Today’s Services Readings at communion services:


Today’s Services Readings at communion services:
Today’s Services
In Touch Weekly
Readings at communion services:
Old Testament
New Testament
Isaiah 25:1-9
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14
Pew Bible/OT p.662
Pew Bible/NT p.196
Pew Bible/NT p.23
Early Communion
Revd Ruth Birnie
Parish Communion
Presiding: Revd Canon Andrew Shipton
Preaching: Revd Ruth Birnie
Processional: 262 There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
457 The King of love my Shepherd is
130 In heavenly love abiding
Communion: 23 Be still for the presence
Recessional: 485 Thy hand O God has guided
PCC Open Meeting
Wedding of Craig Dallison and Claire Brown
Evening Prayer with Hymns
Psalm: 139:1-18
Hymns: 353, 357, 359
Please pray for::
• those caught up in violence on the border between Syria and
Turkey; an end to Islamic fundamentalism as it threatens the
lives of many; all refugees and asylum seekers; MP’s as they
vote on the recognition of Palestine as an independent state;
Christians threatened by persecution.
• our mission of the month the Society of St Francis in its
presence in Alnmouth and Walker, its community engagement
and its role in training novices.
• a commitment to deepening relationships with one another as a
church community and in outreach to our neighbours.
• all those working with the victims of the Ebola virus; those
suffering from illnesses that have no known cure.
NEWCOMERS? - If you would like to be contacted by us please complete a
green Contact Card and place it in the box provided, or hand it to one of
the clergy or churchwardens.
MOBILITY? - Please let a steward know if you need assistance going up for
communion, or would like communion to be brought to you.
LOOP SYSTEM? - If you use a hearing aid, please switch it to the ‘T’
position to use our loop system.
Sunday 12th October 2014
Trinity 17
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The Parish Office is open Mon-Wed, & Fri 9.30-12.30pm: Tel. 213 0450
Thought for Today: Grateful Acceptance
The guests invited to the king’s banquet in today’s Gospel were
extremely ungracious in their response and apparently indifferent
to the importance of what was being offered, being too full of their
own importance and preoccupied with their own affairs. In
contrast, the speaker in this poem by George Herbert is all too
aware of his own unworthiness:
Love bade me welcome, yet my soul drew back,
Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-ey'd Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning
If I lack'd anything.
"A guest," I answer'd, "worthy to be here";
Love said, "You shall be he."
"I, the unkind, the ungrateful? ah my dear,
I cannot look on thee."
Love took my hand and smiling did reply,
"Who made the eyes but I?"
"Truth, Lord, but I have marr'd them; let my shame
Go where it doth deserve."
"And know you not," says Love, "who bore the blame?"
"My dear, then I will serve."
"You must sit down," says Love, "and taste my meat."
So I did sit and eat.
Ruth Birnie
Welcome to All Saints’ Especially to all those visiting for the
weekend, or worshipping with us for the first time. Children are
especially welcome. Don’t worry if they make a noise or run
around as long as they are happy. There is a Children’s Corner at
the back of church where younger children may like to go during
the service with books, work-sheets etc, which may be taken back
to pews. There are children’s activities during the service in the
hall - please join the procession at the start of the service.
• Mothers’ Union The next meeting is tomorrow 13th October at
2.00pm in the Columba Room. After a short service our new
vicar, Andrew, will talk to the group then Mrs Joan Harper will
show us, and talk about, her embroidery and other crafts. All
welcome, no need to be a member.
Do you enjoy helping young families? Do you have 1 or 2
hours to spare on Tuesdays between 12.30 and 2.30pm? Did
you offer any time to All Saints’ in your Time and Talents return?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, Little Saints will
welcome you. The group needs offers of help to set up, clear
away and welcome young families. Please contact Lesley
Atkinson 2847163 or the parish office.
All Souls’ Service - Sunday 2nd November at
6.30pm The names of all those who died during the last
year and the names of any others people want to
remember, will be read out. There is time to light a
candle, enjoy music and space. Please add the name
(clearly!) to the sheet at the back of the church. Do
come to the service and support others as we remember
The Parish Office will be closed from Tuesday 14th to
Wednesday 29th October inclusive. If you send a pew sheet
notice in by e-mail please head it “pew sheet”. Thank you.
Sincere thanks go to everyone who enabled the Special
Service to be a success last Sunday - drivers, welcomers, all
involved with the service, the Semitones Orchestra and Judy’s
catering team, who again provided such a splendid tea. Guests
truly appreciate the opportunity to attend a communion service
in fellowship with friends at All Saints’.
There will be an Informal Service on Sunday 2nd November
at 11.30am on the theme of “The Saints” led by Tom Onions and
Andrew Shipton. Please see the poster advertising the Service.
(There will also be an Informal Service on Sunday 7th December
at 11.30am on the theme of Advent).
A ‘taster session’ for young people to sing Gospel Music will
be held on Tuesday 4th November, 7.30-8.30pm in the Upper
Room of the Hall. This will be for young people from 9 years old
upwards. More information from Richard Gooding, Tom Onions
or Andrew Shipton.
LARGE PRINT copies of service booklets,
hymns and this pew sheet are available at
the back of church, please just ask.
During this week
Mothers’ Union
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion (Revd Ruth Birnie)
followed by coffee in the Columba Room
Little Saints
Evolution Youth Group
Morning Prayer
Sew, Knit and Natter Group
R Group Youth Group
Morning Prayer
Early Communion
Revd Canon Andrew Shipton
Parish Communion
Presiding: Revd Ruth Birnie
Preaching: Brother Desmond Alban
(Society of St Francis)
Evening Prayer with Hymns
Meditation Group
Bible Readings at next Sunday morning’s services:
Old Testament
New Testament
Isaiah 45:1-7
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22
Pew Bible/OT p.684
Pew Bible/NT p.200
Pew Bible/NT p.23
Andrew Shipton
Assistant Priest
Hon Assistant Priest
Ruth Birnie
Rebecca Watts
Youth Worker
Tom Onions
07851 607112
David Jowett
Diane Kirkup
Room Bookings
Parish office
• A Harris Tweed Jacket was left in church last weekend. It is
currently in the office along with two sets of house keys and a
black jumper!
• The Harvest Hoedown was a great success, with well over a
hundred revellers (from tots to teens to the more mature)
whirling and swirling round the dance floor! A fantastic social
get-together - church funds are better off to the tune of
£439.00. Thanks to everyone who supported this. The Social
and Events Committee
• I am updating the church website and church Facebook
page - If you visit them at the moment you will find publicity for
the 11.30 service relaunch and the new Gospel choir, amongst
other things. If there is anything that you would like me to
include then please get in touch at
Thank you.
• Tricia Hilton rang recently and asked for her thanks to be
passed on to the congregation for the flowers which were sent to
her at her new home. She greatly appreciated them.
• In Touch bundles are ready at the back of church for
distributors to collect.
• Members of the congregation will be sorry to hear that Len
Constable died on 9th October. Our thoughts and prayers are
with Jean and the family.
• Rotas for November are available today.
Nominations for Mission of the Month – 2015
We would, once again, like to give all members of our congregation
the opportunity of nominating their favourite/preferred charitable
organisation for 2015 and would ask if you could let us have
your request by Monday 20th October at the latest, so that
the Mission and Justice Group can draw up a list which will
discussed and confirmed by the PCC at their meeting in November.
We would like you to know that our deliberations and
recommendations will be based around Charities which
relate particularly to All Saints’ Mission Action Plan priorities
which could be summed up as:
Deepening our faith and deepening our fellowship
Outreach into the wider community and beyond (to be
‘good news’)
A particular concern to encourage and support the young
Please send/leave your nomination with a brief description, or
attach leaflet, of the nature of their work, along with your name
and contact details to: Chris Matthews, tel. 285 6494 or email:, or leave in M/N pigeonhole at back of