
St Andrew’s Cathedral
T he D iocese
of sin g apore
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BISHOP: The Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah
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The 1st row of the two
aisles and the Nave are
reserved for the elderly
and those with mobility
We warmly welcome you to St Andrew’s Cathedral.
Please complete and return this portion to the ushers or the Information Desk, or simply drop it into
an offering bag.
: ________________________________________________ Sex :____ Age: _____
Address : ___________________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________(H) ___________________(HP)____________________(O)
I am a visitor. I would like to be contacted.
I wish to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ. Service Attended: _____________
I wish to be a member of St Andrew’s Cathedral.
I wish to join a housegroup or a fellowship group.
I wish to have a set of tithe/offering envelopes.
I wish to register for the CE course. Name of course: __________________________
Others : ___________________________________
26 OCTOBER 2014
TWENTIETH sunday after
DEAN & VICAR: The Very Revd Kuan Kim Seng
ASSOCIATE VICAR: The Revd Canon Dr Louis Tay
O God, forasmuch as without you we are
not able to please you; mercifully grant that
your Holy Spirit may in all things direct
and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ
your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns
with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one
God, now and for ever. Amen.
I) Col 3:12-17
Church Bible, NT, page 353.
II) Matthew 22:30-35
Church Bible, NT, page 43.
PSALM FOR: 5.00 pm
Ps 119:89-104, Church Bible, OT, page
8.00 am : 525, 418, 380, 163
11.15 am : 525, 418, Glory to the Lamb, 380, 163
5.00 pm : 202, 469. 383, 601
Saturday, 1st Nov 2014
9.00 am - 12.30 pm
@Cathedral New Sanctuary
Preparing for SG50:
Rest • Return • Revival
The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me to
proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim
freedom for the prisoners and
recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free, to
proclaim the year of the Lord’s
favour.” - Luke 4:18-19
All are welcome!!
11 St Andrew’s Road (S. 178959) • Tel: 63376104 / 90022455 (emergency after office hrs) • Fax: 63376107 / 63391197
“Give Him A Hundred” Coin Box
The “Give Him A Hundred” coin box is part of this year’s
We want to rejoice with Mr Tan Tze Wei Diocesan Missions Sunday Collection in November.
Joel and Miss Tan Yu Lin Cheryl who
have filed their notice of marriage with the Please collect your coin box from the Information Desk.
Registry of Marriages. Their wedding date It is especially for families to educate and encourage
their children to give to Missions. Please return on
is this Saturday, 8 November 2014.
Sun, 9 Nov 2014.
If you know of any reason why they may
not lawfully marry, you are asked to inform
the Dean & Vicar of the Cathedral, or the
Registrar of Marriages before the wedding.
1500 needy children from various Children VWOs
are making their Christmas wishes, ranging from
stationery to toys. We are calling for wish granters
The Diocesan Office has a vacancy for:
to adopt and grant their
wishes. Please sign up via the
Application forms can be obtained by request from the
Information Desk or Welcome
Diocesan Office at Tel: 6288 8944 ext 244 or email karen@
Centre. Enquiries: ccismcw@ Closing date is 9 Nov 2014. More details / 86219044.
are posted on the Notice Board.
How to Know the Will of God
15/11 -29/11 (3 Sat 10am – 12pm @ PH A-B)
Pastor Alvin Toh
We face many difficult decisions in life: What work should I be doing? How should I be investing my resources?
Which school should I put my children in? Where should I live? The list goes on.
Most Christians are eager to know what God’s will is and are earnestly seeking God’s direction for their lives.
Yet oftentimes we are at a loss on how to discern God’s will. We are also frozen with fear thinking that we might
make a wrong decision and fall out of God’s perfect will for us. What are some common pitfalls in seeking to
know God’s will? How can I best discern God’s will for me? What biblical framework should I have to guide my
decision-making process? The course will walk you through the ‘maze’ of learning to discern God’s will for each
one of us and what it takes to make God-honoring decisions.
Please register online at:
If you have difficulties registering online, kindly contact Mr James Tan.
Refer to SAC’s website: for more details. You can also call or email the
following staff at 63376104 or for course information.
• Revd Peter Chen (Ext 144), Mr David Ng (Ext 184), Mr Alvin Toh (Ext 174) or CE Administrator, Mr
James Tan (Ext 177).
The Batam Medical Outreach is a bimonthly Cathedral medical mission chiefly to the island of Batam and also to other
islands in the Riau Archipelago in Indonesia. It aims to share the grace & love of God primarily by providing muchneeded basic healthcare to the rural villages in these islands. Each mission extends over a weekend and now comprises
4 medical teams serving at different locations. In addition to this primary healthcare, the teams also provide health
education and run a vibrant children’s ministry. We serve these numerous locations in rotation. Though this is a medical
mission, there are many opportunities for service for non-medical persons as well. We are able to accommodate up to
100 volunteers on each mission trip. However, do register early as the places do fill up quickly. The cost per person
is $100 ($80 for day-trippers) and includes all meals, 2-way ferry, land transport, hotel accommodation and travel
We are pleased to announce the dates for 2015. Do register early, particularly if signing up as a group.”
2015 mission dates
24-25 January
28-29 March
23-24 May
date for briefing 11 January
15 March
10 May
2015 mission dates
25-26 July
26-27 September
28-29 November
date for briefing
12 July
13 September
15 November
We would also welcome your prayers and contributions to this logistically-intensive mission.
Cheques can be made out to “St. Andrew’s Cathedral” with “Medical Mission Fund” written on
the back. To volunteer, please write to Mrs. Judy Teo at 63376104 ext 132, email: teojudy@ or A/Prof. Joseph Thambiah at
“..let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to
your Father who is in heaven” Matthew 5:16
Complimentary car-park exit tickets will be made available for those who attend the courses. They can
be collected in class at the registration table.
SAC is pleased to announce that Counselling Service (at no cost) is available for members from now
to December 2014. This is provided by:
(1) Mr David Ng who is a staff in St. Andrew’s Cathedral. He has a Master of Arts in Counselling.
(2) Ms Heng Siow Ing who has a Master of Social Science (Professional Counselling).
Both David and Siow Ing have been involved in various church ministries in the last 20 years at
St Andrew’s Cathedral, including teaching, discipleship training and cell group leading. They are
currently serving as Parish Worker and Lay Reader respectively at the 11.15am service.
If you have any queries please call Ti Lian Swan at 63376104 ext 120. If you wish to make an
appointment, please call David Ng at 9833 2786, email or Siow Ing at
9733 1951, email
7.00 a.m.
Holy Communion
Revd Jonathan Wong
7.00 a.m.
Holy Communion
Dr Danny Prasad
8.00 a.m.
Holy Communion
Rt Revd Datuk Ng Moon Hing
8.00 a.m.
Holy Communion
Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah
9.00 a.m.
Contemporary Service
Cathedral New Sanctuary
Rt Revd Datuk Ng Moon Hing
9.00 a.m.
Contemporary Service
Cathedral New Sanctuary
Dr David Miller
9.30 a.m.
Service in Mandarin
9.30 a.m.
Service in Mandarin
11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation
Cathedral New Sanctuary
11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation
Cathedral New Sanctuary
11.15 a.m. Holy Communion
Rt Revd Peter Tasker
11.15 a.m. Holy Communion
Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah
2.00 p.m.Filipino Holy Communion
Canon Louis Tay
2.00 p.m.Filipino Service
No Service
2.30 p.m.
Bahasa Indonesia Service
Chapel for All Peoples
Mr Victor Effendie
2.30 p.m.
Bahasa Holy Communion
Chapel for All Peoples
Revd Michael Lim 2.30 p.m.
Service in Cantonese
2.30 p.m.
Service in Cantonese
4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service
Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1
Revd Freddy Lim
4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service
Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1
Revd Freddy Lim
5.00 p.m.
Miss Ti Lian Swan
5.00 p.m.
Holy Communion
Revd Jonathan Wong
5.00 p.m.
Service in Mandarin
Cathedral New Sanctuary
5.00 p.m.
Service in Mandarin
Cathedral New Sanctuary
7.00 p.m.
Little Myanmar Service
Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1
7.00 p.m.
Little Myanmar Service
Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1
7.30 p.m.
New Life Service
Mr Lawrence Hirsch
7.30 p.m.
New Life Service
Mr Gilbert Carthigasu
10.00 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOL ministries
Acts Centre Sunday Service
St. Margaret’s Secondary School
Performing Arts Studio
Westside Anglican Church (WAC)
Mr Philip Huan
WAC Service in Mandarin
West Coast Recreation Centre
8.00 a.m. Sunday School
9.00 a.m. Sunday School
9.30 a.m. Sunday School (Mandarin)
11.15 a.m. Sunday School
5.00 p.m. Sunday School
TUE, 28 OCTOBER 2014
Monday, 27 OCT
9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer
Almighty God, who built your Church
upon the foundation of the apostles and
prophets, with Jesus Christ himself as the
chief corner-stone: so join us together in
unity of spirit by their doctrine, that we may
be made a holy temple acceptable to you;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you, in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
for ever. Amen.
Tuesday, 28 OCT
7.30 a.m. Clergy & Leaders
Holy Communion
Wednesday, 29 OCT
9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer
12.45 p.m. Holy Communion
@ Prayer Hall A
Revd Soon Soo Kee
5.15 p.m. Evening Prayer
FRI, 31 OCTOBER 2014
Thursday, 30 OCT
9.30 a.m. Holy Communion
@ Chapel for All Peoples
Revd Timothy Chow
Almighty God, who through the preaching
of your servants, the blessed Reformers,
has caused the light of the gospel to shine
forth. Grant, we beseech you that, knowing
its saving power, we may faithfully guard
it and defend it against all enemies, and
joyfully proclaim it, to the salvation of
souls and the glory of your holy name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Friday, 31 OCT
9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer
10.30 a.m. Mandarin Senior Citizens’
Meeting @ CNS
(31.10.1517 – Nailing of “The 95 Theses
against Indulgences”
By Martin Luther to the door for the
Castle Church at Wittenburg, Germany
inaugurated the Protestant Reformation
– Justification by Faith – sola fide, sola
gratia, sola scriptura)
Saturday, 1 NOV
9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer
2.00 p.m. NO LYnC Youth Ministry
Transfigurate Concert
7.00pm at Amphitheatre
2.00 p.m. Young Adults’ Ministry
@ Prayer Hall A & B
2.00 p.m.
2.30 p.m.
C3 (CITY Children Club)
@ Cathedral New Sanctuary
5.00 p.m.
Saturday Contemporary Service
@ Cathedral New Sanctuary
Mr David Miller
(no meetings on 4th & 5th Sat)
Almighty God, you have knit together your
elect in one communion and fellowship in the
mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord:
grant us grace so to follow your blessed
saints in all virtuous and godly living that
we may come to those inexpressible joys
that you have prepared for those who truly
love you; through Jesus Christ your Son
our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God now
and for ever. Amen.
Shalomkids Ministry
(For children with autism)
@ Prayer Hall C
“Notes for 1st session will be given only to those who have pre-registered. For those who have pre-registered
but are unable to come for the course, kindly inform CE administrator to cut down on paper wastage.”
Building Faith Foundations
(Baptism & Confirmation)
12/10 - 8/2/2015 (16 Sun, 2.30-4.30@B2RA)
Revd Peter Chen & Team
has changed our life, our worldview and relationships.
They want to know what we believe and why we believe
what we believe. How do we share with them clearly
and convincingly what God has done for you now and
for eternity? This course will equip believers to be able
to do relational evangelism and sharpen our skills in
sharing the good news. Based on the talks “Becoming a
Contagious Christian” by Mark Mittelberg, Lee Strobel
& Bill Hybels, it is an interactive and practical training
on how to share our faith with others.
The Romans 9-11 Messianic Lecture
Israel in the ‘Big Picture’ of Scripture
30/10 & 31/10
(Thurs & Fri, 7:30pm – 9:30pm@PH A-C)
Dr David Miller
Why is Israel different from all other nations? Why
should a Singaporean Christian or any other Christian
have an interest in Israel different from an interest
in any other nation? The answer to these questions
significantly affects our understanding of both the
biblical revelation of God’s working throughout
human history and the character of God. The seminar
will look at:
Topics include:
• The Benefits of Becoming a Contagious Christian
• How to be yourself and impact others
• Telling your story and communicating God’s
• Helping your friends cross the line of faith
Jesus Discovery Seminar
$3/- for discussion booklet
5/11 –26/11
(4 Wed, 8.00pm – 9:30pm @ B2RA)
Revd Peter Chen, Dr Gilbert Tan,
Ms Pamela Yoong & Mrs Connie Tan
• The “Big Picture of Scripture” and the Covenants
– God’s redemptive work from the beginning of
time to Christ’s return. Israel and the covenants
that God has made throughout history are central
to understanding who God is and how He works
throughout history, past, present and future.
Jesus said; “Come to me, all you who are weary and
burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28). This
Jesus also said; “I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have
the light of life” (John 8:12). So who is this Jesus?
Can you take what he has promised seriously? Are his
words still relevant?
• Biblical Nature Imagery: The Grape Vine, the Fig
and the Olive trees as pictures of Israel – The
Bible was written in an agrarian world to an
agrarian people. We will consider how these three
agricultural products depict Israel, how they are
commonly misunderstood, and how they should be
understood in the light of agricultural practices of
that time.
If you want to know more about who Jesus is and what
Christianity is about, you are invited. Or if you have
a friend who is interested to know more about Jesus,
invite him / her to the sessions. Topics include:
Becoming a Contagious Christian
(Interactive training based on talks by Mark
Mittelberg & Lee Strobel.)
• Why Am I Here?
• Who Is Jesus & What Difference Can He Make In
Your Life?
• How Much Are You Worth?
• Do You Know Where You Are Heading?
4/11 – 25/11 (4 Tues, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
@ PH A-C; 11 Nov @ NT Hall)
Facilitator: Revd Peter Chen
$16/- for Participant’s Guide
There will be time for questions, discussion and hearing
from others about how Jesus has changed their lives.
Often instead of passionately telling others about God’s
message of salvation, we are tongue-tied and do not
know what to say. Our loved ones, friends and colleagues
may also be curious to know how our faith in Jesus
cont’d on page 7
prayer highlights
•Christian Education (CE) Programme Commencing
This Week
Course: The Romans 9-11 Messianic Lecture
Israel in the ‘Big Picture’ of Scripture
Date: 30 & 31 Oct (Thu & Fri) @ Prayer Halls
Instructor: Mr David Miller
• Deanery of Nepal
Dean: Revd Lewis Lew
• Nazarene Church
Priest: Revd Rinzi Lama
• Golgotha Church
Priest: Revd Shyam Nepali
• Slovakia (Europe)
Slovakia is a nation in the midst of significant change.
Economic reforms and EU membership both created
as well as solved problems. Increasing wealth (for
some) is accompanied by the new influences of
materialism and moral relativism. Depression and
suicide rates are among the highest in Europe; pray
that many might seek for hope and truth, and find
these in Jesus Christ.
Slovakia enjoys a strong Christian heritage with
the Catholics being the majority of approximately
80%. Evangelical denominations are few and small.
The growth of recent years has slowed, but there
is a new desire to reach out and be more active in
church planting. The difficulty in registering as
a religious organisation complicates church life
for smaller denominations. To recapture vitality,
each congregation must understand what being
the Church actually means. Pray for the quality of
spiritual life and for fervor in evangelical churches.
(Source: Operation World, 21st Century Edition, 748)
• Diocesan Day of Prayer This Saturday (01 Nov)
Let us trust God for many to come before the throne
of grace to seek and call on the Lord with one voice
for our church and nation.
• Synod Meeting, 06-08 Nov (Thu-Sat)
The coming Synod Meeting would be the first
residential Synod with emphasis on prayer and
small group discussions on Local Evangelism and
Mission in our Deaneries. Pray for a blessed time
and for the Lord to pour out His rich blessings and
wisdom upon the governing body of our diocese.
• ‘Give Him a Hundred’
‘Give Him a Hundred’ is an opportunity for all
parishioners in the Diocese to give towards the cause
and cost of Missions. The coin box (distributed) is
part of this year’s Diocesan Missions Sunday. Pray
it’ll be a vehicle not only for fund raising but also
for awareness and participation in prayer for all the
deaneries within the Diocese.
• Celebrate Christmas in Singapore (CCIS) 2014,
18-25 Dec 2014
We uphold in prayer the preparation for Stage
Performances by both local and foreign performers.
It would be the celebration of songs, dances, musical
renditions with focus on the meaning of Christmas.
• Senior Members’ Fellowship (SMF)
Visit to Malacca This Week, 27-29 Oct (Mon-Wed)
At the kind invitation of the Rt Revd Dr Jason Selvaraj,
the Vicar of Christ Church, Malacca, the SMF would
be visiting Christ Church, having Holy Communion
and dinner with him and his congregation. Pray for a
good time of fellowship and edification and journey’s
Veena Susan Cherian, Chia Hearn Jiang,
Terence Choo. Amy Dang, Annie Dang, Patrick
Sims-Gustav, Khor Seow Hong, Marjorie Lau,
Nancy Li, William Ng, Maisie Tan, Millie Tan,
Wee Tee Yong, Sylvia Wong and Lily Yeo.
• Transfigurate! – LYnC Event This Sat (01 Nov)
This is organised by Cathedral LYnC Youth Ministry
and we pray for a wonderful and meaningful time
for all the youths to be drawn deeper in relationship
with Jesus. Pray for good weather as it is an outdoor
event and for all logistics to be well co-ordinated and
functioning smoothly.
Members who know them are encouraged to visit
and pray with them.