PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
ST.BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: 28 Vine Road, Molesey, Surrey. KT8 9LF Telephone: 020 8941 8400 Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays) Email: Website: HIRING OF THE CHURCH HALL: If you wish to hire the Church Hall please contact Theresa D’Burrage 020 8941 9205 or 07757456302 Parish Schools: St Alban’s Primary School – Beauchamp Road, Molesey. 020 8979 5893 Salesian Secondary School – Guildford Road, Chertsey. 01932 582 520 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY – Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th October 2014 Parish Mass Book Page No. 140 NEWSLETTER NO: 41 Weekend Masses: Saturday 6pm (Quiet Mass) - Lynn Gallagher RIP Sunday 10.00am - John Beaumont RIP Sunday 6pm (Music Mass) For the People of the Parish IMPORTANT NOTICE: -There will be No Mass said on Thursday morning. There will be a Harvest Festival Mass at St Alban’s School at 9.30am all parishioners are welcome. Week Day Mass: Monday 9.35am - The Stone Family Tuesday 9.35am Wednesday No Mass 2nd Collection Next Sunday: For World Thursday - No Mass- Harvest Festival Mass at 9.30am, St Alban’s School. Missionary Sunday – MISSO. Friday 9.35am David Corbould RIP Confessions: Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm in the Church or by appointment Mass is also said Monday – Friday at the Kiltegan Fathers, 20 Beauchamp Road. KT8 0PA. Parishioners are welcome. New Parishioners: Welcome to St Barnabas! Please register your details by filling in our Parish registration form at the back of the Church, and return to Father John or the Parish office. Please come and say hello at our Sunday coffee morning after the 10am Mass in the hall, you will receive a warm welcome. WEEKLY PARISH DIARY: Sun 12th th Mon 13 Tue 14th th Wed 15 Thur 16th Fri th 17 th Sat 18 Sun 19th ROTAS 2014 Ministers Readers Children’s Liturgy Church Cleaners Sunday Coffee Counters Flowers TWENTY—EIGHTH SUNDAY- YEAR A. 7.30pm : Parish Council Meeting, presbytery Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10am to 1.30pm ♪ Children’s Choir: 3.15-4pm at St Alban’s School (From Year 2- 6) ♪ No Prayer Group in the House of Prayer UCM Meeting: 8pm, Old School room NO MASS – Harvest Festival Mass at 9.30am, St Alban’s School. No Bible study Youth Club (Both groups): 6.30pm – 8.30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 11am-Noon, Presbytery ST PHILIP HOWARD Sat 11th Oct 6pm M Villani M Stannard M Thompson M Tidmarsh G Searle Sunday 12th October 10am 6pm O Schild I Lee E Firth R D’Alton P Sturgis J Casha T D’Burrage M Healy J Laleatoe Infants – Terri Juniors - Joana Helen & Michael H Parish Council – Paula Lamb Pepita & Graham Searle Margaret Villani Last Sunday’s collection Offertory: £527.44 Bank Direct: £403.41 Total £930.85 Attendance: 223 Deanery Care Mass: 35 Please pray for the sick of the Parish: Kathleen Harrison, Anthony Leonard, Andy Haywood & Bobbettie McColl. ROTAS 2014 Sat 18th Oct 6pm Ministers C Wilson M Villani M Stannard P Stannard M Tidmarsh Readers Children’s Liturgy Church Cleaners Sunday Coffee Counters Flowers Sunday 19th October 10am 6pm Mr Emmanuel B Hogan M Emmanuel O Schild H Healy Infants – Bridget Juniors - Maria Ann & Frank S B D’Alton R D’Alton T D’Burrage J Duggan Children’s Liturgy – Terri Rolston Judith Carratu & Theresa D’Burrage Norah Leonard The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878 ‘There is nothing I shall want’ God is a totally committed shepherd. (23rd psalm, this Sunday). He spares nothing in providing for us; or, (Isaiah 1 st reading) He “will provide for all people a banquet of food, rich and juicy, a banquet of fine wines….. And He will destroy death for ever”. In the second reading, Paul assures us that God “will fulfill all your needs….., as lavishly as only God can”. In our Gospel (Mt. 21:1-14), we are simply invited to a great feast, celebrating the wedding of the king’s son. All these images given to us in these passages of Scripture, assure us of a wonderful future for those who accept God’s invitation, as well as respond appropriately whilst we wait for the day to come. So what is so difficult? Maybe it seems too far away into the future, or maybe we don’t believe it sufficiently to rely on it when there is so much else going on around us, such as problems, temptations, and also people who would like to get us to agree with them that it’s ‘all pie in the sky’. Why is it that many individuals and even organisations are so keen to tell us that our belief in God and His promises are not true? Perhaps it is because they don’t want to accept the invitation themselves (maybe it is more than they can hope)? Or, maybe they do not want to engage in a life that is committed to following Jesus, and possibly accept the knocks St. Paul went through in his life as a committed disciple (Phil 4:12). But God presides in a different dimension, which you can’t prove or disprove from our material dimension. Yet this God, in order to encourage us to believe in Him, sometimes enters our dimension and reveals Himself. We find these revelations recorded both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. God also reveals Himself today through miraculous signs and personal experiences of the Risen Jesus, through the Holy Spirit living within us. Some of such experiences have been given to saints such as Padre Pio, Catherine of Sienna and St. Teresa. They are their personal experiences, but which are recorded to encourage us in our faith. Those who reject God (almost on principle) are hardly likely to experience him. Yet many believers find, in this life alone, that relating to the Spirit of the Risen Jesus is a greater joy than any other way of living. I think of saints such as Therese of Lisieux, Mother Teresa, Padre Pio and the Cure of Ars (all the last 200 years), but also of C.S. Lewis, an agnostic, who, as he first came to believe and committed himself to God, did not realise that there was to come the reward of such a ‘banquet’ after our human death. It’s going to get a lot better. Let us pray that God may reveal this to us, not only through Scripture, but also through the Holy Spirit telling our spirit that it is so. Father John WHAT WE BELIEVE: You are invited to come together over six Thursdays in order to examine what it is we say when we recite the Creed each Sunday. Our parish has had a few knocks recently, and it would be good to return to the essence of why we gather on Sundays. You may have wondered at some of the phrases of what we declare we believe, but have never got down to looking into them deeply. So now is the opportunity to view six video reflections on different passages of the Creed, and then for us to discuss them. This Catholic series includes reflections by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Lord David Alton, Abbot Christopher Jamieson, Revd. Nicky Gumble, Jean Vanier and Cardinal Arinze. Please do put the following 6 dates in your diaries: 23 October, and 6 November until 4 December, - in the Church Hall. Next UCM Meeting 15th October at 8pm in the Old School Room CARE NOT KILLING ALLIANCE Thursday 16th October 7.30pm. Christ the Prince of Peace, Weybridge Dr Peter Saunders, Campaign Director for the Care not Killing Alliance (CNK), will give a talk on the Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill which is due to be debated by the Lords in November. CNK is a UK-based alliance bringing together disability and human rights groups, healthcare providers, and faith-based bodies including the Catholic Church. Enquiries to Pauline Gately 01932 852759. First Holy Communion Applications Forms are now available at the back of the Church for children wishing to receive the Sacrament in 2015. These forms must be returned to the Parish Office by 11am on Friday 17th October. New Members for Duke of Edinburgh Would anyone from Year 9 and above like to join the Duke of Edinburgh? If you are interested please contact Jean Casha on 07960 654 813 or email: The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878
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PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)