St Andrew’s Cathedral REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY (Anniversary of the Signing of the Armistice on 11 Nov 1918 that ended World War I) Lord of the nations, we remember before you with grateful hearts the men and women of our country who in the day of decision ventured their all for the liberties we now enjoy. Help us to recognise the incalculable debt we owe them, that we may strive in our own time to maintain true freedom in our nation and the world, and to safeguard the peace which was won at so great a cost, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. T he D iocese O f S in g apore BISHOP OF SINGAPORE: The Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah ASSISTANT BISHOPS: The Rt Revd Low Jee King The Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng CHRISTMAS@CATHEDRAL 22-24 DECEMBER 2014 St Andrew’s Cathedral Performances on 22-23 Dec : 6.30-9.30pm Food fair & Performances on 24 Dec : 2pm-9.30pm 9 NOVEMBER 2014 deaneries and overseas MISSIONS sunday THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT remeMbrance sunday COLLECT Come join us in St Andrew’s Cathedral on 22-23 Dec there will be open air Christmas performances at night. On 24 Dec there will be a food fair and open air Christmas performances from 2pm – 9.30pm. From 12 Dec onwards there will be colourful, life-size display of Bethlehem, the birth place of Jesus Christ, and the Nativity scene. Almighty Father, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. For more information: Email: SCRIPTURE READINGS Facebook: Christmas At Cathedral We warmly welcome you to St Andrew’s Cathedral. Please complete and return this portion to the ushers or the Information Desk, or simply drop it into an offering bag. Name : ________________________________________________ Sex :____ Age: _____ Address : ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________(H) ___________________(HP)____________________(O) Email:________________________________________________________________________ I am a visitor. I would like to be contacted. I wish to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ. Service Attended: _____________ I wish to be a member of St Andrew’s Cathedral. I wish to join a housegroup or a fellowship group. I wish to have a set of tithe/offering envelopes. I wish to register for the CE course. Name of course: __________________________ Others : ___________________________________ I) 1 Thess 4:13-18 Church Bible, NT, page 359. II) Matthew 25:1-13 Church Bible, NT, page 48. PSALM FOR: 5.00pm DEAN & VICAR: The Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng ASSOCIATE VICAR:The Revd Canon Dr Louis Tay W e welcome to our pulpits this morning two special guests: Abp Hanna Anis Mouneer, Presiding Bishop of Jerusalem and the Middle East, and Bishop of Egypt. Abp Mouneer was the speaker at our recently concluded Synod. W e also welcome the Revd Christopher Royer , Executive Director of Anglican Frontier Missions. Both Abp Mouneer and Revd Chris would be participating in our Diocese Missions Consultation (11-14 Nov 2014) this coming week. is DIOCESAN Today Diocesan MISSIONS Missions SUNDAY Sunday. Inserted in the bulletin is a donation envelope. Thank you for your prayers and support. Ps 145, Church Bible, OT, page 1028. HYMNS FOR: 8.00 am : 356, 429, 376, 386 11.15 am : 356, 429, 508, 376, 386 5.00 pm : HP2, Psalm 139, His Eye is on the Sparrow, HP308 GRANT CHRISTMAS WISHES! 1500 needy children from various Children VWOs are making their Christmas wishes, ranging from stationery to toys. We are calling for wish granters to adopt and grant their wishes. Please kindly sign up via the Flyer Insert or the Info Desk, TODAY. 11 St Andrew’s Road (S. 178959) • Tel: 63376104 / 90022455 (emergency after office hrs) • Fax: 63376107 / 63391197 announcements DIOCESAN MISSIONS SUNDAY COLLECTION 2014 – “Give Him A Hundred” Coin Box Wedding The “Give Him A Hundred” coin box is part of this year’s Diocesan Missions Sunday Collection in November. We want to rejoice with Mr Lim Wei Xiang Darrell and Miss Lim Su Ping Eliza Marie Ann who have filed their notice of marriage with the Registry of Marriages. Their wedding date is on Saturday, 22 November 2014. Please insert all the collections from your GHH Box IN NOTES into the Diocesan Missions Envelope for inclusion in the offertory today. Funds raised will be to support the work in our 6 Deaneries. Thank you. “Lest We Forget” Book Sale If you know of any reason why they may not lawfully marry, you are asked to inform the Dean & Vicar of the Cathedral, or the Registrar of Marriages before the wedding. In 1842, Maria Dyer, a British missionary with the London Missionary Society started a boarding school cum school for the less fortunate girls in Singapore. In time, parents realised the importance of education for girls, they sent their daughters to the boarding school. The girls received an education and a Christian upbringing. The needy girls received an education with the aid from the Missionary Society and members of the of St Andrew’s Cathedral. The ex-boarders have written down their memories of St Margaret’s Boarding School in gratitude to the English missionaries who cared for them. FILIPINO SERVICE If you are a Filipino or if you know any Filipino friend, colleague or even someone working for you, please encourage them to attend our Filipino Service. The Service starts at 2pm every Sunday at North Transept Hall. For more information, please contact Ms Joyce Carino at email: or Pastor Richard Ting This book will be sold after the 8am and 9am Services TODAY, at $10 each. All proceeds will go to the needy students of St Margaret’s Secondary School. CHRISTMAS VARIETY SHOW My Saviour’s Church is organising a Christmas Variety Show to reach out to non-Christians. There will be songs, drama, comedy skits, dances, a sumptuous buffet dinner and a short encouraging exhortation. This Christmas Variety Show is a good avenue to introduce the love of Jesus to unsaved parents, siblings, friends and relatives who are more familiar with conversing in Tamil, or find themselves at home with the Indian culture. BIBLE SOCIETY OF SINGAPORE CALENDARS 2015 announcements CATHEDRAL FAMILY CAMP 2015 Date: 7-10 June 2015 Venue: Thistle Hotel, Johor Bahru. Camp Speaker: Bishop Rennis Ponniah More information will be available soon. Christmas Concert in Mandarin (Kreta Ayer People’s Theatre)* 20 December 2014 (Saturday) @ 3.00pm & 7.00pm *Tickets @$5 can be purchased from Mandarin Congregation Office. For enquiries, please call 63392435 The desk calendars 2015 co-print with BSS are available for sale @ Information Desk and CWC @ S$3.00 each as from this Sun, 9 Nov ’14. POSITION AVAILABLE The Diocesan Office has a vacancy for: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. Application forms can be obtained by request from the Diocesan Office at Tel: 6288 8944 ext 244 or email karen@ Closing date is 9 Nov 2014. More details are posted on the Notice Board. Event : Christmas Variety Show Date : 13 December 2014 Venue : Nanyang Technological University Auditorium Time : 6.30pm to 9.30pm Please contact Mr. Arulkumar at 6474 2823 during office hours or email him at for further KNEELERS IN THE CATHEDRAL details as to tickets pricing and other information. Members are requested not to rest their shoes on the kneelers. This will reduce the wear and tear on the plastic covering of the kneelers. BE CAREFUL.... Please do not leave your handbag or other valuables unattended during Services, as the Cathedral is open to DONATION FOR FLOWERS TODAY the public. Are received in memory of Mr Khoo Swee Lim. 2 Tuesday Worship & Prayer Join others from the Diocese each Tuesday to worship and pray for Singapore at St Andrew’s Cathedral. The Holy Communion service at 7:30-8:30am is followed by a simple breakfast. Parking charges at the Cathedral will be waived. Do join us! INFANT BAPTISM Infants may be baptised at this Service: 25 December - 11.15 am (together with adults) Application forms are available at the Information Desk and should be submitted one month in advance. 7 SUNDAY SERVICES 9 NOVEMBER DEANERIES & OVERSEAS MISSIONS SUN 3RD SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion Ps Sharon Sanders 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Most Revd Dr Hanna Anis Mouneer 9.00 a.m. Contemporary Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Most Revd Dr Hanna Anis Mouneer 9.30 a.m. Service in Mandarin SUNDAY SERVICES 16 NOVEMBER SENIOR CITIZENS SUNDAY 2ND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 7.00 a.m. Holy Communion Ds June Tan 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Peter Chen 9.00 a.m. Contemporary Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Very Revd Canon Patrick Augustine 9.30 a.m. Service in Mandarin 11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation Cathedral New Sanctuary 11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation Cathedral New Sanctuary 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Christopher Royer 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Peter Chen How Much does Jesus Deserve from You? 2.00 p.m. Filipino Service Mrs Lisa Espineli Chinn 2.30 p.m. Bahasa Indonesia Service Chapel for All Peoples Mr Victor Effendie 2.30 p.m. Service in Cantonese 4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 Revd Freddy Lim WEEKDAY SERVICES/MEETINGS Wednesday, 12 NOV 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 12.45 p.m. Holy Communion @ South Transept Hall Revd Soon Soo Kee 5.15 p.m. Evening Prayer Thursday, 13 NOV 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion @ South Transept Hall Revd Timothy Chow 2.30 p.m. Bahasa Indonesia Service Chapel for All Peoples Mr Victor Effendie 2.30 p.m. Service in Cantonese 4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 Revd Freddy Lim 5.00 p.m. Evensong Ds Bessie Lee 5.00 p.m. Holy Communion Revd Loren Fox 5.00 p.m. Service in Mandarin Cathedral New Sanctuary 5.00 p.m. Service in Mandarin Cathedral New Sanctuary 2.00 p.m. Young Adults’ Ministry @ Prayer Hall A & B 7.00 p.m. Little Myanmar Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 7.00 p.m. Little Myanmar Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 C3 (CITY Children Club) @ Cathedral New Sanctuary 7.30 p.m. New Life Service Ms Sharon Sanders 7.30 p.m. New Life Service Pastor Benedict Rajan 2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 5.00 p.m. Saturday Contemporary Service @ Cathedral New Sanctuary 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. Acts Centre Sunday Service St. Margaret’s Secondary School Performing Arts Studio Westside Anglican Church (WAC) Revd Timothy Chow WAC Service in Mandarin West Coast Recreation Centre 8.00 a.m. Sunday School 9.00 a.m. Sunday School 9.30 a.m. Sunday School (Mandarin) 11.15 a.m. Sunday School 5.00 p.m. Sunday School 4 The Batam Medical Outreach is a bimonthly Cathedral medical mission chiefly to the island of Batam and also to other islands in the Riau Archipelago in Indonesia. It aims to share the grace & love of God primarily by providing much-needed basic healthcare to the rural villages in these islands. Each mission extends over a weekend and now comprises 4 medical teams serving at different locations. In addition to this primary healthcare, the teams also provide health education and run a vibrant children’s ministry. We serve these numerous locations in rotation. Though this is a medical mission, there are many opportunities for service for non-medical persons as well. We are able to accommodate up to 100 volunteers on each mission trip. However, do register early as the places do fill up quickly. The cost per person is $100 ($80 for day-trippers) and includes all meals, 2-way ferry, land transport, hotel accommodation and travel insurance. Tuesday, 11 NOV 7.30 a.m. Clergy & Leaders Holy Communion Filipino Service Miss Joyce Carino SUNDAY SCHOOL ministries BATAM MEDICAL OUTREACH Monday, 10 NOV 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 2.00 p.m. EXTENSION CENTRES We are pleased to announce the dates for 2015. Do register early, particularly if signing up as a group.” Friday, 14 NOV 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 10.30 a.m. NO Mandarin Senior Citizens’ Meeting @ CNS 2015 mission dates 24-25 January 28-29 March 23-24 May 25-26 July 26-27 September 28-29 November Saturday, 15 NOV 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 2.00 p.m. LYnC Youth Ministry Cell date for briefing 11 January 15 March 10 May 12 July 13 September 15 November We would also welcome your prayers and contributions to this logistically-intensive mission. Cheques can be made out to “St. Andrew’s Cathedral” with “Medical Mission Fund” written on the back. To volunteer, please ALL write toSAINTS’ Mrs. Judy Teo at 63376104 ext 132, DAY email: SAT, or A/Prof. 1 NOVEMBER 2014 Joseph Thambiah at (no meetings on 4th & 5th Sat) Shalomkids Ministry (For children with autism) @ Prayer Hall C Very Revd Canon Patrick Augustine “..let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” Matthew 5:16 5 “Notes for 1st session will be given only to those who have pre-registered. For those who have pre-registered but are unable to come for the course, kindly inform CE administrator to cut down on paper wastage.” Becoming a Contagious Christian (Interactive training based on talks by Mark Mittelberg & Lee Strobel.) COMING UP IN JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 4/11 – 25/11 (4 Tues, 7:30pm – 9:30pm @ PH A-C; 11 Nov @ NT Hall) Building Faith Foundations (Bap-Confirm Prep for Adults & Teens) $16/- for Participant’s Guide 24/1 – 24/5 (16 Sat, 2pm – 4pm @ B2RA) Pastor Alvin Toh & Team Facilitator: Revd Peter Chen Jesus Discovery Seminar (2) 5/11 –26/11 $3/- for discussion booklet (4 Wed, 8.00pm – 9:30pm @ B2RA) Revd Peter Chen, Dr Gilbert Tan, Ms Pamela Yoong & Mrs Connie Tan Epiphanies: Life-Changing Encounters with God 16/1 (Fri, 7:30pm – 9:30pm) & 17/1 (Sat, 9:30am – 12:30pm) Venue: Prayer Halls A-C Revd Charlie Cleverly How to Know the Will of God 15/11 -29/11 (3 Sat 10am – 12pm @ PH A-B) Pastor Alvin Toh We face many difficult decisions in life: What work should I be doing? How should I be investing my resources? Which school should I put my children in? Where should I live? The list goes on. Most Christians are eager to know what God’s will is and are earnestly seeking God’s direction for their lives. Yet oftentimes we are at a loss on how to discern God’s will. We are also frozen with fear thinking that we might make a wrong decision and fall out of God’s perfect will for us. What are some common pitfalls in seeking to know God’s will? How can I best discern God’s will for me? What biblical framework should I have to guide my decision-making process? The course will walk you through the ‘maze’ of learning to discern God’s will for each one of us and what it takes to make God-honoring decisions. Romans: God’s Great Renovation Project 20/1 – 24/2 (5 Tues, 7:30pm – 9:30pm @ PHA-C), no class on 17/2 Revd Dr Rick Griffith Before You Say, “I Do.” (Marriage Prep Course) 28/2 – 25/4 (9 Sat, 2pm – 4pm @ ST Hall) Retreat 25/4, (Sat, 9:30am – 1:30pm) Revd Michael Lim & Mrs. Judy Lim & Team prayer highlights DIOCESE OF SINGAPORE • Christmas @ Cathedral, 22-24 Dec (Mon-Wed) We pray for this Cathedral event to be an opportunity for celebration and also to reach out to those who have yet to know the meaning of Christmas and be blessed with the good news of Jesus. Let us uphold the organising committee in their preparation and organisation. • Church of the Ascension Ag. Vicar: Rt Revd Low Jee King Curate: Revd Joel Leow Priests: Revd Edwin Tan, Revd Christopher Tan (Hon), Revd Wong Ngiam Koy Parish Workers: Mr Daniel Lim, Mdm Tien Phet Hiong WORLD • Sudan (Africa) Sudan has known only war for its entire modern history. Violence is rife throughout Sudan, which is regarded as one of the world’s least stable nations. The prolonged conflict of war caused Christians to scatter throughout the country and beyond. This resulted churches being planted in places and among peoples who were previously unreached. Now, many of those won to Christ while displaced are returning to their home areas with the goal of starting new fellowships. Christian numbers 1.6 million in 1980, now exceed 11 million – remarkable growth amid terrible violence, warfare, persecution and even genocide. One such example is the spiritual transformation of the Dinka Bor people from animist to Christian. Pray for provision of trained pastors to meet the needs and pastoral care of the sheer number of young converts. (Source: Operation World, 21st Century Edition, 783-6) • Ascension Kindergarten Principal: Mrs Dianne Seet • Ascension Kindercare Supervisor: Ms Dawn Defoe • St Andrew’s Junior School Principal: Mrs Wong Bin Eng • St Andrew’s House House Master: Mr Jeffrey Chua • Mission Consultation Roundtable This Week, 11-14 Nov (Tue-Fri) Theme: That They May Know and Confess Jesus as Saviour and Lord Topics include “Biblical Foundation of our Missiology”, “Roles and Challenges of Mission Agencies Today”, “Mobilising the Church for Mission” and various workshops by the Deaneries and ACROSS. SINGAPORE • Youth Pastors’ and Leaders’ Training, 12-14 Nov (Wed-Fri) This is organised by the Diocesan Youth Board with focus on spiritual leadership. Venue @ Diocesan Building Centre. Speaker: Mr Joseph Chean (YWAM National Director). •The Government We pray for our government to be blessed with wisdom to care for the welfare of our city. Indeed, our prayers to God, to guide and direct our leaders to govern our nation in ways of justice and peace. ST ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL Please register online at: If you have difficulties registering online, kindly contact Mr James Tan. Refer to SAC’s website: for more details. You can also call or email the following staff at 63376104 or for course information. • Revd Peter Chen (Ext 144), Mr David Ng (Ext 184), Mr Alvin Toh (Ext 174) or CE Administrator, Mr James Tan (Ext 177). Complimentary car-park exit tickets will be made available for those who attend the courses. They can be collected in class at the registration table. 6 • Missions Sunday Today (09 Nov) We thank God for Missions that first originated from Him and we pray that our hearts would be more and more like Him – a heart for Missions where we would endeavour, by the enabling and empowering of the Holy Spirit, to bring the good news of Jesus to many who have not heard it. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Veena Susan Cherian, Chia Hearn Jiang, Terence Choo. Amy Dang, Annie Dang, Patrick Sims-Gustav, Khor Seow Hong, Marjorie Lau, Nancy Li, Ng Beng Tong, William Ng, Maisie Tan, Millie Tan, Wee Tee Yong, Sylvia Wong and Lily Yeo. • Christian Education (CE) Programme Commencing This Week Course : How to Know the Will of God Date : 15 Nov to 29 Nov (3 Sat) Instructor : Ps Alvin Toh Members who know them are encouraged to visit and pray with them. 3