WOODBROOK Salutations… Where Past and Future Meet


WOODBROOK Salutations… Where Past and Future Meet
Spring 2014
Vol. 19, No. 1
Where Past and Future Meet
from Laurie Sweeney, RN, MSN
Executive Director
“Flowers always make people better, happier
and more helpful: they are sunshine, food and
medicine to the soul.” —Luther Burbank
Woodbrook welcomes spring!
LifeTimes is published biannually
by Woodbrook Assisted Living
Residence, Inc., to carry news from
our busy world to yours.
Woodbrook Assisted Living Residence, Inc.
1250 Maple Avenue
Elmira, New York 14904
Phone: 607-734-7741
Fax: 607-734-5636
E-mail: lsweeney@woodbrookhome.com
Website: www.woodbrookhome.com
inally, after a long cold winter, spring is here
at Woodbrook Assisted Living Residence, and
everyone couldn’t be happier. Green grass and
flowers on our gorgeous manicured grounds extend
Laurie Sweeney, RN, MSN
the living space to our patios and lawns.
Executive Director
Our beautiful walking trails are safe for residents
to navigate because they’re paved and lit, with
exercise stations along the way. The birdfeeders are
filled every day for hundreds of visiting feathered
friends, bringing much joy to our residents. Our
raised flowerbeds are ready for the spring planting.
We have a putting green and covered pavilion for
the residents to enjoy with their families, and even a
playground for the grandchildren.
Visitors will notice our lobby now has a new
“Welcome Home” metal sculpture over our indoor
Tom Pfleegor and June Mitchell sit
fountain, making this spacious area even more
by the lobby fountain with the new
spectacular and inviting.
metal sun sculpture.
St. Patrick’s Day was a major holiday here at
Woodbrook. The festivities started weeks early with music, trips to the Hibernian
Center, decorations, special menus and so much more. We even served mint
chocolate chip ice cream.
We also honored our staff and volunteers at two receptions, held an Easter Egg
hunt and had a talent show. Read more about these events on the pages inside.
We celebrate life every day here at Woodbrook. I am continually honored by what
a wonderful group of people we have living and working here at this beautiful home.
Thank you to everyone – staff, volunteers and family members. Together, we provide
a premier living experience for our residents.
News & Information…
Employees Recognized for Years of Service Volunteers
n March 19, Woodbrook proudly recognized staff for years Recognized with a
of service and perfect attendance.
Luncheon Ceremony
Sandy Bryington, head cook, was honored for an amazing 35
years of service. “I’ve always liked to cook and work with the residents,” she said. “I have a special kind of passion to do this kind of
work, and Woodbrook has let me do this for most of my life.”
Patti Quillinan, RCA team leader, was honored for 25 years
of service. “It’s like taking care of your own family,” she said. “I enjoy each resident here at Woodbrook.”
The reception included lunch, a brief ceremony, gift cards
and door prizes.
Sandy Bryington, head cook (second from left) was honored for 35 years
of service. Patti Quillinan, RCA team leader (center) was honored for her
25 years. Left is Gary Durfee, Sandy’s supervisor. Second from right is Lori
Jamelski, Patti’s supervisor. Far right is Laurie Sweeny, executive director.
One Year
Paul DiPietro
Amanda Buchy
Marietta Beiling
Marilyn Treat
Stephanie Koellner
Al Fitzwater
Dick Matson
Debra O’Brian
Five Years
Courtney Burns
Debbie Haner
Sylvia Force
Donna Silvia
Sherry Sutton
Lizzie Sanders
Ten Years
Bonnie Hart
Denise Moonschein
Polly Robert
Perfect Attendance
Shawn Blandford
Billie Jo Cowl
Jack Coxall
Al Fitzwater
Twenty-Five Years Sylvia Force
Patti Quillinan
Mary Howland
Thirty-Five Years Nate Myers
Bill Peet
Sandy Bryington
Pat Quillinan
Genny Rathbun
Polly Robert
Melissa Sempler
Donna Silvia
Jerry Soner
Jennifer Stadelmaier-Lynch
Sherry Sutton
Marilyn Treat
enerosity: Your candle
loses nothing when it
lights another,” was the theme
of the Volunteer Recognition
on April 10. Dozens of
volunteers were recognized
with a great luncheon and
recognition ceremony.
“We have more than 50
volunteers here at Woodbrook
Assisted Living,” said Laurie
Sweeney. “We are proud and
thankful for our volunteers
who share their light and
love, making a meaningful
difference in the lives of our
“You’re the icing on our
cake, and we sincerely thank
you very much.”
Paula Welch and Father John
DeSocio were just two of the many
volunteers honored on April 10.
Executive Director Laurie Sweeney
pours coffee for Mary Helen
Rominger and Rosemary Frawley
at the Volunteer Recognition
Talent Shows Brings Out the Best
fter hours of planning and rehearsals, Woodbrook rocked
a Talent Show with two big performances on April 4. It
quickly became clear that Woodbrook packs a lot of talent
under one roof!
More than 30 staff and residents performed, with many
more behind the scenes. Much credit for the success of this
event goes to Denise Moonschein and the Activities Department
staff who spent countless hours preparing for it. The afternoon
performance packed in nearly a full house of family members
in the audience. The evening show included even more family
and a couple of extra performances.
The Woodbrook choir was the first group to perform at the talent show.
arewell and thank you to three Woodbrook Assisted Living Board members
who are leaving after six-year terms.
Nancy Battersby,
Board Treasurer
Carol Eberhard,
Board Secretary
John W. Maloney, Esq.
“Never in my wildest
dreams did I expect
to receive so much
gratification as I have
from this experience,”
said Battersby.
“Woodbrook is
by far the premier
facility in this region.
I have thoroughly
enjoyed it. Thank you,
Woodbrook, for one
of the greatest times of
my life.”
“I will miss not being
on the Woodbrook
Board,” said Eberhard. “It was a wonderful and worthwhile
experience. Fortunately, I have friends who
are residents and plan
to visit frequently.”
“I am proud to have
been a member of the
Board of Directors of
Woodbrook for the
past six years,” said
Maloney. “I am confident that Woodbrook’s
mission, which is so
very important to our
community, will continue to be carried out
by its dedicated Board
and staff.”
Ronald Pariso of Elmira:
The Happy-Go-Lucky Italian Plumber
on Pariso, 78, is the son
“My father taught us to
of Italian immigrants,
take care of each other, as a
born on October 26, 1935.
family,” said Ron. “We look
Ron’s father left Italy alone
out for each other, we help
at age 14 with nothing but a
each other. If you have a
suitcase and a third-grade
problem, we solve it.”
education, arriving at Ellis
Ron was happily married
Island. His dad eventually
to his wife Ruth for 45 years.
settled into Elmira’s Italian
She passed away in 2004,
neighborhood, just west of the
and he misses her to this day.
railroad tracks.
Now at Woodbrook for about
“He was an inventor, a
a year, Ron loves the comfort
Ron Pariso loves living
brilliant man,” said Ron of
at Woodbrook because of his new home. He’s not
his father. “For what little
it surrounds him with much of a TV watcher,
opportunities for fun and preferring to play spider
education he had, he had a
great mind. And he lived to
solitaire on the computer.
be 97. ”
He loves to sing and dance,
Ron’s dad taught him how to tinker
and really hammed it up at the recent
and fix things, especially plumbing. His
talent show.
mother, also Italian, was famous for
Woodbrook staff and residents know
being the best cook in the neighborhood. Ron as a positive, happy-go-lucky guy
“My dad used to say: ‘Even the
with a bounce in his step and a twinkle in
president doesn’t eat this good.”
his eye. He credits a healing priest from
Ron lived in Elmira all his life. He
Florida in a spiritual reawakening in his
attended the Number 2 Elementary
faith, which is very important to him.
School (now Booth), then graduated
“We all have our faults, and it’s
from EFA in 1954. He enlisted in the
tough to turn the other cheek. But I’ve
Army for two years before returning
learned to love others, and I’ve learned
home. When his dad was in his 60s and
how to forgive. It took me a while to
Ron was 22, he took over his father’s
learn that one,” he said with a nod. “I’ve
plumbing business.
lived a good life, and have many good
He met the love of his life, his wife
memories. I’ve taught my children well,
Ruth, and they had three children –
and am very proud of them.”
Anthony, Bartholemew and Laurie.
Each issue, this newsletter features a different resident in the Generations section. Although
all our residents are special, we feature one each issue to give everyone a glimpse of the
tapestry that makes Woodbrook home to such a diverse group of people.
Seasonal Celebrations…
Father’s Day Luncheon • Potluck Picnic
Drive-in Movie Night
4th of July Picnic • Community Carnival
Beat the Heat Summer Picnic
Drive-in Movie Night
Marianne Wichtowski made it clear what her favorite
holiday is – St. Patrick’s Day!
The Easter bunny
visited Doris
and every other
resident on April
12. Children and
grandchildren of
staff and residents
enjoyed an Easter
Egg Hunt, too!
Labor Day Picnic
Fall Spectacular Bus Tour
Halloween Party
Museum visits, concerts,
shopping, happy hour
Executive Staff
Laurie Sweeney, RN, MSN
Executive Director
Judy A. Kennedy, BA
Human Resources Director
Bonnie Hart
Administrative Assistant
Fred Maloney, BSBA
Finance Director
Ruth McDonough, RN, BS
Case Manager
Denise Moonschein, BS
Activities Director
Michael VanWert
Director of Buildings and Grounds
Gary R. Durfee
Dietary Director
Lori J. Jamelski, LPN
Director of RCAs/Case Manager
2014 Board of Directors
Ann Mortimer, President
Michael Collins, Vice President
Nancy Battersby, Treasurer
Carol Eberhard, Secretary
Dave Biviano
Kathy Carozza
Michael Hart
John Maloney
Richard Poes
Robin Stawacz
Peggy Streeter
1250 Maple Avenue
Elmira, New York 14904
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