St Patrick’s Catholic Church Fr George Bennett PP 29
St Patrick’s Catholic Church Fr George Bennett PP 29
Deedmore Road, Wood End, Coventry CV2 2AA Tel: 02476 612193 St Patrick’s Catholic Church email: Fr George Bennett PP Sancte Patrici Ora Pro Nobis 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 19th October 2014 Year A Saturday Vigil 18th Oct 5.00 pm Sunday 19th Oct 10.30 am Monday Tuesday Wednesday 20th Oct 21st Oct 22nd Oct Thursday Friday Saturday 23rd Oct 24th Oct 25th Oct Saturday Vigil 25th Oct 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.15 am 11.30 am 9.30 am 9.30am 9.30 am 10.00 am 5.00 pm Sunday 26th Oct 10.30 am James McEnery (Anniv); Patrick McMahon (RIP); John Clifford (RIP); Nathan Hathaway (Spec Int); Constantine Banan (B/day); Sophia Reyes (B/day) Jim Dunleavy (RIP); Francis Malone (RIP); Michael Lee (Anniv); Jerry Mahoney (RIP); Tommy McSweeney (RIP); Rita Keogh (B/day) Eucharistic Service, Rosary and Morning Prayer Debbie Coady (Get Well); Teresa & Morgan (Get Well) Mass with children from St Patrick’s school Requiem Mass: Ilona Jordan Vera & Raymond Roberts (Anniv) Tess Madden (RIP); Paddy Thornhill (RIP) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament James O’Grady (RIP); Tommie McGovern (RIP) The Doherty Family (Spec Int); J. Dunleavy (RIP); Theresa White (B/day) Patrick Joseph Lynch (Anniv); Jerry Mahoney (RIP); Jonathan Ross (RIP) Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions): Saturday 9.30-9.50am and 4.30-4.50pm Devotional Candles: St Anthony: Thanksgiving Our Lady: Special Intention St Joseph: Divine Mercy: Last week’s 1st collection : Last week’s 2nd Collection: 77 300 £538 £124 CAFOD: £14.28 Counting Team for next Sunday A Mislang (Spec Int) A Mislang (Thanksgiving) WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – 19th OCTOBER Music Liturgy 633 Communion: 302 Recessional: Entrance: Offertory: Special Intention (BK) Sacred Heart: E Reyes (Thanksgiving) Divine Mercy: B PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS All those who have died recently, especially Ilona Jordan, whose Requiem takes place on Wednesday at 11.30am. Pray also for those who mourn for them and those whose anniversary occurs around this time. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS This weekend we are asked to make a donation to help build new churches, support missionaries and fund faith and outreach projects overseas. Missio envelopes are available. Please give whatever you can. Thank you. COVENTRY VISITATION In his recent Pastoral Letter Archbishop Bernard Longley explained that every parish in the Birmingham diocese will be visited during the coming months. The Coventry Deanery visitation began at Sacred Heart Church at the end of September. Our visitation will take place on 22nd and 23rd November. Further details to follow. The sick and lonely of the parish, those in hospital and the housebound. May God give them ease of pain and peace of mind. COVENTRY INTERCULTURAL MASS CAFOD MASS OF REMEMBRANCE ADMISSION TO PRIMARY EDUCATION 2015 Tuesday 4 November at Our Lady & St Anne’s, Caversham, RG4 5AB. All are welcome but if you can’t attend the Mass and would like to remember a loved one, please send their names to or phone 01922 722944 by 29th October and they will be included in the Book of Remembrance. th At St John Fisher Church this Sunday 19th October at 3.00pm. See poster for details. Children born between 1st September 2010 and 31st August 2011 are eligible to start primary school in September 2015. Contact the Admissions Team on 024 7683 1622/1613 or apply online at Closing date for receipt of applications is 15th January 2015. The newsletter is now available on the Deanery Website: St Patrick’s Parish, Coventry, is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Registered Charity No: 234216