7-8 Grade OWL (section 2) Bowen Theory Discussion Chalice Choir
7-8 Grade OWL (section 2) Bowen Theory Discussion Chalice Choir
Joys and Concerns Rev. Erin Gingrich Sung Response “Loaves and Fishes” by David Whyte [submit on Sunday or via http:// ucdsm.org/joys-and-concerns] Comfort me…O my soul. Sing with me…O my soul. Sharing Our Abundance Filled with Loving Kindness Reflection “In Recognition of the Divine” Petra Lange “Open the Window” by Elise Witt UU Choir, Moira Leu, director “Saying Grace” Sermon Rev. Erin Gingrich *Hymn (see next panel) Creative love, our thanks we give that this, our world, is incomplete, that struggle greets our will to live, that work awaits our hands and feet; That we are not yet fully wise, that we are in the making still as friends who share one enterprise and strive to blend with nature's will. Meditation Spoken Silence Sung Response #1031 Special Music Hymn - Creative Love, Our Thanks We Give Music: Traditional English melody Creative Love, Our Thanks We Give *Closing Words What though the future long delay, and still with faults we daily cope: It gives us that for which to pray, a field for toil and faith and hope. Since what we choose is what we are, and what we love we yet shall be, the goal may ever shine afar the will to reach it makes us free. Hearing Impaired: We have radio receivers available at the rear of the auditorium near the audio board. Visually Impaired: Full page magnifiers may be found at the rear of the auditorium near the sound board. Rev. Erin Gingrich CALENDAR *Extinguishing the Flame Leader: I extinguish the symbolic flame of this gathering. May we carry its light into the world. People: Let us go from this place, open to life, expecting to love, and prepared to serve. *Closing in Song Hymn of Valor (inside back cover of gray hymnal) *Please stand as you are able Thank You to all Service Participants and to Today’s Hospitality Teams: 9:15 a.m. Team Leader: Karen Nicholson, Carol Henderson, Bob Henderson, Sue Repplinger, Norm Repplinger, Rob Nicholson, Marilyn Lantz, David Rasey, Lois Leonard, Bill Leonard, Nina Richtman, Jill Moser, Joann Noftsger, Ross Loder, Maria Loder, Tammy Irelan, Mickey Irelan 11:00 a.m. Team Leader: Carol Hibbs, Rolland Riley, Heidi Lackmann, Todd Lackmann, Margaret Holmes, John Holmes, Matthew Riley, Mary Harlan, Jim Herteen, Shirley Willard, Katie Devlin, Lisa Hogan, Ross Griswold, Christine Griswold Sound Board Operator: 9:15 a.m. - Ryan Beck; 11:00 a.m. - Mark Campbell Second Basket: Children and Family Urban Movement’s (CFUM) mission is to create a community to support the potential of children, youth and families through educational success, healthy living and community engagement. This is carried out through after school programs for children who reside in a near Des Moines North side neighborhood who are between the grades of K through 12. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s mission is to be a leader in providing accessible reproductive health care, education, and advocacy; responsive to the needs and rights of families and individuals. Sunday, November 9 Long Strange Trip: UU History Film Series 9:00 a.m., Peace Conference Room Welcoming Newcomers Committee 9:15 a.m., Room 105 RE Classes 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Lower Level Service: “Saying Grace” with Rev. Erin Gingrich; Celebrant: Petra Lange 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Auditorium Meet the Artist: Janet Heinicke 10:15 a.m., Channing Hall Board Forum: Staff Salary Privacy 11:00 a.m., Channing Hall Energy & Justice 11:00 a.m., Minister’s Office World Religions & Their Cultures 11:00 a.m., Room 105 Interweave Monthly Potluck Lunch 12:15 p.m., Channing Hall Sacred Bridges CUUPs Meeting 12:30 p.m., Room 111 YRUU (High School Youth Group) 6:00 p.m., Room 107 Monday, November 10 Paganism 101 6:00 p.m., Mary Safford Room Iowa Humanists Society 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall Tuesday, November 11 Rise Up and Call Her Name 6:30 p.m., Room 114 Dungeons & Dragons 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room Women’s Potluck 6:30 p.m., RSVP to Jane Flagler [janeflagler(at)gmail(dot)com, 515491-1274] Wednesday, November 12 Channing Chimes 5:00 p.m., Auditorium AMOS 5:30 p.m., Room 103 Bell Ave. Ringers 5:45 p.m., Auditorium Wednesday Night Dinner: Pasta 5:30 p.m., Channing Hall Sparks Choir 6:00 p.m., Room 105 Adult OWL 6:00 p.m., Peace Conference Room 7-8 Grade OWL (section 1) 6:15 p.m., Room 114 (Calendar continued on next panel) 7-8 Grade OWL (section 2) 6:15 p.m., Room 107 Bowen Theory Discussion 6:30 p.m., Room 108 Chalice Choir 6:30 p.m., Room 105 Spirit Play 6:30 p.m., Room 111 Tomorrow Team 6:30 p.m., Off-site Enviroscouts 7:00 p.m., Room 103 SOULCOLLAGE 7:00 p.m., Mary Safford Room UU Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall 5-6 Grade OWL 7:00 p.m., Room 113 Thursday, November 13 Board of Trustees 5:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room ShUUterbugs 5:30 p.m., Room 105 The Other Side of the Coin Follow-up Class 6:30 p.m., Room 114 Friday, November 14 Boys’ Night Out 6:30 p.m., RSVP to evans(dot)steve(at)principal(dot)com Saturday, November 15 PlayUU Primary Caregivers Outing: Gateway Market 3:00 p.m. RSVP to chelseabhayes(at)gmail(dot)com Celebrating Membership Mixer 6:00 p.m., Channing Hall Sunday, November 16 Long Strange Trip: UU History Film Series 9:00 a.m., Peace Conference Room RE Classes 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Lower Level Service: "The Grace of Non-Anxious Presence" with Rev. Mark Stringer; Celebrant: Carissa Fields 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Auditorium Managing our own anxiety in the midst of family challenges is one of the most difficult and helpful things we can do for ourselves and for our families. What does holding steady to our principles and our sense of self look and feel like when everything around us seems topsy-turvy? How might we withstand the heat created when we take a stand for self in the midst of anxious systems? What is at risk if we don’t? New members will be recognized at this service Forum: People’s Climate March 11:00 a.m., Channing Hall Grounds Council 11:00 a.m., Minister’s Office World Religions & Their Cultures 11:00 a.m., Room 105 Young Adult Small Group Ministry 11:00 a.m., Room 107 First UU Christian Fellowship 12:15 p.m., Room 111 High School OWL Class 5:00 p.m., Room 107 ANNOUNCEMENTS New Member Ceremony Twice a year we honor our newest members in a ritual during our weekend services. The next membership ceremonies are on Sunday, November 16. If you are considering joining the congregation, would like to submit your Intention to Join packet, or have questions about membership, please contact Lori Emison Clair, Director of Congregational Life prior to Wednesday, November 12. Lori can be reached at dcl@ucdsm.org or 244-8603 ext. 103. Intention to Join packets can be found on the Visitor Table or on the church website (ucdsm.org/joining) Telling the Stories of our Lives How nice would we, as a congregation, be if we had the stories of our members’ lives recorded and archived? Several members have been asking themselves that same question, and we think we’ve found an answer. We plan to create a local version of National Public Radio’s StoryCorps (or perhaps, “This is Your Life,” for those who remember the Ralph Edwards show). It’s pretty simple in concept. We’ll create a space to record our life stories, and then either write them ourselves and record them, or go in front of the mic with the help of an interviewer. If you would be interested in helping develop this project for the church, please write or call Jim Baker at 556-1936 or james.baker47@gmail.com. (Announcements continued on the back) Thank You for Your Food Pantry Donations! From the size of the boxes we filled, workers at the Des Moines Area Religious Council’s Food Pantry estimated the UU donation last Sunday at 1,000 cans of food and packaged items. Cash and checks totaled $785. Wow! The spontaneous generosity says a lot about UU character. The folks at the pantry asked that we relay their appreciation on behalf of the needy—to which the Monday Small Group Ministry adds its small voice. Why did the UU Cross the Road? 1. To support the chicken in its search for its own path. 2. To gain a different pers"peck"tive. 3. To allow visitors and the elderly to use the parking next to the church (of course!). Please consider parking in the Wells Fargo lot across from church on Sunday morning! Thanks! Time to Teach, Lessons to Learn With wintry nights fast approaching, it’s time to think about classes you may be interested in teaching or attending in the coming months. The Adult Religious Education Council has begun developing the Winter/Spring Programming schedule, affording all members an opportunity to share the warmth of mutual interests. If there’s a subject that piques your interest, or a class or workshop you would like to lead, please send a note to AREC Chairman Jim Baker at james(dot)baker47(at) gmail(dot)com, or call Lori Emison Clair at the church (515-244-8603 ext. 103). The deadline for new proposals and updates is November 9. Child Dedication on November 23, 2014 As part of the Nov. 23rd services, we will have an opportunity to share in a ritual of dedication for some of the children in our church community. Contact Rev. Mark Stringer (minister@ucdsm.org, 244-8603 ext. 102) as soon as possible if you wish to have your child dedicated or if you’d like to know more about the ceremony. The next opportunity this church year will be the Christmas Eve services (5 p.m. & 7 p.m.) New Group at First Unitarian: Christian Fellowship The First Unitarian Christian Fellowship offers opportunities for participants to explore, practice, appreciate and critique Christian theologies, rituals and spiritual disciplines. We provide a safe environment to heal spiritual wounds and to redirect the lost energies from these wounds into spiritual growth, maturity, caring ministry and service. We seek creative interchange across theological divides (so all are welcome). Our group meets at 12:15 p.m., the third Sunday of each month in Room 111. Our first meeting, on Nov. 16, as a tie-in with Thanksgiving, will focus on developing a mindset and theology of gratitude and understanding some of the obstacles that keep us from doing this. Join us to explore what this means. First time visitor or life-long member: All are welcome! Lost & Found Table This Sunday (Nov.9) is the last day lost and found items will be out for display on a table in the gathering area. Please claim any items that belong to you. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity after Nov. 9. RE Email Interested in receiving a weekly email from the RE program? Email Tracy Beck at dre@ucdsm.org to be added to the list. Caring Ministry and Joys and Concerns To have a joy or concern shared during services, or if you are in need of assistance, please go to ucdsm.org/joys-and-concerns by noon on Friday. UPCOMING EVENTS PFLAF Tuesday, Nov. 18, 6:30 p.m., Channing Hall Bowen Theory Discussion Wednesday, Nov. 19, 6:30 p.m., Room 108 Unity Circle Thursday, Nov. 20, noon, Channing Hall (go to www.ucdsm.org for more information on these and other events) First Unitarian Church of Des Moines A Unitarian Universalist Church 1800 Bell Ave, Des Moines IA 50315 Phone: 515.244.8603 Fax: 515.244.9761 Website: www.ucdsm.org First Unitarian Church of Des Moines invites people into a respectful, authentic, and joyful religious community that nurtures meaningful connections, pursues justice, and inspires service. STAFF Rev. Mark Stringer, Minister minister@ucdsm.org Rev. Erin Gingrich, Associate Minister of Social Justice sjminister@ucdsm.org Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern intern@ucdsm.org Deb Dessert, Director of Finance & Administration dfa@ucdsm.org Tracy Beck, Director of RE for Children & Youth dre@ucdsm.org Megan Salley, Youth Program Coordinator youthcoordinator@ucdsm.org Laura Thomas, RE Assistant reassistant@ucdsm.org Lori Emison Clair, Dir. Of Congregational Life dcl@ucdsm.org Carissa Fields, Congregational Life Assistant congregationallife@ucdsm.org Terry Lillie, Caring Ministry Coordinator caring@ucdsm.org Abby Chungath, Communications Coordinator communications@ucdsm.org Moira Leu, Director of Music music@ucdsm.org Bruce Martin, Pianist brucekmartin85@gmail.com Amy Anderson, Choir Accompanist amymarieanderson@gmail.com Connie Price, Bookkeeper bookkeeper@ucdsm.org Jane White, Office Assistant officeassistant@ucdsm.org Don Werner, Groundskeeper Michelle Plymate, Pre-school Teacher monkgirl12@hotmail.com BOARD OF TRUSTEES Margaret Schultz, President mgrahamschultz@gmail.com Jean Rommes, Vice President jmrommes@edge-life.com Zac Bailey, Co-Secretary zac.bailey@yahoo.com Amy Luebbert, Co-Secretary aluebbert@gmail.com Charlie Ahern charlieahern@gmail.com Bob Belosky bbelosky@qci.com Brandon Bundt bbundt@gmail.com Ross Loder Ross.Loder@gmail.com Barb Royal royalbl@mac.com COUNCIL FOR CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRIES Scott Emison Clair, Stewardship seclair@gmail.com Chris Jorgensen, Facilities CJorgensen@BSBDesign.com Sally Boeckholt, Councilor at Large salgal23@yahoo.com Kate Allen, Social Justice ka65@live.com Ellen Taylor, Congregational Life eltaylor@dwx.com Julie Brown, Religious Growth And Learning iamjulieb@gmail.com Bill Paxson, Worship & Arts iowapaxson@gmail.com A Unitarian Universalist Church ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday, November 9, 2014, 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Bruce Martin, pianist Amy Anderson, choir accompanist November Theme: What does it mean to be a people of grace? Intoning the Chime Centering Music Bruce Martin Opening Words Petra Lange Chalice Lighting Leader: Life is a gift for which we are grateful. People: We gather in community to celebrate the glories and the mysteries of this great gift. Leader: So let us kindle now the flame of our liberal religious heritage. People: In its glow, may our reason and our passion lead us to be true to ourselves, true to each other, and true to what we can together become. *Hymn #398 Gathered Here Welcome Petra Lange Spotlight Christian Fellowship Bryan Helmus Doxology (tune: Old Hundredth #371) From all that dwell below the skies let songs of hope and faith arise; let peace, good will on earth be sung through every land, by every tongue. Story for All Ages “A Conversation about Prayer”; with thoughts adapted from “Letter to Nancy” Written by UU Minister Christopher Raible Hattie McCann & Tracy Beck Singing the Children to Class Children’s Benediction (see inside back cover of hymnal)
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