November 23, 2014 - First Unitarian Church of Des Moines


November 23, 2014 - First Unitarian Church of Des Moines
We will honor all that you are. We
receive the gift of your life into our
community. We pledge to you our
caring, our wisdom and our trust. We
will endeavor to see and hear you truly.
We promise never to close our hearts
against you. On this day we dedicate
ourselves anew to building a world ever
more worthy of your gifts of life and
hope. Amen.
Joys and Concerns
[submit on Sunday or via http://]
Rev. Mark Stringer
Sung Response
Comfort me…O my soul.
Sing with me…O my soul.
Sharing Our Abundance
Giving Tree
Ross, Maria, Kathleen,
and Harrison Loder
*Please stand as you are able
Thank You to all Service Participants and to Today’s Hospitality Teams:
9:15 a.m. Team Leader: Eileen Lundberg, Mark Campbell, Susan Arland,
Elaine Imlau, Carmen Dow, Dave Proudfit, Helen Copley, Sachiko Murphy,
Sandra Simmons
11:00 a.m. Team Leader: Theresa Miller, Linda Appelgate, Ruthanne Harstad,
Pat Headley, Barb Martin, Jane Rider, Carline Harris, Terry Meek, Winnie
Williams, Laura Lutz, Stephanie Sherrod, Julie Schwertley, Linda Bacon, Lon
Bromolson, Maya Bromolson
Sound Board Operator: 9:15 a.m. - Doug Hoffman; 11:00 a.m. - Mark Campbell
Hearing Impaired: We have radio receivers available at the rear of the
auditorium near the audio board.
Special Music
“Thank You” by Elise Witt
UU Choir and Chalice
Choir (11:00 only)
Moira Leu, director; Kent
Newman, percussion
“To Rest in the Grace of
the World” read by Rev.
Stringer, Rev. Gingrich,
and Linda Barnes,
Ministerial Intern
Sung Response #402
Visually Impaired: Full page magnifiers may be found at the rear of the
auditorium near the sound board.
Community Poem
From You I Receive
From you I receive, to you I give
together we share, and from this we live.
Sunday, November 23
Long Strange Trip 9:00 a.m., Peace Conference Room
Welcoming Newcomers Committee 9:15 a.m., Room 105
Service: "To Rest in the Grace of the World" with Rev. Mark Stringer, Rev.
Erin Gingrich and Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern; Celebrant: Susan
Jellinger 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Auditorium
Energy & Justice 11:00 a.m., Room 107
Great Decisions 11:00 a.m., Minister’s Office
World Religions & Their Cultures 11:00 a.m., Room 105
LGBT Rights Action Group 12:15 p.m., Peace Conference Room
Social Justice Think Tank 12:30 p.m., Channing Hall
High School Youth Group 6:00 p.m., Room 107
Monday, November 24
Social Justice Council 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room
Apple Communion
Linda Barnes, Ministerial
Blue Boat Home
Tuesday, November 25
Dungeons & Dragons 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room
Scriptease 7:00 p.m., Auditorium
Thursday, November 27
Office Closed
*Closing Words
Rev. Mark Stringer
*Extinguishing the Flame
Be Ours a Religion
Second Basket: Children and Family Urban Movement’s (CFUM) mission is to create
a community to support the potential of children, youth and families through educational success, healthy living and community engagement. This is carried out
through after school programs for children who reside in a near Des Moines
North side neighborhood who are between the grades of K through 12. Planned
Parenthood of the Heartland’s mission is to be a leader in providing accessible reproductive health care, education, and advocacy; responsive to the needs and rights of
families and individuals.
Crafting a Community Poem
“When I need to rest in the grace of
the world I…”
*Hymn #1064
*Closing in Song #1058
Leader: I extinguish the symbolic flame
of this gathering. May we carry its light
into the world.
People: Let us go from this place, open to life,
expecting to love, and prepared to serve.
Friday, November 28
Office Closed
Sunday, November 29
RE Classes 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Lower Level
Telling the Stories of our Lives 10:30 a.m., Channing Hall
(Calendar continued on next panel)
(continued in next panel)
Service "You Make the Call Weekend" with Rev. Mark Stringer; Celebrant:
David Quinn 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Auditorium
At a service a few weeks back, the congregation voted for a sermon they would
like to hear Mark deliver again. “Flickering the Gaslights”—originally presented in 2012—was the winner. Do you know the psychological term “gaslighting”?
Mark didn’t either, until he read a Huffington Post essay, and he’s been thinking
about it ever since. A consideration of our culturally engrained practice of manipulating women and the ways this practice (conscious or not) diminishes us all.
Iowa Summit Follow-up 11:00 a.m., Minister’s Office
World Religions & Their Cultures 11:00 a.m., Room 105
Board of Trustees Action on Salary Privacy Issue
After hearing concerns regarding the salary privacy issue, the Board held two Forums; one on Thursday, Nov. 6 and one on Sunday, Nov. 9. After hearing the
discussion, the Board passed a resolution at their meeting on Thursday, Nov. 13.
To read the new Board policy go to or
find it on the Board of Trustees bulletin board in Channing Hall.
Bad Weather Closing Policy
The following is a summary of the bad weather closing policy at First Unitarian:
Church Offices will be officially closed when Des Moines Public School cancels
classes at all schools or dismisses schools 90 minutes early.
Church Services & Sunday Church Activities: The Minister or Associate Minister of Social Justice will make a determination by 7 a.m. Sunday. Service participants will be notified by email. Cancellation will be posted on the church web site,
KCCI-TV, WHO-TV, and the church voice mail.
Church Activities other than on Sunday: A determination on cancellation will
be made as the weather dictates. Staff will make appropriate notifications to lay
leaders/volunteers. Cancellation notice will be posted on the church web site,
Determination cancelling services and activities will be made based on member
safety. To read the complete policy go to
Giving Tree Coming This Sunday
Please consider including a gift for families in need of assistance on your shopping list this holiday season. The annual Giving Tree will be in the Gathering Area at First Unitarian beginning this Sunday, Nov. 23 through Dec. 7. First
Unitarian is working with Children & Families of Iowa’s Adopt-a-Family program, Children & Family Urban Movement (a second basket collection organization) as well as providing for the needs of church members.
Gift wishes can be fulfilled by individuals, families, groups of friends, a Soul Matters group, or any other group. All gifts should be returned to the church by Dec.
14 for delivery to the families. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Amy Knudsen at
Telling the Stories of our Lives
Anyone interested in the “Sound of Our Lives” audio history recording project
should plan to attend an organizational meeting on Sunday, Nov. 30, in Channing
Hall at 10:30 a.m. The plan is to record our members’ stories, with an intention
of creating a living legacy of and for the church. Look for Jim Baker (he’ll be
wearing the JIM BAKER name tag), or write to him at
Learning More about Rev. Erin Gingrich
Now that our new Associate Minister of Social Justice has been here for a few
months and you’ve had a chance to hear her in the pulpit on several Sundays, perhaps you’d like to learn more about her and her ministry. A good place to start is
(Announcements continued on the back)
Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
The church office will be closed Thursday, Nov. 27 and Friday, Nov. 28 so staff
may celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.
I-Con Youth Conference at First Unitarian
The 7th annual I-Con is Des Moines’ YRUU’s weekend-long gathering of Unitarian Universalist youth (grades 9-12) from around the Midwest. It will be held at
First Unitarian December 12-14. The schedule includes workshops, youth-led
worships, meals, games, community-building, and a coffeehouse (open mic). Complete details and registration form are now available at
Registrations are due by December 1.
RE Email
Interested in receiving a weekly email from the RE program? Email Tracy Beck at to be added to the list.
Caring Ministry and Joys and Concerns
To have a joy or concern shared during services, or if you are in need of assistance,
please go to by noon on Friday.
Small Group Ministry Monday, Dec. 1, 10:00 a.m., Kitchen
UU Book Club Tuesday, Dec. 2, 7:00 p.m., Smokey Row coffee Co. (1910 Cottage Grove)
Bridge Friday, Dec. 5, 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall
PlayUU Saturday, Dec. 6, 9:00-11:00 a.m., Room 110 & 112
Holiday Workshop & Party Saturday, Dec. 6, 6:00 p.m.
First Steps Class for Visitors Sunday, Dec. 7, 11:00 a.m., gather at the Welcome Table
Death with Dignity Action Group Sunday, Dec. 7, 12:15 p.m., Peace Conference Room
Face to Face Sunday, Dec. 7, 12:15 p.m., Channing Hall
Strings Attached Sunday, Dec. 7, 12:30 p.m., Auditorium
Windbreakers Sunday, Dec. 7, 6:00 p.m., Channing Hall
Iowa Humanists Society Monday, Dec. 8, 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall
Dungeons & Dragons Tuesday, Dec. 9, 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room
UU Women’s Potluck Tuesday, Dec. 9, 6:30 p.m., RSVP to Eileen Bowerman
( or 279-2818)
Board of Trustees Thursday, Dec. 11, 5:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room
ShUUterbugs Photography Group Thursday, Dec. 11, 6:30 p.m., Room 105
NEW! 7th Annual Youth i-Con Friday, Dec. 12—Sunday, Dec. 14
Energy & Justice for All Meeting Sunday, Dec. 14, 11:00 a.m., Minister’s Office
Interweave Monthly Potluck Sunday, Dec. 14, 12:15 p.m., Channing Hall
Sacred Bridges CUUPs Meeting Sunday, Dec. 14, 12:30 p.m., Room 111
(go to for more information on these and other events)
First Unitarian Church of Des Moines
A Unitarian Universalist Church
1800 Bell Ave, Des Moines IA 50315
Phone: 515.244.8603 Fax: 515.244.9761
First Unitarian Church of Des Moines invites people into
a respectful, authentic, and joyful religious community that
nurtures meaningful connections, pursues justice, and inspires service.
A Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Mark Stringer, Minister
Rev. Erin Gingrich, Associate Minister of Social Justice
Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern
Deb Dessert, Director of Finance & Administration
Tracy Beck, Director of RE for Children & Youth
Megan Salley, Youth Program Coordinator
Laura Thomas, RE Assistant
Lori Emison Clair, Dir. Of Congregational Life
Carissa Fields, Congregational Life Assistant
Terry Lillie, Caring Ministry Coordinator
Abby Chungath, Communications Coordinator
Moira Leu, Director of Music
Bruce Martin, Pianist
Amy Anderson, Choir Accompanist
Connie Price, Bookkeeper
Jane White, Office Assistant
Don Werner, Groundskeeper
Michelle Plymate, Pre-school Teacher
Margaret Schultz, President
Jean Rommes, Vice President
Zac Bailey, Co-Secretary
Amy Luebbert, Co-Secretary
Charlie Ahern
Bob Belosky
Brandon Bundt
Ross Loder
Barb Royal
Scott Emison Clair, Stewardship
Chris Jorgensen, Facilities
Sally Boeckholt, Councilor at Large
Kate Allen, Social Justice
Ellen Taylor, Congregational Life
Julie Brown, Religious Growth And Learning
Bill Paxson, Worship & Arts
Sunday, November 23, 2014, 9:15 & 11:00 a.m.
Bruce Martin, pianist
Amy Anderson, choir accompanist
November Theme: What does it mean to be a people of grace?
Intoning the Chime
Centering Music
(9:15) Sparks Choir
(11:00) Chalice Choir
Moira Leu, director
Call to Gather
“Where Children Belong” by James
The words of Kathleen McTigue
Susan Jellinger
Chalice Lighting
Leader: Life is a gift for which we are
People: We gather in community to celebrate
the glories and the mysteries of this great gift.
Leader: So let us kindle now the flame
of our liberal religious heritage.
People: In its glow, may our reason and our
passion lead us to be true to ourselves, true to
each other, and true to what we can together
*Hymn #349
We Gather Together
Susan Jellinger
(tune: Old Hundredth #371)
From all that dwell below the skies
let songs of hope and faith arise;
let peace, good will on earth be sung
through every land, by every tongue.
Child Dedications
Responsive Reading
Parents: With deepening devotion and
abiding faith, we acknowledge our
commitment to love and nourish our
children/child. We give thanks for
the strength of this community, and
hope that you will support us in our
joyous responsibility.
Family & Congregation/Friends:
Parents, we will support you.
Children, we bless you and are
blessed by your presence among us.
Rev. Stringer and Tracy
Beck, Director of RE for
Children and Youth
Milo Stephen Bottenfield-Biehn
(October 1, 2004)
Jonas Cooper Bottenfield-Biehn
(December 22, 2006)
11:00 Toño Daniel DelCorazon
(March 28, 2014)
Franklin Joseph Godar
(May 8, 2014)