Telopea Topics ... No.16 - 17 October 2014 REPORT FROM PRINCIPAL


Telopea Topics ... No.16 - 17 October 2014 REPORT FROM PRINCIPAL
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.16 - 17 October 2014
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
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Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Welcome to Term 4. I wish you all a happy and
20-31 Oct
23 Oct
Secondary Zone Athletics Carnival
23 Oct
Year 7 Immunisation
The P&C Fete, La Grande Fete, will be held on Saturday
24 Oct
Year 9 Immunisation
1 November and all families and friends are invited to
27 Oct – 7 Nov
Years 2-5 French National Assessments
attend and share in this multicultural event. Mark your
28 Oct
Board Meeting
29 Oct
Kinder 2015 Parent Meeting
1 Nov
successful term. It promises to be an exciting end to the
year with many activities and events planned.
diaries to share in the fun on that day!
Watch out for invitations to musical performances
throughout the term, as well as end-of-year events:
Years 6 and 10 Graduations; Year 10 Formal; Presentation
Night; and Awards Assemblies.
During the holidays we welcomed home the French Band Tour. Led by Rob Clements, the Secondary Music Teacher, with the
support of Patricia Blumstein, Megan Taylor and Pierrick Chalaye, the group toured the north of France performing in many
towns and schools in commemoration of the centenary of WW1, with a final performance at Lycée Henri IV in Paris. They brought
great credit to the school and I sincerely thank the teachers and students for this. They came back with many experiences and
memories they will treasure forever. Very lucky students!
Last weekend we also welcomed home the teachers and students who participated in the World Challenge experience to Malaysia
and Borneo. A huge thank you to Mary De Poorter and Andrew Livermore for leading this expedition. The students spent some of
their time working on a community project to support the less-advantaged people in Borneo. A perfect example of "Service and
Term 1
3 February – 11 April
Term 2
28 April – 4 July
Term 3
21 July – 26 September
Term 4
13 October – 17 December
Action" as we teach our students to be global citizens.
With the support of the French Embassy and the School Board we are now able to
move further towards full membership of the AEFE, the French Government Agency
for French Schools Abroad. This means we will be part of a network of French
schools around the world. The advantages are many including support with
curriculum delivery, pedagogy and staffing. To this end all families of students in
Primary and those in the Secondary English/French Stream (EFS) were sent a letter informing them that from the start of 2015,
a financial contribution towards the delivery of the French National Curriculum will be asked for each student.
In week 1, students in Years 6 and 9 were given the opportunity to sit for the DELF examinations. This is the accredited
certification for French language proficiency which is recognised around the world. This is another great opportunity for our
students to prove their expertise in language and to celebrate this in the school and the ACT.
Parent/Teacher interviews were held in Secondary in the last week of Term 3. Progress Reports were sent home with all
secondary students at the end of week 9. If you did not receive your child's report, please contact the front office for another
copy. We encourage all parents and carers to work closely with the school to ensure that every child can reach his/her potential.
Communication is vital if we are to achieve this together.
Thank you to the many teachers who have been in acting roles during the past term. Again this term we welcome Natalie Bray to
the Acting Head of Humanities position, replacing Mandy Trethowan. Kylie Louis will continue in the Acting Student Services
Executive role. Ben Yuen, Executive Teacher of PE and Health, is recovering from a fractured ankle. His classes are being taken
by relief teachers. We wish him a speedy recovery.
In Week 10 last term I was honoured by the French Government by being presented with a Palmes Académique, Chevalier, by
the French Ambassador, M. Christophe Lecourtier. This was a huge compliment to me, to Telopea Park School and to education
in the ACT. It is a French National Award for furthering French cultural relations and education in Australia. The award recognises
us all as participants in an environment which values and respects bi-national education in a multicultural environment. I am
privileged to be working with your children guiding them to be global citizens.
Kind regards
Kerrie Blain
Bienvenue en ce quatrième trimestre. Je souhaite à tous un trimestre heureux et couronné de succès. Cette fin d'année promet
d'être riche en activités et événements, tous déjà programmés.
La Fête de l'Association des Parents d'élèves (P&C), la Grande Fête, aura lieu le samedi 1er novembre. Familles et amis sont tous
invités à participer à cet événement multiculturel. N'oubliez pas de noter ce jour dans vos agendas pour venir passer un bon
Vérifiez également les cartables de vos enfants pour les invitations aux différents concerts qui auront lieu au cours du trimestre,
ainsi que la Remise des Diplômes des élèves de Year 6 et 10, le Bal de fin d'année des Year 10, la Cérémonie de remise des
diplômes et les Assemblées de remise des récompenses.
Pendant les vacances, nous avons salué le retour à Canberra de la tournée française de l'orchestre. Sous la direction de Rob
Clements, notre professeur de musique du Secondaire, assisté de Patricia Blumstein, Morgan Taylor et Pierrick Chalaye, le
groupe a fait une tournée dans le Nord de la France, donnant des représentations dans de nombreuses villes et écoles pour
commémorer le Centenaire de la Première Guerre Mondiale. Le concert de clôture a eu lieu à Paris, au Lycée Henri IV. Ils ont fait
grand honneur à l'école, et j'en remercie sincèrement les enseignants et les élèves. Ils sont revenus avec des souvenirs et des
expériences inoubliables. Une belle opportunité pour nos élèves chanceux!
Le weekend dernier, nous avons également salué le retour des enseignants et des élèves qui ont participé au World Challenge en
Malaisie et à Bornéo. Un très grand merci à Mary De Poorter et Andrew Livermore pour avoir dirigé cette expédition. Les élèves
ont passé une partie de leur séjour à monter un projet communautaire visant à aider les gens défavorisés de Bornéo. Un très bel
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exemple de "Service à la Communauté" qui contribue, tout comme notre enseignement, à aider nos élèves à devenir des
citoyens du monde.
Avec le soutien de l'Ambassade de France et du Conseil d'Administration de l'école, nous sommes à présent en capacité de nous
rapprocher de l'AEFE, l'Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger. Cela signifie que nous ferons partie intégrante du
réseau d'écoles françaises à travers le monde. Nous y voyons de nombreux avantages, comme le soutien pour enseigner le
programme national, pour la pédagogie et pour la gestion du personnel. A cette fin nous avons envoyé à toutes les familles
ayant des enfants scolarisés dans le Primaire ou dans le programme français du Secondaire un courrier les informant qu'à partir
de début 2015, une contribution financière pour l'accès à l'enseignement du programme national français sera demandée pour
chaque élève.
En Semaine 1, les élèves de Sixième et de Troisième ont eu la possibilité de passer les examens du DELF. Ce diplôme de maîtrise
de la langue française est accrédité et reconnu au niveau mondial. C'est encore une belle occasion pour nos élèves de montrer
leur maîtrise de la langue française,et de célébrer cet événement à l'école et dans l'ACT.
Les réunions Parents/Professeurs pour le Secondaire ont eu lieu la dernière semaine du Troisième trimestre. Les bulletins ont été
remis aux élèves du Secondaire à la fin de la Semaine 9. Si vous n'avez pas reçu le bulletin de votre enfant, merci de bien
vouloir contacter le Secrétariat du Secondaire pour obtenir un exemplaire du bulletin. Nous encourageons tous les parents et
tuteurs à travailler en étroite collaboration avec l'école pour s'assurer que chaque enfant atteigne son potentiel. Si nous voulons
y parvenir ensemble, la communication est primordiale.
Un grand merci aux enseignants qui ont occupé d'autres fonctions par intérim au cours du trimestre précédent. Une nouvelle fois
ce trimestre Natalie Bray prendra les fonctions de Chef du Département des Sciences Humaines en remplacement de Mandy
Trethowan. Kylie Louis continuera à prendre les fonctions de CPE. Ben Yuen, Chef du département Sport et Santé se remet d'une
fracture à la cheville. Ses classes seront prises en charge par des professeurs remplaçants. Nous lui souhaitons un prompt
En Semaine 10, j'ai eu l'immense honneur d'être nommée Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques par l'Ambassadeur de
France en Australie, SE Christophe Lecourtier. Ce fut un immense honneur pour moi, pour Telopea Park School et pour
l'éducation dans l'ACT. Cette décoration nationale française récompense les relations culturelles et l'éducation françaises en
Australie, et nous reconnaît tous comme participants à un environnement qui valorise et respecte l'éducation binationale dans un
contexte multiculturel. Je suis ravie de pouvoir travailler avec vos enfants pour les aider à devenir des citoyens du monde.
Sincères salutations
Kerrie Blain
The P&C needs you! – Have you got an hour or two to spare? Volunteers are being sought to assist at La Grande Fête on 1st
November. Please register at
Our Monster P&C Raffle – The annual raffle is underway with fabulous prizes to be won. Have you bought your tickets yet?
Also, generous prizes to be had for the most tickets sold! You can get your raffle books from the Finance Office.
Kate Sutherland
Deputy Principal
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The 7-10 Assessment Calendar is an attachment to this week’s Telopea Topics. Please save and print the calendar to support
and guide your child’s time management skills. Thank you.
It’s been a tremendous term in visual arts and digital photography. Students recently had the opportunity to exhibit their
masterpieces at the ANU School of Art, Step into the Limelight Exhibition. Zoe Bailly-Stetson, Peter Alliott and Rabeea Soomero
along with Joshua Erskine, Samuel Lewis and Deeksha Lakra from digital photography were among a group of talented students
who represented schools from across Canberra. Rabeea’s work was even selected from hundreds of other students to be part of
the invitation for the exhibition. Their work, ranging from digital prints to drawings and even painting on found material,
demonstrated the incredible talent we have here at Telopea.
Limelight also offered the opportunity for students to attend a workshop run by artists Byrd and Ampersand Duck. Students
Zoe Bailly-Stetson, Peter Alliott and Rabeea Soomero were invited to take part in a Zine Making Workshop and a Stencil / Free
Painting Workshop. Peter Alliott says about the experience, “Limelight was a wonderful opportunity to not only reflect on our own
creative ability, but also to appreciate the work of others. The day allowed us to learn new artistic skills, and engage in new
creative processes to ultimately come out as a different artist and person. Above all, it was fun, interactive and enjoyable”.
Kind regards,
Danielle Northey and Diana Lawrence
Career Development Report
As the Telopea Park School Career Development Officer, my role is to guide students in securing a work experience placement
(WEX), help students gain a tax file number and to support students who wish to undertake an Australian School Based
Apprenticeship (ASBA).
During term 3, I was on long service leave and fortunately Mrs Keighley (Science) took on the role of Career Development
Officer at Telopea Park School. After a wonderful break, I am pleased to be back and resume working with Telopea students in
the area of Career Development. I would like to thank Mrs Keighley for the wonderful job she did in my absence.
My position is part time and I work each Wednesday and Thursday. All Year 9 and 10 students are welcome to speak to me in
the Career Development Room on those days. If a student is above 14 years of age, they can have up to 10 days of WEX per
year. Many Year 9 and Year 10 students have already visited the Careers Room and have undertaken work experience
placements this year and I would encourage others to do so.
I look forward to students and parents contacting me should they need support gaining career related information.
Susan Alexander, TPS Career Development Officer
Ph 02 61423388
Mobile 040711085
Humanities Report
Semester Two has seen a number of staff changes in the Humanities faculty. At the beginning of Term 3 we welcomed Mrs
Robyn McEwin who has joined the faculty for the semester. Mdm Celine Lenoble finished her time at Lycee Franco-Australien de
Canberra and returned to France and in September we were very pleased to welcome Mdm Jillian Erin-Argot to the school. The
Executive Teacher of Humanities, Mrs Mandy Trethowan, is on leave for Term 4 and we wish her all the best as she enjoys a
well-deserved break.
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During Semester One a number of students undertook the Australian History Competition and the National Geography
Competition. Both tests use sources of information to assess a student’s skills and understanding. Once again students of
Telopea Park School achieved excellent results with most scoring distinctions or better. Congratulations to Andrew Rapp of Year
8 who placed first in the ACT in the Year 8 Category of the Australian History Competition.
In June M. Chalaye and Mdm Lenoble, with 13 Year 11 students (Year 10 EFS in 2013 when the project was started), went to
Noumea for 9 days. It was the first part of an exchange with students of Lycée Jules Garnier with whom they are working on a
project commemorating World War I. The students visited a number of historical places such as "le fort Teremba", museums and
sites related to WW1. They also worked with their billets at their school undertaking research and completing other activities.
The second part of the exchange saw the students from Noumea came to Australia in September, spending four days in Sydney
and six in Canberra. Along with visiting the national museum and other tourist attractions, the students spent some time in class
with their billets working on the project. The highlight of the trip was the opportunity to perform at Friday’s Assembly (as
Assemblies are unknown in French schools), and enjoying new subjects such as woodwork and cooking.
Term Four has already proved to be busy. Year 7 Ancient History students have once again produced some excellent creative
responses which will be on display in the library in the coming weeks. Year 7 students studying Ancient Rome will next week visit
the ANU Classics Museum. Year 7 Geography students investigating water scarcity around the world have also been creative,
applying their problem solving skills to devise solutions to the problem in the country they investigated.
In the other years, research assignments were submitted at the end of last term or are currently being undertaken and
preparations for the final assessment tasks will soon be underway. Students need to read carefully the requirements of a task
and the feedback provided by teachers on past assessment tasks and class work. Students should note the suggestions and
apply these to the next task. The class time allocated to work on assignments provides a good opportunity for students to
discuss areas of concern with their teacher.
Finally, thank you to the many parents who managed to make appointments to see their child’s Humanities teacher at the recent
Parent- Teacher Interviews. Times are not always convenient or well-spaced but it means a great deal to the student to know
that we are working together to help them through school. We certainly appreciated the opportunity to talk to parents. A
reminder that the assessment schedules will be distributed shortly. These are an excellent tool to help your child manage their
time effectively as they provide an overview of when assessment tasks are due.
Natalie Bray
A/g Executive Teacher Humanities
Welcome back to the final term for 2014! Many students have been sharing stories of the lovely holidays they have enjoyed, so
we trust they are ready for another term filled with many exciting activities to look forward to!
PIPS Testing for Kindergarten students
Our Kindergarten students will be undergoing their end of year PIPS (Performance Indicators in Primary Schools) assessments
during Weeks 2 and 3 (from Monday 20 October to Friday 31 October). Results from the beginning of the year will be used to
compare growth in learning in the areas of literacy and numeracy. The PIPS End of Year Reports should be ready to be sent
home with Semester 2 Reports at the end of the year.
Telopea Fête
We are eagerly awaiting the Telopea Fête that will be held on Saturday 1 November. As in past years, the Primary students will
be taking part in dancing performances during the fête. More details will be sent home shortly. Please keep up the terrific effort
in selling raffle tickets!
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Sun Protection
A very important reminder about sun safety! With the warmer weather returning, it is very important that students follow the
guidelines set out by the ACT Cancer Council and wear broad-brimmed hats (not caps) and sunscreen. Our school supports the
“No Hat, Play in the Shade” rule, so please encourage your children to avoid skin damage from the sun by wearing their hats and
sunscreen every day.
Student Achievements
We love to celebrate the achievements of our students. This week, we have two very special students to congratulate.
Nadelle Chua in Year 3 has recently returned from Ballarat after competing at the National Competitions for Calisthenics. Her
team represented the ACT and they won a number of medals from the competition. Well done, Nadelle!
Congratulations to Year 5 student, Amelia Dixon, who will be representing the ACT in the 12 Years and Under Track and Field
National Championships in Penguin, Tasmania. Amelia will be competing in the 10 years 100 metres, 200 metres and the relay.
We wish you all the best for these events, Amelia!
Lost Property
With the unpredictable weather, many items are again appearing in the Lost Property cupboards near the Primary Office. Please
ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s first and last names for easy identification. We encourage students to check
the cupboards when they have misplaced any belongings. At the end of the year, any items left in the cupboards will be donated
or discarded, so please support us in encouraging students to take good care of their belongings throughout the term.
Students not returning to Telopea Park School next year
Planning is already underway for the 2015 school year. If you already know that your child will not be returning to the school
next year, please inform the school in writing by Friday 24 October 2014. For those unexpected changes that can occur at any
time, prompt written notification to the school is greatly appreciated to assist in our planning.
Tadpoles and Frogs
For the next few weeks, classrooms in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will be hosting very special guests; tadpoles that will
(hopefully!?) become frogs. This is part of their science unit on life cycles and gives the students the rare opportunity to watch
the exciting transformation from tiny tadpoles to small frogs in their own classroom. We love to create stimulating learning
spaces for our students.
Year 2 Excursion to the National Museum
As part of their history curriculum, Year 2 students will be travelling to the National Museum of Australia to see the exhibition on
“Then and Now”. This interesting exhibition gives the students some insight into life in Australia before they were born and how
things have changed over time.
CHALK Stationery Packs for 2015
The stationery packs for 2015 have been finalised with CHALK Educational Supplies and order forms will be arriving at the school
shortly for distribution to families. Please look out for these order forms in your child’s bag in the coming weeks. To assist with
planning at that busy time of the year, the orders will be due on 3 December 2014 and the packs will be available for collection
at the school on Friday 30 January 2015.
Enjoy Term 4 and please encourage your families, friends and neighbours to come along and support our Telopea Fête on
Saturday 1 November. Money raised at the fête is used to support the school in so many valuable ways, so please help us to
make it a great success!
Until next time,
Kathy Solomko
Executive Teacher Kindergarten to Year 2
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Bienvenue en ce dernier trimestre de l'année! De nombreux élèves ont partagé avec leurs camarades leurs souvenirs des belles
vacances qu'ils ont passées. Nous sommes bien persuadés qu'ils sont prêts à passer un nouveau trimestre, plein de nombreuses
activités passionnantes qu'ils ont hâte de découvrir!
Évaluations PIPS pour les élèves de Maternelle
Nos élèves de Maternelle passeront les évaluations PIPS de fin d'année (Performance Indicators in Primary Schools) au cours des
Semaines 2 et 3 (du lundi 20 octobre au vendredi 31 octobre). Les résultats aux évaluations de début d'année seront utilisés
pour comparer les progressions dans les apprentissages en Langue et Mathématiques. Les résultats aux évaluations PIPS de fin
d'année vous parviendront avec les bulletins du deuxième semestre remis en fin d'année.
Fête de Telopea
Nous attendons avec impatience la Fête de Telopea qui aura lieu le samedi 1er novembre. Comme les années précédentes, les
élèves du Primaire prépareront des spectacles de danse qu'ils présenteront pendant la Fête. Vous recevrez de plus amples détails
très bientôt. Continuez la vente des tickets de tombola, vos efforts sont formidables!
Protection solaire
Voici un message important concernant la protection solaire! Avec le retour du temps chaud et ensoleillé, il est très important
que les élèves suivent les recommandations de l'ACT Cancer Council et qu'ils portent un chapeau à larges bords (pas de
casquette) et de la crème solaire. Notre école suit la règle "Pas de chapeau, je joue à l'ombre", nous vous demandons donc
d'encourager vos enfants à protéger leur peau des dommages causés par le soleil en portant leur chapeau et de la crème solaire
tous les jours.
Résultats des élèves
Nous aimons beaucoup mettre en avant les bons résultats de nos élèves. Cette semaine, nous avons deux élèves en particulier à
Nadelle Chua, en CE2, est rentrée depuis peu de Ballarat après avoir participé aux Championnats Nationaux de Gymnastique.
Son équipe a représenté l'ACT et a remporté plusieurs médailles. Bravo, Nadelle!
Toutes nos félicitations à notre élève de CM2, Amelia Dickson, qui représentera l'ACT lors des Championnats Nationaux
d'Athlétisme dans la catégorie 12 ans et moins, qui se dérouleront à Penguin en Tasmanie. Amelia participera aux courses de
100m, 200m et relais dans la catégorie 10 ans. Nous souhaitons bonne chance à Amelia pour toutes ces épreuves!
Objets et vêtements égarés
Avec la météo capricieuse du printemps, les armoires des objets égarés situées près du secrétariat du Primaire se remplissent de
nouveau. Nous vous demandons de bien vouloir marquer clairement tous les vêtements ou objets avec le nom et le prénom de
votre enfant pour qu'ils soient identifiés aisément. Nous encourageons les élèves à aller vérifier dans les armoires lorsqu'ils ont
égaré quelque chose. A la fin de l'année, tout objet ou vêtement laissé dans l'armoire sera donné ou jeté, c'est pourquoi nous
vous encourageons à aider votre enfant à prendre soin de ses affaires tout au long du trimestre.
Élèves non scolarisés à Telopea Park School la rentrée 2015
La préparation de la rentrée 2015 a déjà commencé. Si vous savez déjà que votre enfant ne fera pas la prochaine rentrée
scolaire à Telopea Park School, nous vous remercions de bien vouloir en informer l'école par écrit pour le vendredi 24 octobre
2014. En cas de changement de situation non prévu, nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous le signaler par courrier afin de nous
aider à bien organiser la rentrée.
Têtards et grenouilles
Au cours des prochaines semaines, les classes de Maternelle, CP et CE1 accueilleront dans leurs classes des invités un peu
particuliers: des têtards qui deviendront (nous l'espérons!) des grenouilles. Ce projet fait partie de leur programme de Sciences
traitant du cycle de la vie, et permet aux élèves d'observer en classe la transformation passionnante des minuscules têtards en
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petites grenouilles, une expérience peu ordinaire! Nous aimons beaucoup créer des espaces d'apprentissage stimulants pour nos
Sortie des CE1 au Musée National d'Australie
En lien avec le programme d'Histoire, une sortie au Musée National d'Australie est organisée pour les élèves de CE1 qui verront
l'exposition "Then and Now". Cette exposition intéressante permettra aux élèves de découvrir la vie en Australie bien avant leur
naissance et de voir comment la vie a évolué au fil du temps.
Fournitures scolaires CHALK pour la rentrée 2015
La liste des fournitures pour la rentrée 2015 est à présent finalisée avec CHALK Educational Supplies, et les bons de commande
seront bientôt envoyés à l'école pour distribution aux familles. Merci de bien vouloir vérifier dans les cartables de vos enfants ces
prochaines semaines. Afin de faciliter l'organisation en cette période chargée de l'année, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir
faire parvenir vos commandes à l'école pour le 3 décembre. Les fournitures seront à retirer à l'école le vendredi 30 janvier 2015.
Je vous souhaite un agréable trimestre et n'oubliez pas d'inviter votre famille, vos amis et vos voisins à venir à notre Fête de
Telopea le samedi 1er novembre. L'argent de la Fête est utilisé pour aider l'école dans de nombreux projets éducatifs utiles,
aidez-nous donc à faire en sorte que la Fête soit un immense succès!
À très bientôt,
Kathy Solomko
Responsable des classes de Maternelle à CE1
Last P&C Meeting for 2014 coming soon– To be announced
Did you miss the P&C meeting? Make sure you make it to the very last meeting of 2014. Date to be confirmed shortly.
What will YOU volunteer for at this year’s La Grande Fête?
La Grande Fête is fast approaching and our fabulous stall coordinators are in need of some helpers. Here are some of the great
stalls and activities that YOU could get involved in:
Food & Drink Stalls
Non-Food Stalls
Belgium Mussels
Face Painting
Home Grown Produce
Cake Stall
Information & Rides Ticketing
Marquee Set Up and Pack Up
French Café
Secondhand Books
German Bratwurst & Beer
Show Bags
Great Shakes Milkshakes
Telopea Uniform Shop
International Food
Vintage Fashion
True Blue BBQ
Zeirholz Best Brews
Please read the attached La Grande Fete Update for more information about the fete!
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Volunteer for the Fête Online
This year, the P&C is using an online sign up system on our website to make signing up quick and easy. There are a variety of
Fête stalls and activities to choose from. Go to our online sign up sheets and volunteer now:
Thanks to Alive Health Clubs – Raffle Sponsor
We’d like to extend a big thank you to Alive Health Clubs who are sponsoring our raffle this year. Why not take advantage of
their Summer Special - and get along to this Saturday to sample a range of their classes!?!
– 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 8.30 - 11.00am
Order and pay securely on the web:
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
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After school and weekend Junior Tennis Programs | Tennis Canberra
The summer of tennis is around the corner and Tennis Canberra is delivering after school and weekend tennis programs for
students aged 3 -16 at a tennis club in your community. We ask if your school could kindly place some information about our
tennis lesson in your schools newsletter.
Term 4 special: All new juniors that register before the end of week 2 receive a junior tennis racket.
Play for one of our proud Junior Tennis Clubs
South Canberra Bears at Barton Tennis Club
- Monday & Thursday (after school)
Canberra City Wolves at Reid Tennis Club- Wednesday (after school)
North Canberra Tigers at Majura Tennis Club (Dickson)- Tuesday & Thursday (after school), Saturday (Morning)
For more information and bookings visit or call Tennis Canberra on 0423 366 014
Thanks you in advance and we appreciate your support.
see you on court,
Robbie (Owner & Head Coach)
NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
Kerrie Blain
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Proviseur/Head of French Studies
Emmanuel Texier
Conseillẻre Pédagogique
Julien Dugas
Deputy Principal 7-10
Tom Kobal
Board Chair
James Popple
Deputy Principal K-6
Kate Sutherland
P&C President
Paul Haesler
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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