
Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
Gayla Meredith
NWTTA President
Members First!
 NWTTA serves 800+
educators in 8 regions
1 6
2 0 1 4
NWTTA Territorial Educators’
September 29 to October 1
 Teachers
 School Administrators
 YK1 Educational Assistants
 2014-2016 Central Executive:
 President: Gayla Meredith
 Vice-President: Fraser Oliver
 Secretary/Treasurer: Marnie
 Member-at-Large: Sonia Gregory
 Regional Presidents’ Rep - TBA
 Regional Executives - elected
in each region to serve members
 Local Receiving Officers
(LROs) - volunteer in each
school to serve members
 Check the NWTTA website
for Central and Regional
Executive members’ contact
information and LRO listings
 Have you renewed/
registered your NWTTA
Online Membership? See
page 7
See You in Yellowknife!
President’s Message
Executive Director’s
NWTTA Website - Check 6
out your MEMBER AREA
Membership Renewal
Professional Development
Assistant Executive
Director’s Message
Ask your President &
Executive Director
Educators’ Conference
Special Events
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
Message from NWTTA President
fall, along with renewed energy
and a fresh start,
come excitement, expectations,
hopes, plans and possibilities…”
quality member service, last spring the a large number of NWT educators
??????????????? Use quote here
Central Professional Development
Committee (CPDC) passed a motion
to support an interm measure to
The subject matter that appears in address this critical issue. Beginning in
newsletters is virtually endless. You late September, a .75 2-year term
Administrative Assistant position will
can include stories that focus on
be hired and funded by the CPDC to
current technologies or innovations work under the direction of the PD
in your field.
From July 2013 to June 2014, Dave,
You may also want to note business Adrien and I dealt with 2,333
to member concerns and issues
or economic trends, orWelcome
make prethe most exciting
(including follow-ups) compared to
dictions forone
yourof customers
times of the year… Back to School! 1838 the year before, with 586
has always been one of my favourite addressed 3 years ago. Needless to
fall, along
with renewed
If the
is distributed
in- say, with a 300% increase in
energy and a fresh start, come member issues during this time
ternally, expectations,
you might comment
hopes, upon
plans on top of Education Renewal and
and new
for or
students Innovation (ERI)
demands and
and to
advocacy work, it is vital that we have
the business. Sales figures or
a capable and competent team to
I have
and admiration
show how
your busifor you, our NWT educators. In serve our 800+ members.
ness isto
your expertise, skills, This summer we spent time reviewing
to alife-long
Some newsletters
column and providing feedback on the
learning, you are dedicated, caring G N W T
that is updated
for to E d u c a t i o n , C u l t u r e a n d
Each every
day, you
do instance,
everythingan within
your circle
of Employment’s (ECE’s) ERI
advice column,
a book
student confidential draft 3-year Action
review,toa letter
the president,
success. There is much to celebrate in Plan. The confidential draft Action
or an editorial.
and this You
to Plan identified 18 intended initiatives
top newsletter!
customers for implementation over the first 3
of this or
in our
Feel or
to send us photos and tell us years of the 10-year ERI Framework,
about your exciting projects and activities. with a number of these already under
Optimal learning environments for -way. ECE advised us that budgetary
students stem from optimal conditions considerations will be provided once
of professional practice for educators. the draft is finalized.
You can rest assured that as your Suffice it to say, we flagged some
NWTTA President, I continue to do ongoing concerns, including short
everything within my circle of timelines that undermine/put ERI’s
influence to support improved potential at risk, the need for
working conditions for educators.
adequate resources including funding
We are fortunate to have an amazing and human capacity (for teachers,
Central Office team with whom I administrators and ECE personnel),
am thrilled to conduct NWTTA improved working conditions, the
business and serve members: Executive i m p o r t a n c e o f i n t e r a g e n c y /
Director, Dave Roebuck; Assistant interdepartmental supports and the
Executive Director, Adrien Amirault; vital need for expertise in change
N W T T A G N W T P r o f e s s i o n a l management as ERI rolls out. We also
Development Coordinator, Colleen Eckert; noted our concern with the
and Executive Assistant, André Corbeil. d i m i n i s h i n g i n t e g r i t y o f t h e
Lynda Comerford has assisted Colleen engagement process as experienced
since February 2014 with Territorial by a number of educator participants
Conference preparations and will on ERI Working Groups, and flagged
complete her 10-month work term the need to be aware of current
NWTTA Collective Agreements with
this November.
their various conditions of
While there is a definite increase in employment, including number of
the volume of work at Central Office, school days, length of school years
the exponential increase in workload and various aspects of professional
over the past 5 years in the PD Office development.
has grown beyond the capability of a
single position. To support sufficient We will state that ECE has followed
capacity within the PD office to ensure through on its commitment to include
This story can fit 100-150 words.
Gayla Meredith
David Reid
“… is a great
teacher, …fun
and comical.
Makes a
difference in our
school because …
helps us understand our work
more .”
(age 15)
Welcome Back to School !
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
from various positions, grade levels
and regions in its 23 Working Groups.
However, it is the pace (extremely
tight timelines) and thoroughness of
engagement (too little time for
meaningful discussion/input) that we
feel puts the process at risk.
environments have at their core
respectful, open, clear communication
and teams with strong conflict
resolution skills. The NWTTA Code
of Ethics provides recommendations
that support positive school and
worksite environments (check the
2014/2015 NWTTA Pocket Planner).
Often times member-to-member
issues can be solved when they first
arise with respectful, professional
conversation. When dealing with such
matters, the NWTTA requests that
members FIRST speak directly to the
member involved IN PRIVATE about
the situation with the goal of finding
resolution (please note – school
administrators are NWTTA members).
For more details on how members
can work to resolve issues before
they get out of hand check this year’s
Pocket Planner. In addition, our
Assistant Executive Director, Adrien
Amirault, is trained in Conflict
Resolution and offers workshops,
upon request, to schools, DEC/Board
Gatherings and he is on the docket
for our fall conference!
If at some point throughout the year
you have questions or are faced with
new challenges or uncertainties,
remember – your NWTTA is here
to support you, our NWT
educators. Beginning with Local
Receiving Officers in each school to
Regional Presidents and their
Executive members, along with your
Central Executive and Central Office
team, we are all here to assist you in a
variety of capacities.
Staying up-to-date on NWTTA
happenings is an important part of
being an NWTTA member. To do
this you can check your email for
information updates, bulletins and
communiqués, including NWTTA
NEWS publications. When you seek
information about your collective
agreement, NWTTA bylaws and
policies, forms, PD or other
association-related topics, the
NWTTA Member Area of the
website is a great source. You’ll also
find a timeline of my Presidential
Book online at firstair.ca
September 2014
travels, meetings, discussions,
presentations, and other advocacy
efforts in Central Executive Meeting
Minutes (NWTTA>>Member
Login>>Central Executive Business) and
regular Blog posts with news of
NWTTA Central Office efforts on
your behalf.
This year’s Canadian Teachers’
Federation (CTF) Presidents’
Forum in Ottawa, held in July prior
to the Board of Directors’
Meeting and Annual General
Meeting (AGM), provided an array of
guest speakers and focused roundtable
discussions on ‘Equity and Social Justice
at the Heart of Public Education’ specific
to Poverty, Mental Health, Human
Rights and Policy/Practice and Schools.
At CTF’s AGM we elected a new
Executive, with New Brunswick Past
President Heather Smith now the
new CTF President-Designate.
We also welcomed Cassandra
Hallett DaSilva, CTF’s new
General Secretary taking office in
January 2015. Cassie is a past
NWTTA member who served the
Association in a variety of capacities
and will be remembered by many
northern educators.
The AGM also saw the Board of
Directors conduct the affairs of this
national organization representing
nearly 200,000 elementary and
secondary school teachers across
Canada, and share Provincial and
Territorial challenges and successes.
Presentations and discussions touched
on Work-Life Balance and how to
move CTF’s recent survey work into
action (check our Blog for a link to two
informative documents; a hardcopy of
Bernie Froese-Germain’s report is on its
way to schools). We also learned about
the History of Canadian Women
in Education and the gains made by
teacher unions on behalf of women
(also on our website), and discussed
CTF’s participation in the 2015
Education International (EI) 7th
World Congress, Unite for Quality
Education – Better Education for a Better
World, that will be held in Ottawa next
July 21-26, 2015.
World Teachers’ Day is October
5th, a time to recognize and celebrate
the work of educators at home and
globally. CTF posters are enroute to
each school with this year’s theme of
“It all starts with a qualified teacher”.
Your NWTTA Territorial
Educators’ Conference has an
exciting line-up of presenters and a
wide-range of PD opportunities for
you this September 29 to October 1.
Colleen and Lynda worked over the
summer to ensure everything comes
together for this unique territorial PD
By now, you will have registered
for conference sessions (if not, call
Colleen or Lynda for assistance), or if
there are circumstances preventing
your participation you will have
submitted the Alternative PD form.
GNWT members will soon hear from
the PD Office about details for travel
and accommodation. If you have further
conference questions – check the
newsletter’s PD section, visit the NWTTA
website or check with your LRO.
For the first time ever, our fall
NWTTA Regional Orientations
will be held in Yellowknife! This will
see over 80 NWTTA Local Receiving
Officers and Executive Members
together in Yellowknife for meetings,
discussions and networking
opportunities on Saturday and Sunday.
What an exciting opportunity for our
Association reps and leaders to share
regional successes, challenges and
effective solutions!
We are also extending an invitation to
any member interested in applying for
the 2016 Negotiations Teams to
attend a 2-hour Collective
Bargaining Session on Sunday,
September 28 from 7-9 PM. Myles Ellis
of the CTF will provide an overview of
what is happening across Canada in
this area and the types of working
condition clauses in various contracts.
Fall is an exciting time, indeed! Thank you
for your expertise and professionalism as
you work to provide students across the
NWT with the best possible education.
With all of your responsibilities and
demands on your time, remember that to
be the best you can be for your students
making time for personal wellness is
foundational. As Dr. Shanker shared with
me, Self-regulation is not only for
students, it is also an important factor in
adult personal wellness.
Here’s to renewed energy, a fresh start,
hopes, plans and possibilities along with
all the excitement they bring!
“Thanks for
teaching me to
read and write,
you are a good
(age 5)
Message from NWTTA Executive Director
“Persons interested in serving on their bargaining units’ 2016 negotiation team should attend this important meeting.”
Hello and welcome to all returning
members and members new to the
NWT! I hope everyone had a great
summer holiday and thoroughly enjoyed
whatever took your fancy to do! Rest
was my top priority and I achieved it in
Here we are at the beginning of another school year. The excitement at
this time of year is almost palpable as
you prepare to greet your students
into your classrooms. Big changes are
in the offing as President Meredith
has outlined in her article. Hopefully,
these changes will lead to better
outcomes for students and staffs.
I am not going to echo Gayla’s article,
but one thing I want to emphasize is
the negotiations that will be taking
place in the spring of 2016. These will
be critical times for the Association.
The employers will probably be seeking changes to working conditions
such as school year and school day
lengths to facilitate changes being
brought about by Education Renewal
and Innovation (ERI).
To prepare for negotiations, we have
invited Myles Ellis, Deputy General
Secretary of the Canadian Teachers’
Federation to address interested
members on Sunday, September 28,
2014…the evening before the start
of our Territorial Educators’ Conference. Myles will give us an overview
of teacher bargaining across the
country with special emphasis on
working conditions, scope of practice
and other pertinent areas. Stay tuned
for further information on this workshop. Persons interested in serving
on their bargaining units’ 2016 negotiation team should attend this important meeting.
The Association is also looking at the
Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service (FMCS) “Labour Relations and
the Negotiation Cycle” workshop. This
is an excellent professional development opportunity for executive
members and negotiation team chairs
to attend. It is free of charge for a
three-day workshop, is being held in
Vancouver (not Ottawa) at an early
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
date in 2015. More information will be
forthcoming as it becomes available.
Of course, in the 2015/2016 academic year, the membership will be surveyed by each of your bargaining
units to see what your priorities are
for new collective agreements. As we
progress over the next year-and-ahalf, think about changes, additions
and improvements you would like to
see in your agreement and send Adrien and I an email for inclusion in our
pre-negotiations survey. It is great to
get input from the membership, after
all you are the front line workers and
have a firm grasp of what works and
what doesn’t. Please let us know.
Wishing you all a great school year. I am
always in awe of the work you do to
educate our youth. The dedication and
love you put into your chosen profession
is amazing. Please know that Central
Office staff are here to serve you.
All the best,
Dave Roebuck
September 2014
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
2014/2015 NWTTA Pocket Planner
“…I want to say a
Do you have yours? IF NOT Check with your LRO.
special thanks to
Here’s what you’ll find inside...
my teacher be-
 Calendar
 NWTTA Reference Material
cause … is the
About the Organization
Code of Ethics
Lines of Communications
Conflict Resolution/Professional Relations
Grievance Deadlines
Advice on what to do in situations of assault
or accusation
 Awards and Bursaries
 NWTTA Committees
most wonderful
School-year Calendars for each NWT
School (including instructional minutes)
When my stuff got
wet … offered to
keep me in her
 Variety of Contact Information
 NWTTA Central Office, Central Executive,
Regional Presidents, Regional Delegates
 NWT Schools, Boards and District
Education Councils (DECs)
 Numerous Education-Related Contact
Numbers including Employee and Family
Assistance Program, Online Counseling,
Workers’ Safety and Compensation
Commission, etc
person I ever met.
class while my class
went out for recess
because almost all
Hardcopies - at your school (ask your LRO)
my stuff was wet. I
PDF versions - NWTTA website
GO TO: www.nwtta.nt.ca
CLICK ON: MEMBER AREA (to sign-in)
and check under NWTTA Member Assistance
have so many rea-
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
sons to nominate
… (age 10.)
September 2014
Look what’s available on your NWTTA Website...
News updates, newsletters, publications, memos, forms, FAQs, contact info and much more!
Check out the ‘What’s New’ column on the right-hand side for
up-to-date news items, direct links to your MEMBER PROFILE and
the NWTTA Incident Report form as well as School-year Calendars,
Northern Allowance Rates, Pocket Planner and more!
Username and
to sound out
words and now I
read to my five
year old sister." (age 6)
About the NWTTA
Teaching in the NWT
Frequently Asked
yo ENE
On W o
by line r RE
PT em ST
. 3 be ER
0t rsh
Secure Member Area
al P
"...taught me how
NWT s Updates
QR Code: Scan
with Smartphone
to find
1. Check the latest news updates under
‘What’s New’
2. Find direct access to Member Profile and
Incident Report (online submission and .pdf)
3. View Regional homepage and photos
4. Sign up for RSS Feeds
5. Locate all the NWTTA information
you’re looking for!
Member Area Menu Items
Check out the Member Area
All content from the Public area of the website is visible
to members within the secure Member Area, along with
the content for ‘members only’.
Member Assistance; Member Profile; NWTTA and Members
 Teaching in the NWT
 School-year Calendars; Collective Agreements; Substitute
Plus - EACH REGION HAS its own…
Teachers; Prospective Teachers; Certification, Housing Matters
 Home page
 List of Regional Executive Members and contact
information, and list of LROs
 Message from Regional President
 Access to Divisional Education Council/School Board
webpage, Collective Agreements, Central Executive
and Central Office contact information
 Photo page
 Members are welcome to contribute to this section.
See page 14 of this newsletter for more information
about contributing photos for the purpose of promoting education.
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
 About the NWTTA; Executive Members; Central Office Staff;
 Frequently Asked Questions
 Publications
 News; Newsletters; Thank You for Making a Difference; Memos, Forms and Documents; RSS News Feeds
 Professional Development
 Conferences and Workshops; GNWT PD; YCS PD; YK1 PD;
Opportunities-Awards-Bursaries; Resources/Links
 Public Relations/Communication
 Publication Content Requests; LRO - Communication Support;
Thank You for Making a Difference
 Regional Sections
September 2014
September 30th Deadline
Online NWTTA Membership
Renewal and Registration at www.nwtta.nt.ca!
 SIGN-IN to the website’s MEMBER AREA If you have forgotten your password
you can ask for it at the member area link on the top left hand column on the NWTTA webpage.
- You will be presented with one SUMMARY PAGE to REVIEW for accuracy
 CHOOSE ONE of two options:
- ALL information is CORRECT: CLICK Renew As Is
- IF CHANGES are required: COMPLETE updates and CLICK Save Changes & Renew
 LOOK for a THANK YOU page to confirm process completion.
- You will IMMEDIATELY receive a confirmation email from membership@nwtta.nt.ca
 See your school Local Receiving Officer for more information or
contact membership@nwtta.nt.ca.
Registered MEMBERSHIP Q&As
An NWTTA database established to facilitate direct and immediate communication with
EACH NWTTA member via email from membership@nwtta.nt.ca
 Emails may be sent on behalf of Central Office - OR - your Regional President
Why should I register/renew?
This database allows the NWTTA to communicate directly with members through its mass
email capabilities, as well as target messages to specific groups (LROs, Regional
Presidents, various Executive groupings, members in specific regions, etc.)
 Registered members receive current NWTTA information direct to their email address of choice.
 This will be of particular importance to members during times of negotiations or when it is vital for the
Association to share critical information with members in an expedient manner.
 For security purposes to ensure ONLY active members receive email transmission, all non-renewed
memberships are deleted each year after the September 30th renewal/registration deadline.
 Registered/renewed memberships make it possible to provide professional, personalized membership
cards at a reasonable cost. The names of RETURNING members who RENEW and NEW
members who REGISTER each year by the September 30th are included in the membership card printrun.
What if I have questions?
2014/2015 Membership
you are entered to win
a flight from any
First Air service
location to
FIRST, check with your school’s LR0. If you require further assistance, email: membership@nwtta.nt.ca
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
Professional Development Corner
PD Updates by Colleen Eckert, NWTTA Professional Development Coordinator
Phone: 867-873-5759 • Fax: 867-873-2590 • Email: pd@nwtta.nt.ca (OR colleen_eckert@learnnet.nt.ca)
A working summer for 2014 was the plan for
me! Thankfully I had my trusty colleague Lynda
Comerford to work alongside me in the
NWTTA office! Given the smoky air that enveloped Yellowknife for much of the summer,
it was not a bad plan to work through it all. I
hope each and every NWTTA member has
enjoyed a rejuvenating summer of fun, family
and friends!
I am pleased to share that we are busy putting
the last details together for the fall territorial
conference, Our Students, Our North, Our
Success! Many things are in place to make this
event a meaningful learning experience.
“… knows a lot of
Gwichin, and I
know a lot from
her. teached me
to communicate
with my
(age 14)
We plan to send out a few mass emails during
the weeks leading up to the conference with
reminders of some of the elements of the conference that you just don’t want to miss!
Delegate bag and final copies of each delegate’s
schedule will be delivered right to all YCS and
YK1 schools and District Offices along with
Allain St-Cyr the week prior to the conference. Delegates flying into the conference will
be greeted at the airport with their delegate
bags, schedules and per diem cheques. We
kindly ask those that are driving into Yellowknife to attend the conference, stop by the
airport as you arrive to pick up your materials
as well. The secondary arrivals area of the
airport is where our happy conference team
will be waiting to greet you for this special
Are you a GNWT NWTTA member interested
in taking a distance education course this fall or this
You must apply BEFORE starting your
NWTTA members (in the GNWT bargaining unit)
can apply for approval through an initiative called
Distance Education Short Term Assistance for education related credit courses. An approval will enable you to be reimbursed for tuition fees upon successful completion of your education oriented credit course and submission of documentation. For
more information or application forms please check
the NWTTA website (www.nwtta.nt.ca), your
school’s NWTTA resource manual or contact Colleen. Please note that the maximum tuition reimbursement for approved courses for this initiative is
$2,500/per financial year for all reimbursements July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.
Looking for Fall 2014 and Winter 2015 Conferences?
Check out the NWTTA website (www.nwtta.nt.ca
under Professional Development) to view an up to
date listing of conferences from across Canada that
will be posted no later than September 1.
Think about Summer 2015
Share your skills and energy with teachers overseas!
Project Overseas is an initiative that is co-sponsored by the Canadian
Teachers’ Federation and member organizations across Canada,
including the NWTTA.
Funding is provided for a selected candidate upon the recommendation
of the Central Professional Development Committee.
Successful candidates travel to developing countries in Asia, Africa and the
Caribbean in small teams to offer assistance to fellow teachers and struggling
teacher organizations.
Contact Colleen Eckert, PD Coordinator at 867.873.5759 for more information BEFORE
the application deadline of October 31, 2014.
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
31, 201
September 2014
Here’s an outline of the 2015 schedule for the major conventions in Alberta…
North Central
Calgary City
Northeast Alberta
Central Alberta
Palliser District
Southeastern Alberta
South Western Alberta
Greater Edmonton
Central East Alberta
Mighty Peace
Red Deer
Medicine Hat
Grande Prairie
February 5/6, 2015
February 12/13, 2015
February 12/13, 2015
February 19/20, 2015
February 19/20, 2015
February 19/20, 2015
February 19/20, 2015
February 26/27, 2015
March 5/6, 2015
March 5/6, 2015
"... taught my
class and me for
Please see the NWTTA webpage for information on other conferences that may be of interest.
three years and
GNWT Summer Reimbursement Deadline – DEC. 31st
Are you a GNWT NWTTA member who was approved for Short Term Assistance for any of the following summer 2014 initiatives?
2014 Summer Education Leadership Program (ELP)
2014 Summer Credit Course
2014 Summer Non-credit Course
helped us prepare
for our finals." (age 17)
Remember, you have until December 31st, 2014 to submit the required
documentation to the NWTTA PD office for reimbursement of your
eligible costs
Reprinted with permission from the Workers Safety and Compensation Commission.
With a summer filled with extreme forest fires and a dump fire coined the "Dumpcano", air quality has
been top of mind for many workers. The health effects from the smoke of a forest or dump fire may
affect some people in the workplace more than others. People with heart or lung conditions, infants,
young children, and the elderly are particularly at risk.
To reduce exposure to smoke in the workplace, workers should stay indoors as much as possible; close
doors and windows; and if you have to work outside, ensure you use the appropriate safety equipment
and take regular breaks.
We realize it is not always possible to follow these safe work practices. If you must work in conditions
with poor air quality, some symptoms to watch out for include wheezing, breathing difficulty, tightness
in the chest, light headedness, and dizziness. Smoke may also irritate your eyes, nose, and throat. If
symptoms persist and you cannot continue working seek medical attention.
Remember, it is the employer's responsibility to ensure they take all reasonable precautions to ensure
the health and safety of all persons in their establishment. And, it is the worker's right to refuse to perform duties which they feel pose an unusual danger to themselves or others. If you have questions, contact the WSCC at 1-800-661-0792.
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
First A s
you Ab
Promo Codes for
Check the website’s ‘Member Area’ for more details:
NWTTA Items Available for Purchase by Members
■ VESTS $40 ■ HOODIES $30
■ JACKETS $110
"... is always so
cheerful and happy,
every single day!
Even when I'm having a bad day, ... the
THIS FALL you can buy
NWTTA vests and hoodies
at the Conference and
one person who can
put a big smile on
my face. ... is also
an amazing teacher.
 Place jacket orders with
... makes social studies a lot of fun, not
boring and
George Nathanail from Mark’s Work
Warehouse via email: George.Nathanail@marks.com
hard." (age 13)
For more information, sign in to the website’s MEMBER AREA >>
Click on NWTTA >> NWTTA and Members >> NWTTA Promotional Items
- OR - contact Adrien Amirault NWTTA Assistant Executive Director via email:
Do you know someone who has achieved
something we should know about?
Please contact Adrien Amirault at aed@nwtta.nt.ca . Email a picture of
the teacher in action and describe what they have been up to. We hope
to feature teachers and the great things they are doing in upcoming
(L-R) Seamus Quigg, Sahtu Superintendent, receiving an NWTTA Honourary
Membership to commemorate his long service to the NWTTA before becoming the Superintendent. Last year’s NWTTA Sahtu Regional President, Trent
Waterhouse presented Seamus with his certificate in May of 2014 at the
Sahtu Principal’s Meeting. In prior years, Trent served the NWTTA as Regional President and Regional Presidents’ Representative on Central Council n
and is presently the principal of ?ehtseo Ayha School in Deline.
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
More Free Draws!
Congratulations to Holly Carpenter
of Mangilaluk School in Tuktoyaktuk,
June’s winner of a collection
of math and science books!
Enter to win this month’s NWTTA draw of a
fashionable NWTTA hoodie as seen here modelled by NWTTA Assistant Executive Director,
Adrien Amirault! Enter by emailing
aed@nwtta.nt.ca with “NWTTA Hoodie” in the subject line. Please include your address in the email message as well as the size (men’s sizes from small to
"... is always so
cheerful and happy,
every single day!
Our next winner will be announced
in the November/December newsletter.
Even when I'm hav-
2014-2016 NWTTA Committees
Standing Committees
*Executive Member-in-Charge
Aboriginal Educators and Leadership Council
- Marnie Villeneuve*
- Lois Philipp
- Sharon Allen
- Angela Young
- Velma Illasiak
- Sonia Gregory*
- Gene Jenks
- Kim Ivanko
- Matthew Miller
Public Relations
- Gayla Meredith*
- Adrien Amirault
Professional Relations
- Gayla Meredith*
- Gayla Meredith*
- David Murphy
- Fraser Oliver
- Fraser Oliver
- Dave Roebuck
- Dave Roebuck
- Marnie Villeneuve*
- Gayla Meredith
- Dave Roebuck
- Gayla Meredith*
- Fraser Oliver
Special/Ad Hoc Committees
Central Professional Development Committee
- Lorraine Kuer (NWTTA)
- Lorna Jones-Martin (NWTTA)
- Seamus Quigg (GNWT)
- Joanne McGrath (GNWT)
- Colleen Eckert (Ex Officio NWTTA - PD Coordinator)
ing a bad day, ... the
one person who can
put a big smile on
my face. ... is also
an amazing teacher.
... makes social studies a lot of fun, not
boring and
hard." (age 13)
NWT Teacher Qualification Service (NWTTQS)
- Fraser Oliver*
- Al McDonald
School Administrators Committee (SAC)
TBA* (Regional Presidents' Representative)
- Gayla Meredith*
- SIdney Rodnunsky(Tlicho) - Christy MacKay
- Amy Wilkinson
- Deborah Maguire (BDEC) - Coleen McDonald(YCS)
- Lorraine Kuer (Sahtu)
- William Gowans(Dehcho) - Angela Young
- Al Karasiuk (Ft. Smith/South Slave) - Adrien Amirault
Student Success Initiative (SSI)
Status Of Women
Small Communities
- Patricia Turner (NWTTA)
Gayla Meredith*
- Sonia Gregory*
- Sonia Gregory (NWTTA)
- Christy MacKay
- Terry Davidson
- Dorie Hanson (NWTTA)
- Patricia Oliver
- Catharine Mains
- Reed Smith
- Fraser Downie
Property Management
- Aaron Jezovit
- Gayla Meredith*
Teacher Welfare (GNWT)
- Fraser Oliver
- Marnie Villeneuve*
- Dave Roebuck
Teacher Welfare (YK1 & YCS)
- Fraser Oliver*
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
From the desk of the Assistant
Executive Director...
Phone: 867-873-8501 • Fax: 867-873-2590 • Email: aed@nwtta.nt.ca
Payroll Changes for the GNWT
Many teachers in the GNWT may
have noticed their hourly rate
changed in August. It may have even
gone down from the rate in July.
This year’s unique 27 pay periods
have affected the hourly rates stated
on your pay stubs. This does not
mean that you are getting paid less.
"... helped me to
become a better
reader. I am so
grateful!" (age 15)
charged 1/195 of your annual salary, booth set up in case you have any
not 7.5 times your hourly rate.
questions, and all Central Office staff
Since annual salaries have been will be floating through the venues,
divided into 27 pay periods, the when we are not in sessions.
hourly rates are less than they Teachers new to the North (there
would be if they were divided by 26. are over 65 of you) are especially
As always please check your pay encouraged to connect with Central
statements regularly to ensure that Office staff—introduce yourself, tell
you are being paid at the correct us how your year is going, and ask
The hourly rates are artificial for rate. Contact the HR Help Desk any questions that have come up
teachers in that you are not hourly and copy a member of Central over the first month.
wage earners. Between August 1st Office if you find an error.
Pictures at the Conference
and July 31st teachers are paid an
Contact Time at the Territorial For those of you who are willing… I
annual salary. This salary is divided
Educators’ Conference
will be taking photographs to feature
by the pay periods (usually 26 but
in upcoming NWTTA newsletters
this year 27) and then each pay Though I will be delivering an all day
along with answers to one of the
period amount is divided by 75 (this session on Tuesday, Spetember30
following questions. “Why do you like
gives the hourly rate). It is an and a 1/4 day session on
teaching in the NWT?” or “What do
artificial calculation that fits the Wednesday, October 1st, I hope to
have a lot of time on Monday and in you love about teaching?”
GNWT payroll system.
the evenings to meet many of you Until the conference, I wish each of
The hourly rates does not reflect
that I only talk to on the phone or you a successful start to the school
your work day, nor is it reflective of
through email (maybe at the year.
the money you earn each day that
NWTTA and ECE receptions).
you teach. For instance if you ever
take a day without pay you are There will also be an NWTTA Adrien
“...She helps
me learn our
(age 6)
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
“ ... kept me
Canadian Teachers Federation working for You!
focused in and
out of the
2014-2015 CTF Executive Members
(Back L-R) Calvin Fraser, CTF Secretary General; Maureen Weinberger, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of
Ontario; Norm Gould, Manitoba Teachers' Society.
” (age n/a)
(Front L-R) Cassandra Hallett DaSilva, CTF Secretary General Designate; Heather Smith, CTF PresidentDesignate (New Brunswick Teachers' Association); Dianne Woloschuk, CTF President (Saskatchewan Teachers’
Federation); Shelley Morse, Nova Scotia Teachers Union; H. Mark Ramsankar, Alberta Teachers’ Association.
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
We need
st !
m be r 1
e be
Your Photo
Your Photo
Your Photo
Your Photo
Your Photo
Your Photo
Your Photo
Show us what ‘learning in action’
looks like for your students!
Photos will be used in this year’s NWT EDUCATION TODAY publication to showcase NWT education.
Education across the North has
many faces - What does ‘learning in
action’ look like in your
NWTTA members are invited to
share their passion and the positive
impact they have on students.
You could also submit short ‘Facts’
or ‘Did you know?’ points about your
school or region.
Your submissions will be considered
for use in various NWTTA publications including the 16-page fullcolour publication - NWT EDUCATION TODAY, as well as newsletShow us photos of an interesting ters, website pages, slide shows, etc.
education program, event or activiHelp us highlight the exciting
ty in your classroom, school or
learning opportunities your
students receive. Give your
We’re looking for photos of colleagues and the general pub‘learning in action’ with captions and/
lic a look inside the world of
or 1-2 brief sentences describing NWT education through your
the learning activity.
They say ‘seeing is believing!’
Prior to submission, please ensure
permission forms have been signed for
items to allow the use of each photo/
quote/etc. for the purposes of promoting
education. This may be a school-based
form or you can use the NWTTA Consent and Release form.
To download the NWTTA Consent
and Release form log into the website’
Member Area: www.nwtta.nt.ca
NOW & until DECEMBER 1st
submit your material to the NWTTA
office via email:
Email your photos to: nwtta@nwtta.nt.ca BY DECEMBER 1st
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
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Management and staff at Creative Basics
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Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association. Regional Orientation Meetings
for LROs and Regional Executive Members
Welcome to your new or returning role as NWTTA LRO or Regional Executive member!
NWTTA Local Receiving Officers (LROs) and
Regional Executive Members volunteer their
time in a supporting role to assist the Association
in serving its 800+ NWTTA members.
LROs serve as a vital communications link
between Regional Presidents and
their membership as well as Central Office
and NWTTA members.
Regional Executive serves its regional
members and provides support as needed
by staying on top of local issues, connecting
with LROs as well as local Superintendents
and Central Office.
To support members in these leadership roles, the
NWTTA holds Regional Orientation Meetings
each year. This year, the meetings will be held at
the Explorer Hotel in Yellowknife prior to the Territorial Educators’ Conference. See below for the
schedule of meetings and networking opportunities.
Central Office has valuable information to share
and the Orientation Meetings are for both LROs
and Regional Executive Members.
The role and responsibilities of LROs and Regional
Executive Members were included in ‘Welcome’
cards this fall and are also available on the NWTTA
website. Feel free to contact Central Office with
any questions you may have.
"… is good to
me and he
doesn't get mad
at me. That
makes me feel
good about myself." (age n/a)
Orientation meetings are important training workshops for those taking on
LRO and Regional Executive responsibilities.
Saturday, September 27
1:00 to 5:00pm: YCS and YK1
5:00 to 9:00pm : Meet & Greet Networking Session
(ALL NWTTA Regional Executive Members and LRO’s—GNWT, YK1 and YCS)
Check the NWTTA Pocket
Planner or website for the names
and contact information of
your school’s LRO and your
Regional Executive members.
Sunday September 28
8:00am to 4:30pm: Beaufort Delta, Decho, Fort Smith, Sahtu, South Slave, and Tlicho
(Breakfast Served at 8:00)
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
A national teacher advocacy movement to build on
strength at the grassroots
By Bob McGahey
“… Thank you, …
for being a supportive, understanding,
amazing teacher. I
love the way you
teach because I
honestly learn a lot
from you.” (age n/
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was
the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was
the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was
the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was
the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had
everything before us, we had nothing before us…”
The famous quote from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of
Two Cities describes a time when both England and
France were undergoing turmoil created, in large
part, by a poor economy and an aristocracy that
cared little for those less fortunate. The result in
France was a revolution at home and in England, a
revolution in the colonies. There are many similarities between the circumstances leading up to these
revolutions and today. Neo-liberal ideologies have
widened the income gap and cut public services replacing them with pay-per-use services limited to
those with sufficient resources.
While this could be the worst of times, it may also
be the best of times as there is an unprecedented
unity building among progressive thinking organizations and citizens to reclaim the nation that once
made us so proud. CTF is a part of this movement
and is working diligently to represent teacher interests on a number of national issues.
With the assistance of the Broadbent Institute, the
CTF will be hosting a two-day “Camp” for teacher
advocates as part of its national advocacy campaign:
VOX. By focusing on positive messages and actions,
we will encourage the disenfranchised electorate to
exercise their franchise. The CTF VOX campaign
aims at heightening the teacher voice to the federal
political discourse.
With partners in the labour movement, CTF addresses issues that affect all working Canadians, including access to Employment Insurance benefits and
fair treatment in the workplace. The federal Conservatives have indicated that they’re not interested
in spending any of the projected $3.6 billion surplus
to help Canadians who cannot find stable work.
While funds were contributed by workers and employers, they will likely be used to balance the federal
budget in order to create a “good news” story ahead
of the next election. CTF advocates for these funds
to be used as intended – to help Canadians in dire
financial situations who cannot find stable work. Every teacher knows the effect that an unstable family
environment can have on the students in her/his
classroom. Many studies arising from Statistics Canada National Longitudinal Survey of Children and
Youth data have repeatedly shown that the socioeconomic factors have a substantial and persistent influence over student achievement.
In partnership with Keep the Promise and Campaign
2000 and through its Imagineaction program, CTF
continues to be a strong advocate for the elimination
of child poverty. Despite the commitment made by
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
all federal political parties to eliminate poverty by the
year 2000, almost one million children are living in
poverty in Canada today, while the government continues to cut taxes and services.
The creation of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ (CCPA) Alternate Federal Budget is another joint project involving CTF and other labour
and progressive organizations. This document provides alternatives to the economic theories being
used by many current governments across the country. Hollowing out the middle class and providing tax
incentives to business does not improve the economy or create jobs. A healthy middle class creates a
need for goods and services and the associated need
for jobs. Alongside our provincial and territorial
Member organizations, CTF continues to lobby for
changes that promote a more progressive economic
CTF also works with groups such as the Mental
Health Commission of Canada, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, MediaSmarts and PREVNet on
issues related to creating safe and nurturing environments in the classroom. In concert with these partners, CTF helps to create educational resources –
for example, an anti-stigma resource for teachers
and an on-line repository of Canadian human rights
resources linked to provincial and territorial
Advocacy at CTF is founded on creating opportunities for dialogue and open communication. Unfortunately, the current federal government and other like
-minded provincial governments do not appear to be
interested in consultation. The use of ideology rather
than evidence to make decisions is witnessed not
only in Ottawa, but in recent education policies in
Alberta, teacher regulation in British Columbia and
hard-line collective bargaining in Newfoundland and
Labrador, to name a few.
CTF strives to effectively express the views of teachers and advocate on issues of importance to educators. The citizenry of Canada is manifesting a growing frustration with the current political environment. Although it is unlikely that Canada will see a
revolution like the one in France in 1789, our revolution can take place at the ballot box. It is through
our vote that we exercise our ultimate right to have
our voices heard. Government is no place for aristocracy. Politicians must know that by ignoring the
voice of its citizens, they will lose the opportunity
and privilege of governing.
Bob McGahey is Acting Director of
CTF’s Research and Information.
September 2014
Ask your President & Executive Director
NWTTA member questions and Central Office answers
Question: What can I do about concerns or questions in pay and benefits?
Answer: Though we are sure that the GNWT, YCS, and YK1 are hopeful that mis-
takes in salary and benefits do not happen, the employers like all of us occasionally make
It IS important
mistakes. If you are aware of an issue it is important to deal with it right away, and to
make sure you have a record of any correspondence with your employer. There are also
to check your
times that you may have a question for the Human Resources departments, and not be familpay on a regular
iar about benefits and the procedures to access them. An example of this is a benefit like maternity leave which has unique rules, and timelines, but is usually only accessed a few times in
a career.
In the GNWT, if you can’t get the help you need at the school level the preferred way
to action questions with payroll and benefits is through the help desk. Though you can call
(866-475-8162) the NWTTA suggests that you email your concern, and copy Gayla, Dave or
Adrien at Central Office. The advantage of an email is that it makes a record of your attempt
to get your situation rectified. The other important item is that a ticket number will be generated that
represents your particular concern. This ticket number makes it easier to follow up on your concern if
an intervention from Central Office is needed.
In YCS and YK1 there is no help desk, but the boards are smaller and contacting their Human Resources personnel directly is necessary. Try and get your answers at the school level (principal,
local executive, LRO..). If this does not work in YCS email Amy Curran, Pay and Benefits Officer
(acurran@ycs.nt.ca). In YK1 contact Stacey Scarf, Manager, Personnel Services
(Stacey.scarf@yk1.nt.ca). Again copy someone at Central Office in case we need to assist you at a
later time.
Please copy any emails regarding pay and benefits to one of the following:
Dave Roebuck, NWTTA Executive Director (ed@nwtta.nt.ca)
Adrien Amirault, NWTTA Assistant Executive Director (aed@nwtta.nt.ca)
Gayla Meredith, NWTTA President (president@nwtta.nt.ca)
If you need further assistance contact Central Office (867-873-8501).
Have questions for this section? Email them to Central Office: nwtta@nwtta.nt.ca
Issues and Concerns Triage
Central Office receives many calls on a daily basis regarding member issues and concerns
within the workplace. Between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014, 2333 issues and concerns
were addressed and followed up by staff at Central Office. This volume has increased by 300% in three years. While all inquiries are important and must be addressed we
are finding a need to prioritize the issues and concerns as they come in to ensure crisis situations are addressed immediately.
Gayla Meredith
& Dave Roebuck
As a result of this need to ensure all member concerns and issues are addressed in a timely
manner we have developed the following Issues and Concerns Triage System to prioritize
needs bases on the level of crisis associated with each inquiry.
science teacher!
Level 1: Emergency Response - Drop everything and get on it!
(age 15)
Thank you.”
Assault against a teacher; teacher accused of an offence by authorities; accusations of misconduct directed
against a teacher; dismissal; legal trouble; harassment; traumatic events at a school, or if applicable the
community; member safety at work issues; etc.
Level 2: Urgent Response - Address as soon as possible!
Incidents with supervisors, members, parents, students; issues regarding leave/sick days; pay and benefits
issues if no pay is being received at all; etc.
Level 3: Quick Response - Address as soon as possible; may be delayed if level 1
and 2 issues are being dealt with.
Pay grid/salary issues of small amounts; issues not an immediate concern; inquiries on collective agreement
interpretation that are not at a crisis level: supervision, professional development, retirement, benefits, etc.
All inquiries/reports/issues will be addressed. This Triage System provides
us with the ability to address varying levels of crisis and concerns
in a sequence that best serves members.
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
Here’s how it works...
1. Members with registered online memberships receive a direct email with a link to the newsletter
posted on our website (nwtta.nt.ca).
2. IN SEPTEMBER ONLY - ALL members receive a hardcopy mailed to the schools.
3. For subsequent issues, LROs receive 3 hardcopies via Canada Post and will:
Post one copy on the NWTTA bulletin board
Place two copies on the staffroom table
Archive the earlier publication and in the NWTTA area for future reference.
you wish to further reduce the number of NWTTA
newsletters sent to your school - let us know!
Email Andre Corbeil, Executive Assistant: nwtta@nwtta.nt.ca
“… was my teacher
in Kindergarten. …
did a lot of fun stuff
with me. But the
most special thing
she did for me was
when she helped me
when my Grandpa
died. Now I'm in
The following PLENARY CHOICES are available to NWTTA members
at the Territorial Educators’ Conference during the morning and/or afternoon
of Monday, September 29. Note: A few sessions are repeated,
while others are available one time only.
grade 2 and when I
see her around the
school she does
funny stuff with me
and makes sure I'm
happy.” (age 8)
Dr. Stuart Shanker: Calm, Alert and Learning: Strategies to Enhance the Five Domains of SelfRegulation
Dr. Anne Davies (Two separate Plenaries): Using Assessment in the Service of Learning; and
A Fresh Look at Grading and Reporting at the High School Level
Dr. Kristopher Wells: Homophobic Bullying: What You Need to Know to Create Safer Schools
Usha James: Embedding Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum: An Introductory Session
Dr. Roy Lyster: Pratiques pédagogiques en immersion pour optimizer la maîtrise du français
Miriam Trehearne: Prevent the 4th Grade Reading Slump, the 8th Grade Reading Hump and
the 12th Grade Reading Cliff: Proven High Yield Oral Language and Reading Comprehension
Giovanna Longhi: Intégrer la pensée critique à travers le curriculum
Dr. Gabor Maté: The Biology of Loss: What Happens When Attachments Are Impaired and
How to Foster Resilience!
Miriam Trehearne: Closing the Gaps Using a Comprehensive Whole School Approach to
Prevention and Intervention: We Have the Proof!
For more detailed information on these Plenaries, PD Sessions, and other conference information,
visit the NWTTA website (nwtta.nt.ca) and click on the conference logo!
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
September 2014
Do you know about these NWTTA Member Benefits?
Mark’s Work Wearhouse
10% Off
Expires: 31 Dec. 2013
*See card for list of
discount items.
*Details on
NWTTA Members shop at
Mark’s Work Wearhouse and Save!
Cards will be sent to schools with the September newsletter.
Check with your LRO if you do not receive one!
Visit the NWTTA website’s Member Area for more details..*
Home & Auto Insurance
First Air Travel
NWTTA member leisure and business travel benefits with
First Air continue...
Each time NWTTA members book airline travel with
First Air, they are encouraged to choose the NWTTA
Booking Code that is right for them. One of these codes
is to be used at all times, even for seat sale bookings.
A partnership between the NWTTA and Johnson Inc.
offers benefits to NWTTA members on all Home and
Auto Insurance purchased through this long-standing
Canadian company.
See the NWTTA website’s Member Area for more details.*
See the NWTTA website’s Member Area for more details.*
Johnson Inc. has been serving Canadians from coast-tocoast for more than 125 years.
NWTTA Member
are available
in the
Member Area
of our website!
Member-Only access:
Registered members use personal login; unregistered members contact your LRO.
Go To:
>> Sign in to the
Member Area >>
Click on NWTTA >>
NWTTA and Members >> What the
NWTTA does for
NWTTA Website: Check out your MEMBER AREA
Exclusive Access
Registered members use personal login; unregistered members contact your LRO.
 All Public Area Content plus Secure Info
 Frequently Asked Questions
 Professional Development
 Publications
 Public Relations/Communication
 Regional Sections (8):
Regional Executive
NWTTA MEMBER AREA - Your source of
information for all things NWTTA!
Collective Agreements
 Logo; Organizational Structure; Membership
Registration and Renewal; History
 Executive Members
 Elected Leadership; Central Executive; Regional
 Central Office Staff
 NWTTA President and Central Office Staff; Executive Director; Assistant Executive Director; Executive
Assistant; Professional Development Coordinator.
 Central Executive Business
 Central Executive Meeting Minutes
 Member Assistance
t Repo
Worksho s &
NWTTA Bylaws
and Policies Handbook
 About the NWTTA
 Home Page
 Regional Information
 Collective Agreement
 Code of Ethics
 Regional Executive and LRO Contact Info
 Plus: Regional President’s Message and Past
 Photo Album
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
 Protect Yourself; Legal Assistance; Assault or
Abuse; Incident Report; Employee Assistance and
other Contacts
 Member Profile Access
 Membership Registration and Renewal; Change
your password; Update content
 NWTTA and Members
 NWTTA Members; What the NWTTA Does for
Members (including Member Discount information such as First Air, Johnson Insurance
and Mark’s Work Wearhouse); What Members
Can do for the NWTTA; NWTTA Promotional
Items (jackets, vests, and hoodies)
September 2014
Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
Special Events in Conjunction with the
Territorial Educators’ Conference
Members’ Collective Bargaining
Seminar with Myles Ellis - Sunday,
September 28 @ 7pm - Explorer
If you are interested in being on your
2016 negotiating team for the next
round of collective bargaining — this semi n a r i s f o r y o u ! 2016 will see the NWTTA
begin negotiations on all three collective
agreements. NOTE: Members interested
in applying to serve their fellow educators
as a member of their unit’s bargaining
team are asked to attend this informative
session with Myles Ellis of the Canadian
Teachers’ Federation
NWTTA Committee Members’
Breakfast - Monday,
Monday, September 29
@ 7:30am - École Sir John Franklin
High School Foyer Committee members will meet over breakfast to discuss
this year’s committee work and to plan
conference calls. See list of committee
members on page 11 of this newsletter.
NOTE: Committee members will receive
an email invitation and will be required to
Monday, September 29 @ 7pm - NACC: The
NWTTA is pleased to sponsor Brenda
Robinson’s presentation on Working in
today’s Intergenerational Environment.
NWTTA Member Meet and Greet Monday,
Monday, September 29 - 4:304:30- 6pm École St. Patrick’s High School Foyer: Members are invited to mix and mingle with colleagues, executive members
and office staff immediately following the
day’s conference sessions. Light refreshments will be served.
Box 2340 ● 5018-48th Street
Yellowknife ● NT
X1A 2P7
Phone: 867-873-8501
Fax: 867-873-2366
NWTTA Workload Study Participants’ Appreciation Luncheon and
Email: nwtta@nwtta.nt.ca
Website: www.nwtta.nt.ca
Information Session - Tuesday,
Tuesday, September 30 - 11:45am11:45am- 1:15pm École Sir John Franklin High School
Foyer: Workload Study participants are
invited to join JC Couture, Alberta TeachMonday - Thursday
ers’ Association’s Associate Coordinator of
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Research, and his Research Assistant,
Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Laura Servage, University of Alberta PhD
Candidate over lunch for an informative
update on workload research. NOTE:
Participants will receive an email invitaAndré Corbeil
tion and will be required to RSVP.
Executive Assistant
Minister’s Meet and Greet - Tuesday,
day, September 30 - 4:304:30- 6:00pm École St. Patrick’s High School Foyer: Sponsored by the GNWT Department
of Education Culture and Employment.
Light refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, September 30 - 7- 8:30pm - Explorer
Hotel Katimavik Rooms: Opportunity
for parents and students to interact with
the giant 23’X34’ Boreal Forest map!
PUBLIC SESSION - Education
Trade Show - Wednesday,
Wednesday, October
1 - 10am10am- 1pm - École Sir John
Franklin High School: The NWTTA
invites parents and the general public to
visit the booths of 70 local and national
businesses and organizations involved in
Phone: 867-873-8501
Fax: 867-873-2366
Email: nwtta@nwtta.nt.ca
Colleen Eckert
Professional Development
Phone: 867-873-5759
Fax: 867-873-2590
Email: pd@nwtta.nt.ca
Adrien Amirault, Assistant
Executive Director
Phone: 867-873-8501
Mobile: 867-446-8825
Email: aed@nwtta.nt.ca
Dave Roebuck,
Executive Director
Mobile: 867-445-3448
by the NWTTA for parents, children and
Home: 867-669-8958
community members!
Email: ed@nwtta.nt.ca
 Swim Monday afternoon @ the Pool
 Skate Tuesday afternoon @ the YK
Gayla Meredith, President
Community Arena
Mobile/Home: 867-445-3634
Email: president@nwtta.nt.ca
Check Regional pages on the website for news and contact
information for your school’s LRO and Regional Executive.
NWTTA News ©2014 Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association
Contact Adrien Amirault
for more information.
(See above for contact options)
September 2014