Document 6567515


Document 6567515
How to create a WorldShare account and add addi2onal services Each staff member should have his or her own WorldShare account to allow for the integra9on of other OCLC services and WorldShare applica9ons. There are two methods to access your new service. Choose the best method by iden9fying with one of the following statements:
I do NOT yet have an account for the WorldShare interface. Use Method 1 to create a new WorldShare account. I use another WorldShare applica9on and therefore I already have an account for the WorldShare interface. Use Method 2 to contact Order Services to add your service to an exis9ng WorldShare account. !
Method 1: Use the self-­‐serve OCLC Services account page If you do NOT already have access to an OCLC service or applica9on via the WorldShare interface, please use the steps below to create your WorldShare account. !
Visit the OCLC Services account page, hAps:// You will need your 9-­‐digit Connexion authoriza2on number and password.
Below “I need to create an OCLC services account” on the leO, click on the !
Create account buQon:
Box 1
Box 2
Type your 9-­‐digit full level or higher cataloging number and password. Example: 100-­‐XXX-­‐XXX (type with or without dashes). The name of your ins9tu9on should appear. Click Next. Please email Order Services if you see the message: Confirm your ins2tu2on name and OCLC service role(s). Clicking Not my ins2tu2on will allow you to start over.
Roles are associated with each service in the WorldShare interface. They let you know what tasks your account can perform. For example, KB_Admin will allow the account holder to perform all tasks in Collec9on Manager and in Record Manager (if your ins9tu9on has access). Find more informa2on on roles. !
“Your ins9tu9on is not currently provisioned to access this service. Email”
Box 3
Fill out all fields and click Create Account. Congratula2ons!! Username: A confirma9on message appears. Must be at least 3 characters. Is NOT case sensi9ve. Password: Must be at least 6 characters. Must include 1 non-­‐alphabe2c character. Is case sensi2ve. !
Please note your username and password. Record or bookmark your WorldShare URL using the format below: !
hAps:// To use the applica9on, click the WorldShare Metadata Services buQon on the You will be taken to your OCLC Services account page. ins9tu9on’s WorldShare URL.
Sign in using the username and password you just created. !
If you forget your WorldShare URL Use this process to find your WorldShare URL aOer you have access to WorldShare Collec9on Manager and/or WorldShare Record Manager.
Visit the OCLC Services account page, hAps:// !
Click WorldShare Metadata Services. !
Follow the prompt to search for your ins9tu9on with your OCLC symbol, ins9tu9on’s name or by your ins9tu9on’s zip code. 3
Choose your ins9tu9on from the list and click Con2nue. 4
Type your username and password. 5
Click Sign In. Record or bookmark your WorldShare URL using the format below: !
hAps:// 2 of 3
Method 2: Associate a new service with your exis2ng WorldShare account If you have an exis9ng account, please follow the steps below to add a new service to your exis9ng account. You have an exis9ng OCLC Services account if you have access to the WorldShare interface for any WorldShare service or applica9on such as: !
WorldShare Acquisi9ons or Circula9on WorldShare Interlibrary Loan WorldShare Collec9on Manager or Record Manager (Metadata tab) WorldShare License Manager !
Or, if you have a staff sign in for the WorldCat Discovery interface. !
Contact with the following informa9on: I already use a WorldShare applica9on. Please configure a staff account for • Ins9tu9on name: • Library symbol or WorldShare URL: • First and last name: • The exis9ng username for the WorldShare applica9on: • Email address: !
(Op9onal) Other staff members’ personal account informa9on • First and last name: • The exis9ng username for the WorldShare applica9on: • Email address: !
2. OCLC Order Services will send you an email confirma9on. !
How manage staff accounts in the WorldShare interface !
Staff members can go through the same procedure as described above, star9ng at the beginning of the document. Distribute these instruc9ons, if desired. Please note: Both Method 1 and Method 2 assign an administra2ve role to each account. !
You or any other staff member with an administra9ve role for an applica9on can edit and disable other staff accounts for that applica9on using the Admin tab in the WorldShare interface. !
See the instruc2ons and details on roles for more informa9on. !
©2014 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. All rights reserved. The following OCLC product and service names are trademarks or service marks of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.: OCLC, WorldCat, WorldCat Discovery, WorldCat Discovery Services, WorldCat knowledge base, WorldShare, WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, WorldShare License Manager, WorldShare Management Services, WorldShare Record Manager, WorldShare Metadata Services, WorldShare Collec9on Manager and “ The world’s libraries. Connected.” The OCLC, WorldCat and WorldShare symbols are service marks of OCLC. Third-­‐party product service names are trademarks or service marks of their respec9ve companies. OCLC grants permission to photocopy this publica9on as needed. ISO 9001 Cer9fied. 1411
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