Document 6573087


Document 6573087
Volume 41, Issue 11
November 10, 2014
November Events
Reflections From John
As men, women, and children around this world face
persecution, and even death, for the sake of their faith
in Jesus Christ, it’s difficult in the relative comforts of
North America to comprehend what our brothers and
sisters contend with on a daily basis. Truth be known,
all of us – wherever we are and whatever our circumstances – make commitments for the cause of Christ.
Once we make those commitments, it is essential that
we steward them for the glory and purposes of Jesus
Such stewardship extends to every role, every responsibility, and every relationship within our orbit of influence. For those of us who identify ourselves as
Christians, such commitments are evidence of our loyalty to Jesus,. The central identifying characteristic of
followers of Jesus is how we live out those commitments in love.
Jesus was clear, “A new command I give you: Love
one another. As I have loved you, so you must love
one another. All men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. “ Far more than pendants
sporting religious symbols or wrist bands with WWJD
emblazoned in neon colors, we are recognized by how
we love. And our Master said, “As you treat the least
of them, so have you treated Me.” We dare not miss
that. Consistent, committed Christ-like love is that
which identifies us as Christians.
What does that look like in day-to-day life? Take a
good look at your commitment to people, prayer, and
principles. When Paul wrote his letter to the early
church in Philippi, he found himself incarcerated in a
Roman prison cell. In that depressing situation, he
wrote, “I thank my God every time I remember you.”
Dire circumstances normally result in feeling sorry for
All Church Conference—
with District Superintendent—Rev. Mark Spaw
Thursday , November 13th at 7pm
All are encouraged to attend
ourselves. Paul thanks God for the persons in his life that
God has surrounded him with, and his heart was full of
love for them. Think of those God has surrounded you
with, and allow gratitude to swell your soul.
Let that flow into your prayer life with God and witness
how praise begins to take shape. God inhabits the praise
of His people, and this season positioned around Thanksgiving is a great time to sing God’s praises – even if we find
ourselves in dire circumstances, such as Paul did. Prayer
is a great privilege that merits our deepest commitment,
for it is conversation with the Creator of our universe, our
Father in Heaven. James makes clear the fact that the
prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective,
and that shouldn’t surprise us. It is none other than God
involved when we pray.
God’s deep desire is for you and me to mature in this business called life. Nothing is more important in transitioning from immaturity to maturity in faith like a disciplined
commitment to principles. Simply put, we call it DISCIPLESHIP. Let me suggest the following principles to commit ourselves to:
Honoring Jesus through passionate worship,
prayer, and obedience to God’s Word
Pursuing vital relationships with those loving
enough to hold one another accountable
Practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity
Building strong marriages and families through
love and protective provision
Supporting the cause of Christ with our prayers,
presence, gifts, and service
Reaching beyond the various barriers to healthy
relationships in a spirit of genuine unity
Committing ourselves to making a difference in
our world by obedience to the Great Commandment (Mark 12: 30-31) and Great Commission
(Matthew 28: 19-20)
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Music Ministry Notes
Pearls of Grace II – November 2 - after services
Just in time for the holidays, an opportunity to purchase beautiful pearl jewelry!! Direct from China,
GENUINE FRESHWATER PEARL jewelry will be offered at bargain prices ranging from $5-$150. A limited selection of scarves will also be available. 100% of proceeds will be donated to Children’s Hope
International for use in supporting orphan care in China. Bring your checkbooks or cash and peruse the
offerings at the table outside of fellowship hall.
James 1:27: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and
widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
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Operation Christmas Child 2014
It’s time to begin making preparations for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) for 2014.
The OCC collection dates at PFUMC are Nov. 10
- Nov. 16. Everyone is invited to participate.
The mission of OCC is to demonstrate God's love
in a tangible way to needy children around the
world; and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
It’s never too early to wrap your empty shoe boxes
and begin purchasing items to include in your box.
Use an empty shoe box (standard size, please) or
a small plastic container. Dollar Tree stores sell
plastic containers that work well and at a reasonable price ($1). You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required.
Small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos,
harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A
Sketch®, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky®, etc.
School Supplies
Pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers,
stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.
Hard candy and lollipops (please double
bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts,
socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips,
toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries), and empty, reusable water
bottles (bonus: fill with hard candy).
A Personal Note
In a separate envelope, you may enclose
a note to the child and a photo of yourself
or your family. (If you include your name
and address, the child may write back.)
Used or damaged items, war-related
items such as toy guns, knives or military
figures, chocolate or food; out-of-date
candy, liquids or lotions, medications or
vitamins, breakable items such as snow
globes or glass containers, aerosol cans
Most importantly, pray for the child who
will receive your gift.
For additional information on OCC you
may view their website at:
Thank you for your interest and participation in this gospel-spreading project!
Hygiene Items
Toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic
bag), comb, washcloth, etc.
Mary Lynn Freeland
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Friday, October 24
6:00 pm
Fellowship Hall
$5 per family for pizza,
popcorn, games, fellowship,
and fun
Bring your friends and come to the Fellowship Hall for a
night of pizza, popcorn, games, friendship, and movie fun. We will
be ordering the pizza and popping the corn but would love it if
you would bring a bottle of juice, a plate of cookies, or finger
friendly veggies/fruits.
Please RSVP to
or return the bottom of this form to the church office.
Plymouth 1st United Methodist Church
Hope for God’s People
Joseph and his brothers
Genesis 37
I am part of God’s plan
for the future.
I know the plans I have in
mind for you, declares the
Jeremiah 29:11
Operation Christmas Child
C h i l d r e n ’ s
A d u l t
Nov. 16th
5:30 pm
M i n i s t r y T r a i n i n g
N o v . 2 0 @ 7 p m
M i n i s t r y T r a i n i n g
N o v . 1 8 @ 7 p m
T h u r s .
T u e s .
Area 56 is a place for 5th & 6th Graders to experience
meaningful Bible Study, Life Changing Fellowship, Outrageous Games, Important Service Projects, & Wacky Snacks
P a g e
It’s that time of the year again, and our Church will soon be kicking-off the annual stewardship campaign. Much work and many months of planning have already been put into this
year’s campaign, as well as beginning the budgeting process for 2015. As always, a critical component in this process, along with the talents and commitment of our people, are the general and
capital fund pledges our congregation so generously provides. As our Finance Committee strives
to make responsible decisions concerning the support of our Church’s ministries, we are so grateful to each one of you who faithfully invest in our excellent staff and their well-defined and meaningful programs. This past year we have accomplished many great things on behalf of Jesus
Over the past several weeks, our Pastors have been leading us in the exploration of the “Five
Practices of a Fruitful Congregation”. This exciting, thought-provoking message is challenging
each and every one of us to engage in radical, intentional, risk taking, passionate and extravagant
practices that will ensure our congregation can sustain a vibrant, healthy, active church. This
year’s stewardship campaign theme, “Extravagant Generosity”, builds upon this Church-wide
Now it’s time to move into 2015 with renewed faith and optimism that we will again graciously
support and grow the many significant opportunities the Lord has provided for us. These include
our important missions: evangelism, music, Christian education and youth activities to name a
few. Your pledges and gifts have always been, and will continue to be, the foundation that will enable us to accomplish many great things as we partner with God. With this in mind, we humbly
request your active and thoughtful participation in this year’s stewardship campaign. Giving
“extravagantly” will impact many people in many places—will change our Church and what we
can accomplish—and will transform your heart!
Baby’s First Christmas Blessing - December 7th
On December 7th we will be having a special moment in both services to
bless our babies that will be experiencing their first Christmas this Advent.
If you know ANYONE that would like to be a part of this beautiful opportunity, please contact Amy at the church office and let us know which service you will be attending!
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B e a c o n
Financial Update for
September 2014
Income = $ 68,775
Expenses = $ 73,099
YTD Income = $ 695,642
YTD Expenses = $ 649,957
9 am Sunday School
10:10 am Worship
11:30 am Fellowship
5:30 pm FUSION youth
9:30 am Monday Morning
Women Bible Study
Day Light Savings Time 3
Change clocks—Fall bk BSF leaders
11:30 am 60+ lunch
7 pm—Disciple 1
5:30 pm FUSION
6:50 pm Evangelism
5:30 pm— 5 Practices
5:30 pm FUSION
7 pm Disciple 1
Don’t forget to shop at both locations
for reward points!
Please have all of your pledges and
donations in for the year 2014 no later
than December 30, 2014. The church
office will be closed December 25, 26,
& 31, 2014 and January 1, 2015. If any
donations are received for the year
2014 in January 2015, it will be applied to the new year of 2015. We need
to do this in order to balance out our
records and send out annual statements promptly. If you should have
any questions, please contact Susan
Henry, Financial Secretary in the
church office. Thank you.
5:30 pm FUSION
7 pm Disciple 1
5:30 pm FUSION
Guest Week
Guest Week
7 pm Disciple 1
Mission Opportunities for the WHOLE Family!
Saturday, November 1 st at 8AM: Rake N Go with the Plymouth United Way . Meet at the church
with gloves, rakes, and other yard tools and head over as a group to a homeowner in need of help;
even the youngest can take a turn putting leaves in provided yard bags! Stay as long as the family is
able and willing!
Monday, November 17th: Guest Week (Rotating Winter Homeless Shelter) at PFUMC. An opportunity to help make and serve dinner for the guests coming to the church for the night includes time to
socialize and play board games with our guests.
We look forward to serving together as families this fall!
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November 2014
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Wednesday Thursday
6 am Prayer Breakfast
5:45 pm Jubilate Choir
6 pm Cherub Choir
6 pm Bible Study
6:25 pm Prayer Meeting
7:30 pm Festival Bells
6 pm Impact Band Practice
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
6pm—Bible Study
7 pm Christian Ed
2:00 pm Knit & Crochet
1 pm—PFUMC Quilting
6pm—Bible Study
7 pm All Church Conf.
w/ District Superint.
Rev. Mark Spaw
6 pm Finance
6pm—Bible Study
Guest Week
Guest Week
Guest Week
Fall is finally here, and it’s time to get knitting! If you want to learn to knit, refresh
your skills, or just be part of the fun, come and join us on Wednesday evenings
starting on November 5th. We will be meeting in room 302 from 6:30 - 8:30pm.
If you are a new knitter, please bring a skein of light colored, medium weight
yarn (i.e. worsted weight), and a size 7 or 8 needle. I recommend a
medium length, straight needle, either wood or metal. If you are a seasoned
knitter, bring your projects with you and show us what you have been doing.
If you have any questions, call Ruth Cook at home, 734-451-9458;
or cell phone, 734-718-1114
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B e a c o n
Nov. 16
Luke 1:26-38
Nov. 23
Matthew 1:18-24
Nov. 30
Mary Visits Elizabeth
Luke 1:39-56
Dec. 7
From Nazareth to Bethlehem
Luke 2:1-7
Dec. 14
**Music Sunday in Sanctuary
Dec. 21
The Manger
Luke 2:8-20
Journey with Adam Hamilton as he travels from Nazareth to Bethlehem in
this fascinating look at the birth of Jesus Christ. Using historical information, archaeological data, and a personal look at some of the stories surrounding the birth, the most amazing moment in history will become more
real and heart-felt as you walk along this road.
Advent Event
Potluck, Celebration, & Wreath Making
November 30th after Worship
Please RSVP by Nov. 23rd
Last Name begins with
A - H Bring a Dessert
I - Z Bring a Salad or a
Side Dish that feeds 12
Main Dish will be provided
Advent Wreath
$20 includes all
greens, supplies, and
Important fun for
ALL ages.
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N e w
M e m b e r
B a p t i s m
Marriage Encounter
TO MARRIED COUPLES. "When some friends suggested we attend a World Wide Marriage Encounter Weekend, we were shocked and a little
hurt. We were happily married and surprised
that they thought we needed marriage counseling. When we mentioned how we felt they
laughed and said they recommended the weekend because they admired our relationship and
thought we were a couple who likes to work on
their marriage. Now I'm glad we experienced the
weekend. I think we got a lot out of it because
we put a lot into it." The next M-E Weekend is
November 7-8-9 at Hilton Garden Inn, Plymouth,
MI. Call Dean & Kathy Thompson, 734-52603728 or or Registration fee is $200
idea to go on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. I went along to avoid an argument. Boy, am I glad we did! We got so much
out of it. It was the best gift we could have
ever given our marriage." Next M-E weekend is Nov. 7-8-9 at Hilton Garden Inn, Plymouth, MI. Contact Dean & Kathy Thompson, 734-260-3728 or,
or on line at Registration
fee is $200.
Are you interested in becoming a member of Plymouth First United Methodist Church. New members
will be joining the church on Sunday November 9,
To join, you will need to attend a New Member Class.
Classes will be held after worship in the Parlor on
Sunday, October 26 and November 2. Lunch and
child care will be provided.
Baptism will be in the worship service of your choice
on Sunday, November 2.
There will be a 1 hour baptism class the Sunday prior
to Baptism with the Pastor.
Contact Cathy Montgomery or Pat Fleming in the
church office to register for New Membership or Baptism. Thank you.
Soup Kitchen Ministry
Are you interested in helping with a future soup kitchen? Next
date: 12/14 at Baldwin in Pontiac. To sign up, contact the
church office. Sign up on the kiosk at church, or
on this website:
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60 + NEWS
……. and what a lovely journey it was. Last May
Bob and Nancy went on their 15-day dream trip
traveling up the Danube, climbing over Europe’s
continental divide on the Main-Danube canal,
down the Main and the Rhine all the way to the
North Sea. Along the way they were in five
countries, visited 14 cities, and passed through
68 locks. Bob’s beautiful photos along with his
interesting narrative was our 60+ program for
October. The cruise began at Budapest, Hungary with the next stop being Vienna, then into
Germany and visits to Nuremburg, site of the
Nazi war trials, the lovely city of Heidelberg and
the more sophisticated city of Cologne from
which they continued on to their last stop at Amsterdam and then home. “It had been a marvelous two weeks. Every aspect of it exceeded our
expectations” Bob concluded. What a wonderful
trip filled with beauty and history from Roman
times all the way to modern. Thank you so
much, Bob, for sharing your experiences with us.
Next month, November 3rd, we look forward to a
BBC documentary of C.S. Lewis. Lewis ,who is portrayed by a most talented actor, tells his own unique
life story from childhood through his education, life
as a professor at Oxford and Cambridge, his conversion from atheism to Christianity and, most poignant
of all, his marriage. You may know Lewis, who is
considered one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, by his children’s series of Narnia books, or adult
books such as Mere Christianity, The Screwtape
Letters, Surprised by Joy or his space trilogy.
Save the date on your calendars ~ Monday,
November 3rd, same time (11:30 am), same place
(Fellowship Hall) and still only $6. Reservation
sign-up sheet is in the Great Hall, or call Mary (248374-0369) or Sandy (734-459-5471).
Hope you will join us and bring a friend.
11/1 James Person
Teagan Tatroe
11/2 Laura Stache
11/3 Christina butler
Luke Freeman
Carole Sweet
11/4 Bernice Beaudoin
Andrew Magee
Annabella Rivera
Darrell Rowe
11/5 Ethel Culver
Dennis Piggott
Charlotte Williams
11/7 Caroline Cotter
John Filios
Lillian Hetzel
Jillian Hoard
Helen Sorensen
11/9 Grethchen Green
Judy Kinczkowski
William Maxwell
Fred Peckrul
11/10 Jill Brown
Tony McLaughlin
Tyler Smith
Dyane Townley
11/11 Patrick Cullip
Marilyn Stevens
11/12 Margo Jenkins
Rosemary Jones
Barbara Stinebaugh
11/13 victor Abraham
Karen Harden
Renee Mckarge
Rebekah Person
11/14 Bruce Christenson
David Daly
Michael Marble
Janis Migyanka
Sara Novak
11/15 Brandon Tarhanich
11/17 Joan Barrett
11/18 Andrew Cotter
Gene Kornegay
Nancy Remick
11/19 Gail Bryan
B i r t h d a y s
11/20 Randall Brown
Zachary Gomrick
11/21 Krista Clark
Benjamin Holland
Leo McManimon
11/22 Denise Zander
11/23 Thomas Franklin
Alexis Satterfield
Douglas Underwood
11/24 Diane Carr
Rick Spicer
11/26 Robert Goud
11/27 Karen Davenport
Sandra Rummel
Ryan Williams
Evelynn Wright
Nichole McLaughlin
Jay Siegler
Nicholas Weston
11/29 James Freeman
Alexandeer Lajoie
Mitchell Madis
11/30 Joelyn Conway
Mary Cargo
Ashley McDonald
Dave Schmitt
Jim Walk
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Prayer concerns
Ron Fair
Timarie Freeman
Janice Groat
Don Iler
Gary Krueger
Abby McKarge
Alex Magee
Vince Maiorana
Carol Meszaros
Marsha Nardone
Nancy Nelson
Bob Nulty
Nancy Remick
Esther Richards
Earl Rickard
Kathleen Salla
Jean Scheppele
Peter Slazinski
Barbara Stinebaugh
Garrett & Sarah Sutphin
Meredith VanValkenburgh
Justin Atkinson
Kevin Clafton
Linda Erickson
Danielle Gomrick
Nathan King
Austin McCall
Andrew D. Piggott
Evan Ray (Ramsay)
Dan & Ashley Schmitt
Marshall Gartner
Sanford Burr
Pat Carne
Calvin Gress
Joann Gress
Pharold Haist
Mel Litke
Rev. Bob Selberg
Helen Sorensen
Ned Stirton
Carol Thomas
Paul Worley
Carolyn Anulewics, friend of Chuck &
Jan Migyanka & Jan Kavulich
Deb, Marcia Van Oyen’s sister-in-law
Herb Head, brother of Kathy Berliner
Jack Arnold, cousin of Scottie Cracraft
Janie Aylsworth, sister of Janet Robertson
Sandy Cook, friend of Wes Kappler
Scott Knode, brother in law of Sharon Minning
Kris & Sarah Kappler
Churches in Russia & Poland
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Baby Girl Born— “Reese Sherri” - born 9/26— parents: Kathleen & Brandon
Tarhanich, Big sister: Rylee Tarhanich; proud grandfather - Pastor John
Great Grandson– 7 lbs—7 oz—Luke William Gyger— Born 9/30 Great Grandmother, Mary Pauline
Dear church family—
Thank you Men’s &
Women’s prayer
groups for your cards
& prayers. Thank you
to all who give their
love and support.
Marsha MurschNardone
Baby Girl —Hannah Elaine—born 10/9—parents Kelly & Chris Sample—6 lbs 4
oz—20 “ long - proud grand mother—Elaine Honecker
Dear Church Family, Thank you seems so inadequate for all the love and prayers you
provided over the past 13 months during Mom’s illness. Thank you for all the cards;
to the Men & Women’s Prayer Breakfast; to Pastor John and Pastor Carrie for the
visits; & the meals I received (to make sure I ate). A special “thank you” to the Funeral Meal Ministry for the wonderful luncheon after the church memorial service.
PFUMC is more than a community of faith—we are a family. Thank you from the
bottom of my heart, Brenda Rice (In remembrance of my Mom, Glendora Rice).
Beacon & Calendar deadlines:
Plymouth First
United Methodist Church
45201 N. Territorial Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170-6528
(734) 453-5280
Fax: (734) 453-0375
E-mail articles by 5 pm on the 10th
of the month to
Dated Material—Please do not delay.
Periodical postage paid.
Postmaster please send address corrections.
USPS 34-050
Mailed: Once Monthly
SUNDAYS, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 26 ~ Extravagant Generosity
Children and Youth are included!
Sign them up today. They will have their own
discussion and activities after dinner.
Nursery is available upon request.
Nov. 9 ~ Passionate Worship
A free will offering will be collected for the meals.
Dinner in the Fellowship Hall.
Sign–up at Church today. Space is limited.