“Which hope we have as an anchor Sermon Notes:


“Which hope we have as an anchor Sermon Notes:
Prayer Requests:
JrCh1: Billy Davis
JrCh2: Chelsey Davis
Nurse: Kathy Schaeffer
6:30p CIA / Teens
6:30p PM Worship
Nursery: Kristin Davis
7:30p Business Meeting
Nov 9th Celebrations:
Hunter Hilderbrand B-Day
Devin Smith Birthday
TTB Mat 26, Mrk 14 Nov 9 TTB Luk 22,
Nov 10
9:30 Sunday School
Jhn 13
10:30 AM Worship
Carolyn Montgomery
Veterans Day
Feed the Flock Registrations
Nov 8
Churches Outing
TTB Mat 28,
Nov 14 TTB Luk 24,
Nov 15
Mrk 16
Jhn 20-21
Bill Tuttle Birthday
Aftershock Teens
Service Project
9:00a Southern Indiana
Nov 15th Celebrations:
Donna Smith Birthday
Duane House Birthday
Feed the Flock Registrations
Nov 7 TTB Mat 25
1 Hour
11:59p Set Clocks Back
Nov 1
12:00p Ladies Luncheon
Oct 31 TTB Mat 20-21
and Teen Lock-In
TTB Mat 19,
Mrk 10
Carlie Eisfelder Birthday
Sue Naylor Birthday
Oct 24 TTB Luk 10-11, Oct 25
Jhn 9:1-10:21
Jhn 10:22-42
TTB Mat 23,
Nov 5 TTB Mrk 13
Nov 6 TTB Mat 24
Luk 20-21
6:30p Awana
6:00p Faith Bible Institute
Regular Club Night
6:30p Aftershock Teens
6:30p Adult Bible Study
Bro Shomaker
6:00p Faith Bible Institute
Nov 11 TTB Mat 27,
Nov 12 TTB Luk 23,
Nov 13
Mrk 15
Jhn 18-19
GROW Outreach Week Lisa Weddle Birthday
(See Pastor for
6:30p Awana
6:00p Faith Bible Institute
Salvation Night
6:30p Aftershock Teens
6:30p Adult Bible Study
Bro Shomaker
TTB Jhn 14-17
Nov 4
Oct 30
Luk 17:11-18:14
Amy Tuttle Birthday
Zoe Lyons Birthday
Oct 29 TTB
GROW Outreach Week John Tinkey Birthday
(See Pastor for
6:30p Awana
Costume Night
6:30p Aftershock Teens
6:30p Adult Bible Study
Oct 27 TTB Luk 16-17:10 Oct 28 TTB Jhn 11
TTB Luk 18:15-19:48 Nov2 TTB Mrk 11,
Nov 3 TTB Mat 22,
9:30 Sunday School
Jhn 12
Mrk 12
10:30 AM Worship
JrCh1: Amy Tuttle
6:30p Home Bible Study
JrCh2: Bill Tuttle
at the Kennedy’s
Nurse: Billingsley/Smith
(Rom 6:1-14)
6:30p CIA / Teens
6:30p PM Worship
Nursery: Tuttle/Burton
TTB Luk 12-13
Oct 26 TTB Luk 14-15
9:30 Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship
JrCh1: Becky Davis
JrCh2: Paul Henderson
Nurse: Jody / Anita / Dylan
6:30p CIA / Teens
6:30p PM Worship
Nursery: Joann Littiken
6:30p Awana
Salvation Night
6:30p Aftershock Teens
6:30p Adult Bible Study
Bro Roger Gillespie
Oct 23 TTB
6:00p Faith Bible Institute
Oct 22 TTB Jhn 7-8
Kim Kennedy Birthday
TTB Mat 18
Date: ______________________
Speaker: ___________________
Title: ______________________
Text: ______________________
Notes: _____________________
TTB Mat 15, Mrk 7 Oct 19 TTB Mat 15,
Oct 20 TTB Mat 17,
Oct 21
9:30 Sunday School
Mrk 8, Luk 9:18-27
Mrk 9, Luk 9:28-62
10:30 AM Worship
Mission Report - Helmicks
AM/PM Speaker: Bro Vivas
JrCh1: Kristin Davis
JrCh2: Jeana Smith
Nurse: Belinda Gregory
6:30p CIA / Teens
6:30p PM Worship
Nursery: Becky Davis
Sermon Notes:
CBC Church Calendar & Thru the Bible Readings (TTB)
“Which hope we have as an anchor
of the soul, both sure and
stedfast, and which entereth into
that within the veil;”
Welcome to CBC
Let’s Worship The Lord Together
October 19th,
Matthew 4:19
Morning Worship (10:30a)
Evening Worship (6:30p)
Prelude ........................... Kim Kennedy
Welcome/Prayer ..... Tim Billingsley
Opening Song ........................... #384
Mission Report ........... David Helmick
Praise Hymn .............................. #304
Offertory Song ....................... #595
Tithes & Offerings ...... CBC Ushers
Offertory Music ......... Kim Kennedy
Worship Music ........... Lindsey Vivas
AM Sermon ............... Abraham Vivas
(2Corinthians 2:14-17)
Invitation Song ........................ #600
Opening Song ............................ #357
Welcome ...................... Tim Spalding
Praise Song ................................ #352
Offertory Song ......................... #339
Tithes & Offerings ....... CBC Ushers
Instrumental ................ Kim Kennedy
PM Sermon ............... Abraham Vivas
“Church Words: Sanctification”
(Colossians 3:1-3)
Invitation Song ......................... #556
New Worship Song to practice in
October: “God Undefeatable”
Special Announcements and Activities
Speaker: Bro Abraham preaching
today while Pastor speaks at a revival in Dayton. Pray for the message.
Mission Report: We’ll Skype with
Dave Helmick in Kosova today.
Please keep praying for their visa’s.
FTF Donations: October is potato
spuds month. Donate to box in foyer
Harvest Month: Make extra effort
in Oct reaching others for Christ.
Place a card in the Treasure Chest.
Wed Serv: Wed, 6:30p. Awana: Salvation Night, Aftershock Teens,
Adults: New Lesson - Bro Gillespie
Ladies Lunch: Saturday, 12 Noon at
CBC. All our ladies are invited.
Concert Cancelled: With passing of
Tony Voss, Destiny will reschedule.
Charles Francis Adams, a 19th century political figure and diplomat, kept a diary. One day he entered: "Went fishing with my son
today - didn’t catch any fish, a day wasted." His son, Brook Adams,
also kept a diary, which is still in existence. On that same day, Brook Adams made this entry: "Went fishing with my father - the most wonderful
day of my life!" The father thought he was wasting his time while fishing
with his son, but his son saw it as an investment of time. What you do with
your time is not nearly as important as who you do it with.
We could well say the same thing about our personal relationships
with the Lord. The fast-paced results-oriented world we live in often spills
over into our spiritual thinking. When this happens we will believe that activity equals spiritually which simply is not true. While being “doers of the
word” is certainly essential, more important is the relationship that grows
deeper and stronger each time we spend time with Him doing it. Begin
right now, “Yes Lord, I want to spend the day with You!”
Pastor Chuck
CBC Spotlight
The Lord blesses in so many ways and His blessing often come at
unexpected times. Last month, Pastor Chuck had just such an
experience when someone made an anonymous donation to CBC designated
to purchase a personal vehicle to give to the Kennedy’s. After a quick trip
to the dealership, they became the owners of a 2005 Chevy Cobalt. We
can never say thanks enough. God is good … All the time !!!
CBC Ministries
Columbus Baptist Church
Service Times
4821 N US Hwy 31, Columbus IN 47201
(812)372-5999 www.columbusbaptist.net
Senior Pastor: Chuck Kennedy
(812)350-6316 cdkennedy1065@gmail.com
Sun Worship - 10:30a, 6:30p
Wed Adult & Awana - 6:30p
Thu Faith Bible Inst - 6:00p
Mon Bible Studies - 6:30p
Attendance (Last 5 Weeks)
Sept 14
Sept 21
Sept 28
Oct 5
Oct 12
Regular Offerings (Last 5 Weeks)
General Missions Building
Sept 14 2927.85
Sept 21 2,495.00
Sept 28 1856.00 108.00
Oct 5
Oct 12
Recent Special Offerings:
Sept 14 218.00 Percy Hernandez
Oct 5
Awana Fund
Oct 12
Youth Fund
Spiritual Decisions in 2014
Salvations Baptisms Rededications
Daily Devotional:
Sunday, 9:30a (All Ages)
Bill Davis (812)374-9339
Sunday, 6:30p (7th-12th)
Bro Vivas (937)389-9982
Thursday, 6:30p
Wayne Bell (812)343-3436
Monthly Outreach Ministry
Pastor Chuck (812)350-6316
Sunday, 10:30a (K-4th)
Bill Davis (812)374-9339
Shut-In & Seniors Ministry
Becky Davis (812)350-2338
How You Can Know for Sure You Will Go To Heaven
A) Accept that we are all sinners before a righteous God.
(Rom. 3:23)
B) Believe Jesus died on the Cross in your place for your sins. (Rom. 5:8)
C) Call on Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Saviour.
(Rom. 10:13)
CBC Stats:
Wednesday, 6:30p (Pre-12th)
Senior Outing Ministry
Sunday, 6:30p (2-6th)
Keri Dutcher (812)703-0601 Pastor Chuck (812)350-6316 Paul Henderson (812)371-1400
Pray, read, and journal each day !!!
Monday: Galatians 6:2
Whose burdens can you bears now?
Tuesday: Proverbs 15:23
How can you help a friend today?
Wednesday: Proverbs 9:10
How can your learn more about God?
Thursday: Ephesians 5:19-20
What song can you sing today?
Friday: 2Timothy 2:16-17
How can you be better equipped?
Saturday: Hebrews 4:12
Where is the Word cutting on you?