Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY B APTISMS P


Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY B APTISMS P
Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY
Rectory & Mailing Address
5442 Tonawanda Creek Road
No. Tonawanda, NY 14120
716-625-8594 • Fax: 625-8365
Religious Ed: 716-625-8817
8700 Goodrich Road
Clarence Center, NY 14032
Rev. Daniel A. Young, Pastor
Rev. Augustine Ayaga, In Residence
Deacon Robert Bauer, Permanent Deacon
Brian Karaszewski & Donald Spoth, Trustees
Rick Paolini, Bookkeeper
Michael Denz, Director of Religious Education
Barb Carpenter, Secretary
David Fischer, Maintenance
Clayton & Beverly Merlihan, Advocates for
Persons with Disabilities
Monday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Campus Site
Tuesday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site
Healing Mass ..........7:00 p.m........ Pendleton Site
Thursday & Friday: ....8:00 a.m.. ...... Campus Site
Saturday:.......................4:30 p.m........ Pendleton Site
Sunday:..........................9:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site
..........................11:00 a.m... ... Campus Site
Saturday: 3:00 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. –Pendleton Site, or by
We acknowledge the blessing our parish receives when a
baby is born into a parish family. Baptisms are celebrated
on scheduled Saturday’s of the month. A Baptismal preparation class is given to the parents. Godparents must be
registered in a Roman Catholic Church and attending Mass
on a regular basis and able to receive a letter of recommendation from their Parish Priest. Call the Parish Office to
schedule a time and date for a Baptismal class.
Arrangements must be made at least six months prior to
the intended wedding date. Dates are reserved only for
registered parishioners. Each couple must meet with the
Pastor before any dates will be reserved. Attendance at a
Diocesan Pre-Cana Class or weekend retreat is required.
If you are confined to home and would like to receive
Holy Communion or the Sacrament of Anointing of the
Sick, please contact the Parish Office. Privacy laws prohibit all health care facilities from contacting us. Families
must call us directly to inform us of individual needs.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing
process. Adults wishing to join the Catholic Church
should contact the Parish Office.
A letter will be given to registered parishioners who attend
Mass regularly, who have received the Sacraments of Bap-
Page Two
OCTOBER 26, 2014
SATURDAY, October 25th
4:30 pm Albert Orzel by Loving Father
SUNDAY, Oct. 26th, Thirtieth Sunday In
Ordinary Time
9:00 am Patti Gibson by Angelo & Marcia Otero
11:00 am Helen Budnick by Loving Family
MONDAY, Oct. 27th
8:00 am All Parishioners by Pastor
TUESDAY, Oct. 28th Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles
8:00 am Bernadette Diegelman by Family
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 29th
7:00 pm Deceased Members of Guenther & Thuman
Families by Ed & Alice Guenther
THURSDAY, Oct. 30th
8:00 am Raymond & Matilda Spoth by Donald Spoth
FRIDAY, Oct. 31st
8:00 am Peter Ernest by Loving Family
SATURDAY, Nov. 1st, All Saints
4:30 pm Leo & Loraine Boeck by Ken, Mary Lynn
Lefort & Family
SUNDAY, Nov. 2nd, All Souls Day
9:00 am Deceased Members of Christian Mothers by
Christian Mothers
11:00 am Richard Pearce by Paul & Catherine Beiter
Please Pray for our Sick: Beth Adams, Diane
Anderson, Carol Barber, Chase Bartholomew, Betty Lou
Beiter, Catherine Beiter, Ruth Blair, John Blersch, Alice
Body, Cathy Bowler, Ellen Branicky, Judy Brzyski, June
Burngasser, Patrick Callahan, Alysca Cantrell, Gene
Cassidy, Cindy Colello, Sharon Curtis, Louann Delaney,
Jim Fiegel, Henry Fink (infant), Dennis Fitzgibbons, Rosie
Frost, James Furey, Payton Furner, Jim Garlock, Paul
Gawrys, Josephine Genco, Joseph Godzisz, Darcy Gow,
Alice Guenther, Geralyn Hens, Alyssa Herbst (child),
Heather Hornsby, Dolores Kae, Jamie Kauschinger, Joseph
Kedron, Marjorie Keith, Jim Keller, Caroline Kopacz,
Timothy Koszelak, Dave Kowalski, Stella Krzos, Tina
Langlotz, Loretta Layer, Bob Liberto, Ron Lindemann,
James Lombardi, Joyce Lombardi, Wesley Londos, Donna
Keith McCain, Joseph Malahosky, Mark Malenda, Mariana
Maniscalco, Barbara Manke, Patricia Massey, Matthew
McJury, Gloria Meehan, James Merlihan, Linda Miller,
Colleen Mondello, Jose Montaner, Alan Morlock, Linda
Moskal, Theresa Muffoletto, Vincent Muffoletto, Jesse
Palumbo, John Park, Josephine Park, Christina Pelsh,
Patrick Petrie, Mary Raybor, Kristie Rush, Yolanda Sherriff,
Madelyn Sikorski, Sharon Siminski, Kathi Smith, Ellen
Sponholz, Dave Trietley, Michele Vergils, Charlotte Wald,
Marilyn Walsh, Trudy Welsh, Doris Winter, Geri
Witkowski, Ruth Wolf, Wayne Wright. To add or delete a
A Look Ahead:
Parish Office Hours
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for Lunch
Collection for the week ending Oct. 19th:
Catholic Education
$5, 614.00
Mon. Oct. 27
Bible study-after 8am Mass, Campus
Mon. Oct. 27
7pm Prayer Group
Thurs. Nov. 13
7:00pm Lector Training, Pendleton
Tues. Nov.18
7:00pm Rosary, Honsberger Home
We remember all those men and women who are serving
in our armed forces and pray they come home soon and
safe. Please pray for peace.
RCIA Have you considered becoming a Roman Catholic?
The process for becoming a Catholic is called RCIA (Rite of
Christian Initiation for Adults). There are several steps along
the way before entering the Catholic Faith. The process
includes instruction, prayer, Scripture, sharing and
discernment. If you or someone you know would be
interested, please contact the parish office at 625-8594. Brian
Haseltine, a parishioner and director of the parish RCIA, will
begin classes during the month of October 2014.
Capital Campaign
Week Ending
To Date
$ 1, 105.00
$2, 622.00
*60, 619.00
Total Number of Donors 150
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH! We are asking fellow
parishioners to take notice and stand up for your neighbor,
especially the elderly and disabled. Some people may
need a kind person to help them or just to check in on
Page Three
October 26, 2014
A Word From the Pastor
Religious Education News
Special thanks to the many volunteers who helped with this
years Oktoberfest 2014! Monies raised at this event are
being used to help defray the cost of the roofing project,
after expenses $2,622.00.
Schedule: Sunday, Oct. 26th, 9:45am Rel. Ed. Class
Catholic Trivia Question: According to Jesus Christ,
what is the foundation of the Church?
Saint Quote of the Week: “But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus
Christ; they said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these
who set up divisions, wordly people, devoid of the Spirit.
But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy
faith; pray in the Holy Spirit.”
My maternal Grandmother used to say “Only three things
in life are a sure thing: God, taxes and death.” I should add
a fourth sure thing...building repairs!
I thought I would give you a brief list of what the parish
council and I have been looking at in regards to needed
repair work:
VOCATION You shall love your neighbor as yourself. It’s a big world, in need of lots of neighborly
people. Extend your hand today, tomorrow, for the
rest of your life. If God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Father Walter Szczesny at 847-5535. Visit! and read our “Priest of
the Month” Stories.
1. Pendleton rectory furnace needs to be replaced. It
is the original furnace for the house. The rectory
was built in 1978.
2. Plumbing work needs to be accomplished in the
Pendleton parish hall building; kitchen, bar room,
bathrooms, office and at the St. Augustine Campus;
bathrooms. Most of the plumbing is the original to
these buildings (1962-65).
CRAFT SHOW Visit the Clarence Arts and Crafts
Society’s Holiday show at the Clarence Town Park
Club House, 10405 Main St. Clarence on Saturday and
Sunday, November 1st and 2nd from 10am to 5pm.
Admission is free. For information call 741-4718.
Mark your calendar for some parish activities in November.
Wednesday, November 5th: Healing Mass at the Pendleton
worship site. Mass begins at 7pm for those who have cancer in honor of Saint Peregrine, patron of cancer patients.
All are welcome. Father David Bellittere will be our celebrant.
HIKING RETREAT Join other young adults (ages
18-39) at Christ the King Seminary, East Aurora on
Saturday, Nov. 1st from 8:30am to 8:30pm and spend
the day connecting with God in nature, each other and
the Sacraments. Lunch, dinner, hiking, prayer, peer
witness talks, Mass and more. All are welcome. Regis-
Friday, November 7th: Faith formation and Dinner in the
Pendleton parish hall. This event begins at 6:00pm. All
parishioners are welcome.
Wednesday, November 12th: A prayer service and candle
lit procession to the cemetery will take place after the
7:00pm Mass at the Pendleton worship site in honor of our
beloved dead.
After reviewing all the bids for our roofing project at the
Pendleton Site, our Parish Council, Finance Committee
and Trustees have recommended that we award the project
to Wm. Rott and Son. We have used them in the past on
other projects at the parish, and they do quality work.
LOSS OF A CHILD A Mass for the loss of a child will be
celebrated on Wednesday, October 29th at 7pm at St.
Stephen Parish, 2100 Baseline Rd. Grand Island. Confessions will be offered before Mass beginning at 6pm and
again after Mass. The Rosary will be prayed at 6:30pm in
the Daily Chapel. Refreshments will be served after Mass
in the Hospitality Room All are welcome. For more information, call St. Stephen Parish at 773-7647.
We still need $21,236 to meet our project goal of
$81,855. Work on the roof has begun. If you have not
donated to this project yet, please consider a gift now! I
am very grateful to all who have already contributed to
this building campaign. God will generously bless you!
A heads up for next year. One of our major parish projects
under consideration for next year is the rectory roof at the
St. Augustine Campus. If the project is approved by the
Parish Council, Finance committee and Trustees, we will
conduct another building campaign. This project is expected to be considerably less than our current project.
Good stewardship calls us to maintain our buildings and
SPAGHETTI DINNER Our Lady of Peace, 10950 Main
St., Clarence will hold a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the
sisters of St. Francis (Williamsville) on Sun. Nov. 2nd from
11am to 6pm. Take out will be available. Enjoy door