NORTH TEXAS ARABIAN HORSE CLUB’S Shootout November 6-9, 2014 Somervell County Expo Center in Glen Rose, TX Judges Christine Ryan of New Oxford, PA [r] – Halter & Performance Classes Gwen Ka'awaloa of Elizabeth, CO [r-Dressage & DSHB] – Dressage & Sport Horse Show Manager Kristen Fisher of Corinth, TX – 214-284-7094 [M] Show Secretary Sherry McGraw of Corsicana, TX – 214-418-3905 [M] Email: Dressage Coordinator Assistant Show Manager Vendor Coordinator Debbie Cinotto of Poolville, TX 817-319-9815 Donna Wakefield of Esperance, NY 817-223-7477 Donna Wakefield 817-223-7477 USEF Steward June Watkins of McPherson, KS Announcer/Music Tony Shubert of Decatur, AL Ring Steward Bill Barton of Nevada, TX Paddock Master & Safety Coordinator Donna Wakefield of Esperance, NY Prizes/Ribbons Donnie Mack of Austin, TX Garlands Chris Hansen of Waxahachie, TX Farrier Tiny Bertsch & Kris Rankin of Stephenville, TX Trail Course Manager John Johnson of Celina, TX Trail Course Designer Lisa Skalski of Argyle, TX Vet on Call Reata Equine 817-599-9635 First Aid Somervell County Fire/Rescue/EMS 254-897-2135 Photographer Don Stine Videographer Legion of Merit Productions: Jack Ziegler 501-697-0045 2014 NTAHC OFFICERS & DIRECTORS Entries Close: October 18, 2014 SHOOTOUT FEE SCHEDULE Entry Fee—Performance, Halter & Equitation Entry Fee—Performance Championships Entry Fee—Dressage Classes Trail Course Fee, per ride Junior Exhibitor Show Package (unlimited classes, 1 horse/1 rider) Buy A Class Fee (included in class list) – Regular Classes Buy A Class Fee (included in class list) – Championship Classes Buy A Class Fee (added to class list) Class Sponsorship Championship Sponsorship Horse & Tack Stall Fee Temporary Stall Fee* Day Stall Rate (Dressage/halter only - stalls are in outside covered barn on first-come basis) Grounds Fee (per day, no stall—showing out of trailer; NO OVERNIGHT TIE OUTS!) Shavings (8 cu ft bag) Early Move-In (per stall, Tuesday Nov 4) Office Fee (per horse) AHA Educational Fee (per horse, mandatory) AHA Results Reporting Fee (per horse, mandatory) USEF Fee ($8 Drug & Medications Fee, $8 Federation Fee, per horse, mandatory) Post Entry Fee (per horse for entries postmarked after Oct 18, 2014) AHA Single Event Membership Fee (per person) USEF Non-Member Fee USEF Membership (for non-members to show in amateur classes) Returned Check Fee RV Spaces (per night): NEW PROCEDURE: RESERVE ON ENTRY FORM $20.00 30.00 30.00 $10.00 120.00 50.00 60.00 100.00 25.00 35.00 75.00 60.00 50.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 30.00 4.00 4.00 16.00 30.00 35.00 30.00 55.00 50.00 25.00 *Temporary stalls cannot be requested; however, if capacity issues make it necessary to assign exhibitors to temporary stalls, they will be charged at this reduced rate. * Stall mats are no longer available for rental at Somervell Expo Center. PRIZES & AWARDS Class Type Performance Championships Min # in Class 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 3 $30 $20 $10 Please note that horses will not be automatically entered into their corresponding performance championships. Performance championships must be entered in the show office. President: Linda Abston 2nd Vice President: John Johnson 1st Vice President: Kim Morgan Secretary: Chris Hansen Treasurer: Pam Cates Directors: Maureen Davidson, Kristen Fisher, Diane Mack, Laura Metzger, Lisa Skalski, Donna Wakefield A trophy and six ribbons will be awarded in all qualifying classes except equitation, which will receive eight ribbons. A garland, trophy, and eight ribbons will be awarded in all championship classes. A garland, trophy, and six ribbons will be awarded in Liberty [a regular performance class]. No prize money will be paid for equitation classes. Approved by Arabian Horse Association [AHA], United States Equestrian Federation [USEF], & United States Dressage Federation [USDF] Prize money will be first used to offset exhibitor expenses due. Any remaining prize money will be mailed within 30 days of the final show date to the horse owner by the NTAHC Treasurer. This is a 2015 Region 9 Championship Qualifying Show! GENERAL INFORMATION, RULES & REGULATIONS ENTRIES—Entries close October 18, 2014; those received after this date MUST possess a valid postmark of October 18, 2014 or earlier or be subject to a post entry fee of $30 per horse. Exceptions to this post entry fee are those people attending AHA 2014 U.S. Nationals who contact the show secretary prior to closing date regarding a late entry. All entries must be completed on an official entry form for this show or an official AHA entry form and have attached a valid check, money order, or PayPal receipt for the total amount of class fees, stall fees, USEF drug fees and office fees. A horse may only be entered under the legal name of the owner per the registration papers; no horse may be entered on more than one entry form. A copy of all appropriate registration papers for each horse and AHA and USEF membership cards for each rider must accompany entry. If this information is not provided with entry, the horse will not be considered formally entered in the show, and will be subject to the $30 post-entry fee. If registration papers do not reflect current legal owner, additional paperwork is required. If entry is showing in Amateur Owner or Junior Owner classes, leased horses may not be shown by the lessee unless the lessee and lessor are members of the same immediate family. Riders of horses in Amateur Owner or Junior Owner classes must be shown as the owners on the registration papers—no exceptions. HEALTH CERTIFICATES/COGGINS—Any horse entering the grounds must be accompanied by a negative Coggins issued within 12 months by a licensed vet and must be presented to the show secretary at check in. Per TX law, outof-state horses must have a negative Coggins issued within 12 months AND a health certificate issued within 45 days of the show. Horses with any communicable diseases must leave the show grounds immediately. RESTRICTED USE OF MAIN ARENA—The Dressage Courts will be set up in the Main Arena by 6PM Wednesday Nov 5. From this time until the completion of all Dressage classes on Thursday Nov 6, this arena will be restricted to use by Dressage exhibitors ONLY. All other exhibitors will have use of the Covered Pavilion, Show Barn Arena [in the stall area], and the outdoor warm-up arena. STALLS & STALL ASSIGNMENTS—Stalls will be assigned by Show Secretary upon receipt of stall fees. Move in can begin at 8 AM on Wednesday, Nov. 5. Move-in prior to this time/date will incur a $25/stall early move-in fee and must be requested on the entry form. Stalls must be vacated by 8 PM, Sun Nov 9. Stalls are of metal construction with doors and concrete flooring. Capacity constraints may require the use of temporary stalls, which are wooden stalls with doors and depending on location, may have dirt floors. All horses must have stalls or pay a daily grounds fee of $35. NO OVERNIGHT TIE OUTS ARE ALLOWED. Requests for adjoining stalls must be received together and are not guaranteed, but will be honored when possible. Exhibitors will be charged for any stalls they use—for any reason. Anyone damaging stalls is liable for repairs. ARENAS & WARM-UP AREAS—Footing is a mixture of sand and dirt. The Main Arena size is 130’x254’, Show Barn Arena is 100’x200’, Covered Pavilion is 123’x216’, and the outdoor warm-up arena is 120'x80'. BEDDING & FEED—Bedding MUST BE PURCHASED THROUGH THE SHOW OFFICE at a cost of $10.00 per bag. Shavings may not be brought onto grounds by exhibitors, per contractual obligation with the expo center. Exhibitors are welcome to bring in their own hay, grain, or other feed. Feed is not available for purchase on grounds but there is a feed store easily accessible across the street. DEPARTURE RELEASE—Prior to departing the Expo Center facility, all exhibitors must check with the show office to ensure their accounts are paid in full. DOGS—In compliance with City Ordinance, dogs will not be allowed in the facility’s Coliseum during the show. All dogs on grounds must be kept on a leash at all times. WASH RACKS—Horses may only be washed in the wash racks provided by the facility. SCRATCHED CLASSES— It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to scratch an entry from a class entered at the Show Office NO LATER THAN THE SESSION PRIOR TO THE SESSION IN WHICH THE CLASS IS HELD. For example, if you wish to scratch an entry for a Saturday evening class, the scratch must be done before the end of the Saturday afternoon session. Any entry not scratched in accordance with this policy shall pay all appropriate fees. REFUND POLICY—Entries canceled by contacting the Show Secretary on or prior to the closing date will be eligible for a full refund. After the closing date and until the beginning of the show, entries being canceled with a veterinarian’s letter are eligible to receive a refund of class entry fees as well as any shavings fees paid. Once the show begins, entries wishing to cancel but not having contacted the Show Secretary prior to Thursday Nov 6 are not eligible for the refund of any fees. MOTORIZED VEHICLE STATEMENT—In accordance with GR1301.7: Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. MEMBERSHIP / ORGANIZATION INFORMATION RESPONSIBILITY—All entries are accepted with the understanding that neither the North Texas Arabian Horse Club nor the Somervell County Expo will be responsible for any loss, personal injury or damage to horses exhibited or for any article of any kind or nature that may be lost, destroyed or in any way damaged. All horses shall be under the control and direction of Show Management but solely at the risk of the exhibitor, who will be responsible for any loss, damage or injury to any person, animal or property occasioned by him or his agents or employees, or by an animal owned or exhibited by him, and shall indemnify the North Texas Arabian Horse Club, Show Management, and Somervell County Expo against any and all loss, damages and liability thus occasioned, including but not limited to any and all legal costs, including attorney fees which may be incurred as a result thereof. The submitting of an entry form to the Show Secretary shall constitute an acceptance of the provisions herein set forth. USEF MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT: Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. AHA MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENT—EACH COMPETITOR (THIS INCLUDES AT LEAST ONE RECORDED OWNER AND ALL TRAINERS, DRIVERS, RIDERS, HALTER HANDLERS, COACHES AND THE PERSON(S) SIGNING THE ENTRY BLANK) IN AN ARABIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION RECOGNIZED ARABIAN DIVISION, AT THE TIME OF ENTRY INTO A COMPETITION, MUST SUBMIT A COPY OF A VALID AHA MEMBERSHIP/ COMPETITION CARD, JOIN AHA OR PAY AN AHA SINGLE EVENT MEMBERSHIP FEE PER COMPETITOR. WHEN AN AGENT SIGNS FOR THE OWNER AT AN AHA RECOGNIZED COMPETITION, BOTH THE OWNER AND AGENT MUST BE MEMBERS OF AHA OR PAY THE AHA SINGLE EVENT MEMBERSHIP. SINGLE EVENT MEMBERSHIP IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AT AHA REGIONAL OR NATIONAL COMPETITIONS. EXHIBITORS IN WALK-TROT CLASSES ARE EXEMPT FROM AHA MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS AT QUALIFYING COMPETITIONS, BUT MUST HAVE AN AHA MEMBERSHIP WITH COMPETITION CARD AT AHA REGIONAL AND NATIONAL COMPETITIONS. EXHIBITORS IN LEAD LINE CLASSES OR PARENTS/GUARDIANS SIGNING FOR MINORS ARE EXEMPT FROM AHA MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS. AHA Single Event Membership fee is $35. GOVERNING ORGANIZATION RULES—This horse show is conducted in accordance with the rules of the USEF, the AHA, and the USDF. The official rules of these organizations shall prevail; any change or correction of these rules automatically becomes part of this premium book. Each participant is subject to all rules as they apply. The Show Committee, whose decision shall be final, will decide any issue or matter not covered by the rulebooks of these organizations. EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT USEF RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH. CARE OF ANIMALS—Exhibitors are required to keep their animals as well as stalls clean and neat with refuse matter disposed of as Show Management may direct. Refuse must be placed outside of stalls into receptacles provided for such disposal. Humane treatment must be exercised at all times by all exhibitors and their employees. CRUELTY OR ABUSE—Cruelty or abuse is forbidden on the show grounds. Such action(s) will be penalized by Show Management according to USEF Rule III, Article 302. EXCESSIVE HARM BY ANY PERSON INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE USE OF A WHIP OR OTHER OBJECT ON ANY HORSE IN A STALL, RUNWAY, SCHOOLING AREA, SHOW RING OR ELSEWHERE ON THE GROUNDS BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER THE SHOW RENDERS THE OFFENDER SUBJECT TO PENALTY. Judges enforce this rule in the ring. SUBMITTING A SIGNED ENTRY FORM CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THESE PROVISIONS. DISCIPLINE—Any act of dishonesty, discourtesy or disobedience to horse show officials on the part of the owner, trainer, groom, rider or spectators associated with any of the preceding will disqualify the horse and exhibitor from adjudication. Show Management reserves the right to remove a groom, owner, trainer, horse or rider from the show without being liable for compensation or damages. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS IN-HAND RING PROCEDURES Arabian Scoring System Judging using the In-the-Ring Procedure will be used. CHAMPIONSHIPS—Must be entered in the Show Office no later than one hour prior to the performance session in which the class is held. HORSES WILL NOT BE AUTOMATICALLY ENTERED INTO CHAMPIONSHIPS. DRIVING CLASSES—Headers are permitted but not mandatory. Clean and neat attire as well as a smock must be worn if the header enters the ring. SHOWMANSHIP—Open to mares and geldings only. NO STALLIONS. LEADLINE—There are no class fees or membership requirements for Leadline so get the kiddies in there! Open to mares and geldings only. NO STALLIONS. Horses must be equipped with a halter and shank connected to the halter, led by an experienced horse person. WALK-TROT PLEASURE & EQUITATION—Open to mares and geldings only. NO STALLIONS. Riders must not have ever been judged in a class at a recognized or non-recognized show that required a canter. DRESSAGE—Intro through Training Level classes may be held in a 20x40 arena, depending on number of entries. Classes will be run in accordance with and governed by USEF Rules. The court will be set up at 6 PM on Wednesday Nov 5 and will be available for practice until classes commence on Thursday Nov 6. Footing in the dressage main arena and all dressage warm-up arenas is a mixture of sand and dirt. .Note: Each competitor is responsible for supplying management with correct association numbers (USDF, USEF) for horse, owner, rider and trainer, before the day of competition. The scores of competitors who fail to supply correct numbers may not be counted toward national USDF awards. LIBERTY—A maximum of 2 handlers may be in the ring with a liberty horse, which will be loosed and perform for 1.5 minutes. Please provide your music [labeled with your horse's #] to the announcer well in advance of the class. 2 MINUTE GATE—THIS IS NOT A RIDE-THROUGH-THE-GATE SHOW. All horses must be pre-entered in their classes. The wide variety of classes were are offering makes this a very tightly scheduled show; thus the arena gate will be closed when all pre-entered horses have entered the arena or at 2 minutes after the first horse enters the arena, whichever comes first. DRESSAGE HELMET RULE DR 120.6: From the time horses are officially admitted to the competition grounds by competition management, anyone mounted on a horse at any time on the competition grounds, including non-competing riders, riders on non-competing horses, mounted participants in exhibition classes and those competing in all classes and tests, including Para-Equestrian tests, must wear protective headgear as defined by this rule and otherwise in compliance with GR801. Any rider violating this rule at any time must immediately be prohibited from further riding until such headgear is properly in place. Protective headgear is defined as a riding helmet which meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. The harness must be secured and properly fitted. BUY A CLASSES NTAHC wants to offer the classes that appeal to the broadest segment of exhibitors. 12 classes listed in the Class List as “Buy-A-Classes” are classes not yet designated, and may be purchased at a cost of $50 for regular classes and $60 for championship classes, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any BACs added to the Class List will be at a fee of $100. Purchaser is still subject to all associated class entry fees. The purchaser will be announced as the class sponsor and can choose where in the schedule the class will be held. These classes must be requested by the entry deadline VIA EMAIL—no exceptions— so that adequate notification of the class additions may be made to other exhibitors. Any class from the AHA standard class list for Breeding/In-Hand and Pleasure Divisions [including Sport Horse, Reining, Show Hack, Costume, and Side Saddle] is eligible for purchase. Hunter Hack, English Trail, and Dressage/Western Dressage through Level 2 classes can also be purchased. Divisions excluded include Working Hunter and any classes that require cows. Classes purchased are subject to approval by the Show Management who has final authority. Age splits are available for all classes and championships, but remember that both age splits may need to be purchased. Any Sweepstakes eligible classes added to the class list as a Performance Option class will not count for Sweepstakes points. If you are interested in a specific class, YOU MUST EMAIL YOUR REQUEST TO THE SHOW MANAGER at with requested location in the schedule to confirm your request can be accommodated. REMEMBER: Your entry with appropriate fees must be post-marked by October 18, 2014 to purchase a class! CLASS SPONSORSHIPS NTAHC appreciates your class sponsorships! These sponsorships provide you with special recognition as class sponsor during the classes, and help provide the quality horse shows you have come to expect from NTAHC. Please be sure to note your selected classes on your entry form. Qualifying Classes $25 Championship Classes $35 Please contact the Show Manager at to discuss other sponsorship opportunities. Shootout High Point Programs!! MAP TO SOMERVELL EXPO CENTER *** Two Junior Exhibitor Awards *** Ages 13 & Under and 14-17 One horse/one rider/handler competition, requiring the team to enter the following classes: Halter Showmanship, Equitation, At least one performance championship and its qualifying class* *** Adult Amateur Award *** One horse/one rider competition Must enter at least one performance championship and its qualifying class* Sign up in Show Office by 6:00 PM Thursday Nov 6!! For local hotels & accommodations go to *points obtained in multiple classes will count toward team total Special Junior Exhibitor Show Fee ONLY $120 NTAHC Annual Meeting & Officer Elections Saturday Nov 8, 2014 at 12:00 PM In the Main Arena Grandstand Election of 2015 officers will be held so all members are encouraged to bring their lunch and attend this meeting! UNLIMITED Number of Classes (1 horse/1 rider) Junior Exhibitor must register for special rate by 6:00 PM on Thursday November 6 (Juniors may show any number of horses for $120/horse; all other stall fees, office fees, etc. still apply) Shootout Tentative Schedule of Events Thursday Morning, November 6 – 8:00 AM – MAIN ARENA # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 # 40 41 Friday Morning, November 7 – 8:00 AM – MAIN ARENA We will use 2011 Dressage Tests and 2013 Western Dressage tests. Class Name AHA# Western Dressage Introductory Level, Test 1 2201 Western Dressage Introductory Level, Test 3 2201 Western Dressage Basic Level, Test 1 2301 Western Dressage Basic Level, Test 3 2301 Dressage USDF Introductory Level, Test A 1382 Dressage USDF Introductory Level, Test A ATR 1375 Dressage USDF Introductory Level, Test B 1382 Dressage USDF Introductory Level, Test B ATR 1375 Dressage USDF Introductory Level, Test C 1382 Dressage USDF Introductory Level, Test C ATR 1375 Dressage Training Level, Test 1 790 Dressage Training Level, Test 1 ATR 792 Dressage Training Level, Test 2 790 Dressage Training Level, Test 2 ATR 792 Dressage Training Level, Test 3 790 Dressage Training Level, Test 3 ATR 792 Dressage First Level, Test 1 797 Dressage First Level, Test 1 ATR 801 Dressage First Level, Test 2 797 Dressage First Level, Test 2 ATR 801 Dressage First Level, Test 3 797 Dressage First Level, Test 3 ATR 801 Dressage Second Level, Test 1 --$$$-1807 Dressage Second Level, Test 1 ATR --$$$-1810 Dressage Second Level, Test 2 1807 Dressage Second Level, Test 2 ATR 1810 Dressage Second Level, Test 3 1807 Dressage Second Level, Test 3 ATR 1810 Western Dressage Level 1, Test 1 2401 Western Dressage Level 1, Test 4 2401 Western Dressage Level 2, Test 1 2501 Western Dressage Level 2, Test 4 2501 Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Dressage Equitation Dressage Seat Equitation JTR AHA Dressage Seat Medal JTR AHA# 429 434 # 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Class Name Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle --$$$-Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR --$$$-Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle --$$$-Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR --$$$-Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack AHA# 335 339 341 773 777 779 347 1050 Special Dressage, Sport Horse in Hand and Trail Awards • • • • Sponsored by Larry and Adrienne Jacobson, in loving memory of Ansata Mara+/ Scandia Farm, Richmond, TX Arabian Dressage High Score Winner Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Dressage High Score Winner Arabian Sport Horse in Hand High Score Winner Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse in Hand High Score Winner Many other fun prizes and giveaways for Dressage, Sport Horse, and Trail Exhibitors – listen for your name to be called to collect your prize! Friday Morning, November 7 – APPROX 10:00 AM – SHOW BARN ARENA # 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Class Name Arabian Sport Horse Mares Arabian Sport Horse Mares ATH Arabian Sport Horse Geldings Arabian Sport Horse Geldings ATH Arabian Sport Horse Stallions Arabian Sport Horse Stallions ATH Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Mares Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Mares ATH Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Geldings Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Geldings ATH Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Stallions Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Sport Horse Stallions ATH Friday Morning, November 7 – 7:00 AM – TRAIL COURSE # 300 301 302 303 303.1 303.2 304 Class Name Arabian Western Trail Horse Open Arabian Western Trail Horse ATR HA/AA Western Trail Horse Open HA/AA Western Trail Horse ATR BAC 7: Arabian Western Trail Horse JTR BAC 8: Arabian Western Trail Horse JOTR Arab/HA/AA Western Trail Horse Walk-Trot 10 & Under AHA# 39 43 53 57 46 50 475 479 494 498 484 488 AHA# 210 216 645 651 216 212 1027 Friday Morning, November 7 – APPROX 10 MINS AFTER TRAIL CLASSES # 62 63 64 65 65.1 66 67 68 68.1 69 70 71 72 73 74 Class Name Arabian Stallion Breeding 2 Years & Under Arabian Stallion Breeding 3 Years & Over Arabian Stallion Breeding ATH Arabian Stallion Breeding Championship BAC 4: Arabian Mare Yearlings Arabian Mare Breeding 2 Years & Under Arabian Mare Breeding 3 Years & Over Arabian Mare Breeding ATH BAC 1: Arabian Mare Breeding ATH Championship Arabian Mare Breeding Championship Arabian Gelding In-Hand Arabian Gelding In-Hand ATH Arabian Gelding In-Hand Championship Youth Showmanship 13 & Under Youth Showmanship 14-17 Friday Afternoon, November 7 – 1:00 PM – MAIN ARENA # 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 75 Class Name Moved after Class 96 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Novice Horse Arabian Western Pleasure Limit Horse Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian English Show Hack Open Arabian English Pleasure Open --$$$-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Limit Horse Arabian Western Pleasure Open --$$$-Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Geldings HA/AA Western Pleasure AOTR Arabian Hunter Pleasure AOTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-Arabian English Show Hack Open Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure Open --$$$-Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure JOTR Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arab Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Open (any seat) AHA# 14 14 21 15 1 1 1 9 10 2 26 34 27 918 918 AHA# 733 190 305 97 754 75 290 190 115 290 622 292 748 560 111 752 315 620 542 198 556 605 Friday Evening, November 7 – 7:00 PM – MAIN ARENA # 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Class Name Arabian Western Pleasure AOTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian English Show Hack ATR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Arabian Mounted Native Costume Open Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian English Pleasure Open --$$$-Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure ATR Select Rider Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure ATR Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 13 & Under Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 14-17 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Ladies & Gentlemen Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Arabian Country English Pleasure Open --$$$-Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure Limit Horse Arabian English Show Hack ATR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure AOTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure ATR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Limit Horse Saturday Morning, November 8 – 8:00 AM – MAIN ARENA # 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 123.1 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Class Name HA/AA Gelding In-Hand HA/AA Gelding In-Hand ATH HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Championship HA/AA Mare Breeding 2 Years & Under HA/AA Mare Breeding 3 Years & Older HA/AA Mare Breeding ATH HA/AA Mare Breeding Championship AHA Reining Seat Medal JTR BAC 6: A/HA/AA Short Stirrup Reining 10 & Under Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Mares & Geldings Arabian Western Pleasure ATR Select Rider Arabian Hunter Pleasure ATR Select Rider Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR Arabian/HA/AA Western Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Arabian/HA/AA Western Pleasure Walk-Trot 10 & Under AHA Western Horsemanship Medal JTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure Open --$$$-Arabian Western Pleasure Novice Horse Arabian/HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Walk-Trot 10 & Under Arabian Country English Pleasure ATR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Mounted Native Costume Open AHA# 192 759 636 150 299 515 746 629 925 925 290 629 95 309 620 321 735 549 733 AHA# 450 468 451 400 400 418 401 931 389 733 202 303 735 907 204 890 950 540 190 890 104 622 590 NTAHC General Membership Meeting 2015 Officer Elections Saturday 12:00 PM - Main Arena Grandstand Saturday Afternoon, November 8 – 1:30 PM – MAIN ARENA # Class Name 138 *Leadline 6 & Under ~~No entry fee!~~ 138.1 BAC 2: All Breed Western Pleasure Walk-Trot AATR 139 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure ATR Select Rider 140 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-141 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian English Show Hack ATR Champ 142 Arabian/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under 143 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open --$$$-144 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure Novice Horse 145 Arabian English Show Hack Open Championship 146 Arabian/HA/AA Country Pleasure Walk-Trot 10 & Under 147 Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR 13 & Under 148 Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR 14-17 149 Arabian Western Pleasure ATR 150 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Mares & Stallions 151 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Mounted Native Costume ATR 152 Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Open (any seat) 153 Arabian Hunter Pleasure ATR 154 Western Seat Equitation JTR 155 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure ATR 156 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 13 & Under 157 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-158 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 159 Arabian Country English Pleasure Limit Horse 160 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open --$$$-- Saturday Evening, November 8 – 7:00 PM – MAIN ARENA # 161 162 163 164 Class Name *Liberty (Limit 6) [*placings do not count for Regls/Natls] Arabian/HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure ATR Select Rider Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR 165 Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR AHA# 554 208 760 907 290 620 316 890 939 939 198 290 594 165 299 949 741 292 640 549 95 733 AHA# 907 634 104 192 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 174.1 174.2 Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Arabian Mounted Native Costume ATR Half-Arab/Anglo-Arab Country English Pleasure AATR Champ HA/AA Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Champ Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure Open Championship Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Championship Arabian Country English Pleasure Junior Horse Championship Arabian Country English Pleasure ATR Select Rider Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Champ BAC 5: Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Reining Horse JTR BAC 9 HA/AA Reining Junior Horse Sunday, November 9 – 8:00 AM – MAIN ARENA # 175 176 177 178 178.1 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 Class Name AHA Saddle Seat Medal JTR AHA Hunter Seat Not To Jump Medal JTR Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian English Show Hack Open Arabian Country English Pleasure Open Championship BAC 3: Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR Championship Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Championship Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Championship Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country Pleasure JTR Championship Arabian Western Pleasure Open Championship Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open Championship Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Championship Arabian English Show Hack ATR Championship Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Champ Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Country English Pleasure Open Champ Arabian Country English Pleasure JTR Championship Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Championship Arabian Country English Pleasure AATR Championship Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open Championship Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Championship Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship 741 156 558 557 621 1178 112 109 749 665 668 AHA# 924 938 755 96 1649 306 205 750 2152 191 291 2165 322 1635 637 541 2115 307 397 113 734 638 1636 Breakdown of Classes: Championships are shown in bold. Halter Classes Class # Country English Pleasure Classes Class # Hunter Pleasure Classes Class # Arabian Stallion Breeding 2 Years & Under Arabian Stallion Breeding 3 Years & Over 62 63 Arabian Country Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-Arabian Country Pleasure ATR 84 135 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AOTR Arabian Hunter Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-- 110 Arabian Stallion Breeding ATH Arabian Stallion Breeding Championship 64 65 Arabian Country Pleasure ATR Select Rider Arabian Country Pleasure AATR Championship 173 193 Arabian Hunter Pleasure ATR Select Rider 126 Arabian Hunter Pleasure ATR 153 Arabian Country Pleasure JOTR Arabian Country Pleasure JTR 79 164 Arabian Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship 191 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR 101 87 BAC 4: Arabian Mare Yearlings Arabian Mare Breeding 2 Years & Under 65.1 66 Arabian Mare Breeding 3 Years & Over Arabian Mare Breeding ATH 67 68 Arabian Country Pleasure JTR Championship Arabian Country Pleasure Junior Horse 190 90 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JOTR 156 Arabian Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship 196 68.1 69 Arabian Country Pleasure Junior Horse Champ Arabian Country Pleasure Open --$$$-- 172 109 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse 78 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Champ 179 Arabian Gelding In-Hand Arabian Gelding In-Hand ATH 70 71 Arabian Country Pleasure Limit Horse Arabian Country Pleasure Open Championship 159 178 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Limit Horse 82 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Geldings 85 Arabian Gelding In-Hand Championship HA/AA Gelding In-Hand 72 116 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Ladies & Gentlemen 107 HA/AA Country Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-- 89 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open --$$$-- 143 HA/AA Gelding In-Hand ATH HA/AA Gelding In-Hand Championship 117 118 HA/AA Country Pleasure ATR HA/AA Country Pleasure ATR Select Rider 114 139 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Mares & Stallions 150 Arabian Hunter Pleasure Open Championship 184 HA/AA Mare Breeding 2 Years & Under HA/AA Mare Breeding 3 Years & Older 119 120 HA/AA Country Pleasure AATR Championship HA/AA Country Pleasure JOTR 168 94 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-- 91 HA/AA Mare Breeding ATH HA/AA Mare Breeding Championship 121 122 HA/AA Country Pleasure JTR HA/AA Country Pleasure JTR Championship 158 182 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure ATR Select Rider 103 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AOTR 113 HA/AA Country Pleasure Junior Horse HA/AA Country Pleasure Junior Horse Champ 96 169 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure ATR 155 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure AATR Championship 181 HA/AA Country Pleasure Open --$$$-HA/AA Country Pleasure Open Championship 132 189 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JOTR 127 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR 166 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure JTR Championship 187 BAC 1: Arabian Mare Breeding ATH Champ Arabian Mare Breeding Championship English Pleasure/Park Classes Arabian English Pleasure Open --$$$-HA/AA English Pleasure Open --$$$-Western Trail Classes Arabian Western Trail Horse Open Arabian Western Trail Horse ATR HA/AA Western Trail Horse Open HA/AA Western Trail Horse ATR A/HA/AA Western Trail Horse Walk-Trot 10 & Under BAC 7: Arabian Western Trail Horse JTR BAC 8: Arabian Western Trail Horse JOTR 81 102 300 301 302 303 304 303.1 303.2 Walk-Trot Classes A/HA/AA Country Pleasure Walk-Trot 10 & Under A/HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Walk-Trot 10 & Under A/HA/AA Western Pleasure Walk-Trot 10 & Under A/HA/AA Western Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under A/HA/AA Hunter Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under A/HA/AA Saddle Seat Equitation Walk-Trot 10 & Under BAC 6: A/HA/AA Short Stirrup Reining 10 & Under Reining BAC 5: HA/AA Reining Horse JTR 174.1 BAC 9 HA/AA Reining Junior Horse 174.2 146 134 130 128 142 162 123.1 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse 88 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Champ 174 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Novice Horse 76 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Limit Horse 115 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Mares & Geldings 124 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Open --$$$-- 160 HA/AA Hunter Pleasure Open Championship 194 Breakdown of Classes - Continued Western Pleasure Classes Class # Arabian Western Pleasure AOTR Arabian Western Pleasure ATR Select Rider 97 125 Arabian Western Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-Arabian Western Pleasure ATR 140 149 Arabian Western Pleasure AATR Championship Arabian Western Pleasure JTR 192 95 Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR Arabian Western Pleasure JTR Championship 165 171 BAC 3: Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR Champ Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse 178.1 129 Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Horse Champ Arabian Western Pleasure Limit Horse 180 77 Arabian Western Pleasure Open --$$$-Arabian Western Pleasure Novice Horse 83 133 Arabian Western Pleasure Open Championship 183 HA/AA Western Pleasure AOTR HA/AA Western Pleasure ATR 86 104 HA/AA Western Pleasure AAOTR --$$$-HA/AA Western Pleasure ATR Select Rider 157 163 HA/AA Western Pleasure AATR Championship HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR 195 108 HA/AA Western Pleasure JOTR HA/AA Western Pleasure JTR Championship 136 185 HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse HA/AA Western Pleasure Junior Horse Champ 99 188 HA/AA Western Pleasure Open --$$$-HA/AA Western Pleasure Limit Horse 93 111 HA/AA Western Pleasure Novice Horse HA/AA Western Pleasure Open Championship 144 170 BAC 2: All Breed Western Pleasure Walk-Trot AATR 138.1 Equitation Classes Class # Leadline 6 & Under [*No entry fee!*] Youth Showmanship 13 & Under 138 73 Youth Showmanship 14-17 Dressage Seat Equitation JTR 74 40 Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 13 & Under Saddle Seat Equitation JTR 14-17 105 106 Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR 13 & Under Hunter Seat Equitation Not To Jump JTR 14-17 147 148 Western Seat Equitation JTR AHA Dressage Seat Medal JTR 154 41 AHA Western Horsemanship Medal JTR AHA Reining Seat Medal JTR 131 123 AHA Saddle Seat Medal JTR AHA Hunter Seat Not To Jump Medal JTR 175 176 Miscellaneous Classes Class # HA/AA Ladies Side Saddle Open (any seat) Arabian Ladies Side Saddle Open (any seat) 75 152 *Liberty (Limit 6) Arabian English Show Hack Open 161 92 Arabian English Show Hack ATR Arabian English Show Hack Open Championship 112 145 Arabian English Show Hack ATR Championship HA/AA English Show Hack Open 186 80 HA/AA English Show Hack ATR HA/AA English Show Hack ATR Championship 98 141 HA/AA English Show Hack Open Championship Arabian Mounted Native Costume Open 177 100 Arabian Mounted Native Costume ATR HA/AA Mounted Native Costume Open 167 137 HA/AA Mounted Native Costume ATR 151 Sport Horse Classes Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle --$$$-Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR --$$$-Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle --$$$-HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR --$$$-HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack HA/AA Sport Horse Show Hack Arabian Sport Horse Mares Arabian Sport Horse Mares ATH Arabian Sport Horse Geldings Arabian Sport Horse Geldings ATH Arabian Sport Horse Stallions Arabian Sport Horse Stallions ATH HA/AA Sport Horse Mares HA/AA Sport Horse Mares ATH HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings HA/AA Sport Horse Geldings ATH HA/AA Sport Horse Stallions HA/AA Sport Horse Stallions ATH Class # BUY A CLASSES Class # BAC 1: Arabian Mare Breeding ATH Champ BAC 2: All Breed Western Pleasure Walk-Trot AATR 68.1 138.1 BAC 3: Arabian Western Pleasure JOTR Champ BAC 4: Arabian Mare Yearlings 178.1 65.1 BAC 5: HA/AA Reining Horse JTR BAC 6: A/HA/AA Short Stirrup Reining 10 & Under 174.1 123.1 BAC 7: Arabian Western Trail Horse JTR BAC 8: Arabian Western Trail Horse JOTR BAC 9 HA/AA Reining Junior Horse 303.1 303.2 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 174.2 BAC 10 BAC 11 BAC 12 Last Update: October 22, 2014 [Text in blue has been updated]