivia Gordon; Liturgist: Sunday School Children
Organist: Linda Dent Mitchell
Chancel Choir Director - Pat Day
Cherub Choir Director: Linda Dent Mitchell;
Co-Directors: Sherri McConnell & Judi Gordon
Service Prayer Partner: Marilynne Landweer
The Scripture Lessons
Philippians 4:1-9 (CEB)
Therefore, my brothers and sisters whom I love and miss, who are my
joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord.
Loved ones, I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to come to an
agreement in the Lord. Yes, and I’m also asking you, loyal friends, to help
these women who have struggled together with me in the ministry of the
gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my coworkers whose names are
in the scroll of life.
Be glad in the Lord always! Again I say, be glad! Let your gentleness
show in your treatment of all people. The Lord is near. Don’t be anxious
about anything, rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers
and petitions, along with giving thanks. Then the peace of God that
exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ
From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if
anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true,
all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that
is worthy of praise. Practice these things; whatever you learned, received,
heard, or saw in us. The God of peace will be with you.
Matthew 22:1-9 (CEB)
Jesus responded by speaking again in parables: “The kingdom of
heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding party for his son. He sent
his servants to call those invited to the wedding party. But they didn’t
want to come. Again he sent other servants and said to them, ‘Tell those
who have been invited, “Look, the meal is prepared. I’ve butchered the
oxen and fattened cattle. Now everything’s ready. Come to the wedding
party!” But they paid no attention and went away – some to their fields,
others to their businesses. The rest of them grabbed his servants, abused
them, and killed them.
“The king was angry. He sent his soldiers to destroy those murderers
and set their city on fire Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding party
is prepared, but those who were invited weren’t worthy. Therefore, go to
the roads on the edge of town and invite everyone you find to the wedding
The CEB is the new Common English Bible
Sermon Notes
“Party Like it’s 2114”
I was not very _____________ when I was in high school.
Have you ever turned down an invitation to a party?
As a kid, a teen? - probably not. Now that your older?
Jesus told story of a wedding reception & guests said no
No engraved invitations - no calendars. Double announcement.
Well, no one wanted to come to king’s son’s party
What does this parable mean? Who would refuse a party?
Parable about the coming of the Son and entry into the kingdom
Original invitation is _________________________________
Follow up invitation is ________________________________
Servants (___________) foretold of his coming
More servants said it was time - some prophets were killed
The Jews refused to believe in Jesus, so they carried on
You are invited to God’s party
Where will you be in 2114? That’s a hundred years from now
You have been sent an invitation to the king’s party
_______________ in your life have come. Did you listen?
But are you sure you will enter the ________, the party when you die?
This parable is one of the more obscure of the parables of Jesus:
1 - king holds dinner while he wages war:
2 - king invites anyone, strangers, the poor to come
3 - Some not dressed in proper wedding clothes
In early Christianity, conversion was described as new ___________
In Paul’s letter to Philippians:
Tells how the “_______________” should behave:
Tells what believers should focus on:
Says Practice these things & God of peace will be with you
Being a Christian is not drudgery. We have fellowship and great joy
The church is a place of caring, support, joy, happiness,
One my favorite hymns, “When We All Get to Heaven”
Where will you be in 2114? That’s a hundred years from now
You have been sent an invitation to the king’s party
Everyone’s welcome, but it is not ____________________.
Café Worship (FH)
Sunday School for all ages
Traditional Worship Service - CHILDREN’S SABBATH (Sanctuary)
Angel Wings Liturgical Dance Practice (Sanctuary)
Havens - Rose Wedding (Sanctuary)
Legacy Class (FH)
BLP Lifetouch Pictures (Entrance)
Program Council Meeting (CR1)
Girl Scouts Troop 3411 (CR2)
Beatitudes (YR)
AA Meeting - Warner Group (YR)
Community Round Table - at Panera Bread
BLP Lifetouch Pictures (Entrance)
UMW Book Club (Parlor)
Knit Together (CR2)
Creative Circle Meeting (CR1)
Women’s Emmaus Reunion Group (Parlor)
Men’s Emmaus Reunion Group (FH)
AA Meeting - Sunset Group (YR)
Finance Meeting (CR2)
Wednesday Morning Bible Study (CR2)
AA Meeting - Serenity Seekers (YR)
Food Pantry open till 4:00 (Back of Church Office)
Girl Scout Troop 3411 (CR2)
WOW - Worship on Wednesday
Cherub Choir Practice (YR)
Chancel Choir Practice (Choir Room)
Carillon Choir Practice (Sanctuary)
Webelos Den Meeting (CR2)
Christian Believers (FH)
Disciple I (YR)
BLP Closed
Basket Class (YR)
Cub Scout Pack Meeting (FH)
Safe Sanctuaries Training (CR2)
Men’s Club Chicken BBQ
Pumpkin Festival Day (Entire Church)
KEY: FH = Fellowship Hall, YR = Youth Room, CR1 - Conf. Rm #1, CR2 = Conf. Rm. #2
BLP = Blessed Lambs Preschool
WORSHIP SCHEDULE - Our Café Worship is held in our fellowship hall at 8:30
AM, then Sunday School is at 9:45, and our traditional worship is held in the
sanctuary at 11:00 AM. Our contemporary mid-week service, called “WOW”,
is year-round on Wednesdays at 6:45 PM in the sanctuary.
NURSERY IS AVAILABLE - Nursery care for little ones (ages 0-5 yrs) is
available during both Sunday morning services. Please be considerate of the
other worshipers. If your little one becomes unsettled and distracting, please
step out of the service. An usher can direct you to the nursery or to the rocking
chairs in the back. The Nursery is located on the upper floor of the education
wing. We are grateful to the staff and volunteers that help us provide a
nursery each week.
HEARING ASSISTANCE - devices are available, please see an usher to obtain
BLESSING OF THE PETS - Please join us for our third annual Blessing of the
Pets on Sunday, October 26, at 3:00 PM. Pets of all kinds are welcome to
come, as we have a brief service that includes blessing each pet individually.
If you cannot bring your pet, you may bring a picture of your pet and we will
say a prayer on behalf of your pet as you come up. Please invite your friends
and neighbors to join you for this 45 minute service.
YOUTH -The youth would like to invite you to join them for Trunk N Treat on
Friday Oct. 31. People can come park in the gravel lot to pass out goodies or
you could just come and receive goodies. It is possible to do both, park and
collect goodies. The more cars the more fellowship! We will begin parking at
5:00 PM to be ready to pass out goodies from 5:30 - 7:00 PM.
UNITED METHODIST WOMEN - On Sunday, October 19th, from 2:00 - 4:00
PM the UMW will host Punch & Paint (AKA Wine & Design). It will be fun for
the whole family, you can sign up at on their calendar
page (make sure you are on the Leonardtown page). The cost is $25 for
children 4 & up; and $45 for adults.
MEN’S CLUB - The Men’s Club will be holding this year’s last Chicken BBQ on
Saturday, October 18th as part of the Pumpkin Festival celebration. Dinners
include one half chicken, cole slaw, baked beans, a drink, and a dinner roll.
You can reserve your dinner by filling out a Chicken Dinner Reservation form,
or calling the church office at 301-934-2288. You can pick up your dinner on
Saturday while you are shopping for a pumpkin and enjoying the Pumpkin
Festival celebration.
The next Pastor’s Monday Night Study (PMNS) is a class on the “Promises of
God” and how to apply them with confidence to your everyday life. This class
is five weeks beginning on Oct. 20 from 7:30 to 9 PM in the fellowship hall.
Write “Promises Class” to sign up.
WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY, in our next class particpants will be
reading the book, The Women of Christmas, written by Liz Curtis Higgs. We
will be exploring the lives and hearts of three women: Elizabeth, Mary, and
Anna. As we study these women, we will consider our own relationship with
This class is scheduled to begin on Oct 22 and end the week before Christmas
(Dec. 17). The books will cost around $12.00 (shipping needs to be
added).The book is also available as an Ebook. Study guide questions are in
the back of the book, so please keep this in mind if you decide to order the
Ebook. If you are not currently in the WMBS class and would like to take this
next class, please contact Marilynne at Also, if you
would like to join us in our current study, “The Jesus Lifestyle” with Nicky
Gumbel, there are extra books available and you are welcome to join us at any
time. They meet at 9:30 AM each Wednesday in Conference Room 2.
SAFE SANCTUARIES TRAINING - If you work with children in the church, you
are required to be Safe Sanctuary Certified. There will be a training on Friday,
October 17, at 7:00 PM in Conference Room 1, if you haven’t been to this
training, please plan to attend.
FOOD PANTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP - During October our church's food pantry
is requesting that we bring in the following food items: extra produce from
your gardens, canned vegetables, fruit and soup, macaroni and cheese, shell
pasta, cereal, peanut butter, grape jelly, and children's pouches or boxes of
juice. Please call Joyce Dean at 301-934-8095, if you have any questions.
Also, please remember that pets need food and our food pantry also accepts
donations of pet food.
RELAY FOR LIFE CROSSES - The Relay for life crosses are available in the
Church office. Stop in and get yours today.
PUMPKIN PATCH NEWS - We've got a great incentive for you to be an
active part of our Great Pumpkin Festival this year. It's a gorgeous ball cap
with our patch logo, and it can be yours simply by volunteering to serve at
one or more of our sales shifts between October 13, and 31st. Just stop by
the table in the Narthex to register. If you have already registered on our
website, stop by and pick up your hat. See this week's "Grapevine" for
complete details.
THE ROTARY CLUB OF CHARLES COUNTY - La Plata is seeking families
interested in hosting a high school aged foreign exchange student in the
2015-2016 school year. It's a great way for you and your family to learn
about a foreign culture while sharing your culture with someone from abroad.
If you are interested, please contact Chris Zabriskie at
or at 202-625-2315 for more information.
LOOK AROUND YOU - Do you see anyone that you do not know? No need to
embarrass them, or embarrass yourself by asking "Are you new?" Instead, just
stick out your hand and introduce yourself. Then enjoy a pleasant
conversation of getting to know each other. In time you'll discover if they are
long lost members, or here for the first time. Either way, you get to make a
new friend. Thank you for being one of the friendliest and most caring
congregations around.
PLEASE INVITE YOUR FRIENDS - It is the simplest and most effective way to
share Christ with others: just invite your friends to church with you. Most
people who grew up as Christians and who aren't in a church say they just
haven't found a church they like, and because no one has invited them. Most
people if you ask, will say yes to an invitation. Just ask them to come to
church for a special event, or special Sunday, or to hear a sermon you think
will help them.
NOTARY PUBLIC - Require the services of a Notary Public? Stop in the church
office and see the secretary, Karen Hamner, she is now a commissioned
PRAYER LIST - Please take a moment and look at the bulletin prayer list, if
you have information regarding anyone on the list, please call Karen in the
church office so that she can update the list. Thanks!
KITCHEN CLEAN-UP - In preparation for the Harvest Dinner, the kitchen
committee will be cleaning the kitchen, there are many dishes and bowls that
have been left after events, please stop in the kitchen and pick up any that
belong to you.
WE RECYCLE - Please recycle your unwanted bulletin in the “Shred-it” box
in the front entrance, and your inserts in the square wicker basket in the
Narthex, so that they can be reused.
Our Prayer List
Pat Spenser - recovering at home from knee replacement surgery.
The Family of Betty Willett - Darren Sanders’, Grandmother as they mourn her passing.
The Family of Marie Earnshaw - George Earnshaw’s mother, as they mourn her passing.
Cheryl Badgley - daughter of Gary & Linda Badgley has been on assignment in Kenya
for 5 months and is preparing to return home.
Randy Hill - is recovering after surgery to set a broken femur in his right leg.
Terri Ferguson - is recovering after surgery to repair a hernia, she remains in John
Connie Weidler - kidney failure and heart disease. She’s now under Hospice Care.
Debbie Lewis - beginning the next step in her treatments for breast cancer.
Sharon Ferguson - fractured leg bone, may have other complications.
Luna Garner (4), child of close friends Larry & Gay Johnson received a bone marrow
transplant, and is doing well.
Katherine Denise Nicol - Robin Boswell’s daughter, is being treated with experimental
drugs and chemotherapy for the next 6 months.
Margaret Bowie - Ellen Bowie’s mother (93), fell down a flight of stairs.
Karen Ruane - Bill & Jean Sigmon’s daughter and Sherri Hasting’s sister, continues
chemotherapy treatments for advance breast cancer.
Samuel Allen - a one year old relative of Mike & Traci Blakeley, has 3 heart defects.
John Carney - father of Joel Carney, has kidney cancer that has spread to his lungs.
Joan Ewing - recovering from surgery at Mt. Vernon Hospital Rehab. Ctr.
Jimmie Roberts - is back home and beginning therapy.
Continue praying for these friends &
loved ones:
Jay Lane
Raymond Rowe
Laura Schacter
Jennifer Carpenter
Julie Burch
Nancy Dick
John McPherson
James Kingsbury
Billy DeHart
Jane Tribbitt
Ellen Bowie
Charles Snyder
Paul Carnes
Charles Karsten
Jimmy Donofrio
Norma Hancock
Barbara Smith
John Cook
Jimmie Rollins
Cindy Yeager
Pam Gorham
Brian Wathen
Brenda Rollins-Newman
Bette Laborde
Pat Carnes
Helen Sullivan
Beverly Long
Ken Karsten
Bill Fallin
Dot Golden
Barbara Cass
Elaine Hillard
Debbie Schoenbauer
Ernie Jumalon
Jay Brown
Clark Boswell
Our Staff
Rev. Dr. Bruce A. Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Pastor
Rev. Ed Chance.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Pastor / Visitation
Mike Blakeley.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastoral Intern
Susan Matteson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Director
Corrie Roberts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Leader
Karen Hamner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Church Secretary
Patricia Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choir Director
Linda Dent Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organist
Cheryl Reckeweg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hand Bell Choir Director
Kevin Bennear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WOW Worship Leader
Laurie Smith.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Church Treasurer
Ed McKenzie .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Superintendent
Jim & Dina Harris.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Church Sextons
Bill Riley.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Groundskeeper
Julie Robbins .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preschool Director
Trish Carruth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asst. Preschool Director
Our Church Motto for 2014
“Sharing God's Love Through Service and Caring,
and Growing Our Faith Through Study and Fellowship.”
‘Friend’ us on Facebook: La Plata Umc
3 Port Tobacco Road
La Plata, Maryland 20646-2824
Office: 301-934-2288
On the web:
Rev. Jones’s Residence: 301-934-6655