Through your contributions of time, talent and treasure, you have helped our congregation thrive as a vibrant home for religious seekers. You’ve nurtured children. You’ve offered gentle hands and hearts in times of need. And you’ve stood on the side of love and justice in our community. It’s been our privilege to continue the legacy of the members who have come before us. We’ve had many meaningful experiences here and are grateful for this congregation. Have you always been happy with the church? No. At times, you have been disappointed and stayed anyway. Hearing Impaired: We have radio receivers available at the rear of the auditorium near the audio board. Sharing Our Abundance Rev. Erin Gingrich Visually Impaired: Full page magnifiers may be found at the rear of the auditorium near the sound board. Remembering Our Church Family Rev. Mark Stringer Responsive Reading #720 We Remember Them Musical Response “When October Goes” (Mercer/ Manilow) John Nielsen Meditation and Activity Rev. Erin Gingrich *Hymn #51 Lady of the Season’s Laughter *Closing Words Words of Barbara Pescan Rev. Mark Stringer *Extinguishing the Flame Leader: I extinguish the symbolic flame of this gathering. May we carry its light into the world. People: Let us go from this place, open to life, expecting to love, and prepared to serve. *Closing in Song Hymn of Valor (inside back cover of gray hymnal) That’s right. Why did you stay? Because we have learned that the church is the workshop of our common endeavor. If something isn’t right, we have a role to play in making it better. Living well in community is understanding that the congregation’s needs may take priority over our own. We won’t always get our way, but it matters that we stay. Janice Hawkins Bob Glass Theresa Miller Drew Cannon Ahmed Choudhury Steve Forman Steve Galluzzo Janine Choudhury Judy Haver Ruth Keairns 10-year Members: Doug Dornacker Heather Forman Jennifer Galluzzo Rolland Riley All: Our church is a better place because we Thank You to all Service Participants and to Today’s Hospitality Teams: have all been here. 9:15 a.m. Team Leader: Marge Graves, John Graves, Keri Kinnaird, Ruth Keairns, Joel Gesaman, Denise Rathman, Shelly Kaldenberg, Kathie Dawley, Cindra Schor, Miquel Schor, Anne Stamper, Adrian Stamper, Charles Mertes, Stephen Coverdale, Donna Leffler, Tracy Leffler Reflection and Invitation to Build our Altar 11:00 a.m. Team Leader: Brian Browning and Mary Kay Reser, Walter Tomlinson, Suzie Stewart, Mary (Humphrey) Stewart, Judy Walden, Michael Ream, Don Severs, Amy Campbell-Fleming, Linda Lemons, Jill Philby, Ana Del Corazon, Gina Del Corazon, Joy Laudick, Steve Laudick Rev. Mark Stringer Sharing and Lighting Candles Singing the Children To Classes Hymn Children’s Benediction (see inside back cover of hymnal) Joys and Concerns [submit on Sunday or via http://] Sung Response 30-year Members: Linda Appelgate Barb Glass Thank you for your example. Thank you for staying, serving, and growing with us. Our church is a better place because you have been here. Sung Response #346 (verse 1 only) Come Sing a Song with Me Rev. Erin Gingrich *Please stand as you are able Comfort me…O my soul. Sing with me…O my soul. Sound Board Operator: 9:15 a.m. - Rob Malcomson; 11:00 a.m. - Mark Campbell Second Basket: Children and Family Urban Movement’s (CFUM) mission is to create a community to support the potential of children, youth and families through educational success, healthy living and community engagement. This is carried out through after school programs for children who reside in a near Des Moines North side neighborhood who are between the grades of K through 12. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s mission is to be a leader in providing accessible reproductive health care, education, and advocacy; responsive to the needs and rights of families and individuals. CALENDAR Sunday, October 26 Long Strange Trip: UU History Film Series 9:00 a.m., Peace Conference Room Pathways 9:15 a.m., Room 103 Service "Festival of Remembrance" with Rev. Mark Stringer and Rev. Erin Gingrich; Celebrant: David Quinn 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Auditorium Energy & Justice 11:00 a.m., Room 107 Great Decisions: China’s Foreign Policy 11:00 a.m., Minister’s Office World Religions and Their Cultures 11:00 a.m. Room 105 NEW DAY! LGBT Rights Action Group 12:15 p.m., Peace Conference Room Monday, October 27 Paganism 101 6:00 p.m., Mary Safford Room Social Justice Council 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room Tuesday, October 28 Rise Up and Call Her Name 6:30 p.m., Room 114 Dungeons & Dragons 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room Scriptease: Quills by Doug Wright 7:00 p.m., Auditorium Wednesday, October 29 Channing Chimes 5:00 p.m., Auditorium Bell Ave. Ringers 5:45 p.m., Auditorium Wednesday Night Dinner: Taco Bar 5:30 p.m., Channing Hall Sparks Choir 6:00 p.m., Room 105 7-8 Grade OWL (section 1) 6:15 p.m., Room 114 7-8 Grade OWL (section 2) 6:15 p.m., Room 107 “On Bullshit” Book Discussion 6:30 p.m. Room 110 Chalice Choir 6:30 p.m., Room 105 Spirit Play 6:30 p.m., Room 111 Humanist Book Discussion 6:45 p.m., Room 108 Enviroscouts 7:00 p.m., Room 103 Introduction to Bones for Life 7:00 p.m., Mary Safford Room UU Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall 5-6 Grade OWL 7:00 p.m., Room 113 Friday, October 31 Samhain Ritual with Sacred Bridges CUUPs 6:30 p.m., Channing Hall Saturday, November 1 Grounds Workday 9:00 a.m., church grounds Sunday, November 2 (Daylight Saving Time ends) Long Strange Trip: UU History Film Series 9:00 a.m., Peace Conference Room Pathways 9:15 a.m., Room 103 RE Classes 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Lower Level Service: "Participatory Grace" with Rev. Mark Stringer; Celebrant: Laura Berardi 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Auditorium Grace is sometimes thought of as unmerited reward, as a blessing that arrives via divine intervention, accident, or even luck. Might we also think of grace as something that we bring about by how we choose to live, even when life seems to have led us astray? Maybe even especially then? First Steps Class 11:00 a.m., Peace Conference Room World Religions and Their Cultures 11:00 a.m. Room 105 Strings Attached 12:30 p.m., Auditorium YRUU (High School Youth Group) 6:00 p.m., Room 107 Windbreakers 6:00 p.m., Channing Hall ANNOUNCEMENTS Monthly Updates are on UCDSM.ORG Lost and Found Items Table in Gathering Space These items have only until Nov. 9 to make it back to you. Check it out! Child Dedication on November 23, 2014 As part of the Nov. 23rd services, we will have an opportunity to share in a ritual of dedication for some of the children in our church community. Contact Rev. Mark Stringer (, 244-8603 ext. 102) as soon as possible if you wish to have your child dedicated or if you’d like to know more about the ceremony. The next opportunity this church year will be the Christmas Eve services (5pm and 7pm). Iowa UU Witness/Advocacy Network News We had a wonderful Launch Celebration! Everyone is welcome to join us on these important issues: Affordable Care Act (ACA); Anti-bullying; Driving Permits for Undocumented Immigrants; Death with Dignity. If you’re interested in working for these justice issues, please contact or 515-4419844. Sign up for our emails either on or on our website, And, of course, you can “like” our Facebook page, too. Small Group Ministry DMARC Food Drive A seasonal slump is making a tough year even tougher for efforts to help needy Des Moines area residents feed their families. Patronage of local food pantries, sponsored by the 140 churches in the Des Moines Area Religious Council, has increased 20% since cuts in the food stamp program took effect a year ago. First Unitarian’s Monday morning small group will hand out paper sacks after this Sunday’s services. Each sack will contain a list of most-needed items. Items you bring to church next Sunday (Nov. 2) will be promptly delivered to DMARC’s warehouses, and from there, promptly put on pantry shelves for the needy. October is Caring Ministry Month! For this last Sunday of Caring Ministry Month at First Unitarian, we will have tables set up in Channing Hall between services. Come meet members of the Caring Ministry team, find your caring community and find out how you can be a part of this important ministry in our church. Board Forums on Staff Salary Privacy The Board will be holding two forums on the subject of Staff Salary Privacy. The forums are open to members. Each participant will be given the chance to state their opinion on the issue and why. Once everyone has had the chance to speak, the forum will be opened up for dialogue/feedback amongst the participants. Board members will be present as observers only. We want to hear your voice on this subject before we revisit the decision we made in March 2013 at a future Board meeting. The forums will be held Thursday, Nov. 6, at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 9, at 11:00 a.m. Both will be held in Channing Hall. UU Outdoor Enthusiasts Cross-Country Trip Go north January 29—February 1, 2015 for a weekend of cross-country skiing at the wonderful Maplelag Resort in northern Minnesota. Initial deposit of $100/ person or $250/family due by October 31 to guarantee your spot. Contact Doug at 515-865-8027 or for more information and to sign up. RE Email Interested in receiving a weekly email from the RE program? Email Tracy Beck at to be added to the list. Caring Ministry and Joys and Concerns To have a joy or concern shared during services, or if you are in need of assistance, please go to by noon on Friday. UPCOMING EVENTS Small Group Ministry Monday, Nov. 3, 10:00 a.m., Kitchen UU Book Club Tuesday, Nov. 4, 7:00 p.m., Smokey Row (1910 Cottage Grove Blvd) First Unitarian Church of Des Moines A Unitarian Universalist Church 1800 Bell Ave, Des Moines IA 50315 Phone: 515.244.8603 Fax: 515.244.9761 Website: First Unitarian Church of Des Moines invites people into a respectful, authentic, and joyful religious community that nurtures meaningful connections, pursues justice, and inspires service. STAFF Rev. Mark Stringer, Minister Rev. Erin Gingrich, Associate Minister of Social Justice Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern Deb Dessert, Director of Finance & Administration Tracy Beck, Director of RE for Children & Youth Megan Salley, Youth Program Coordinator Laura Thomas, RE Assistant Lori Emison Clair, Dir. Of Congregational Life Carissa Fields, Congregational Life Assistant Terry Lillie, Caring Ministry Coordinator Abby Chungath, Communications Coordinator Moira Leu, Director of Music Bruce Martin, Pianist Amy Anderson, Choir Accompanist Connie Price, Bookkeeper Jane White, Office Assistant Don Werner, Groundskeeper Michelle Plymate, Pre-school Teacher BOARD OF TRUSTEES Margaret Schultz, President Jean Rommes, Vice President Zac Bailey, Co-Secretary Amy Luebbert, Co-Secretary Charlie Ahern Bob Belosky Brandon Bundt Ross Loder Barb Royal COUNCIL FOR CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRIES Scott Emison Clair, Stewardship Chris Jorgensen, Facilities Sally Boeckholt, Councilor at Large Kate Allen, Social Justice Ellen Taylor, Congregational Life Julie Brown, Religious Growth And Learning Bill Paxson, Worship & Arts A Unitarian Universalist Church ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday, October 26, 2014, 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Bruce Martin, pianist Addison Springer, Sarah Chang and Kat Smorodinsky, song leaders (9:15) Kat Smorodinsky, Lyra Halsten and Andrea Quinn, song leaders (11:00) October Theme: What does it mean to be a people of renewal? Intoning the Chime Centering Music Bruce Martin Opening Words David Quinn Chalice Lighting Leader: Life is a gift for which we are grateful. People: We gather in community to celebrate the glories and the mysteries of this great gift. Leader: So let us kindle now the flame of our liberal religious heritage. People: In its glow, may our reason and our passion lead us to be true to ourselves, true to each other, and true to what we can together become. *Hymn #360 Here We Have Gathered Welcome David Quinn Spotlight Collection for DMARC Food Pantry Bill Leonard Doxology (tune: Old Hundredth #371) From all that dwell below the skies let songs of hope and faith arise; let peace, good will on earth be sung through every land, by every tongue. Recognizing Membership Milestones (see inside panel) Congregation: Today we celebrate your membership in our church. We are grateful for your presence and for all the ways you have participated in this congregation. Rev. Mark Stringer Responsive Reading led by Margaret Schultz, President, Board of Trustees Honored Members: Thank you. Our lives have been enriched by our presence and participation here.
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