2014 Wanneroo Show Idol


2014 Wanneroo Show Idol
Proudly sponsored by
Kingsway Community Bank® Branch
Show Idol
Tw – Junior
Categories: 13 to 17 years – Senior | 8 to 12 years
ry will be chosen from
Senior | Saturday 8th November 2014
Junior | Sunday 9th November 2014
Held on the Kingsway Community Bank Branch Main Stage
at the Wanneroo Show, Friday 28th Senior Finals & Saturday
29th Junior Finals
The Senior Idol will receive a $600 Savings Account; the three Runners-up will each receive
a $300 Savings Account with the Kingsway Community Bank ®Branch of Bendigo Bank.
The Junior Idol will receive a $400 Savings Account; the three Runners-up will each receive
a $200 Savings Account with the Kingsway Community Bank ®Branch of the Bendigo Bank.
Entry Form (Closing date 24th October 2014 at 5pm)
Wanneroo Show Idol Post to PO Box 4 Wanneroo 6946
or drop off to Kingsway Community Bank® Branch of Bendigo Bank, 168 Wanneroo Road, Kingsway
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Suburb: ______________________________________________________________________________ Postcode: ______________________
Age (as at 28 November 2014) __________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone (home): _____________________________________________
(mobile): _______________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Signature ____________________________________________
Please provide the following information
Song title _________________________________________________
Original Artist ______________________________________________ Composer ___________________________________________________
Performance length (max 3 mins for audition)___________________ Own composition YES / NO (please circle)
Accompanied by musical instrument YES / NO (if yes please state instrument) ____________________________________________
Rules and Conditions:
Participants can enter under one of two categories
(age as at 28th November 2014)
All Bank Accounts are with the Kingsway Community
Bank®Branch of the Bendigo Bank
Senior Idol – (13 to 17 years)
All Finalist receive a medallion and a Finalist Certificate.
The judges decisions are final. Acts cannot contain
any material that is not suitable for general public
performance. Each competitor enters at the signatory’s
own risk, the Wanneroo Agricultural Society (Inc) or
those acting on their behalf or any associated sponsor
for the 2014 Wanneroo Show shall not be liable for
any loss, damage or personal injury suffered by the
persons entering in or attending the Wanneroo Show Idol
Junior Idol – (8 – 12 years)
There are two stages to the competition, Auditions, held
prior to the Wanneroo Show, Twelve Finalist will be chosen
from each category to compete in the Finals at the
Wanneroo Show.
Auditions for Senior and Junior categories to be held at
Woodvale Secondary College (on the day follow the signs
for location) Senior – Saturday 8th November 2014 &
Junior – Sunday 9th November 2014
Auditions will commence at 9.30am on both days,
participants will be advised of their audition time on
receival of entry form. Auditions will be in blocks of
one hour, e.g. you may be advised your audition will be
between 9.30am & 10.30am on Saturday. Every effort
will be made to ensure audition takes place within the
time specified, however this cannot be guaranteed, and
any delays on the day will be kept to a minimum.
For auditions, participants should prepare a song best
suited to their vocal range, auditions are timed to allow
the participant to present their entire song, however due
to time available please choose songs with a timing of 3
minutes or under.
The Wanneroo Agricultural Society (Inc) and the event
sponsor Kingsway Community Bank ®Branch of the
Bendigo Bank reserve the right to use photographs taken
during the event for future publicity in print and online
media and Wanneroo Show website. Photographs of
finalist and their names may be published in print media
and online media and show website.
The Wanneroo Agricultural Society (Inc) will not use any
information gathered in the course of the Wanneroo Show
Idol competition in a manner that is disrespectful to
participant’s privacy.
Participants may receive promotional offers and/or
materials from the sponsor Kingsway Community Bank ®
Branch of the Bendigo Bank.
Entry Forms available from www.wannerooshow.com or by
emailing Idol@wannerooshow.com
Participants need to bring their Music on a CD
(backing music only no vocals on backing music).
Participants may be accompanied by musical instrument
(self or an accompanist). Please note no instruments are
available at either Auditions or Finals participant must
supply their own. This must be indicated on entry form.
Closing date for entry forms: Friday 24th October 2014
at 5pm. Entry Forms must be signed by participants
Parent or Guardian. The participant and the Parent
Guardian signing the entry form must agree to be bound
by all Rules and Conditions.
To be selected as a finalist, participants must be available to
perform in their category at the 2014 Wanneroo Show.
All participants Senior and Junior receive a certificate of
participation and a free entry pass to the 2014 Wanneroo
Senior Finals Winner: will receive a $600 Bank Account
Senior Finals Runners Up (three): will each receive a
$300 Bank Account
Junior Finals Winner: will receive a $400 Bank Account
Junior Finals Runners Up (three): will each receive a $200
Bank Account
Overall winners of each category are not eligible to re-enter into
the same category.
Post to;
Wanneroo Show Idol
PO Box 4
Wanneroo 6946
Or deliver to Kingsway Community Bank® Branch
of Bendigo Bank.
No responsibility will be accepted for late, lost, stolen,
damaged or misdirected Entry Forms.
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, The Bendigo Centre, Bendigo, VIC 3550. ABN 11 068 049 178. AFSL 237879. (S40483) (05/12)