
Fall 2015
Where Past and Future Meet
Vol. 20, No. 2
Mission Statement
Woodbrook strives to create a safe,
beautiful, and loving home for our
residents, one in which they are
celebrated and encouraged to thrive
On Labor Day, Jane Mitchell (left) and Florence
Bruning, along with dozens of others, enjoyed a
picnic on the pavilion in the back lawn.
in a healthy environment with
dignity, respect, and joy.
Adopted by the Board of Directors
December 11, 2013
LifeTimes is published biannually
by Woodbrook Assisted Living
Residence, Inc., to carry news from
our busy world to yours.
Woodbrook Assisted Living Residence, Inc.
1250 Maple Avenue
Elmira, New York 14904
Phone: 607-734-7741
Fax: 607-734-5636
E-mail: lsweeney@woodbrookhome.com
Website: www.woodbrookhome.com
Hall of Honor for Our Veterans
n honor of Veterans Day, everyone at
Woodbrook Assisted Living Residence
will pay honor, respect and recognition
to the veterans who live and work here
with a “Hall of Honor.” In the center
hall, all residents and staff who served
in our armed forces are honored with a
photo display. Stop by and see it, and say
“thank you” to our local heroes.
“We salute our residents who served
our country,” said Laurie Sweeney,
executive director. “Our hearts swell
with pride to walk down our Hall of
Honor seeing pictures of our residents
as teenagers in uniform, courageously
committed to our nation.”
In September, Mary Ellen Mitchell celebrated her
ninetieth birthday at Woodbrook.
Dick and Barb Gilmore celebrated September
birthdays at Woodbrook. Barb is wearing a
corsage because she was one of the birthday girls.
“It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that
tells what kind of life you have lived.”
—Helen Walton
Happy Fall of 2015, Everyone!
fter a wonderfully busy sultry summer, we’re now in the
peak of fall. At the time I’m writing this message to you,
Laurie Sweeney, RN, MSN
the gardens have been harvested, the picnics on the pavilion
Executive Director
are behind us and the fall decor is up. Everyone here at
Woodbrook is now enjoying the cooler nights, crisper mornings and the changing
leaves that are starting to fall and scatter.
I chose this quote because it speaks to my heart, and I hope it inspires each of you
also. The fall season and the scattering leaves is symbolic of a life well lived. Here,
I see people who have spent their lives scattering their virtues — their love, their
kindness, their respect and their honesty. These aspects of character that are given are
more important than what one has gathered or accumulated. In the end, it’s all about
relationships, not possessions.
The people who do well in their golden years are social, they yearn to be family,
and they embrace this as their home.
Here at Woodbrook, the people who give their love to others do extremely well.
And I’m not just talking about the residents: I’m talking about everyone — our Board
members, our staff, our volunteers and our visitors too. We nurture this atmosphere,
and I hope you feel it when you walk in our doors, which are open to welcome you
for our upcoming calendar of events. Come visit us soon!
—Laurie Sweeney, RN, MSN
Executive Director
News & Information
Thinking of Moving to Woodbrook?
urniture is available for residents at
no extra charge, but most people
want to bring their own, along with
their most memorable items. Everyone
is more comfortable surrounded by
their cherished possessions. The staff
at Woodbrook will help you arrange
furniture, hang anything on the walls,
provide the necessities, keep things as
clean as a fine hotel, and give a high level
of care, while also allowing for privacy.
Families Can Reserve the Private Dining Room
hinking of having a birthday or
anniversary party at Woodbrook?
Reserve our beautiful dining room at
no extra charge by calling Woodbrook
at 734-7741. It’s located next to the
library near the new theater room with
the big screen TV. Football fans could
enjoy a pizza party there, then watch the
game in the theater room. Woodbrook
also has a private chapel for small
services, porches, walking trails, a picnic
pavilion, wi-fi, a soda fountain, a beauty
parlor and a computer room. Call for
a schedule of events. Join us for Happy
Hour, too!
Woodbrook is a
Certified Wildlife Habitat
At the 2015 Mother's Day Tea, many moms were celebrated with family visits. Mary Hamula,
above center, was surrounded by her loved ones that day. Sadly, Mary passed away after
this photo was taken. Her family misses her, is glad they gathered for this event and has
pleasant memories to share from this day.
World Traveler Makes Woodbrook His Home
Board Updates
his issue’s featured resident is Bob
Kaemmerer, an active 90-year-old
who’s lived a rich and full life traveling
the world as a Naval officer and
marketing executive with Westinghouse
Electronic Corporation.
Born in 1925 in Washington, D.C.,
Bob graduated from high school in 1943.
He tested high in engineering aptitude,
so after graduation, he was admitted
to Cornell University on the Navy’s V12
“If you passed the test, they sent you
off to college as an apprentice seaman,”
he said. He completed the normal fouryear program in just two years and nine
months with a Bachelor of Science in
electrical engineering.
After a stint in the Navy aboard the
U.S.S. Comstock, a ship that repaired
landing craft, he was released to active
reserve status in 1947. That year, he
married his wife Nancy and was hired by
Westinghouse, which was the beginning
of his long and prestigious career.
He literally traveled the world with
his career at Westinghouse, visiting every
continent except Antarctica. When he
was the director of European operations,
he and his wife Nancy lived in Germany
for three years. They had two children: a
son, Ken; and a daughter, Lynn.
Bob enjoyed several hobbies — deep
sea fishing, wood carving and golf. At
least once a year, he and Nancy went
ocean fishing, and he has photos and
mounts on the wall above his couch. He
also mastered the art of carving intricate
and realistic decoy ducks and birds.
He traveled extensively to Japan,
and, in 1985, he became the chief
Westinghouse negotiator on a team
that formed a new company: Toshiba
Westinghouse Electronic Corporation,
located in the old Westinghouse picture
tube plant in Horseheads. He went on
oodbrook welcomes three new
members to its Board of Directors
who will serve three-year terms.
Scott Heffner
is the assistant
vice president
of marketing at
Chemung Canal
Trust Company.
“I am excited and
honored to join the
Board of Directors
Scott Heffner
at Woodbrook. My
grandparents, Tom and Phil Saracene,
lived here during part of 2014 and they
loved their experience.”
Bob Kaemmerer’s suite at Woodbrook is
surrounded by his favorite things, including deep
sea fishing mementos and some of the realisticlooking birds he carved from wood.
to become the joint venture’s director
of marketing and corporate secretary,
retiring in 1990.
After Nancy died in 2013, he tried
living alone and found it to be “lonely
as the dickens.” He decided to move to
Woodbrook, and he’s glad he did.
Bob is known for his daily walks and
is in amazing health for a man his age,
which, he jokes, is a combination of
“good clean living” and “good Kentucky
His home at Woodbrook is filled
with treasures of his travels, photos,
international artifacts and many of his
best carved birds.
“The thing I like about Woodbrook
is that there are people around. Good
people. I look forward to going to meals
and having conversations with my tablemates. Woodbrook provides a very
homey atmosphere. I enjoy the various
planned activities and outings. I highly
recommend it.”
Tammy Pabis is a
vice president and
the commercial
lending manager
at Elmira Savings
Bank. “I am pleased
and very honored
to be a part of the
Board of Directors
Tammy Pabis
of this wonderful
organization. As a community we are
very fortunate to have a facility of this
magnitude as an option for senior living.”
John Wahl is a
senior account
manager at IIVI Photonics
in its Optical
Group. “I am
honored to serve
on the Woodbrook
John Wahl
Board and I look
forward to contributing to its continued
Chemung County’s
premier assisted
living facility
Interested in
chedule a luncheon and
personalized tour! Call
Laurie Sweeney at 734-7741
weekdays during business
hours, or email her at
com. For more information,
visit our website at www.
Seasonal Celebrations
Election Day Activities • Veterans Day Celebration
Nov. 13 Special Entertainment: The Boogie Woogie Girls
Thanksgiving Social • Bus in Elmira’s Holiday Parade
Dec. 9 Special Holiday Celebration
Christmas Carolers from Community • New Year’s Eve Party
Happy New Year • Winter Wonderland Party
Talent Show Rehearsals Begin
Valentine’s Day Party
Want more Woodbrook
news and photos?
Like us on Facebook!
St. Patrick’s Day Party
Stay Informed About Woodbrook Events
ttention families and friends of Woodbrook residents:
Send us your email address to receive more frequent
notifications of upcoming events and news. Email Bonnie Hart
at bhart@woodbrookhome.com or Denise Moonschein at
Executive Staff
Laurie Sweeney, RN, MSN
Executive Director
Judy A. Kennedy, BA
Human Resources Director
Bonnie Hart
Administrative Assistant
Fred Maloney, BSBA
Finance Director
Ruth McDonough, RN, BS
Case Manager
Denise Moonschein, BS
Activities Director
Michael VanWert
Buildings and Grounds Director
Gary R. Durfee
Dietary Director
Lori J. Jamelski, LPN
RCA Director/Case Manager
2015 Board of Directors
Michael Smith, President
Michael Hart, Vice President
Tammy Pabis, Treasurer
Robin Stawasz, Secretary
Arthur Ambrose
David Biviano
Scott Heffner
Ann Mortimer
Joshua Navone
Richard Poes
John Wahl
1250 Maple Avenue
Elmira, New York 14904
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