the baysider Community Edition Bayside Gets It Done


the baysider Community Edition Bayside Gets It Done
the Community
Bayside Gets It Done
There’s a new “can do” motto that can be seen throughout our building this school year “Bayside Get’s It
Done.” Posters with this slogan are hanging in the
halls, lunch room, and library and it’s posted outside
every classroom doorway. As Principal Athy explains,
“Little by little, this school is making major changes.
We are reaching our goals and inching closer and closer
to increasing educational opportunities.” He continues to
state that it’s important to have goals and to make sure
everyone knows what they are and how to achieve them.
Some of Bayside’s recent bragging rights include an “A”
rating for three years in a row; increased four-year graduation and college application rates; more AP classes offered to students; new opportunities for internships; and
the ability to graduate with college or university credits
through specialized CTE programs.
Word has spread as freshmen applications soared to
14,000 for a spot in one of Bayside’s six CTE programs:
Digital Art & Design, Music: Performance & Production,
Environmental Engineering & Technology, Humanities &
Non-Profit Management, Computer Programming & Web
Design, and Sports Medicine & Management. Middle
school students who wish to learn more about these programs can attend one of the three open-house events on
October 21st, November 6th or November 8th. They can also
visit the Bayside table at the Queens High School Fair at
Francis Lewis HS on October 18th and 19th.
Mr. Athy explains that none of this happens overnight. In
order to ensure students are being educated, we must
try various methods inside and outside of the classroom.
Whole child guidance, increased communication with parents using Pupil Path and progress reports, academic requirements for sports participation, in-school tutoring and
Regents prep, and this year’s new common planning time
for teachers all contribute to how Bayside Gets it Done.
18 - 19
27 - 30
Spirit Week: Cartoon Day
Spirit Week: Sports Jersey Day
Pep Rally, 3:30 pm
Spirit Week: Bayside Day
Homecoming Game, 3:30 pm
College Visit: Manhattan College
Senior Kickoff, 3:30 pm
College Visit: Columbia University
Progress Reports Mailed
College Visit: SUNY Geneseo
College Visit: St. John’s University
Columbus Day Observed / School Closed
College Visit: Hofstra University
PSAT Administered Grades 9 -11
Senior Assembly
Senior Lawn Photo
Movie Night, 5 – 8 pm
Queens High School Fair @ Francis Lewis HS, 11am – 3 pm
Open House for Prospective Students, 7 – 9 pm
Community Pumpkin Festival, 11 am – 1 pm
Senior Make-Up Pictures
College Visit: SUNY Albany
End of Marking Period 1
27 -28
Music & Art Auditions
Election Day / Students Not in Attendance
Parent Teacher Conferences, 6:30 – 9 pm
Open House for Prospective Students, 7 – 9 pm
Parent Teacher Conferences, 12:40 – 2:45 pm
Open House for Prospective Students, 12 – 3 pm
Veterans Day / School Closed
‘Stache Bash Dance
Think Pink Fashion Show, 6 – 9 pm
Career & Alumni Day
Thanksgiving Recess / School Closed
Visit for the most recent calendar
An Invaluable Summer Internship
By Jonathan Sossover, Class of 2015
This summer I was selected for a six week summer internship program through the SCA. The SCA stands for the School
Construction Authority and virtually all the students who applied for this internship want to major in engineering,
architecture, or construction. I was assigned to GG Engineering, a company that works with the SCA. It is a small private engineering company that does mechanical and electrical engineering as well as plumbing.
I learned so much over the summer at this company. I was in the field almost every other day, where I attended meetings with
principals, building managers, custodians, firemen, and project managers. In the field, we were searching for outdated lighting
fixtures that could be potentially harmful to students and faculty. The SCA hired GG Engineering for this job and gave the company
about 30 schools to review for lighting upgrades, so there was plenty of work for me to do. When we got back from the field, I
helped complete a field report for each visit. Then we made a game plan on how to upgrade the schools lighting system. I worked
with blueprints, engineering software such as Auto Cad (which is an invaluable skill I will definitely use as a future engineer), and
learned how to take measurements in the field.
Looking into the world of engineering and understanding how my days could be
spent as an engineer was the most beneficial aspect of the program. I strongly
recommend anyone who is on the fence about a career in engineering, architecture, or construction to apply for this internship or one like it because it will either solidify your decision to go into that field or you could figure out that type of
career isn’t for you. There is also no telling how far the connections and networking you make in an internship like this one will take you. Another Baysider, Joyce
Shin, who had an internship, even accepted a part-time job while in college, at the
company she worked for in the summer! Getting up every morning, getting dressed
in business clothes, commuting to Manhattan, and working in a real environment
that could be similar to the one you would work as an adult is an amazing experience
everyone should have.
Student Interns Jonathan Sossover & Sun Kim
Summer Scholars Program Proves a Success
Sixteen Bayside High School Digital
Art & Design students graduated from
the 2014 CTE Summer Scholars Program which combines summer school
and a paid internship experience for
each student in their CTE field of study.
Participants gained first-hand experience about jobs, and an opportunity
to interact with industry professionals while being paid to apply skills
they are learning in their classrooms.
Funding was made possible by a grant
from Bank of America.
Spotlight on: Environmental Engineering & Technology
The Environmental Engineering & Technology Program is a fouryear program designed to give students entry-level skills and a
foundational understanding of the world of Engineering and Sustainability. The program’s vision is to provide every student access
to academic knowledge and technical skills needed to be successful in pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers, by combining Engineering, Mathematics, and
Science courses that
Mr. Rino V. Trovato,
Director of Economic Development & Energy Efficiency
at New York Power Authority, presents sustainability
result in a logical thought
process and problemsolving skills. Students develop essential career preparation capabilities through technical experience, academic courses, workbased learning and internship opportunities.
The curriculum chosen for the program is from Project Lead The
Way (PLTW). PLTW is the leading provider of rigorous and innovative STEM education curricular programs used in schools across
the U.S. including Brooklyn Tech, Bronx Science and others. PLTW
was recently cited by the Harvard Graduate School of Education as
a “model for 21st century career and technical education.”
While studying in the Environmental Engineering and Technology
program, students have multiple opportunities to earn college
credits from Rochester Institute of Technology and Farmingdale
College. All students in the program take one year of technical
training taught by a former engineer on an Autodesk software and
can earn a user certificate upon passing an exam.
Our partners greatly contribute to the enhancement of the program
serving as advisory board members, providing exclusive tours or
job site visits, as well as job shadowing, mentoring and internships.
In class, students learn
about sustainability and
have a wonderful opportunity to see it applied.
Last year, students went
on a private tour to see
firsthand upgrades to
systems at the Coney
Island MTA train yard and at Coney Island Hospital. Students
toured the facilities, met with MTA and NYPA engineers and discussed the sustainability upgrades. “In class we learn about the
basics of engineering, but on the trip we actually saw what it can
be used for in the real world,” said student Sun Eui Kim.
Fifty students were granted exclusive access to tour the Hearst
Tower in Manhattan. The building has world-wide prominence as
an architectural landmark, and is a modern marvel of large-scale
sustainable energy design. Hearst Tower has a unique diagrid glasspaneling exterior with 90% of
the structural steel containing
recycled materials. The guest
speakers were Mr. Victor Liu,
‎Project Manager of Real Estate
and Facility Planning at Hearst
and Mr. Yoram Eilon, Senior
Vice President, WSP Group.
Student Sean Jeun reflected,
“My dream is to become a
mechanical engineer. In that
building, I got a chance to see
myself 10-15 years from now. I
am very inspired and motivated
to push myself more towards my
dream.” Students in the program
will once again have the opportunity to visit the Hearst building
this school year.
Students in the program are also
chosen for selective internships based on interest, grades, overall
performance, career goals and teacher recommendations. These
hands-on experiences provide invaluable learning as proven by recent graduate Joyce Shin. Joyce credits her internship experience
at the New York Power Authority (NYPA) for her decision to pursue
a career as an electrical engineer. She was able to complete an
energy audit and present her findings to NYPA employees including the CEO. This gave her a true taste of the profession beyond
the classroom.
As our program continues to evolve and grow, we would love to
hear from you if you are interested in learning more about what
is happening at BHS, being a guest speaker, a board member, offering job shadowing or an internship as these opportunities truly
will make a difference in our students’ growth, education and future career choices. Please contact: Dorit Eilon, Program Director
Bayside Boasts Two Semi-Finalists in International Essay Contest
By Alice Kui, Class of 2015
As a semi-finalist for The Fountainhead Essay Contest, I never once
thought I had a chance of winning or even of gaining recognition.
Before this experience, I was someone who had never been fond
of reading or writing. The Fountainhead Essay Contest, based on
the Ayn Rand novel, changed my perspective. The book is about
first and second-handers who make up the world
of leaders and followers. I might not be a firsthander, according to Ayn Rand, but her idea stuck
with me enough to put it into words. Those words
became my Fountainhead essay.
Mr. Weissmann assigned the essay after we had
read the book. Everyone in my class submitted
one, along with 25,000 students, internationally,
all attempting to win the grand prize. The Fountainhead was
challenging because of its concepts, size and vocabulary. My
friend, Monica Lai, was also one of the 175 semifinalists, and she
agreed that winning was unexpected. She said, "I was surprised,
especially because I just wrote as if it was a class assignment."
Monica Lai and Alice Kui
with their teacher Mr. Weissmann
While being a semi-finalist was such a surprise for
me, I'd like to tell others to try even if they feel
they will not receive anything. The experience I
gained from entering with no expectations and
achieving what I never thought I was capable
of was amazing. Although winning feels great,
winning isn't everything.
Ms. Garcia Named 2014 Teacher of the Year
Bayside Spanish teacher, Ms. María del Pilar García, was awarded the Outstanding Teacher of the Year
Secondary Level by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). The
ceremony was held during July in Panama City, Panama.
Ms. García was commended for her professionalism, compassion, up-to-date teaching methods and strategies, and enthusiasm. She integrated instructional technology into the Spanish program so that her students would benefit from multimedia-infused lessons; she implemented the AP course into the Spanish offerings, and has jump-started a Medical Interpretation
Ms. Garcia received her award at the
AATSP ceremony in Panama.
A student wrote that Ms. García “makes her classes become like a family; we all share our experiences
and make sure each one is appreciated.” Congratulations to Ms. Garcia on this well deserved honor.
NY Cares Teaches Us About Social Action
By James Teifel, Class of 2017
Bayside High School was honored
with the opportunity to receive a
guest speaker from New York Cares
on September 21, 2014. Ms. Hannah
Perryman, a Program Manager and
Youth Service Worker, spoke to the
students within the Humanities &
Non-Profit Management CTE Program. Being a Program Manager,
she has many jobs within her development team. Some of the things
she handles are children’s recreation, children’s education, teen
education, health and wellness, annual events, and youth services.
New York Cares was founded in 1987 to take action against social
issues in New York City. Its mission statement is, “Meeting pressing
community needs by mobilizing caring New Yorkers in volunteer
service.” It helps causes such as focusing neighborhoods, coat drives,
school succession, adult education, volunteer impact programs,
youth service, environmental projects, corporate services and lastly,
NY Cares Day Fall. It also has many partners such as the American
Red Cross and AmeriCorps. NY Cares understands people’s needs
and that’s why this organization is a crucial aspect to what makes
New York great.
Some of the first things Ms. Perryman taught us were vocabulary
words she commonly uses such as community assets, community
needs, and personal assets. We then learned about budgeting and
how proper budgeting can lead to a successful project. The most
important lesson she taught was the project planning steps. The
steps are: identifying a community’s needs, identifying community
and personal assets, making a plan, outreaching to other agencies,
identifying and gathering other resources, setting clear goals and
evaluations, and lastly, carrying out the project and reflecting.
Without a good plan many problems may arise.
All in all, I learned many things and it was a very productive moment
in during an otherwise regular school day. I hope to volunteer
with NY Cares and further enhance a path to a successful career.
Also, volunteering will help other people who
are in need. Living in New York gives people
compassion to help others because everyone
has low and high points in their life and can
always use help at some point.
Hispanic Club Visits St. Mary’s Hospital for Children
By Karina Lopez, Class of 2016
The Hispanic Club visited the kids at St. Mary’s Hospital for Children last
semester. First we decided who would attend, how we would get there
and what gift each person would bring for the kids. They needed toys,
coloring books and coloring pencils. We also planned to sing songs.
teachers all plan to go together again.
My experience at St. Mary’s Hospital was amazing. Since the visit, my
life has been changing. Now I have a greater appreciation for my life
and my family. I should be happy with the things my
When we got to the hospital, we were escorted
to a room where we prepared the toys. Before
we gave presents to the children, we sang songs
in English and in Spanish. Then we paired off
with a child for the rest of our visit. We colored and talked with them. Some of the kids
would speak to us in Spanish and sing, too. Even
though we only met them that one day, we all
fell in love with the little kids. The students and
parents and family give me because all the kids who
were there didn’t have everything that I have. Also
we shouldn’t get upset with the things that we can’t
have because these kids don’t have them either. I
can’t wait to go back to St. Mary’s Hospital and be
with the kids. I hope that one day all of the teens
would know how I feel and it would actually impact
their lives as it did mine.
Long Island Korean School calls Bayside “Home”
One of the oldest and most prestigious Korean weekend schools
in the New York area will be using Bayside’s facilities this school
year. Originally founded by Korean community leaders to teach
and foster a Korean identity in second generation Korean-Americans, the school is now serving children of the original students.
The curriculum of Long Island Korean School (LIKS) includes language, history, culture, children’s music, painting, traditional
dance and martial arts. Additionally, LIKS provides SATII classes and adult education. For the past 30 years, LIKS has sponsored the Korean fairytale
speaking contest which helps students understand their ancestor’s fairytales and mythology. Classes are held Friday evenings and Saturday mornings.
Alumni Hall of Fame
By Danielle Naggar, Class of 2017
Bayside High School holds an abundance of meanings for the and impact her students’ lives the same way her former teachcountless individuals who have walked through its doors. For ers did for her. She says, “It is exciting to now work alongside the
some, it is a place to learn and push their own boundaries. For same teachers who had once instructed me. It is a bit surreal to
Miriam Riaz, Bayside High School is simply home—one that she stand in their shoes and influence other students in the same
left as a student and came back to as an educator. Afway they influenced me.”
ter graduating in 2006, she obtained her B.A. in HisMs. Riaz has proven her commitment to Bayside High
tory at CUNY Queens College and her M.A. in EducaSchool
by surpassing what is expected of her in evtion at Columbia University. Speaking from personal
She co-founded the Alumni Group, Friends
experience as a former student of Ms. Riaz, I can atof Bayside High School, Inc., with her former English
test to the sheer dedication and devotion she has for
teacher Vanessa Valente, in an effort to bridge the
teaching and for her students.
Miriam Riaz
gap between alumni, community members, and
After already attending a year in Bayside, I can see why the school. She requested in her
alumni would want to relive their high school experience interview for former alumni to reand teach at the very high school that made their career integrate into the community that
possible. Ms. Riaz agrees with this sentiment saying, “Be- shaped a fundamental portion of
tween the environment, students, and activities, I look for- their adolescence by joining this
ward to waking up every morning and going to school.” group. All inquiries can be sent to
friendsofbhs@baysideMs. Riaz volunteers and spends the night at
Ms. Riaz chose to teach at her alma mater so she could shape
Bayside High School during Hurricane Sandy.
We’ve Got That
Commodore Spirit!
by Michelle Lee, S.O. President, Class of 2015
The school year starts with a bang with Spirit Week. Bayside
students showed their spirit by wearing a variety of
outfits, from comfy-cozy day, twin day and cartoon
character day. The week ended with a Pep Rally followed by our
Homecoming Game at the Athletic Field. Our pride and spirit
in our beloved school does not end there! We look forward
to the upcoming events in October and the months to follow.
Go, Bayside!
Fall Teams:
Off to a Running Start
Fall sports are underway and as usual Bayside’s teams are
up to the challenge, thanks to lots of practice and excellent
coaching. Mid-way through the football season, the Varsity
team has a 4-1 record and is currently ranked 4th in PSAL.
Assistant Principal, Mr. Joseph Capuana, commented that
BHS Senior Charles Flug is having a banner season. He threw
six touchdown passes thus far. Coach Levitt reports that the
team is consistently improving. The JV team won their first
game. Coach Drinankle says his team “has surpassed expectations.”
Both Girls and Boys Cross Country teams began preparing
over the summer. There are over 80 athletes on both teams.
Although the season has just started, the teams look promising and are looking forward to competitive meets. Coach
Boccuzza feels this year’s team “is looking to build upon last
year’s success with a lot of returning runners.”
Girls Soccer is trying to recapture last year’s undefeated season. With only one loss they could be close.
Coach Kassimis is pleased to have seven returning
seniors and notes, “It’s not how we start, but how we finish
that counts.” The Boys Soccer team is currently in first place
and winning every game. While it’s just the start of the season for Girls Swim, Girls Golf, Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls
Bowling, and Boys and Girls Soccer, all the teams are off to
a great start.
In other news, a plan may be in place to renovate the tennis courts located at the Bayside Athletic Field. Thanks to
Councilman Vallone and the United States Tennis Association (USTA) Facility Assistance Program who have rallied for
our school.
Have good news to share?
Want to see your name in print?
You can write for
The Baysider: Community Edition
Bayside High School
32-24 Corporal Kennedy Street, Bayside, NY 11361
(718) 229-7600
Mr. Michael Athy, Principal
Send an email to:
You can also visit Ms. Psaltos in the library.
Friend us, follow us, and check the school
website for up-to-date news!