Document 6569295


Document 6569295
St Mary’s Catholic Church
Tovey Road Swindon SN2 1LQ
Tel: 01793 535089
Parish Priest: Fr Michael McAndrew -
Parish Administrator:
Elias Fernandes -
Safeguarding Rep: (CRB): Teresa Sugden -
Parish records:
Deacon: Rev Shaun Murphy (retired)
Parish website:
Deanery website:
Diocesan website:
Sunday, October 19, 2014
6.00pm (Sat) 8.30am 10.30am
Entrance Antiphon:
To you I call; for you will surely heed me, O God; turn your ear
to me; hear my words. Guard me as the apple of your eye; in the
shadow of your wings protect me.
Response to the Psalm:
Give the Lord glory and power.
Saturday: 9.30am – 10.00am
& 5.00pm - 5.30pm
Gospel Acclamation:
Your word is truth, O Lord, consecrate us in the truth.
Communion Antiphon:
The Son of Man has come to give his life as a ransom for many.
06.00pm (Sat) Mass - Marianee Fernandes (RIP)
Mass - Pereira (Thanksgiving)
Mass - Jim Donovan (Anniversary)
Mass – Anoushka Bastin (Intentions)
Mass – Rocky de Sa (RIP) + Rospida De Sa (RIP)
Wednesday 09.00am
Mass – Christina McKenna (Anniversary)
Mass – Wilfred Whittaker (Anniversary)
Mass – Janocki Family (RIP)
Mass – Pauline Preece (Anniversary)
06.00pm (Sat) Mass – Jim Darragh (Anniversary)
Mass – Melwyn Fernandes (Intentions)
Mass – George Donovan (Anniversary)
CHURCH CLEANING: Every Friday, after the morning Mass. Your help would be much appreciated.
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all those who are sick especially: Cathy Walker, Joshua Crabb, Eileen
Blackwell, Anna Tickner, Mary Donnelly, Peadar Heffron, Liam Cahill, Brian Murphy, Michael Fry, David Crosto, Sheila
Hughes, Peter, Alfie and Harry Crabb, John and Rosemary O’Gorman, Christopher and Cath Brown, Sally Burke, Marie
Mundy, Julia Harrison, Lena Watson, Cheryl Dawson, Louise Stacey, Maria Walsh, Sam Rees, David Edwards, Kevin
Jones, Zach Magill, Irena Fliska, Joe Shannon, John Foley, Christine Beale, Mary Lynch, Eleanor Lynch, Molly
Prendergast, Barbara Enright, Mary Stewart, Marc Young, May Franco
FUNERAL: Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of James Dominick Moose. His funeral service will be
on here at St Mary’s Wednesday 22nd October at 12 noon.
GIFT AID ENVELOPES 2015: The new Gift Aid yellow envelopes (for tax payers) for 2015 are ready to collect at the back
of the church. Please ensure you take your correct box as they are all numbered. Non-Gift Aiders (non-tax payers) may
please take a box of green envelopes. Any person who wishes to start donating weekly/ monthly either through Gift Aid
envelopes or direct debit/ Standing order may take a form from the table at the back of the Church or you may speak to
Fr. Michael or contact the parish office and we will post a form to you.
200 CLUB GRAND DRAW 2014: The winners are: No 37 Sheila Piper £400. No 97 Nick Gentilcore £200. No 173 Anne
Liddle £100. No. 47 Helen Czajkowska £50. No 83 Derek Iles £10. No 56 John Kennedy £5. Please collect your prize
from Fr Michael. Congratulations to all the winners of the Grand Draw 2014.
200 CLUB: Envelopes for the new season are available from the back of the church. There is a Vacancy List for new
members to join. Just enter your name and details and you will receive a membership letter and number. Subscription is
just £12 for the year, payable in cash or cheque on joining the 200 Club. There are monthly draws (1st prize £20); a
Christmas draw (1st prize £50) and a Grand Draw (1st prize £400). All remaining funds go to the parish. Please help the
parish by joining up. Any queries please phone Rosemary on 01793 337566, or e-mail:
BAPTISM: We welcome into the family of the Church Bella Lewis Herbert who is baptised here at St Mary’s this weekend.
DIAMOND JUBILEE: Our best wishes to Bill and Norah Meadon who will be celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary on
23rd October.
FOR SALE: Home-made Jam and Marmalade is on sale at the back of the Church.
Development Fund.
Proceeds towards the Parish
“25th/26th October 2014 – CELEBRATE Catholic Family Conference: a fun and faith-filled weekend daytime event with
talks, workshops, praise and the celebration of Mass. Youth streams catering for all ages and an evening meal included for
all. Visit for more information, prices and bookings. St Bede’s, Bristol,
BS11 0SU”
HCPT: GROUP 185– THE PILGRIMAGE TRUST CHARITY BALL: Swindon and Wroughton group, have great pleasure in
announcing our exciting 2014 fundraising event. Every Easter our wonderful group of volunteers take children with
disabilities and differing needs on pilgrimage to Lourdes. We are currently raising money for our next trip and on the 25th
October we will be hosting for the second year running a ball at the De Vere Hotel in Swindon. We’d love you to come and
join us! Tickets are £35 each and include a three course meal, fantastic live music, disco, exciting auction prizes and plenty
more. For further details contact Victoria Lane. Auction and tombola prizes or donations also very gratefully received.
Email: tel:07554001710. Thank you in anticipation.
CLIFTON CHILDREN’S SOCIETY: CCS needs to find many more adoptive families so if you or anyone you know is
considering adoption, please contact CCS for an informal discussion and free information pack on 0117 935 0005. Social
media users are asked to please like them on Facebook: CCS Adoption and follow them on Twitter: @ccsadoption so that
they can reach more families.
CCS CHRISTMAS CARDS: A good place to buy some good Christmas cards and a way of supporting the Clifton Children’s
Society is to buy your Christmas Cards from the Society. Order forms available at the back of the Church.
BIG SING THING: Back to entertain us are the Big Sing Thing & Guests on 7.30pm Friday 14 November 2014. They were
well received in the spring so make sure you get your tickets early. Joining them will be St Mary's Junior Parish Choir.
Tickets available after Mass on Saturday Evening, Sunday morning mass. Tickets Adult £5.00, Under 16 Free. Please ring
Terri on 01793 874807, Jackie O'Shaunessy on 01793 336436 or Det Bathe 01793 644982 for further details and tickets.
JUNIOR PARISH CHOIR: will meet on Wednesday 3.45 - 4.30pm here in the Church. Ages 7-14 all are welcome to come
and join for an afternoon of singing here in St Mary’s Church.
OFFERTORY COLLECTION LAST WEEKEND: £764 (of which £127 was Gift aided) and £502 was given by standing
order. Thank you very much for your generosity.
RETIRING COLLECTION this Sunday will be towards World Mission Sunday – Missio-APF. The Association for the
Propagation of the Faith (APF) who assists each and every one of the Catholic Church’s 1062 mission dioceses and
territories to provide pastoral care and preach the Gospel effectively. Gift Aid envelopes are also available at the back of the
Church if you are a taxpayer.
Give the Lord glory and power! The Lord alone is king, and to him we are to give the homage of our love
and obedience. All earthly power is subordinate to God’s rule over the universe. It is important to get our
priorities right: everything else only in relation to God.