PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
ST.BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: 28 Vine Road, Molesey, Surrey. KT8 9LF Telephone: 020 8941 8400 Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays) Email: Website: HIRING OF THE CHURCH HALL: If you wish to hire the Church Hall please contact Theresa D’Burrage 020 8941 9205 or 07757456302 Parish Schools: St Alban’s Primary School – Beauchamp Road, Molesey. 020 8979 5893 Salesian Secondary School – Guildford Road, Chertsey. 01932 582 520 FEAST OF ST PHILIP HOWARD, CO-PATRON OF THE DIOCESE – Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th October 2014 Parish Mass Book Page No. See separate sheet NEWSLETTER NO: 42 Weekend Masses: Saturday 6pm (Quiet Mass) - Anthony Leonard Sunday 10.00am - For the People of the Parish Sunday 6pm (Music Mass) - Anthony Hallahan (health) IMPORTANT NOTICE: There will be NO Mass on Monday morning. Funeral Mass: 12.30pm Week Day Mass: 2nd Collection this Sunday: For World Missionary Sunday – MISSO. Monday 12.30pm - FUNERAL MASS: VALERIE HEPWORTH Tuesday 9.35am Private Intention Wednesday No Mass Sunday morning Mass on 9th November will be at Thursday 9.35am – De Paula - private intention 9.30am (and not 10am) so the Parish can join the Friday 9.35am Edward (Teddy) Speight RIP 11am memorial service in West Molesey. Confessions: Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm in the Church or by appointment Mass is also said Monday – Friday at the Kiltegan Fathers, 20 Beauchamp Road. KT8 0PA. Parishioners are welcome. New Parishioners: Welcome to St Barnabas! Please register your details by filling in our Parish registration form at the back of the Church, and return to Father John or the Parish office. Please come and say hello at our Sunday coffee morning after the 10am Mass in the hall, you will receive a warm welcome. WEEKLY PARISH DIARY: Sun 19th Mon 20th Tue 21st Wed 22nd Thur 23rd Fri th 24 Sat 25th Sun 26th FEAST OF ST PHILIP HOWARD, CO-PATRON OF THE DIOCESE 12.30pm - FUNERAL MASS: Valerie Hepworth D of E: New Silver – 6pm, Old School room Baptism course (2nd session) 7.30pm, presbytery Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10am to 1.30pm ♪ Children’s Choir: 3.15-4pm at St Alban’s School (From Year 2- 6) ♪ No Prayer Group in the House of Prayer No Bible study Youth Club (Both groups): 6.30pm – 8.30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 11am-Noon, Presbytery THIRTIETH SUNDAY – YEAR A HALF TERM th Sat 18 Oct 6pm Ministers C Wilson M Villani M Stannard P Stannard M Tidmarsh Children’s Liturgy Church Cleaners Sunday Coffee Counters Flowers Attendance: 290 The Creed video course: 7.30pm – 9pm, Church hall ROTAS 2014 Readers Last Sunday’s collection Offertory: £461.27 Bank Direct: £403.41 Total £864.68 th Sunday 19 October 10am 6pm Mr Emmanuel B Hogan M Emmanuel O Schild H Healy Infants – Bridget Juniors - Maria Ann & Frank S ROTAS 2014 B D’Alton R D’Alton Ministers T D’Burrage J Duggan Readers Please pray for the sick of the Parish: Kathleen Harrison, Anthony Leonard, Andy Haywood & Bobbettie McColl. th Sat 25 Oct 6pm th Sunday 26 October 10am 6pm M Thompson N Cleary R D’Alton C Wilson M Schild B D’Alton M Villani A Hogan M Stannard M Schild T D’Burrage G Searle R Methley J Laleatoe Half Term – to be announced on the day Children’s Liturgy Church Carmen A & Mary E Cleaners Children’s Liturgy – Terri Rolston Sunday Yvonne Foster & Theresa D’Burrage Coffee Judith Carratu & Theresa D’Burrage Counters Francis Jenice & Jean Casha Norah Leonard Flowers Isobel Lee The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878 Saint Philip Howard - Unglamorous Martyrdom By birth, Philip Howard (1557-1595) was very privileged, for he was the eldest son of the Duke of Norfolk, and heir to the premier earldom, as well as five baronies. He was brought up a Protestant in Reformation England, but when his father, the then Duke, proposed marriage to Mary Queen of Scots, he was found guilty of High Treason. Philip’s family thus fell out of grace with Queen Elizabeth, yet he was later presented at court and enjoyed the favour of the Queen. This came to an end when Philip became reconciled to Anne Dacres, whom he had married at the age of 12. She was a strong Catholic, and after being present at a disputation between Philip himself was strongly drawn to Catholicism and converted, Protestant and Catholic theologians (led by St. Edmond Campion). He and his wife decided to live on the Continent, but were caught at sea on the way to France. He was tried for treason, imprisoned in theTower of London, and condemned to death. The sentence of execution was never carried out, but he languished in prison, not being allowed visits from his wife, or the son he had never seen. He died in the Tower from poor health, after ten years continuous imprisonment. To change all this: - to get out of the Tower, to be restored to his family and his privileged place in society, all he would have had to do is to renounce his Catholic religion, but he would not. Philip was canonised by Paul VI in 1970 as one of the 40 Martyrs. It makes the point that people become martyrs by many different routes: Some have been martyred by being fed to the lions, others by being hung, drawn and quartered (as Edmund Campion); and, for many, their anguish and their testing were in some way glorious, and did not last long. Philip did not seek martyrdom as such, but, in terms of this life, he gave up everything. And there was little glamour to his long drawn out road to martyrdom to help sustain him. Perseverance and steadfastness in the face of even the ordinary temptations of modern life can be very challenging today. God values such commitment greatly. The people we mix with in our daily lives may not think much of us, or even notice us, but God does, for He ‘looks at the heart’. (1 Samuel16:7), and He recognises our sanctity. Father John WHAT WE BELIEVE: You are invited to come together over six Thursdays in order to examine what it is we say when we recite the Creed each Sunday. Our parish has had a few knocks recently, and it would be good to return to the essence of why we gather on Sundays. You may have wondered at some of the phrases of what we declare we believe, but have never got down to looking into them deeply. So now is the opportunity to view six video reflections on different passages of the Creed, and then for us to discuss them. This Catholic series includes reflections by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Lord David Alton, Abbot Christopher Jamieson, Revd. Nicky Gumble, Jean Vanier and Cardinal Arinze. It starts this Thursday 23rd October at 7.30pm until 9pm and then continues on the following dates: 6, 13, 20, 27 November and 4 December, - in the Church Hall. I would like to thank everyone who sponsored me for the half marathon last Sunday. It went very well and I will have raised over £500 for the charity, thank you very much Mary Tidmarsh. MASS INTENTIONS - If you would like a Mass intention please fill out an envelope which is placed at the back of the Church and put it through the Presbytery door, or bring it round to the Parish Office (opening hours) at the back of the Presbytery. Please be aware when requesting a specific date to allow plenty of time, the diary is now fully booked until 14th November. New Members for Duke of Edinburgh Would anyone from Year 9 and above like to join the Duke of Edinburgh? If you are interested please contact Jean Casha on 07960 654 813 or email: The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878
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PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)