No 15 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School


No 15 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No 15 – Friday 16 September 2016
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Welcome to the last Telopea Topics for Term
20 September
Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews
3. It has been a busy and productive term
21 September
Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews
with our students excelling in many areas. As
23 September
Last Day Term Three
previously reported the students have been
10 October
Frist Day Term Four
recognised with top national awards in
10 October
World Challenge Meeting
13 October
Secondary Dance Party
Science. Students have received their medals
14 October
Year 7 Band - Floriade
assemblies. In the sporting field, two of our
students have represented Australia in Europe
this term – Mark Louis, Year 10 in the World Youth Sailing Championships in Germany and Kye A’hern, Year 9, at the World
Mountain Bike championships in Canada.
Primary Wakakirri students excelled in the ACT competition and were then invited to perform in the final. It was a very creative
performance about endangered species and what we can do to change this. Well done to the students and teachers alike!
We were also entertained by a delightful 3-6 Concert earlier in the term. Telopea’s Got Talent was held last week when many
primary students were able to showcase their skills. Impressive!
Thank you to all our teachers who support students to perform at their best and congratulations to the students.
This week has been the European Climate Diplomacy Week. To recognise and celebrate this, last Wednesday our school
hosted the Climate Action Competition for ACT schools. Five teams from Telopea competed in oral presentations by developing a
poster to show what action we could take to address climate issues. As always they represented our school extremely well
demonstrating their excellence in creativity and innovation. Well done to all who competed!
Our school hosted an Australian Citizenship ceremony today for over 140 new citizens. The ceremony including one of our own
teachers as a new Australian Citizen, Guillaume Schlomka. Our junior choir sang beautifully and looked wonderful in their new
uniforms. Many candidates commented on the welcoming they felt by being part of the celebration in our school environment.
Many of our students were able to witness this ceremony. This type of ceremony is an important moment in time for all
applicants. It is the culmination of a four year application process. Currently one in four Australians were born overseas with
50% of all Australians having at least one parent born overseas. Approximately 120,000 new citizens receive Australian
citizenship each year. This brings enormous social capital to our exciting multicultural society. It was a privilege for Telopea Park
School to host this significant event today. Thanks to all who facilitated this and congratulations especially to Guillaume.
NAPLAN results were released this term and the individual results for our Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students were sent home to
parents. Once again our overall results are excellent and competitive with the best in the ACT. We are now analysing the results
to track student progress and to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach his/her potential.
School exchange
Our Year 6 students left for New Caledonia on Tuesday. This begins our relationship with a new school, Collège Georges
Baudoux. The students will be accompanied by Robin Egerton, Amy Dean, Lisa Smail and AJ Duncan. Thank you to these
teachers for their commitment to the students and to the school. School excursions
require 24 hour vigilance - a demanding responsibility! We know that their ten days
in Nouméa will be a wonderful experience for the children and one they will
remember forever.
Two weeks ago we welcomed 22 senior students from Lycée Jules Garnier in New
Caledonia. They were billeted by many of our families whom we thank sincerely. The
students enjoyed their time with us, learning much about Australia, its people and
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
Term 4 2016
10 October -16 December
Term 1 2017
30 January -7 April
Term 2 2017
26 April – 30 June
Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews
Secondary reports were sent home with students this week, Wednesday 14
September, preceding parent/teacher interviews next Tuesday 20th (4pm to 6.30pm)
and Wednesday 21st (6pm to 8pm) in week 10. All parents are invited to meet with the teachers to discuss their child/ren's
academic progress. There is an on-line booking system (PTO) you can use to make appointments. If you did not receive your
child’s report and/or the PTO information, please contact the school. You can also contact the front office for support with making
appointments on 61423388 or 61423370.
Primary reports were sent home in week 7 with primary parent/teacher interviews being held last week.
School Committees
Thank you to the parents who have supported the school this term by sitting on the many school committees. They include:
Curriculum Committee; Safe School Committee; Reconciliation Action Plan Committee; and Gifted and Talented Committee. We
welcome any other parents who would like to join us on any of these committees in Term 4. Your contributions are valuable.
School Fête
The school fête, La Grande Fête, will be held on Saturday 5 November. This fête is a Telopea special day having been held for
many years on the first Saturday in November. The P&C Association is working hard in planning, organising and raising
awareness of this event as the big one of the year that supports children at our school. Please mark your calendars and offer
your help to the P&C if at all possible. All donations and offers of help are welcome.
Thank you for your support and collaboration during this term. As always it is a pleasure to work with such an engaged
I wish you all happy and safe holidays at the end of the term. Term 4 begins on Monday 10 October.
Kind regards
Kerrie Blain
Bienvenue pour ce dernier Telopea Topics du troisième trimestre. Le trimestre fut chargé et productif et nos élèves ont excellé
dans de nombreux domaines. Comme nous vous l’avions précédemment annoncé, les élèves ont reçu des Premiers Prix
nationaux en Anglais, Histoire-Géographie, Mathématiques et Sciences. Les élèves ont reçu leur médaille et leur diplôme de
participation lors d’assemblées. Dans le domaine sportif, deux de nos élèves ont représenté l’Australie lors de compétitions
organisées en Europe au cours du troisième trimestre : Mark Louis, élève de Seconde a participé aux championnats du monde de
voile en Allemagne et Kye A’hern, élève de Troisième, a participé aux championnats du monde de VTT au Canada.
Nos élèves du Primaire ont excellé lors des compétitions de Wakakirri de l’ACT et ont ensuite été conviés à participer à la finale.
Leur spectacle très créatif traitait des espèces en danger et de ce que nous pouvons faire pour changer les choses. Bravo aux
élèves et à leurs professeurs !
Un peu plus tôt ce trimestre, nous avons également eu la joie d’assister à un merveilleux concert des élèves de CE2 à Sixième.
L’événement Telopea a un talent a eu lieu la semaine dernière et permettait à de nombreux élèves du Primaire de montrer leurs
talents. Nous avons été impressionnés !
Un grand merci à tous nos enseignants pour avoir aidé les élèves à donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes et félicitations à nos élèves.
Le semaine de la diplomatie climatique organisée par l’Union Européenne s’est tenue du 12 au 18 septembre. Notre lycée y a
participé activement en accueillant une compétition sur l’action climatique pour les écoles de l’ACT. Telopea y était représenté
par cinq équipes qui ont chacune proposée un discours, un slogan et un poster montrant des actions possibles pour résoudre les
problèmes liés au réchauffement climatique. Comme toujours, elles ont brillamment représenté l’école en montrant, excellence,
créativité et innovation. Bravo à tous les élèves participants !
Notre lycée a accueilli une cérémonie de citoyenneté australienne pour plus de 140 nouveaux citoyens, cérémonie au cours de
laquelle, l’un de nos professeurs M. Guillaume Schlomka a reçu la citoyenneté australienne. Notre chorale du primaire a
magnifiquement chanté et les élèves étaient magnifiques dans leur nouvelles tenues. De nombreux participants ont exprimé le
sentiment particulier que revêt cet accueil dans une école. Beaucoup d’élèves ont pu assister à cette cérémonie. C’est un
moment très important pour tous les participants car cela représente la concrétisation d’un processus de quatre années.
Aujourd’hui un australien sur quatre est né à l’étranger et 50% des australiens ont au moins l’un de leur parent né à l’étranger.
Environ 120.000 citoyens reçoivent la nationalité australienne chaque année. C’est un apport social essentiel à notre société
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multiculturelle. C’est un privilège pour notre établissement d’accueillir cet événement. Nous remercions tous ceux qui ont permis
cette belle réalisation et profitons de ces quelques lignes pour féliciter Guillaume plus particulièrement!
Les résultats du NAPLAN ont été publiés ce trimestre et les résultats individuels des élèves de CE2, CM2, Cinquième et
Troisième ont été remis aux parents. Une fois encore, les résultats obtenus par l’école sont excellents et rivalisent avec les
meilleurs de l’ACT. Nous analysons à présent les résultats afin de suivre les progrès des élèves et d’assurer que chaque élève a
la possibilité d’atteindre son potentiel.
Echange scolaire
Nos élèves de Sixième se sont envolés pour la Nouvelle Calédonie mardi. C’est le début d’un partenariat avec un nouvel
établissement, le collège Georges Baudoux. Les élèves sont accompagnés par Robin Egerton, Amy Dean, Lisa Smail et AJ
Duncan. Un grand merci à ces enseignants pour leur implication envers les élèves et l’école. Les voyages scolaires nécessitent
une attention constante 24 heures sur 24, ce qui constitue une immense responsabilité ! Nous savons que, pour les enfants, ces
dix jours passés à Nouméa seront une expérience merveilleuse dont ils se souviendront très longtemps.
Il y a deux semaines, nous avons accueilli 22 lycéens du lycée Jules Garnier de Nouvelle Calédonie. Ils ont séjourné dans les
familles de leur correspondant et nous en profitons pour remercier sincèrement les familles qui les ont hébergés. Les élèves ont
passé un excellent séjour chez nous et ont appris beaucoup de choses sur l’Australie, les australiens et la nature australienne.
Bulletins et réunions parents/professeurs
Les bulletins du Secondaire ont été remis aux élèves cette semaine, le mercredi 14 septembre, un peu avant les réunions
parents/professeurs qui auront lieu le mardi 20 septembre (de 16h00 à 18h30) et le mercredi 21 septembre (de 18h00 à 20h00)
en semaine 10. Tous les parents sont invités à rencontrer les enseignants de leur enfant afin de discuter avec lui de ses progrès
scolaires. Le système PTO est utilisé pour la réservation de créneaux horaires. Si vous n’avez pas reçu le bulletin de votre enfant
et/ou les informations relatives au système de réservation en ligne PTO, nous vous invitons à contacter l’école. Vous pouvez
également contacter le secrétariat de l’école au 61423388 ou 61423370 si vous souhaitez obtenir de l’aide pour réserver les
créneaux horaires.
Les bulletins du Primaire ont été remis aux parents en semaine 7, les réunions parents/professeurs du Primaire ayant eu lieu
la semaine dernière.
Commissions de l’école
Un grand merci aux parents qui ont apporté leur soutien à l’école ce trimestre grâce à leur participation aux nombreuses
commissions. Parmi elles : la Commission Programmes Scolaires, la Commission Ecole et Sécurité, la Commission du Plan
d’Action de Réconciliation, la Commission Enfants Précoces. Nous serons ravis d’accueillir tous les nouveaux parents qui
souhaiteraient nous rejoindre dans l’une de ces commissions au prochain trimestre. Votre aide nous est précieuse.
Fête de l’école
La fête de l’école, la Grande Fête, aura lieu le samedi 5 novembre. Cette fête, qui a lieu depuis de nombreuses années le premier
samedi du mois de novembre, est un jour très spécial pour Telopea. L’association de parents d’élèves P&C travaille activement à
programmer, organiser et à mieux faire connaître ce grand événement qui aide tellement les élèves de l’école. N’oubliez pas de
noter cette date dans vos agendas et d’offrir votre aide au P&C si vous pouvez donner un peu de votre temps. Tous les dons et
propositions d’aide sont les bienvenus.
Je vous remercie pour votre soutien et votre collaboration au cours de ce trimestre. C’est comme toujours un plaisir de travailler
main dans la main avec une communauté si active.
Je vous souhaite à tous des vacances sûres et reposantes à la fin de ce trimestre. Les cours reprendront le lundi 10 octobre.
Bien cordialement,
Kerrie Blain
Beautiful Gift Idea
Available for sale at Telopea Park School Finance Office - $30.00
Six major French expeditions to the Australian coast took place over the course of the 18th and
19th centuries. Through contemporary photographs, expedition drawings and historical
commentary, this book plunges us into the impressive and bewildering universe of an Australia
still intact, loyal to the environment that seafaring explorers came upon over 200 years ago.
Praise for The Australia of the French Explorers:
'A wonderful gift for anyone interested in Australian history or exploration. The concise yet
informative text wonderfully complements the historical drawings and contemporary
photographs which well deserve repeated viewings, each time finding something new to see and
wonder at.' - Jan Kershaw, Glam Adelaide
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Telopea Park School BAND CALENDAR DATES – Terms 3 and 4 2016
France/Belgium/England (European tour)
Excursion Date:
2nd deposit, France 2017 - Friday 28 October 2016,
Thursday 21 September – Thursday 5 October 2017
(the excursion code is 8232-000-00)
When Do We Rehearse (and where?)
Wednesday Band - 8.00am
8.00am Before School Wind Ensemble in the
Wednesday after school
Wind Ensemble until 5.00pm in the Hall
Thursday Band - 8am
8.00am Combined Year7 Bands (Year 7 EFS and
Australian Stream) in the Band Room
Friday Jazz Band
7.45am in the Hall
Important Calendar Dates
Friday 14 October 2016
Floriade performance, Year 7 bands TBC
Tuesday 25 October 2016
Music: Count Us In at Llewellyn Hall TBC
Thursday 27 October and Friday 28 October
South Coast trip; Year7 bands TBC
Friday 28 October 2016
2nd (non-refundable) deposit – France 2017
Tuesday 1 November 2016
Lunchtime fundraising concert in Garema Place
Saturday 5 November 2016
12hr Band-a-Thon and Fete
Friday 2 December 2016
3rd deposit France 2017
How much does band cost?
Course Costs and Materials: New Semester – same old rates.
Costs: $45 per student for the semester if the student possesses their own instrument.
$90 per semester for students using a school instrument.
$60 per semester for students using school drums, school guitars or keyboards.
Chamber String Ensemble and Music Tuition
Private tutors are available and lessons can be arranged through Charlotte Winslade at ACTAM on 0419 308 918. Their website is if you would like to look into this area.
Guitar tuition on site is also available through Mojo Guitars – Cameron can be contacted on 0431 550 005 if you are interested in
pursuing after school guitar lessons.
Please feel free to contact me on 6142 3382 or by email (more reliable) if you have any questions to do with band, tuition or just
to say bon jour or g’day.
France Tour update:
Our info meeting on August 31 was well attended with a presentation being given from Michael and Donna Fiechtner who are
hosting the 2017 tour. The first non-refundable deposit note is now due (authorisation for payment of $70pp to secure
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The RMC workshop last week was a resounding success – the RMC members were very complimentary of Telopea’s band
The ACT School Band Festival took place last week involving the Wind Ensemble and Combined yr7 bands in a concert /
workshop arrangement. This important Festival takes place each year and is the musical equivalent of Zone. The year 7 band
sounded fantastic and the Wind ensemble is now considered to be a Weapon! Easily the most exciting performance I have ever
heard at the School band Fest (but I am a little biased). Interestingly, the adjudicator was one of my ex-students from
Ginniderra High over 20 years ago – she knows me better than I know myself!
A reminder that the senior bands are now rehearsing in the secondary hall – this new venue involves the 8-10 Wind ensemble
and Jazz Band. All band members are expected at all rehearsals – it would greatly assist us here at school if an email or note
from home was provided in the case of absences.
Rob Clements
Secondary Music Teacher
School exchange to Nouméa
Our school has signed two partnerships with schools in New Caledonia: Collège Georges Baudoux
and Lycée Jules Garnier. The most visible part of this partnership is certainly the exchange trips
we have set up in Years 6, 7 and 10.
The billets from Lycée Jules Garnier recently spent a week in Canberra (from 1 to 8 September).
They enjoyed their time discovering the capital of Australia, as well as immersing in an
Australian school. Each school day ended with a special web radio programme, which was a
moment of exchange and dialogue between the billets. You can relive these moments by
following this link: and selecting “Podcast”.
Earlier this week, 28 Year 6 students flew to Nouméa in New Caledonia. They are staying until
23 September and have the opportunity to experience an immersion in a French school, Collège
Georges Baudoux.
Young Leaders in Climate Action
A competition of communication campaigns addressing climate change was held in the Main Hall of the school this week, initiated
by the EU Embassy. The jury, composed of ambassadors, ACT officials and communication professionals, awarded four different
prizes to our team of Secondary students: Best Campaign, Best Poster, Best Slogan and Best Speech. Once again, students from
Telopea Park School – Lycée franco-australien de Canberra excelled in the competition!
Marie Curie Laboratory
You may have noticed that the first room in the Year 3 corridor has been renamed “Marie Curie
Laboratory”? This is the very first step in the creation of this beautiful educational space that will soon
be opened to all Primary classes.
Ms Aurélie Le Nevez, SVT teacher in Year 6, is leading this project and the reflection on how this new
learning space will be organized. Science resources have already been moved and stocked in this
space. Other resources will soon be added. After a total make-over during the school break (flooring,
ceilings and painting), we will inaugurate this space dedicated to the promotion of scientific practices in
Primary school.
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“Versailles” exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia
We are proud to announce that we are in the heart of an active partnership with the National Gallery of
Australia as part of the setting up of the exhibition “Versailles: Treasures from the Palace”. Some of our
Year 5 students will take part in the recording of the audio-guides that will be made available to visitors.
The recordings, both in French and in English, will be made in our web radio studio. We have also been
asked to share our resources and expertise to support the development of educational kits for teachers.
We are extremely honored to take part in this partnership that will culminate in an active participation of
our students in this exhibition.
New technologies: iPads, Laptops and Chromebooks
We have received 55 new IPads and they are gradually being delivered to classes. We now have 188 iPads, 60 Chromebooks
(not to mention our Year 6 students bringing their own devices) and 83 laptops operating across the Primary sector. The level of
equipment is particularly high and enables the implementation of a creative pedagogy within the classes. These resources are
definitely used wisely and professionally by our teaching staff who are planning innovative activities such as recorded dictations,
self-corrective quizzes, research, multimedia creations or treasure hunts with QR codes. These resources are undoubtedly well
used by our teaching staff!
Julien Dugas
Conseiller Pédagogique
Echanges avec Nouméa
Notre établissement a signé deux partenariats avec des établissements scolaires de Nouvelle
Calédonie : le Collège Georges Baudoux, et le Lycée Jules Garnier. La partie la plus visible de ce
partenariat est certainement constituée par les échanges scolaires mis en place en 6ème-5ème et
en 1ère.
Les correspondants de Jules Garnier ont ainsi passé une semaine à Canberra (du 1er au 8
septembre) : l’occasion de découvrir la capitale australienne, mais aussi et surtout la vie dans un
établissement australien. Chaque journée de classe s’est terminée par une émission spéciale sur
notre webradio : un moment d’échanges et de dialogues entre les correspondants. Vous pouvez
revivre ces moments en suivant ce lien : et en choisissant la
rubrique podcast.
Puis ce sont 28 élèves de 6ème qui se sont envolés mardi dernier pour Nouméa. Leur séjour se
poursuivra jusqu’au 23 septembre et ils ont eux aussi l’occasion de vivre une immersion dans un
établissement scolaire français : le Collège Georges Baudoux.
Young Leaders in Climate Action
Une compétition de campagnes de communication ayant pour thème le climat a été organisée cette semaine dans le Hall
principal de l’école, à l’initiative de l’ambassade de l’Union Européenne. Le Jury, composé d’ambassadeurs, d’officiels de l’ACT et
de professionnels de la communication a ainsi attribué 4 prix aux équipes d’élèves du secondaire ayant planché sur le sujet :
meilleure campagne, meilleur poster, meilleur slogan et meilleur discours. Une fois encore, les élèves de Telopea Park School Lycée Franco Australien se sont distingués dans le palmarès!
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Laboratoire Marie Curie
Peut-être avez-vous remarqué que la première salle du couloir des CE2 est maintenant baptisée
“Laboratoire Marie Curie”? Il s’agit de la première étape dans la constitution de ce bel espace éducatif qui
sera prochainement ouvert à toutes les classes de l’école primaire.
Mme Aurélie Le Nevez, professeur de SVT des classes de 6ème mène ce projet et la réflexion sur
l’organisation de ce nouvel espace d’apprentissage. Les ressources en sciences y ont déjà été rassemblées,
d’autres viendront prochainement les compléter. Après une réfection totale durant les vacances (sols,
plafonds et peinture), une inauguration sera programmée pour cet espace dédié à la valorisation des
pratiques scientifiques dès l’école primaire.
L’exposition “Versailles” à la National Gallery of Australia
Nous sommes en plein coeur d’un partenariat actif avec la National Gallery of Australia dans le cadre de
la mise en place de l’exposition “Versailles : Treasures from the palace”. Ainsi, plusieurs de nos élèves de
cycle 3 vont participer à l’enregistrement des guides audio qui seront mis à disposition des visiteurs. Les
enregistrements, en français et en anglais bien sûr, se feront dans notre studio de webradio. Par ailleurs,
c’est tout naturellement que nous avons été sollicités pour partager nos ressources et apporter notre
expertise dans l’élaboration de kits éducatifs pour les enseignants. Nous sommes très honorés de ce
partenariat qui se concrétisera par une participation massive de nos élèves à cette exposition.
Nouvelles technologies : équipement en iPads, ordinateurs portables et chromebooks
Avec 55 nouveaux iPads récemment arrivés à l’école et qui sont progressivement mis en place dans les classes, nous avons
maintenant 188 iPads, 60 chromebooks (sans compter les appareils personnels des élèves de 6ème) et 83 ordinateurs portables
en fonction. Il s’agit donc d’un très bon niveau d’équipement qui permet de mettre en place une pédagogie innovante dans les
classes. Que ce soit pour des dictées enregistrées, des quizz auto-correctifs, des recherches documentaires, des créations
multimédias, ou des chasses aux trésors avec des QR codes, nul doute : ces ressources sont bien employées par notre équipe!
Julien Dugas
Conseiller Pédagogique
Parents and Citizens (P&C) news
Save the Date for La Grande Fête!!
Saturday 5th November 2016 from 2.30 to 7pm
For more updates watch this space in Telopea Topics and be sure to ‘Like’ and follow our Facebook page:
P&C eNewsletter
The P&C has its own eNewsletter that is used to keep Telopea parents and friends informed and engaged in a variety of
school and community activities and events.
Sign up here to receive our updates!
As promised in the last Telopea Topics newsletter, the Playground Subcommittee is able to advertise the date of installation of
the parkour climbing equipment. Play By Design has confirmed that the installation of the equipment will take place from 17th 21st of October. Wellspring will then install the edging and plant two new trees that will provide the kids will some lovely natural
shade. We have been assured that the whole installation will be finished by the 31st of October. More soon!
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Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
Weet-Bix SurfGroms is a National Development Program for kids aged 5-12 years.
Each 3 day program covers ocean awareness and surf safety education, social beach
games and surfing instruction. Participants receive a free Quiksilver backpack filled
with goodies plus a logbook to record their achievements.
Learn to surf, make new friends, win prizes and have heaps of fun this Spring School
Holidays! Starting 27th September at North Broulee Beach.
Please contact Broulee Surf School on (02) 44 717370 for further details and registration.
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Larissa Dann
Supported by Parentline ACT
Learn respectful communication skills, to help develop a peaceful, gentle approach to parenting, and resilient children (without the
use of punishment or reward). P.E.T helps children and parents become emotionally intelligent, confident and considerate. The
course is powerful, proven and practical. Yell less, enjoy your children more. Build relationships that last a lifetime.
For more information: Visit; read P.E.T. on a Page; and Join the
Parent Skills Facebook community
The 24 hour course consists of three-hour sessions, once per week, for eight weeks. Booking is essential.
$360 pp for the course (investment includes a workbook and textbook).
Course begins: Thursday, 13th October, 2016 (minimum number of participants required); Time: 6.30 pm to 9.45 pm; Place:
Weston, ACT.
Enjoy P.E.T. with Larissa Dann, Canberra’s most experienced P.E.T. instructor.
Did you enjoy the Rio Olympics? Want to run like Bolt? Then come and join us…
Woden Thunder Little Athletics Club
Season 2016-17 Registration Day
Saturday 17th September
10am – 2pm
Woden Park Athletics Field
Cnr of Kitchener and Ainsworth St Phillip
There are 3 options
If you have registered online (at this is a good time to come along and collect your registration pack (athlete
no. patches. promo material) and take a look in the uniform shop
If you are yet to register, or pay, come along and register manually (cash only payments) You can then take away your
rego pack and you are good to go.
If you cannot make this Saturday you can complete the registration process at any stage, either online or in person at one
of our meets.
Please note
Proof of ID is required to register with the club for the first time
Uniforms will be available to purchase on the day (cash only)
Our first meet is Saturday 8th October 2016
Look forward to seeing you
Woden Thunder Committee
Find us at or on Facebook
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NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
Proviseur/Head of French
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Deputy Principal K-10 Peter Clayden
Deputy Principal K-6
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2016
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Appointed Member
Staff Member
Cathy Marot
Staff Member
P&C Member
Student Member
Australian Government
French Government
Laura Beacroft
Divij Madan
Louise Hudson
Catherine Hodier
P&C Member
Student Member
French Government
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Hugh Griffin
Timothy Rock
Eric Soulier
Mary Ryan
P&C 2016
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
Peter Roberts,
David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Assistant Secretary
Anita Gardner
Justin Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Phillippe Moncuquet
Public Officer
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Catriona Dove
Andrea Grazziadelli
Emma Perkins
Christine Gustafson
Grants Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Communication Officer
Returning Officer
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Julie Glasgow
Lisa Wallace
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
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