July 2016 Web Page Update - St. Anthony Maronite Catholic Church


July 2016 Web Page Update - St. Anthony Maronite Catholic Church
St. Anthony
Maronite Catholic Church
375 Island Pond Road
Springfield, MA 01118-1002
July 2016 Newsletter
Monthly - #86
Rev. George Zina, Pastoral Administrator
Deacon Enzo V. Di Giacomo
Deacon Norman Hannoush
Rectory & Office: Hours Mon – Fri 8 am – 1 pm
419 Island Pond Road, Springfield, MA 01118
Divine Liturgy
The Cedars
Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
375 Island Pond Road
Springfield, MA 01118
Liturgy Intentions for the Month of July 2016
July 02
July 03
4:30 PM
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
July 09
4:30 PM
July 10
8:30 AM
Steve, Tekla, Arthur & Christopher Stevens, RIP
(Louis, Laura & Michael)
Marie Ackourey, RIP – 40 Day Mass
(Ackourey & Connors Families)
For the Holy Souls in Purgatory, RIP
(John & Gina Bagley)
Edward Shibley, RIP – 40 Day Mass
(Maryanne Shamatta and Michael Stevens)
Second Collection: Fuel
10:30 AM
July 16
July 17
4:30 PM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
July 23
4:30 PM
July 24
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
July 30
July 31
4:30 PM
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
Elizabeth & Tom Thomas, RIP
(Louie & Laura)
For the Holy Souls in Purgatory, RIP
Neil Daboul, RIP
Ray and Evelyn Stevens, RIP
(Louis, Laura and Michael)
Elias Abdallah, Joseph Abdallah & Michael Hadla,
RIP (Abdallah Family)
Betty, Jim & Billy Mango, RIP & Sue Nassar, RIP
(Louis, Laura & Michael)
Paula Saab, RIP – 6th Anniversary
Altar Eucharist Celebration
Please consider sponsoring the cost of the Altar Eucharist
Celebration for any month in memory of a loved on or any
other special intention you would like. Contributions are:
Host: $40.00/Month
Vigil: $40.00/Month
Wine: $45.00/Month
Altar: $50.00/Month
The Host is being offer in July: By Carol Sibilia
This is the third announcement of the wedding banns
regarding the intended marriage between Steven Reynolds
and Marie Hannoush.
Women’s Guild Pasta Supper
No Pasta Supper in July…We will return in August 3rd!
Please consider sponsoring a monthly pasta supper in
memory of a loved one or in honor of your family.
Women’s Guild Meetings
1st Monday of every month (except January and July)
Family and Friends Dinner
The Family and Friends dinner will be held on Wednesday,
July 20th at 6:00 p.m. at the Cedar’s Banquet Facility.
Come relax and enjoy an evening of delicious food and visit
with family and friends before the Family and Friends
dinner goes on vacation in August. Tickets are $20.00 with
food catered by Tanya Boulos (413-885-2140) and Marie
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00
p.m. in the small hall.
Novena Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your
love for God and charity for His creatures,
made you worthy, when on earth, to possess
miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your
words, which you were ever ready to speak for
those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this
thought, I implore you to obtain for me
(request). The answer to my prayer
may require a miracle. Even so, you are
the Saint of Miracles.
O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart
was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my
petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus,
who loved to folded in your arms, and the
gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Stop in after 8:30 & 10:30 Sunday Mass for coffee and
PARISH NEWS: June 2015 – May 2016
We offer our deepest sympathy and prayers to the family and
friends of Edward P. “Nim” Shibley (father of Edward,
Rosemary Pagios, Denise Donnellan, Joseph, William and
Kim) on his recent passing. May God grant eternal rest to the
soul of his beloved servant and consolation and peace to his
The community of Our Lady of Lebanon Church, in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA will
be blessed by the presence of Patriarch Mar Bechara Peter Rai and the hosting of the
National Apostalate of Maronites (NAM) 53rd Annual Convention from Wednesday,
July 6, until Sunday July 10, 2016. These conventions sponsored by NAM have always
gathered the Maronites in the United States for a time of spiritual renewal, education and
socializing. Enjoy the Great Bay Area of California and celebrate the Maronite faith and
heritage with the many speakers, workshops for all ages, including the Youth and Young
Adults and excursions. For further information and a list of all the events and the days
and times please visit www.namnews.org.
My Dear Brother and Sisters,
I humbly extend my sincere thanks to all of the parishioners who helped with the Feast of
St. Anthony celebration on June 12th and 13 th. I will remember you all in my daily prayers
and in my Masses. May St. Anthony, our patron, shower you all with many blessings.
Fr. George
We pray God’s blessing for the healing and well being of the sick and
the shut-ins of our parish. Remember them in your prayers. If you
know of anyone who is homebound and would like a pastoral visit and
communion please contact Fr. George or the Rectory at 413.732.0589
We celebrate those having received the
Sacrament of Baptism:
J ack so n D a niel Germ ain
Cecil ia -Ba y Belieu
Gray son Cha rles Rich ards
J os eph Om ar Y ou sef
Ant ho ny F ranci s Ha nno us h
Adri ana Rita M ou aw ad
Chl oe M aroun Hannou sh
Ni cho la s Elias S tev ens
K eira Eve ly n Eileen Ga rron
Ash leigh El izabet h Lu bas
Ni cho la s Cliff o rd H anno us h
And rew Camil e Hann ou sh
Christ opher Ant hony Hann ou sh
Carol ine J acq uel yn Mc Carth y
Rya n S harbel Ant hony Hann ou sh
Congratulations to these couples who have
received the Sacrament of Matrimony:
M aher Ma rcel El-K ob ersi a nd Rosem ary
Ant ou n Z ehl ao ui
We remember those who have entered into eternal rest
M icha el Jo seph Bl ais dell
Rit a S hirley Nicol
El izabet h T. Canni ng
Y vonne Mi lew sk i
Emil ie Elia s H anno u che
Rit a Arc hamba ult
M arie Elia s Ac ko u rey
Florence F rance s Hoba ica
J os eph J ames S ada k, S r.
M ario n C. J erusik
Florence J . D avid
K aren D er Sa rki sian
M il dred M a ri e Bea upre
Edw a rd P . “Nim ” Sh ibley