Today`s Services Thought for Today: Transfiguration In


Today`s Services Thought for Today: Transfiguration In
Today’s Services
In Touch Weekly
Readings at communion services:
Sunday 15th February 2015
Sunday before Lent
Old Testament
New Testament
2 Kings 2:1-12
2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Mark 9:2-9
Pew Bible/OT p.342
Pew Bible/NT p.177
Pew Bible/NT p.42
Early Communion
Revd Ruth Birnie
Parish Communion
Presiding: Revd Canon Andrew Shipton
Preaching: Revd Ruth Birnie
Processional: 263 All creatures of our God and king
37 Christ triumphant
111 I am the bread of life
Communion: 163 Lord for the years
Recessional: 77 Go forth and tell
Evening Prayer with Hymns
Psalm: 2
Hymns: 484, 271, 252
We pray for:
• the ability to see ordinary life as filled with God’s presence and
painful situations as being capable of transformation
• the grace to regard everyone as created in God’s image
• the discipline to live Lent in the right spirit
• the work of the Samaritans
• a successful implementation of the ceasefire in Ukraine
• honesty and integrity among those in charge of our financial
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The Parish Office is open Mon-Wed, & Fri 9.30-12.30pm: Tel. 213 0450
Thought for Today: Transfiguration
There was once a man who fell in love with a very beautiful woman
but as he didn't consider himself to be very attractive he felt sure
that the beautiful woman would never love him. So he decided to
go to a mask maker and get him to fit him with a mask much more
attractive than his own face. Things went just as he had planned
and he and the beautiful woman were married and lived happily for
some time. However, eventually, the man, who was very honest
with himself, began to worry that what his wife was seeing was not
his true self. So he went back to the mask maker to have the
mask removed and with great trepidation he went home to face his
wife. Much to his surprise she behaved just as usual as if nothing
had changed. Greatly puzzled he looked in the mirror and found,
to his great astonishment, that his face had become beautiful just
like the mask. Love transforms. When we love someone beautiful
and they love us we too can become beautiful. In the story of the
Transfiguration we see God’s love shining through Jesus and
transforming him so that the disciples can see the full extent of his
Ruth Birnie
• those living with dyslexia
Welcome to All Saints’ Especially to all those visiting for the
weekend, or worshipping with us for the first time. Children are
especially welcome. Don’t worry if they make a noise or run
around as long as they are happy. There is a Children’s Corner at
the back of church where younger children may like to go during
the service with books, work-sheets etc, which may be taken back
to pews. There are children’s activities during the service in the
hall - please join the procession at the start of the service.
• Buns and Biscuits on sale at parish breakfast. Proceeds will go
to the bell fund.
• Date for your diary nearly new/jumble sale Saturday 18th
April. More details later but don’t throw anything away!
Proceeds to go to the hall heating fund.
• There will be sessions for Adult Confirmation starting in
March. For further information please see Ruth or Andrew.
• Easter Card Competition Calling all young artists. As at
Christmas an Easter card is to be distributed throughout the
parish and we need a design for the front cover. Please see the
poster at the back of the church or take a yellow leaflet from the
table for further details and get drawing!
• Lent courses starting soon - sign up sheets are at the back of
church and the Lent books are on sale today in the hall after the
service priced £5.99. Also available in the office this week.
During this week
• Book Group The next meeting is on Tuesday 3rd March in the
Columba Room when the book discussed will be Longbourn by Jo
Baker. The April meeting will be on 14th April - a week later
than usual when the book discussed will be The Children Act by
Ian McEwan. All are welcome.
LARGE PRINT copies of service booklets,
hymns and this pew sheet are available at
the back of church, please just ask.
Morning Prayer
Sew, Knit and Natter Group
Eucharist with ashing
Morning Prayer
• Monday at 7.15pm is the Deanery Synod at St Nicholas
Church, Gosforth.
• Disposal of books We intend to dispose of the stock of Mission
Praise books which are no longer in use. Before we do this,
however, we want to give any parishioner who would like a copy
(or indeed more than one) the opportunity to take one. We shall
keep the books for the next four weeks. If anyone would like a
copy please let Diane Kirkup know - contact details above.
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion (Revd Ruth Birnie)
followed by coffee in the Columba Room
• Lent leaflets are available today from the back of the church
with details of services and meetings during Lent.
• Baptism Stewards I am compiling a list of parishioners willing
to act as stewards at Sunday afternoon baptisms. These are
relatively infrequent and the job entails handing out booklets
and generally welcoming the visitors. It is a rewarding thing to
do and only involves a time commitment of around an hour or
so. If you would like to help please contact me in church or on
2844617 or at Thank you, Diane Kirkup.
Early Communion
Revd Canon Andrew Shipton
Parish Communion
Presiding: Revd Rebecca Watts
Preaching: Revd Canon Andrew Shipton
Evening Prayer with Lenten
Meditation Group
Bible Readings at next Sunday morning’s services:
Old Testament
New Testament
Genesis 9:8-17
1 Peter 3:18-22
Mark 1:9-15
Pew Bible/NT p.7
Pew Bible/NT p.232
Pew Bible/NT p.33
Andrew Shipton
Assistant Priest
Ruth Birnie
Hon Assistant Priest
Rebecca Watts
Youth Worker
Tom Onions
07851 607112
David Jowett
Diane Kirkup
Room Bookings
Parish office
NEWCOMERS? - please complete a green Contact Card and place it in the
box provided, or hand it to one of the clergy or churchwardens.
MOBILITY? - Please let a steward know if you need assistance going up for
communion, or would like communion to be brought to you.
LOOP SYSTEM? - If you use a hearing aid, please switch it to the ‘T’
position to use our loop system.
Prayer Walks during Lent
This is a British-South African biographical film,
released in 2008. It is the true story of Sandra Laing,
a South African woman born to white parents, who
was classified as “coloured” during the apartheid era,
presumably die to a case of genetic atavism.
It tells her story from childhood to middle age and the
huge problems that she and her family faced in
apartheid South Africa.
Introduced by: Ethel Randall
Followed by a discussion of the ethical issues raised
by this film.
All welcome, bring a friend.
Entrance is free but a donation (suggested £1) is
invited towards costs.
Please note: Bar meals will be served up to 6.45pm so
why not come early and have a meal.
Next month there will be no meeting as the room is
nor available.
During Lent throughout the Central Deanery prayer walks have
been arranged on each Saturday to walk and pray for the work of
Mission in our Deanery. See poster for further information. The
plan is to meet at each church named when a short talk will be
given about the church followed by a reading and a prayer lasting
about 15 minutes before proceeding to the next church. The
programme is as follows:
Saturday 21st February
The Church of the Ascension, Kenton, meeting 1.15pm
Saint John, Kingston Park, meeting 2.00pm
Saint Mary, Fawdon meeting, 2.45pm
Saint Hugh, Gosforth, meeting 3.30pm
Saint Nicholas, Gosforth, meeting 4.15 for Evening Prayer and tea
Saturday 28th February
Holy Jesus Hospital, meeting 1.15pm
St Luke, Spital Tongues, meeting 1.40pm
All Saints’, Gosforth, meeting 2.45pm
Saint Hilda’s, Jesmond, meeting 3.30pm
Saint George, Jesmond, meeting 4.00pm
Holy Trinity, Jesmond, meeting 4.45pm
Saint Barnabas and Saint Jude for Evening Prayer and tea.
Saturday 7th March
The Cathedral, meeting 9.00 for Eucharist
Saint Ann, Battlefield meeting 10.00am
Christ Church, Shieldfield meeting 10.30am
Jesmond Parish Church meeting 11.15am
Saint Thomas, Haymarket, meeting 11.45
Saint John, Grainger Street, meeting 12.15
Saint Andrew, Newgate Street meeting 12.45 for prayers and lunch
Saturday 14th March
Saint Aidan, Brunton Park, meeting 1.30pm
Saint Matthew, Dinnington, meeting 2.45pm
Saint Cuthbert, Brunswick Village, meeting 4.00pm
Saint Columba, Wideopen, meeting 4.45 for Evening Prayer and tea