Today’s Services Readings at communion services:


Today’s Services Readings at communion services:
Today’s Services
In Touch Weekly
Readings at communion services:
Old Testament
New Testament
Isaiah 45:2-7
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22
Pew Bible/OT p.684
Pew Bible/NT p.200
Pew Bible/NT p.23
Early Communion
Revd Canon Andrew Shipton
Parish Communion
Presiding: Revd Ruth Birnie
Preaching: Brother Desmond Alban
Processional: 333 All my hope on God is founded
173 Make me a channel of your peace
137 Come down, O Love divine
Communion: 476 Ye servants of God
Recessional: 77 Go forth and tell
Evening Prayer with Hymns
Psalm: 142
Hymns: 362, 372, 368
Meditation Group
David Jowett
Please pray for:
the work of the brothers of the Society of St Francis, and the sisters of the
Community of St Francis, and Anglican Franciscans in the UK.
Dear Lord, You healed bodies, minds, and spirits during your ministry. We
ask Your healing power to be manifest to all threatened by the outbreak of
Ebola in West Africa. May they receive the treatment they need for their
bodies to fight the infection. May they know the comfort and assurance of
Your presence. May those who grieve the loss of loved ones find their hope
in You.
God of Compassion, hear the cries of the people of Syria and Iraq. Comfort
those who suffer violence, console those who mourn the dead and strength
neighbouring countries to welcome the refugees. Change the hearts of those
who have taken up arms and inflict great suffering and protect those
committed to peace.
LARGE PRINT copies of service booklets, hymns and this pew
sheet are available at the back of church, please just ask.
Sunday 19th October 2014
Trinity 18 Proper 24
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Thought for Today:
Franciscans respond to the radical call of Christ to ‘live the
Gospel’ in humility, love and joy, in a whole variety of ways
and locations around the country and the world. That
response is expressed in some kind of balance between the
life of prayer study, and active work, and we have a
particular call to serve those who are poor and marginalised
in society. For that reason, we are often to be found in
Urban Priority Areas and our Byker house is a good example
in this diocese. Alnmouth Friary is rather different, a
beautiful house by the seaside, which many will have
visited: As well as being a base for other activity, our
ministry and raison d’être at Alnmouth is to share such a
wonderful place and with others, so our focus is on
hospitality both to groups and individuals. Through that, we
support all sorts of people in their own ‘ministries’ and
vocations and in their home and family life, but in the wing of
the friary we call ‘St Anthony’s Chalet’ we also welcome
families and small groups and others from those places of
particular need.
Welcome to All Saints’ Especially to all those visiting for the
weekend, or worshipping with us for the first time. Children are
especially welcome. Don’t worry if they make a noise or run
around as long as they are happy. There is a Children’s Corner at
the back of church where younger children may like to go during
the service with books, work-sheets etc, which may be taken back
to pews. There are children’s activities during the service in the
hall - please join the procession at the start of the service.
• All Souls’ Service - Sunday 2nd November at 6.30pm The
names of all those who died during the last year will be read out
as will additional names which have been submitted. The
Service will include the opportunity to light a candle as an act of
remembrance. Please add the name on the sheet at the back of
the church.
• The Parish Office will be closed until Friday 31st October. If
you send a pew sheet notice in by e-mail please head it “pew
sheet”. Thank you.
• The 11.30 Informal Service will be on Sunday 2nd November
and will last 35 minutes.
• News of Advent and Christmas Services:
Mulled wine will be served after the Advent Carol Service on
30th November at 6.30pm
‘Carols by Candlelight’ for businesses and others will be on
Wednesday 10th December at 7.00pm followed by mulled wine
in the church.
Our Christingle will be at 2.15pm on Christmas Eve before the
other two Carol Services and 11.30pm Eucharist. Christmas
Day services will be at 8.00am and
There will be stalls at parish breakfast in Advent.
We plan to send out a glossy Christmas card to the homes of
the parish. Children aged 12 and under are invited to design the
front picture for the card - please make it a portrait rather than
a landscape format! There are entry forms at the back of the
church and a box for the completed designs or they can be given
to a youth leader or churchwarden. The closing date is 9th
• A ‘taster session’ for young people to sing Gospel Music will
be held on Tuesday 4th November, 7.30-8.30pm in the Upper
Room of the Hall. This will be for young people from 9 years old
upwards. More information from Richard Gooding, Tom Onions
or Andrew Shipton.
• Beavers have been planting bulbs in the border alongside the
church hall, hence the array of little sticks with ‘c’ and ‘d’
marked on them. No prizes for guessing what those bulbs will
grow into!
• In Touch deadline for the next edition is 9th November.
LOOP SYSTEM? - If you use a hearing aid, please switch it to
the ‘T’ position to use our loop system.
During this week
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion (Revd Canon Andrew
Shipton) followed by coffee in the
Columba Room
Little Saints
Evolution Youth Group
Morning Prayer
Sew, Knit and Natter Group
OTAS Youth Group
Morning Prayer
Funeral of Len Constable
Memorial Service for Guy Readman
Early Communion
Revd Canon Andrew Shipton
Parish Communion
Presiding: Revd Rebecca Watts
Preaching: Revd Canon Andrew Shipton
Choral Evensong
Bible Readings at next Sunday morning’s services:
Old Testament
New Testament
Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
Pew Bible/OT p.110
Pew Bible/NT p.200
Pew Bible/NT p.24
Andrew Shipton
Assistant Priest
Ruth Birnie
Hon Assistant Priest
Youth Worker
Rebecca Watts
Tom Onions
07851 607112
David Jowett
Diane Kirkup
Room Bookings
Parish office
NEWCOMERS? - If you would like to be contacted by us
please complete a green Contact Card and place it in the box
provided, or hand it to one of the clergy or churchwardens.
MOBILITY? - Please let a steward know if you need assistance
going up for communion, or would like communion to be
brought to you.
Nominations for Mission of the Month – 2015
• I am updating the church website and church Facebook
page - If you visit them at the moment you will find publicity for
the 11.30 service relaunch and the new Gospel choir, amongst
other things. If there is anything that you would like me to
include then please get in touch at
• Music for violin, cello and piano in aid of the S.Y. Killingley
Memorial Trust. 7.30pm Thursday 6th November at the Lit and
Phil, 23 Westgate Road, NE1 1SE. Tickets £8 (concession £6)
from Dermot Killingley 2858053 -
• Time and Talents Many thanks to all who returned Time and
Talent cards. To those who listed the things they already do at
All Saints', we would like to say "thank you "; we really
appreciate how much so many of you already do. Those who
have offered to do something additional will soon receive a letter
about the next steps on our journey together. Once again, thank
you all. Diane and David.
• Chronicle wish tokens The Northumberland Scout Jamboree
unit are collecting these to support their trip to Japan next year.
If you happen to have any Sophie and Tom Smith would love to
receive them, either in person or via the ‘S’ pigeon hole.
• During Advent there will be 2 study groups running,
using material from the Pilgrim course (which has
been recommended by the Diocese and both
Archbishops!). Andrew Shipton will be running a
group on Tuesday nights at 7.30pm at the Vicarage
on December 2nd, 9th and 16th, and Tom Onions will
be running a group (predominantly for those with
young families) on Wednesdays at 11am on
December 3rd, 10th and 17th in some of Gosforth’s
numerous coffee shops. Put the dates in your diary
now! If you would like more information, please speak
to Andrew or Tom.
We would, once again, like to give all members of our congregation
the opportunity of nominating their favourite/preferred charitable
organisation for 2015 and would ask if you could let us have
your request by Monday 20th October at the latest, so that
the Mission and Justice Group can draw up a list which will
discussed and confirmed by the PCC at their meeting in November.
We would like you to know that our deliberations and
recommendations will be based around Charities which
relate particularly to All Saints’ Mission Action Plan priorities
which could be summed up as:
Deepening our faith and deepening our fellowship
Outreach into the wider community and beyond (to be
‘good news’)
• A particular concern to encourage and support the young
Please send/leave your nomination with a brief description, or
attach leaflet, of the nature of their work, along with your name
and contact details to: Chris Matthews, tel. 285 6494 or email:, or leave in M/N pigeonhole at back of
“All Quiet on the Western Front”
This black and white film was made soon after the book by
Erich Maria Remarque was published in the 1930’s. The book
gave a German private’s perspective on the First World War
and was an anti-war novel. The film was updated sometime in
the 1950’s but is essentially the 1930’s film.
Introduced by Paul Cross and followed by discussion of ethical
issues raised by the film.
Entrance is free but a donation (suggested £1) is invited
towards costs. All welcome, bring a friend.
Please note: Bar meals will be served up to 6.45pm so why not
come early and have a meal.