Bulletin 26th April 2015 - Catholic New Malden | The Parish of St
Bulletin 26th April 2015 - Catholic New Malden | The Parish of St
St Joseph’s Catholic Church, New Malden www.catholicnewmalden.org Sunday 26th April 2015 4th Sunday of Easter Telephone: 020 8942 2602 SUNDAY MASS TIMES (Sat.) ad 6.00pm 9.30am 11.30am 5.30pm Vigil Mass Mass Solemn Mass Mass New Malden WEEKDAY MASSES h-newmalden.org.uk Monday 27th 7 & 10am Mass Easter Feria: 4th week of Eastertide Tuesday 28th 7 & 10am Mass Easter Feria, or St Peter Chanel, Pr & M, y (28thorJanuary) we keep de theMontfort, feast ofPr St St Louis Grignion quinas.Wednesday As a young 29th novice, this saint was 10am Mass St Catherine of Siena, Virgin & Doctor of the Church * cleverest men in 30th history. 7 & 10am Mass Thursday Easter Feria, or St Pius V, Pope wrote Friday many) was the Summa Theologica 1st May 7 & 10am Mass CatholicSt philosophy and theology which * Joseph the Worker - Parish Patron though it2nd is in fact one of the Saturday 10am Mass ght! St Athanasius, Bp & Dr of the Church sdom of St Thomas Aquinas Sunday Readings Year B Divine Office Week 4 Sunday Bulletin for 24th January 2010 Today is VOCATIONS SUNDAY, also known as GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY (cf. today’s Gospel) when the Catholic Church prays for Vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life, and for our Priests and Religious. Pray for the Vocations from our own Parish not least for Philip Andrews, due to be Ordained Deacon in Rome on 12th July, and for each of us in our vocation. CLERGY SUPPORT FUND CAMPAIGN Archbishop Peter Smith wishes every Catholic in the Diocese to have an opportunity to hear about the needs of sick and retired priests and how you can lend your support to this campaign to raise £4.5m over the next four years. 2nd collection in Aidthisofstrategic plan last year to provide for the retired Priests who have The Diocese launched served in our Southwark Haiti earthquake victimsDiocesan Parishes (and Priests who are sick). Because Kingston Deanery (and 2 others) were without Deans at that time we are now committed to prioritise The Holy Father is urging the world campaign next tothis continue to helpover Haitithe after the4 months. recent earthquake. will speak, and cards will be distributed for completion, at all Our devastating Parish representatives Masses this weekend. Only one card need be completed per family, as provision will be this particularly delicate period in made for other family members to attend the Presentations being held in our Pastoral Centre the life of theth nation, the on Thursday 4 June at 7.45, Monday 8th June at 7.45, and Sunday 14th June at 4pm. s greatOTHER work, Thomas gives his famous SERVICES international community offers concrete gestures and support to Lauds: 9.30am Monday-Saturday ST JOSEPH’S BAKE-OFF 2.15pm Sat. 9th May, in aid of Christian Solidarity Worldwide. on, canRosary: come toMondayknow the existence of Saturday Bake a Cake for Christians! By participating in this first of its kind ‘Bake-Off’ in our after the 10am Mass (except Thurs) In response to this appeal, we will Diocese, you will be helping have a second collection this persecuted Christians via CSW. Ben Rogers of CSW & Alyson we seeEucharistic motion Adoration: but motion Thursdays implies a Rodrigues spoke at Masses last weekend and leaflets were given out. See poster for more. from 10am Mass, all day, until 9pm; weekend 23 / 24 January. 1st Saturdays 10.30 - 11.30am; and 2nd & 4th Sundays after 5.30 Mass. EASTERTIDE SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS include last Friday’s Marriage of Sunjay Chandiramani and events Elena Dzyadevich (Sunjay became a Catholic here at the Easter Vigil). extra are produced by their causes but these CONFESSIONS All our new Catholics will be at the Cathedral on Saturday 9 May for the Neophytes’ Mass. TODAY ~ Sunday ~ 24th January eir causes, The and Lightsois on. On Ultimately for You! there First Holy Communion Masses at 12 noon on Saturdays 25th April, and 2nd and 9th May 1600 Baptism Rehearsal (February) Thursdaysand 6.30this - 7.30pm, we call God. welcome 44 children Confirmation Enrolmentto the Eucharistic Banquet - the foretaste of Heaven. Their photos are, Saturdays 10.30 - 11.30 & 5.15 - 5.45. 1730 1830 Youth Club Yrs 8 / 9 around the Shrine of Pope St Pius X to encourage our prayer for them. as usual, displayed READINGS AT MASS Monday 25th e, decay and ultimately pass away. Sundays Year B; Weekdays cycle 1 ntingent.Today: But contingent things demand COMMON OBJECTIONS TO CATHOLICISM - A series of talks addressing popular Acts 4:8-12; Baptist Church a non-contingent, necessary 1 John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18being objections to, and misconceptions about, the Catholic Faith. Thursdays 16th April - 21st May 1945 Around the World in 18 Musicals M. Acts 11:1-18; John 10:1-10 from 7.30 - 9pm in the Amigo Hall, St George’s Cathedral, Southwark SE1 6HX. See poster. Tuesday 26th T. Acts 11:19-26; John 10:22-30 Mothers Prayers - Lady Chapel . 1 John 11:25-30 d the W world we 1:5 see- 2:2; thatMatt some things* 2000 MASS FOR Th. Acts John 13:16-20 Wednesday 27thNEW CATHOLICS: 11am Saturday 9 May, St George’s Cathedral, Southwark. ers. But this 13:13-25; implies there must be For Faith all those and Received into the Catholic Church this Easter, and their families. F. Acts 13:26-33; Matthew 13:54-58 * 1400 in the Baptized Family - CC School rfect, S. against which everything else is Acts 13:44-52; John 14:7-14 Next Sun: Acts 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8 around is ordered Fifthus Sunday of Easterwere ee it not, order implies a Mind, which brings about ROTAS Team 4 today; od. Team 1 next Sunday, 3rd May. s faith and reason, St Thomas us COLLECTIONS lastreminds weekend: nd should be Standing in harmony with Divine Gift Aid Orders £ 1,378 +Gift AidGod weekly envelopes £ we 529 is a gift from and the better +Cash £ 606 = Parish total £ 2,513 m we grow. St George’s Cathedral £ 337 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1930 Forum Christi - PC1 1930 Marriage Preparation I MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK Sun. (Sat) 6pm Una Annett RIP, 9.30 John & Eileen Thursday 28th Fox,RCIA 11.30 Isabella- PC3 Oldknow’s Recovery, 5.30 Pro Populo; Mon. 7. Peter O’Toole RIP, 2000 / Evangelium 10.Teresa Wright RIP; Tue. 7. Teresa Scanlon’s Intention 10. Margory Clancy RIP ; Friday 29th Wed. 10. JohnI -Frate RIP; Thur. 7. Alexander & Muriel Hume RIP; 10. Patrick Hartnett; 1930 Confirmation Icebreaker Saturday 30th & John Williams; 10. John Wright RIP; Sat. 10. Holy Souls, Next Sun. (Sat) Fri. 7. Mary 1000 6pm Anna Pederzolli, 9.30 Jose Joao, 11.30 Julian Skinner RIP, 5.30 Pro Populo. Recollection / Renewal SHRINE LAMPS this week: Our Lady: Ng Family Thanksgiving (both), Next Sunday ~ 31st January SacredforHeart: RIP, St Pius X: Marlena & Joasia Collection Catholic Uncle EducationLawrence Service St Joseph: Vella Family thanksgiving, St Therese / St John Fisher: Rosa Paddon Lenten Charities to date: £10,621.53 Details in next Sunday’s Bulletin. St Thomas More / St Anthony: For the repose of the soul of Diana Guillen RIP. mail: st joseph.newmalden@btinternet.com Fax 020 8949 2702 St Joseph’s Presbytery / Parish Office PASTORAL TEAM: 1 Montem Road New Malden Surrey KT3 3QW Fr Peter Edwards (Parish Priest), Deacon John-Simon Lawson, Mr Peter Morrell (Pastoral Assistant) frpeter1@icloud.com revjohnsimonnm@gmail.com pastoralassistantmailbox@gmail.com Parish Secretary: Mrs Agnes Vella, Parish Treasurer: Mr David Roberts, THE PARISH OFFICE is open, Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 12.30pm. Director of Music: Dr Matthew Ward catholicnewmalden@icloud.com MASS INTENTIONS (and Donors) for May 2015 Sunday 3rd May Sat. 6pm Anna Pederzolli (R Pederzolli) 9.30 Jose Joao (J Joao) 11.30 Julian Skinner RIP (A Skinner) Monday 4th No 7am on Bank Holidays (4 & 25th) 10. Paul Patton RIP (A Patton) Tuesday 5th 7. Bellino Family RIP * 10. R Coelho RIP (T Coelho) Wednesday 6th 10. Michael Hill RIP (J Hill) Thursday 7th 7. Peter O’Toole RIP (A West) 10. UCM (M O’Driscoll) Friday 8th 7. Mary Ann & Anthony Bastiampillai RIP (J Bastian) 10. Michael Ng ( UCM) Saturday 9th 10. Peggy Beard (UCM) * Foundation Masses Sunday 10th May Sunday 17th May Sunday 24th May Sat. 6pm John Keenan RIP (F Keenan) 9.30 Patrick O’Connell (R O’Connell) 11.30 Mary & Laurence Burbridge RIP * 5.30 Pro Populo Sat. 6pm Francisco Joao RIP (J Joao) 9.30 Thanksgiving for William Wills’ treatment (M Wills) 11.30 Laurence Patrick Burbridge RIP * 5.30 Pro Populo Sat. 6pm Special Intention (M Wright) 9.30. Maureen Jakob & family (S Oliver) 11.30 Marianne Roberts thanksgiving (Brenda, Rowena & Colwyn) 5.30 Pro Populo Monday 11th 7. Thanksgiving to St Anthony (Anon) 10. Thanksgiving for Felicity’s recovery (M & F Surridge) Monday 18th 7. Una Annett RIP (SVP) 10. Gerard Petit RIP * Monday 25th (Bank holiday) 10. Collum Convey RIP (A Convey) Tuesday 19th 7. Thanksgiving to St Anthony (D Cottrill) 10. R Coelho RIP (T Coelho) Tuesday 26th 7. Maureen Jakob & Family (UCM) 10. Peter O’Toole RIP (Gourlay family) Tuesday 12th 7. Henry O’Driscoll RIP (M O’Driscoll) 10. Delia Hopkins. (B Tolley) Wednesday 13th 10. Lottie Nevaeh Davey RIP (J Davey) Thursday 14th 7. Marian & Josephine Bastiampillai (J Bastian) 10. Jenny McCarthy’s wellbeing (Lidia) Friday 15th 7. Edvige Colombo (I Almeida) 10.Frank Smith (M Maharaj) Saturday 16th 10. Margaret Wills’ health & wellbeing (M Wills) Wednesday 20th 10. Gaetano Cangi RIP * Thursday 21st 7. Thanksgiving (Anon) 10. Emily Jakob RIP (T Long) Wednesday 27th 10. Derek Arend RIP (F Doyle) Thursday 28th No 7am Mass 10. Ann Collins’ health (M James) Friday 22nd 7. Mary Gibbons RIP (J Barton) 10. Peggy Dickie RIP (A C Dickie) Friday 29th 7. Thanksgiving (Anon) 10. Jack Wood RIP & Leslie Dickie RIP (A Dickie) Saturday 23rd 10. Thanksgiving for School of choice (Lithushamam) Saturday 30th 10. Emily Jakob RIP (M O’Driscoll) Our Sick and Housebound Parishioners are prayed for during Thursday Eucharistic Adoration. Holy Communion is taken to them weekly by our Extra-ordinary Ministers. Father Peter visits all the Housebound during Advent and Lent, and at need, for the Sacraments of Confession and Anointing. Please tell the Parish Office of anyone who needs visiting by the Parish Priest, or by SVP. Angela Balogun, Teresa Baumgarten, Peggy Beard, Mike Bennett, Delma Bouvier, Hugh Boyle, Geoff Brand, Elizabeth Brennan, William Brenninkmeijer, Margaret Brooks, Andrew Brown, Ernest Budden, Doris Burns, Edith Byrne, Chris Clark, Fr Michael Clifton, Nancy Connolly, Anne Convey, Eileen Cornwell, Brenda Corrie, Helen Croston, Helena Czerniewicz, Eileen Dare, Rita Da Silva, Benvinda De Lemos, Terry Denville, Mariam Dinka, Francis Doyle, Marie Fahy, Marie Ferguson, Joanna Ferraris, Gabriel Finnigan, Josephina Fisher, Tony Fisher, Mary Fitzgerald, Kathleen Foale, Monica Ford, Isobel Gaffney, Martha Gibson, Grace Gnanasakthy, Norrie Golden, Terry Harman, Therese Hoey, Angela Humphrey, Donald & Francoise Inkster, David & Maureen Jacobs, Kathleen Jones, Helen Kaegler, Barbara Keane, Eileen Kelly, Kay Kennedy, Brenda Killen, Katherine Kozielski, Ann Lambe, Ethel Larkin, Margaret Leatherbarrow, Margaret Lumley, Sylvia Lypka, Frank MacGuiness, Natalie McCloud, Bernadette McGowan, Ellen McNally, Denis & Teresa Mahoney, Mary Malloy, Joe Murphy, Chris Neilson, Teresa Nelson, Jacqueline Neveu, Michael Ng, Stella Nichollas, Vincent O’Connor, Sadie O’Donovan, Nancy O’Gorman, Agnes O’Brien, John O’Hara, Mary O’Sullivan, Maureen Oliver, Rosa Paddon, John & Brenda Park, Charlie Patton, Michael Pearson, Margaret Peralta, Jack Plantin, Tim Quane, Marie Quaye, Aubrey Radcliffe, George Ralf, Andrew Rosemeyer, Barbara Ruiz, Liam Sammon, Anne Sandford, Carmala Sarvesvaran, Rayappu Savermuthu, Winifred Sawyer, Mary Short, Diana & Gordon Simpson, Maria Amparo Smith, Ann Souter, Mike Stanley, Lilian Stephenson, Joan Stevens, Catherine Stewart, Peter Stewart, Pat Stitt, Anne Sullivan, Nina Sutton, Robert Tolley, Mary Waggott, Rose Wainwright, Norah Walker, Geraldine Waterhouse, Anna Waterstone, Gloria Wheeler, Mary Wheeler, Josefina Wheeler, Daphne Wilkinson, Anthony Williams, Colwyn Wittinbaker, Nora Wood, Andrew Woods, John Woods, and Lindy Wright-Plant. . May Anniversaries of Death 1st Sheila Maureen Edgington, Violet Johnson, Edith Edwards, 2nd William Dorey, Kathleen Marshall, Anna Maria Pederzolli, Daniel Joseph Hogan, Birgitta Secilia Nias, 3rd Michael Merron, Iain MacEwan, Eileen Edwards, Stephan Tamila, 4th William Noel O’Connell, 5th Rosina Bellino, Paul Taylor, 6th Edward Solan, Gonzaga Joseph Vaz, Mary Hill, William Twigg, Maureen McVann, Susan Conroy, 8th Aubrey Peter Anderson, George Hayes, Gladys Maguire, Richard David Stileman, 9th Mary Jane Staniland, Atilde Gardner, 10th Patrick O’Connell, 11th Bridget Sheehan, Margaret Crawford, 12th Henry King, 13th Kathleen Howard, Patrick Shiel, Anna-Maria D’Abrera, Kathleen Mary Searle, Ellen Norman, 14th Florence O’Sullivan, Ginette Emery, 15th Alice Griffin, 16th Myrtle Joy Rosemeyer, Carmel Doublet, Grace Roath, 17th Maria Weyers, Marguerite Gray, 18th Matthew Delaney, Derek Joyce, Bob Bowpitt, 19th Richard Holmes Jenkinson, George Edward Harber, Vida Cichy, 20th Betty Ludlow, 21st Patrick Gallagher, Jack Drumm, Robert Darling, Betty Stevens, Mary Gibbons, 23rd David Fitzgibbon, Nora Monica Long, 24th Mary Sharpe, 25th Marie Akerman, John Day, 26th James Lally, 27th Maria Bordigoni, 28th Margaret Joyce, Mary (May) Kirby, 29th Henry Brooks, Daniel O'Brien, 30th John Kernaghan, Vincent Costanzo, Sheila Curtis, Eileen O’Rourke, 31st Josephine Causer, Paul Henderson, William Jackson, Eric Weidmann. Eternal Rest Grant to them O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them. May they Rest in Peace. Amen.