PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
ST.BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: 28 Vine Road, Molesey, Surrey. KT8 9LF Telephone: 020 8941 8400 Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays) Email: Website: HIRING OF THE CHURCH HALL: If you wish to hire the Church Hall please contact Theresa D’Burrage 020 8941 9205 or 07757456302 Parish Schools: St Alban’s Primary School – Beauchamp Road, Molesey. 020 8979 5893 Salesian Secondary School – Guildford Road, Chertsey. 01932 582 520 THIRTIETH SUNDAY– Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th October 2014 Parish Mass Book Page No. 146 NEWSLETTER NO: 43 Weekend Masses: Saturday 6pm (Quiet Mass) - David Corbould RIP Sunday 10.00am - For the People of the Parish Sunday 6pm (Music Mass) - Charlie Dullaghan RIP 2nd Collection Next Sunday: For the Retired Priests Fund. Week Day Mass: Monday 12.30pm - th Sunday morning Mass on 9 November will Tuesday 9.35am Billy (William junior) Speight RIP Wednesday No Mass be at 9.30am (and not 10am) so the Parish Thursday 9.35am – Joan Robinson (Health) can join the 11am memorial service in West Friday 9.35am Molesey. Confessions: Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm in the Church or by appointment Mass is also said Monday – Friday at the Kiltegan Fathers, 20 Beauchamp Road. KT8 0PA. Parishioners are welcome. New Parishioners: Welcome to St Barnabas! Please register your details by filling in our Parish registration form at the back of the Church, and return to Father John or the Parish office. Please come and say hello at our Sunday coffee morning after the 10am Mass in the hall, you will receive a warm welcome. Sun 26th Mon 27th Tue 28th Wed 29th Thur 30th Fri st 31 Sat 1st Sun 2nd ROTAS 2014 Ministers Readers Children’s Liturgy Church Cleaners Sunday Coffee Counters Flowers WEEKLY PARISH DIARY: THIRTIETH SUNDAY –YEAR A Last Sunday’s collection Offertory: £431.07 Bank Direct: £403.41 Total £834.48 Half Term This Week - No D of E Meetings this week Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10am to 1.30pm - Half Term – No Children’s Choir Prayer Group in the House of Prayer – 7.30pm D of E: Gold- out for practice Wed- Sun 2nd Collection: £171.06 (World Missionary) No Video course this week on The Creed, it will resume again on : Thursday 6th November at 7.30pm – 9pm, Church hall Attendance: 281 No Bible study - No Youth Club this week Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 11am-Noon, Presbytery ALL SAINTS th Sat 25 Oct 6pm th Sunday 26 10am October 6pm M Thompson N Cleary R D’Alton C Wilson M Schild B D’Alton M Villani A Hogan M Stannard M Schild T D’Burrage G Searle R Methley J Laleatoe Half Term – to be announced on the day ROTAS 2014 Ministers Readers Please pray for the sick of the Parish: Kathleen Harrison, Anthony Leonard, Andy Haywood & Bobbettie McColl. st Sat 1 Nov 6pm nd Sunday 2 November 10am 6pm C Addison E Firth B D’Alton M Thompson H Healy R D’Alton C Wilson P Emmanuel I Lee G Searle T Ayres T Burrage P Stannard R Methley J Duggan to be announced on the day Children’s Liturgy Carmen A & Mary E Church Judith D & Patrick D Cleaners Yvonne Foster & Theresa D’Burrage Sunday Music Group – Nicola Cleary Coffee Francis Jenice & Jean Casha Counters Anthony McCall & Christine Davies Isobel Lee Flowers Ann Maloney The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878 Or not is it a chicken and egg situation? Not really. For it usually starts with the parent loving the child, and the defence-less, needy child comes to love the parent who loves it and cares for it. And that is how it is with God and us. God, who is love (1Jn.4:8), created us out of love. When God first introduces Himself to Moses (Exodus 3:16), He declares that He has come down to deliver ‘His people Israel’ from their misery in Egypt and bring them to a land of milk and honey. He loves the Israelites and henceforth will care for them. As the story progresses, God gives the Israelites rules which they are to live by, the first of which is that they are to love the Lord their God ‘with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind’. He also gives them a further series of rules or commandments, which, summed up, amount to loving their neighbour (Ex.Ch20). So, we should love God in response to His loving us. Much later on, after the death and Resurrection of Jesus, Paul starts his great letter to the Romans, which he calls his gospel (his account of the good news of Jesus Christ), by telling the Roman Christians that they are God’s beloved in Rome. So this love, which is the theme of this Sunday’s gospel (Mt.22:34-40), originates with God, but is responded to by us; - if we do chose to love God in return. God gives us free will so that we can positively choose Him or not. But He does then gives us the command to love Him, not only because He is the Parent wanting to be loved, but also, and very importantly, because He knows what is good for us. At the end of the Israelites’ journey through the desert to the Promised Land, Moses makes a long speech stressing the importance of living according to God’s ways (Dt. ch.27-28): “all these blessings will come upon and overtake you, if you obey the Lord, your God”. The blessings are just a natural function of being obedient to God; - it’s the way He made the world. The alternative of doing our own thing and defying God, results in things going wrong (Dt.28:15), - because God is no longer looking after us, - for we have chosen to come out from under God’s protective umbrella; and then the devil can get to work on messing up our lives, as he does. In speaking with his disciples at the end of the Last Supper, Jesus reminds them that if they love Him, they will keep his commandments (Jn14:15). And in today’s gospel Jesus teaches that the two commandments, to love God and our neighbour, sum up all God’s instructions as to how we should live our lives. We will truly experience God’s blessings if we know this and put it in to practice. Father John Iraqi Christians In Need - Recital Sunday 9th November at 6pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Hampton Court Way, Thames Ditton KT7 0LP: A piano and organ recital (approximately 75 minutes long), including works by Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Messiaen & Schubert, to raise funds for displaced Christian families in northern Iraq through the provision of urgent medical aid and long-term housing. Recitalist is Carl Bahoshy, a British-born musician of Iraqi Catholic heritage. TO ALL PARISHIONERS OF ST BARNABAS -We would like to express our gratitude for the wonderful party you gave us on Sunday. To all those who prepared the delicious food, baked the fabulous cakes, arranged and decorated the hall, organised the drinks and cleared away afterwards, as well as for all your warm wishes, both on the day and previously, we thank you - we were so touched. Love from Nicola, Doug, Richard and Helena Cleary. MASS INTENTIONS - If you would like a Mass intention please fill out an envelope which is placed at the back of the Church and put it through the Presbytery door, or bring it round to the Parish Office (opening hours) at the back of the Presbytery. Please be aware when requesting a specific date to allow plenty of time, the diary is now fully booked until 16th November. New Members for Duke of Edinburgh: Would anyone from Year 9 and above like to join the Duke of Edinburgh? If you are interested please contact Jean Casha on 07960 654 813 or email: The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878
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PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)