Oxted Warlingham &


Oxted Warlingham &
The Parish of
The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th October 2014 30th Sunday Ordinary Time Year A
St Ambrose Church
2 Warren Park
All Saints Church
12 Chichele Road
Parish Priest
Parish Office 01883 627762
Father John is still under intensive nursing care- reflecting his continued
poor health. He is in good spirits and is sustained by our prayer and
good wishes. He will still not be able to receive visitors for some time yet
but please do keep him in your prayers.
If you need to arrange a baptism, marriage, funeral or would like to
receive the Sacrament of the Sick or Reconciliation, please contact Liz
Braines in the Parish Office.
Fr. John Olliver
Personal Assistant
Liz Braines
Hospital Chaplains
If you or one of your
relatives are being admitted
to East Surrey Hospital,
or are admitted in an
emergency, please contact
St Joseph’s Church,
Redhill and inform the
Hospital Chaplains:
Tel: 01737 761017
For those being admitted to
Croydon University
(Mayday) Hospital, you
should contact the
Chaplain through the Ward
And for St George’s,
please contact Fr Jonothan
on 0208 725 3086
Newsletter articles by
Wednesday 6 pm please
to isabelle at
isabelle@wragg.com or
by text on 07760 887562
Reg. Charity No
252878 www.dabnet.org
Christ -­‐ Light of the na:ons. Materials for reflecHon at home or as part of one of the discussion groups are available now -­‐ please let Liz know if you would like a copy. Groups are taking place StarHng on Monday 27th October at 2pm at Hunter’s Hollow, Woldingham (details from Louise Redferne louise.redferne@bHnternet.com and Old Oxted on Mondays at 10.30 am, please contact Molly for informaHon 01883 715475. Fr Anthony also aims to hold discussions aYer weekday masses that he hopes to bring back when he can. More news next week.
IMPORTANT: September 2014 entry School Application forms - If you
want your child to attend a faith school, please put Fr. John’s name on the
formsand let Liz Braines know. For parents applying for places at St Joseph’s, St
Bede’s or St Francis, Liz will coordinate dates for Fr. Chris Spain to meet you in
the parish office at St Ambrose to confirm your mass attendance. If you are
unable to make the meeting Liz will arrange for parents to see Fr. Chris in St
Joseph’s Redhill. NB All these meetings will be by appointment only. If you are
making applications to other faith schools, Liz will let you know when Fr. Chris will
be available to sign these applications on Fr. John’s behalf.
Mass Times and intentions Next Week
Saturday 25th
5.30 pm
All Saints
26th 9.00 am
St Ambrose
People of the Parish
11.00 am
1st 5.30 pm
All Saints
People of the Parish
2nd 9.00 am
St Ambrose Looking forward to 2015, our diocese or Arundel + Brighton celebrates its 50th anniversary. Coaches will be organised to take parishioners to the AMEX football stadium in Brighton on Sunday 5 July 2015-­‐ so save the date. For more informaHon visit the diocesan website http://www.abdiocese.org.uk
Our prayers and support are asked for all those living with illness and infirmity, including:
Fathers Fred Franklin, Robin Mountford, John Olliver, Tony Rogers, Dominic Rolls, Rob Taylerson,
Deacon Stuart Geary and Sister Vera Harrison,
Dee Barrett, Ken Belton, Malcolm Bowen, Robert Bridge, Bobbie Brookes, Mary Coll, Caroline Butler,
Frank and Maisie Butler, Olwen Carpenter, Philip Chandler, Sally Chitty, Campbell Clark,Cindy, John Cosier,
Brian Darwin, Edward Davies, John Davis, Jeremiah Dennehy, Joaquina De Souza, Gillian Dew, Peter Dew,
Frank Dunnell, Una Eaton, Cynthia Elliot, John Findlay, Lorna Georgia, John Gilford,Theresa Fitzpatrick,
Desmond Flynn, Joe and Brenda Gaffney, Vic Farmer, Paul Frederiksen, Paula Gibbons, John Gordon, Pat Hatcher,
Anne & Michael Harewood, Catherine Hayward-Martin, Sylvia Hewett, Emily Howe, Mary Jack, Mary Kennedy,
Mairead Kerr, James Duncan Kenny, Rowena Leslie, Kathryn Lewis, John Lloyd, Sean Madden, Ann O’Brien,
Kathleen Parker, Gemma Parsons, John Payne, Ann Reid, Deirdre Rourke, Rita Saunders, Win Simmons, Valerie Stringer,
Alison Sweeting,Audrey Wagner, Rowena Watts, Angela Wilson, Althea Woorich.
All prayer chain requests should be directed to Malcolm Bowen either by phone on 01883 346230 or email at
Our sincere condolences are with the family and friends of Fr David Buckley, William (Desmond) Flynn
and Diane Bailey who died recently. William Flynn’s funeral will be on Friday 31st October at 1 pm at
All Saints Details of Diane’s funeral will be announced next week. May they all rest in peace.
Quizzal Quizs Q2:
Come and enjoy a quiz night with a difference on Sat. 15th Nov. at
St Ambrose from 7 to 10pm with fish and
chip supper and pay bar.
Tickets only £10 - on sale after mass.
Mothers’ Prayers - praying for
children everywhere. Our next
meeting is on Wednesday 29th
October at 10.00 am at 25 Granville
Road, Oxted, Contact Molly for
information 01883 715475.
November Lists
If you have new names of those who have
gone before us and you would like us to
remember during November, please
complete one of the forms at the back of
the churches and place them in the boxes
provided. (Names from previous years will
already be included.)
The Armed Man – a Mass for Peace Saturday 8th
November – 7.00pm Oxted United Reformed
Church. Tickets £12 (under 18s - £6) from Choir
members or 01883 730406 ext 1 Proceeds to
Amnesty International
The annual mass for deceased clergy of our
diocese will be on
Tuesday November 11th at 10.00 am
St Joseph's Church, 122 Ladbroke Road,
Redhill RH1 1LF
(The coffee bar will be open after Mass.) All are
welcome and you are warmly encouraged to
To celebrate the inauguraHon of The Oxted Team Ministry (St Georges, Crowhurst; St John the Evangelist, Hurst Green; St Mary, Oxted and St Peter, Tandridge). there will be a Eucharist service at St John's Hurst Green on 5th November from 7.30 pm. The Bishop of Croydon, the Rt Rev’d Jonathan Clark will preach and preside. All are invited. And on 6th November CTOD will be holding its AGM at 7.30 for 8 pm at All Saints parish room. CAR -DRIVERS at St Ambrose. We have received
a letter from Surrey Police altering us to the nuisance
caused by some drivers who park on the pavement
outside the church, blocking the footpath. Please
consider pedestrians and avoid the risk of a £30 fine.
Collections 18/19 October 2014
£ 294 Loose, £1,183 Gift Aided.
Building Fund £136
Prisoners : £175.37
Thank you all for your generosity.
At St Ambrose - the front pews have been adapted for use by wheelchair users. If not needed by a
wheelchair user, this is a useful spot for those with push-chairs - but do remember to keep the aisle
clear during communion. A wheelchair is available at each church for use by any parishioner to make
it easier to get around for Mass or other Parish Events. Also, if you need to receive communion or a
blessing where you are sitting at Mass please let one of the welcomers know in before Mass starts.
There are also newsletters in large type format and large print versions of the Mass Sheet on Sundays.
If you are visually-impaired, or have someone at home who could benefit from this, please do take one.