First United Methodist Church How to Join First United Methodist Church


First United Methodist Church How to Join First United Methodist Church
Sunday October 26, 2014
8:30 AM Traditional Worship
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Worship
11:00 AM Modern Worship/Grace Vision
Christian Life Center
1:00 PM Fine Arts Ministry Committee Meeting
Conference Room
4:00 PM Brownie Scout Troup 36
7:00 PM AA Closed Meeting
Monday, October 27, 2014
10:00 AM Worship Planning Meeting
UMM Room
3:30 PM Girl Scouts
5:30 PM TYCA Jr. 3 Cheerleaders
Christian Life Center
5:30 PM Ceramics
Ceramics Room
7:00 PM Boy Scouts / Cub Scouts / Webelos
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
9:00 AM Leisure Group Palisades Park, Oneonta (bus leaves at 9:30 AM)
9:00 AM BSF Int’l Leaders
Sunday School Rooms
10:00 AM Staff Meeting
Conference Room
12:00 PM AA Closed Meeting
1:00 PM Ladies Emmaus Reunion
Conference Room
6:00 PM Children of the Day Bible Study
Women's Study Room
6:15 PM Ladies Emmaus Meeting
UMW Room
6:15 PM Men’s Emmaus Meeting
UMM Room
6:30 PM Emmaus Cluster
Palmerdale UMC
6:30 PM Cub Scouts
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
5:30 AM UMM Bible Study
Open Door Room
7:00 AM Women’s Emmaus Reunion
9:00 AM BSF Int’l
Sanctuary/All Sunday School Rooms/Transept/Welcome Ctr
1:00 PM Home School Handchimes
Handbell Room
4:45 PM Children’s Handchimes
Handbell Room
5:30 PM Soul Café
Christian Life Center
6:15 PM Credo: Adult Confirmation Class
Open Door Classroom
6:15 PM Chancel Chimes/Introduction to Handbells
Handbell Room
6:15 PM EXPLORE (1-5th Grades)
2nd Floor Y/C Building
6:15 PM Cherub Singers and Ringers
Y/C Building
6:15 PM Chancel Choir
Choir Room
6:15 PM Having A Mary Spirit Bible Study
UMM Room
6:15 PM Making Sense of the Bible Study
Pioneer SS Classroom
6:30 PM Jonah Bible Study
Fellowship SS Classroom
7:00 PM AA/AL-Anon Closed Meeting
7:15 PM Jubilant Ringers
Handbell Room
Thursday, October 30, 2014
6:30 AM Men’s Emmaus Reunion
Conference Room
7:00 AM Disciples Reunion Group
UMM Room
8:00 AM Ladies Emmaus Reunion
Conference Room
9:15 AM The Patriarchs Bible Study
Women’s Study Room
3:30 PM Girl Scout Troup 872
5:30 PM Alabama Grief Support Services
Conf Room
6:30 PM Brass 4 Him Practice
Choir Room
6:30 PM Men’s Emmaus Meeting
Pastor’s Home
6:30 PM Group Bible Study
Training Room
6:30 PM GV Worship Practice
Christian Life Center
Friday, October 31, 2014
8:00 AM Kid’s First Fall Carnival
Christian Life Center
Saturday, November 1, 2014
8:30 AM Ladies’ Emmaus
Conference Room
7:00 PM AA/AL-Anon Open Meetings
How to Join First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church
By Profession of Faith and Baptism.
By Transfer from Another Christian Denomination.
By Transfer from Another United Methodist Church.
120 North Chalkville Road
Trussville, Alabama
(205) 655-3259
October 26, 2014
Name: _________________________________________________________________
□ Profession of Faith □ Other Denomination □ Other United Methodist Church
Current Church Membership: ________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________________________________
□ Profession of Faith □ Other Denomination □ Other United Methodist Church
Current Church Membership: ________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
Children: ____________________________________________________
□ Baptized
□ Baptized
Children: ____________________________________________________
□ Baptized
Children: ____________________________________________________
8:30 am
Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost
Opening Chimes
The Chimes are played to remind us of the presence of God
among His gathered people.
Welcome and Announcements
Please register your attendance in the Attendance Pad located at the end of each pew and
pass it to your neighbor.
“Let All Things Now Living”
Arr. by Mickelson
Street Address: _________________________________________________________
Lighting of the Candles
City, St, Zip:________________________________________ Phone: ______________
Call To Worship
The worshipers at First United Methodist Church are its ministers.
The staff who support them are:
Mark Lacey, Pastor
Don Mauldin, Associate Minister
Ministry Staff
Beth Burden, Children’s Ministry Director
Andrew Harbison, Director of Modern Worship
Dan Marlow, Music Director
Matt McCarrick, Director of Youth Ministries
Charlotte Ray, Kids First Director
Russell Williams, Accompanist
Trey West, Assistant Director of Youth Ministries
Administrative Staff
Mollie Lyle, Director of
Finance and Administration
Candy Strickland,
Church Secretary
Brett Fulton, Doorkeeper
Harry Lee, Custodial
Case of Emergency
If you have an emergency situation on the weekends and you need a pastor,
you may call Mark Lacey at 503-2264 or Don Mauldin at 542-5779. If you know
of a parishioner who is in the hospital, has had a death in the family, or other
pastoral crisis, we need to hear from you. Please don’t assume that someone
has already called us.
”Rejoice, the Lord is King”
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
*The Apostles’ creed
139 (UMH)
881 (UMH)
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord:
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;
the third day he rose from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
*Passing Of The Peace
“Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus”
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
look full in His wonderful face,
and the things of earth will grow strangely dim
in the light of His glory and grace.
Pray for transforming hearts seeking to serve
Chancel Choir
349 (UMH)
Stewardship Moment
Jesse Shaddix
“To God Be The Glory”
By William Doane, Arr. by Bill Wolaver
94 (UMH)
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose
power up-lifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Children’s Moment
Brandy Shotts
Children 3yrs-5K are dismissed for Children’s Church
in the Y/C Building Room C177.
Grades 1-5 will be in the “Movie Room” located on the 2nd floor.
Pastoral Prayer
Praying For
Kim Cooper, Bonnie Lee and family, Raymond McCutchen, Jill Rutledge and family,
John Songer, Helen Miller, Carol Jones, Jody Cooper, Alfred Walker, Kathryn Riggins, Mary Shaffield, Jack Hutcherson, Genell Esslinger, Clarrine King, Jan Curtis
and family, Bernie & Doris Murphree, Jay Bice, Yvonne Krenhel, Jane Hagood, Greg
McMullin, Sam Mitchell, Kitty Steele, Dr. Bobby Howard, Oren Horst, Emily Hudson,
Lucas Adkinson, Charlotte Balentine, Janie Hendrix, Maria Cauble, Peggy Waite, Kim
Cooper, Brandi Murphy, Eric Hardy, Daniel Bauber, Linda and David Price, Sue
Popwell, William “Dub” Dole, Andrew Barksdale, Avery Snuggs, Aubrey Steen and
family, Ted Gilmer, Jr., and our Men and Women in the Military.
Please Note: If you would like to add someone to this list, please call the church
office (655-3259).
Our Stewardship of Presence and Gifts
October 19, 2014 Attendance - 454
October 19, 2014 Sunday School Attendance - 462
New Members for 2014 - 32
Baptisms - 9
Capital Fund 3.3.3. Expenses Year to Date - $460,063.44
Capital Fund 3.3.3. Offerings Received - $350,853.52
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
“Thanks Be to God”
Scripture Reading
Chancel Choir
2 Corinthians 9:10-15 (NT Page 184)
“Bind Us Together”
2226 (TFWS)
“God Be With You Till We Meet Again”
Chancel Choir
Rev. Mark Lacey
“Look, Ye Saints”
Arr. by DeCou
General Fund Expenses Year to Date - $779,559.96
General Fund Offerings Received - $794.551.15
PIANO - Russell Williams
ORGAN - Debbie Barton
USHERS - Betty Milam, Dan Milam, Rick Barber, Sybil Barber
ACOLYTES - Jake Echols and Katie Echols
CHILDREN’S CHURCH - Nicole Sanders
Are in Honor of God and
~In Honor of Cathy Fulton’s Birthday
By Harold Fulton
~In memory of Vivian Jones
By Gene Lang and Jane Long
*Stand as you are able.
Headsets are available at the soundboard for the hearing impaired.
UMH - United Methodist Hymnal
TFWS - The Faith We Sing
Thank you for your gener ous suppor t of the Pew Cushion Fund. We now have enough to
complete Phase I, which is the covering of all the pews in the Sanctuary. Phase II has now begun. The Worship Committee.
Save The Dates
~Sunday, Nov. 9th - Laity Sunday, all morning services and
- 6 PM Veteran’s Day Celebration Service.
~Sunday, Dec. 14th - 5 PM Children’s Christmas Program in the Sanctuary.
11:00 A.M.
Christian Life Center
Rev. Mark Lacey
Wed. Oct. 29, 2014 - 5:30 PM (Take-Outs Available at 4:45 PM) Please Call Ahead
Only $6.00 Per Person
Name _______________________________________
Adults: _______ Children: _______
Salad Bar, Fiesta Bar (Build Your Own Taco)
Dessert, Tea/Water
Children’s Menu: Taco
All Saints Sunday - We will celebrate All Saints Sunday on November 2nd in all three services. In addition to remembering those of our congregation who have entered into the
Church Eternal since last year’s All Saints Day, we will give everyone an opportunity to remember a loved one who has passed away at any time. Today is the last day to email the
name of the loved one you wish to remember, along with your name, to Candy Strickland at
Emmaus Cluster - Please make plans to join us on Tues. Oct. 28th at 6:30 PM at Palmerdale
United Methodist Church. For anyone interested in sharing a ride, we will meet here at
FUMC in the front parking lot at 5:45 PM.
The Bridge Builders Team would like to thank all who have helped suppor t our chur ch
ministry of feeding the homeless. Care Mat Crocheters have been joined by several residents
and employees of Golden Living Center in Trussville. One resident is knitting scarves for the
homeless. If you would like to donate new or leftover yarn, please bring it to the church office. You are welcome to join us at Golden Living; we meet in their dining room at 2:30 on
the 1st and 3rd Tues. of each month. As the cold weather approaches, we will be collecting
winter coats, gloves, stocking caps, socks, sweaters, sweat shirts, chap stick and lotion for the
homeless. There will be a bin in the church hallway for you to drop off donations. Please
bring any care mats you have completed so far to the church by Sun., Nov. 2nd.
Safe Sanctuary Training - Everyone that works with children and youth is required to participate in our upcoming Safe Sanctuary Training on Thurs., Oct. 30 th at 6 p.m. in the Youth
Room. Safe Sanctuary Training is mandated by the United Methodist Church. To make a
reservation for childcare please email
A Community Thanksgiving Service will be held on Sun., Nov. 23rd at 6 PM at First
Baptist Church. Nursery will be provided for ages birth through kindergarten. Nonperishable food items will be collected for TEAM.
Hallelujah Carnival - J oin us Sunday, Nov. 2nd, 2:30-5 PM in the Gardens & back parking
lot. We need your help to make this outreach event for the community successful. We are
asking for everyone in the church to donate bags of candy, as well as pencils/other small prize
items for trunk-or-treat. Please bring your donations to the office or give them to Beth Burden. We need lots of trunks, truck beds and vans for trunk-or-treating, and also volunteers to
decorate them. We have reserved four inflatables and we need volunteers to help with the
inflatables. Please email Beth at to sign up or ask questions.
Habitat for Humanity Advent Build - Sat. Dec. 6th. - A sign-up sheet, volunteer packet,
and information on the family is located in both the Transept and the Welcome Center. Contact Rev. Jesse Shaddix at for more information.
Leisure Group - Oct. 28th - Palisades Park in Oneonta. We will be leaving from the back
parking lot at 9:30 am. Nov. 25th - The Seasoned Performers will be back in a reader named
“Cinderella’s Prince: Beyond Happily Ever After”. Lunch will be catered at no charge. The
performance starts at 11:00 am so come at 10:30 so there are no interruptions.
Women’s Meet & Greet Gathering - Sun., Nov. 16th 9:30-10:45 AM, we’ll celebrate
UMW Day in our Fellowship Hall. Hosted by the United Methodist Women. ALL WOMEN are invited to enjoy this informal gathering. Refreshments will be provided.
FUMC Handbell Department has star ted a Handchimes Class for Home-School Children 1st-5th grades. Please keep this new outreach program in your prayers. Want to ring
handbells? Ther e’s a place for you in Chancel Chimes-Introduction to Handchimes Class.
See Kelley Clegg Neal to join.
FUMC Women’s Retreat 2015 - Sat., Jan. 24 beginning at 10 a.m. ‘til Sunday, Jan. 25 at
11:00 a.m. at beautiful Camp Sumatanga. Come for rest and relaxation with old and new
friends, while we study the familiar verses from Ecclesiastes, “For everything there is a season, and a time for everything under heaven….” Cost is $90 pp and includes 3 meals and
double accommodations. $50 pp for the day only. Please contact either Kristi Hodge -, 585-0406 or Shirley Fagan, or phone 9157945. Registration and money due by Nov. 9.
Today is your last chance to order (Pr iester s) pecans fr om Cir cle 1 for the fundr aiser see the bulletin insert. Thank you for your support.