Document 6579237


Document 6579237
Christ Lutheran Church seeks to be a
Growing, grace centered Church
Reaching out to all people
Actively impacting our
Community, our world and ourselves through an
Evolving and relevant faith that reflects the love of Christ.
Day Spring
October 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 7 pm
Tuesday, October 21, 7 pm
Tuesday, October 28, 7 pm
Monday, November 10, 7 pm
Northeast Pennsylvania
Synod Web Site:
Upcoming Events
Lichner (First Thursday) Class
Clean-up Day
New Comer Orientation
Harvest Home
New Comer Social
Confirmation (one ser vice at 9:30)
Lichner (Monday) Class
Lichner (First Thursday) Class
Stewardship Sunday
October 2
October 4
October 5
October 12
October 25
October 26
November 3
November 6
November 9
Ongoing Events
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:00 pm in the Library.
Bible Study meets every Thursday at 12:15 in the Library (reading Isaiah)
Dominoes: Dominoes are on the third Thursday of the month, 10:00 am until
2:00 pm, stopping for a bag lunch. Dessert and beverages are provided.
Christ Lutheran
69 Main Street
Hellertown, PA 18055
N-A meets every Monday at 7:00 pm in the Library.
Outreach Ministry: Cook and serve meals at New Bethany Ministries on
the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Sign up in the
Narthex or contact Bruce or Connie Rice at 610-838-6775.
Soup Making for the homebound is the last Tuesday of the month at 8:00 am
in the kitchen. Call Kim Norton at 484-426-1409 with any questions.
Weight Watchers meets every Tuesday at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall.
Zumba meets every Wednesday at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall.
A Few Thoughts...
From Pastor Phil
Our mission statement has served us well. “That all may come to Know
God, Grow in faith, and Sow seeds of love with thanksgiving and joy.”
Presently we have a group of church members working on a “Statement
of Belief.” Who we are and what we believe can be very attractive to
some people who might be searching for a church that grounds itself in
teachings of Jesus. Below is our most recent draft as we continue to
refine and clarify this “Belief Statement.” What are your reactions to this
statement? Is it in line with what you believe? Is it a description of a
church to which you want to belong? Feel free to email me, call, or stop
by in person to discuss this statement. In late fall, I will be devoting a 4
Sunday sermon series in which we as a congregation will be discussing
the statement. I look forward to your insight and prayers of God’s
presence as we seek to define what God is calling us to do, here in
Hellertown, right now!
The people of Christ Lutheran Church of Hellertown invite you to
experience Christianity as a way of life, not a set of creeds and doctrines
demanding total agreement. We invite you to join us as we seek to
discover the teachings of Jesus for our time. We look to scripture, faith,
and reason, interpreted by love, to inform our journey. We affirm that
all people are created in the divine image, and that God is active in many
people that do not profess the Christian faith. We acknowledge and
respect people of other faiths who understand that God is working in
them and through them to bring about peace, justice, love, and
reconciliation among God’s people. We take the Bible seriously, not
literally. We strive to transform our lives to live the teachings of Jesus
and, above all, love unconditionally. We welcome all persons into our
midst, without regard to race, age, gender, sexual orientation, or
physical abilities.
You are welcome here. Come join the journey!
Special Meeting
of the Congregation
Sunday, October 5
Seeking congregation approval to obtain a loan for the purpose of major
repairs, replacements and improvements to our facilities and pay the
remaining balance on our existing mortgage. These repairs and replacements are necessary to maintain the integrity, safety and appearance of
our property and operating effectiveness of our office.
Please attend and vote.
Lichner Class
First Thursdays
“Drawing Closer to God”
7:00—8:30 pm
Join Rev. Dr. Tom Lichner on the
first Thursday of each month for
guided discussions about Living our
Faith, plus guided, contemplative
October 2 at 7 pm
“Be Exceedingly Glad . . .
Making Room for Joy”
November 6 at 7 pm
“Is Your Cup Too Full?”
December 4 at 7 pm
“Opt Out of the Blame Game”
No charge for these classes.
Four Mondays
November 3, 10, 17, 24
7:00 — 8:00 pm
“Guided Meditative Prayer”
Join Rev. Dr. Tom Lichner on four
Mondays in November for sacred
stories, discussion, and guided
meditative prayer.
Pasor Lichner has been a Lutheran
Pastor for 37 years, and brings a
wealth of special training and
experience in spiritual formation.
No charge for these classes. Please
sign up on the kiosk, or call the
church office.
Know the Code
If you’re ever in the hospital, please use
Christ Lutheran’s code: 209. Hospitals
can not release patient admission info
without it. The code allows Pastor Phil to
schedule inpatient visits and the
Congregational Care Team to check on
you when you are discharged.
Classes with
Pastor Phil
The operational rhythms of the church have quickened as we move into a
busy fall. I am amazed at how alive our church is…touching so many folks!
October 8, 15, 22, 29
7:00 — 8:00 pm
Here’s what’s going on behind the scenes:
Savings ends
with Kelly Meyer
Strategic Planning – The team has developed a draft for our congregation’s
statement of faith which Pastor Phil will be discussing in his Dayspring letter.
Progress has also been made on developing goals for the next 5 years. As developments occur, they will be rolled out to the congregation for review,
comment and approval.
Property Maintenance – A number of necessary maintenance projects are
completed or underway. These include parking lot sealing and restriping,
landscape and lawn maintenance, Fellowship Hall painting and floor refinishing, refinishing of the wood in the Nave, and a lot of little important things.
The goal is to keep our facilities in good repair and looking great.
IT System – Our system has been completely upgraded to meet the growing
needs of the church. New hardware and software are installed and fully operational. Wireless access is available throughout the facility. Appropriate managed maintenance, security, access control, back-up and disaster recovery
procedures are in place. These upgrades put us in a position to leverage technology for productivity and efficiency.
Stewardship – Stewardship Sunday has been set for November 9. As a preface, the team will be making a series of Sunday presentations to fully inform
the congregation on the 2015 budget process. During 2014 and prior, the
spending budget was based on projected pledges. This approach resulted in a
budget that understated the actual costs of running the church. For example,
repairs and maintenance expense was understated resulting in the deferral of
necessary maintenance. Council has requested that the 2015 budget be prepared to reflect the total costs of operating the church. Projected mission and
benevolence will be budgeted separately. The congregation will then be
asked to understand and support our financial needs.
Major Property Replacements – Bids have been obtained for the roof, carpeting, flooring, and office furnishings. These replacements will take place during the fall.
Financing – Applications are being prepared to finance major repairs and replacements and the payoff of our current mortgage (approximately $25,000).
The loan will not exceed $200,000 and is expected to be repaid in approximately 6-7 years. In order to obtain the loan, council has scheduled a special
congregational meeting to approve securing the loan for the first Sunday in
That’s it for this month’s update. Let me know if you have any questions.
Again…I want to thank our staff and volunteers for their dedication and hard
November 2nd
Start Anew
Be part of our Sunday
worship team!
Volunteer to be part of our
Sunday worship team. It takes
over 50 persons on a Sunday
morning to provide the music,
Christian education, and
hospitality that enriches the
worship experience here at
Christ Lutheran. There are many
opportunities available, and most
positions require only occasional
service. Additional helpers are
always needed (and appreciated).
See Ursula Merriman, Worship
and Music Team Leader, for
more information. There’s a
volunteer position that is just
right for YOU!
Taking Root – Hunger
We always need volunteers ~
volunteers for the younger
children, and ‘core’ teachers in
the classroom, as well as
volunteers who would be
willing to teach a lesson for a
two week time frame. Please
consider helping with this
ministry. Call Alice Karpa to
discuss the opportunities.
Alice Karpa 610.838.4843 or
New Member Class
Marold Lectures
Are you interested in becoming a member of Christ
Lutheran Church? We will be having a New
Member class where you will learn about the
history of the church, Lutheran beliefs, the mission
of Christ Lutheran Church, and about the
opportunities you have to serve on the different
ministry teams. We will start the process with a
New Member Class and Luncheon.
Friday, November 7, 2014
9am - 12:30 pm
Jesus & Paul
by John Dominic Crossan
Prosser Auditorium, Moravian College, FREE
Pastor Phil will drive the van / departure at 8:15 am
(sign up on the kiosk)
Lecture 1: J esus and the Kingdom of God: How did Isr ael’s
Please note the following dates:
covenantal expectations, John’s Baptism movement, and Jesus’
October 5 – New Member Class and Luncheon
Kingdom vision challenge Rome’s imperial designs for the
Saturday, October 25 – Social at Pastor Phil’s
Jewish homeland at the start of the first century?
Sunday, November 9 – New Member Sunday
Lecture 2. Paul & the Challenge of Equality: How did Paul
New Member Sunday: on that day, at the
take Jesus’ Kingdom vision out across the eastern Roman
service of your choice, you will be received as a
in language that explicitly confronted its imperial
member. There will be a Welcome Reception
theology with titles and attributed that forced a choice between
between the services.
Christ and Caesar?
If interested, contact Pastor Phil or the church
John Dominic Crossan, Professor Emeritus in the Department
office 610-838-0400. There is no obligation to join; of Religious Studies, De Paul University, is one of the leading
and the class is open to everyone.
New Testament scholars of our time.
Bible Study Group
Thursdays, from 12:15 — 1:15 pm.
Join Pastor Phil in the Library and read through
the Book of Isaiah.
Sunday, October 19
8:00 — 11:00 am
Cost: $5.00
Under 6, free
First Fridays
Muhlenberg College
Seegers Union, Room 111
Lunch at 11:45
Program from 12 to 1 pm*
October 3 ~ “Genetic Testing and Its Ethical
Implications” by Prof. Dena Davis, Professor of
Bioethics, Lehigh University
November 7 ~ “What a Rabbi Knows about the
Sermon on the Mount” by Rabbi Seth Phillips,
Keneseth Israel, Allentown
December 5 ~ “Annelies,” an Oratorio by James
Whitbourn with libretto drawn from Anne Frank’s
diaries, excerpts introduced by James Steffy
*Free. Br ing your lunch or buy a lunch. Soft
drinks available can be purchased in the room.
Please allow ample time for on-street parking.
Come and enjoy a delicious hot breakfast in Fellowship Hall.
Come! Eat! Enjoy!
Zumba* Zumba* Zumba*
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
in Fellowship Hall
Join Kensi Stauffer on Wednesday evenings at 6:00.
Cost: $8 drop in
$35 for 5 classes
$60 for 10 classes
*starting October 1st.
All Saints’
October 26, 2014
9:30 a.m. (single service)
November 2, 2014
the festival that celebrates the
eternal life that all
persons in Christ share.
On All Saints’ Sunday we remember those who have died
during the past year. We do this in our roll call of the saints
during the prayers in our worship service. Each name is read and
a bell is tolled. If you would like to remember a special loved
one, please fill out this form and place it in the offering plate, or
return it to the church office no later than Sunday,
October 19th.
Person(s) to be remembered who passed away since last
November 2013: (please print name & relationship to you)
We will also remember (by name) all those who have passed
away prior to November 2013:
(please print name & relationship to you)
Requested by:
Saucon Valley
Spirit Parade
Sunday, October 19
at 2:00 p.m.
Last Call
The FINAL deadline to tur n
in the National Youth Gathering
registration forms and
registration fee is
Sunday, October 5th.
Calling all
High School
Every Sunday
9:45 — 10:45 am
Meet in the LOFT and plan to
discuss any issues facing you!
Yes, the content will be based on
your needs. But you need to be
present to help shape the
discussion. Thanks to this year’s
mentors: Sharon Coe, Darlene
Bauder, Mark Stana, and Carl
Wetzel. These adults will help
create a safe place where you
can feel free to talk. Jesus has a
calling for the lives of our youth
and we take seriously our
responsibilities as adult
Christians, not to teach you the
faith, but pass down the faith in a
meaningful, practical way. Come
join the journey this school
year!! And feel free to bring a
Special Meeting
New Comer
7 pm N-A
Confirmation at 9:30
11:15 am Youth
Group Meeting
7 pm N-A
7 pm N-A
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
7 pm Council
8 am Soup
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm CCT
7 pm Choir
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
8:30 am Quilters
6 pm Zumba
7 pm Phil’s Class
8:30 am Quilters
6 pm Zumba
7 pm Phil’s Class
8:30 am Quilters
6 pm Zumba
7 pm Phil’s Class
7 pm CLCT
8:30 am Quilters
9 am New Bethany
6 pm Zumba
7 pm Phil’s Class
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
DaySpring Deadline
8:30 am Quilters
6 pm Zumba
6 pm Weight Watch
7 pm Choir
7 pm N-A
Baptism Sunday
Lunch & Rehearsal
Harvest Home
9:30 am zumba
7 pm New Comer
Social at Phil’s
3:30 pm Wedding
7 pm AA
7 pm AA
12:15 Bible Study
5:30 pm Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
7 pm AA
7 pm Scouts (FH)
Clean-up Day
9:30 am Zumba
1 pm Fundraiser
7 pm AA
7 pm AA
12:15 Bible Study
5:30 pm Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
10 am Dominoes
12:15 Bible Study
5:50 Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
12:15 Bible Study
5:30 pm Quilters
7 pm Praise Team
NO Bible Study
5:30 Quilters
7 pm Lichner Class
7 pm Praise Team
Care to Share
This column is a bulletin board sponsored by Care
Giving Team, where people can post items they may
wish to pass forward to someone in need of the
same. These items are mostly brand new or in the
case of medical equipment like new. Please contact
Enid Rank at 610-691-5289 or for
items to be donated or claimed. Thank you to those
who have donated items. Below is a list of items in
need of a loving home:
1. Like-new shower stool
2. Like-new green walker with attractive material
carry bag attached (bag is removable)
3. New CVS brand True result blood sugar
monitoring meter start up kit
4. Safety arm rails for toilet
5. Exercise pedals
6. Shower chair
7. 2 pair of new L/XL HeelWell
Soft Ease suspenders (to position foot and heal
pressure ulcers or to treat foot drop)
Vera Bradley Bingo
October 5 at 1:00 pm
at Dewey Fire Company
Doors open at 11:30 am. For tickets call Cindy at
610-838-8330 or Joyce at 610-838-7305. Proceeds
benefit Dimmickfest and the Spirit Parade.
Don’t miss
the next one
(details coming
Worship Volunteer Schedule
Altar Guild for Month: Alice Karpa, Connie Rice, Donna Shankweiler
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Amanda Borovies
Nicholas Gawronski
Jonah Harley
Sage Spohn
Randy Raab
Kathie Jones
Enid Rank
Kurt Rank
Confirmation Class
Pastor’s Assistant
Donna Bergstresser
Joyce Staats
Warren Loller
Kjell Andersen
Joe Meier
Leigh Feather
Dennis Raudenbush
Dave Long
Dave & Terry Long
Lois Apple
Al Horvath
David & Donna
Chadd Hamman
Richard Koehler
Ron & Jan Weirbach
De Del Re
Donna Bergstresser
Scott, Susan, Kelly,
& Adam Raab
Confirmation Class
Lisa & Joy Lin Kulp
Diana & Faith Doll
Jackie Jacoby
Marissa Harley
Ursula Merriman
Veronica Rohach
Marion Szabo
Bonnie Beers
Shirley Leidich
Lee Wagner
Louise Wagner
Matt Sterner
Gina Savant
Anne Baum
Jenn Laub
Roses Ackerman
Debbie Opitz
Terry Long
11 a.m.
11 a.m.
Usher Team
Coffee Hour
11:00 a.m.
Zach Appel
Kurt Pepper
Eric Pluim
Worship Assistant
Kevin Gough
Michele Gubish
Patty Jo Ivenz
Brett Szabo
Lenore Spohn
Pastor’s Assistant.
Lenore Spohn
Peg Eure
Jennifer Pluim
Lou Savant
Lois Apple
Glenn Clouser
The Savant Family
April & Joslynn Rose
Stephanie Chambers
& daughters
Amber & Rich Smith
Leigh Feather
Joslynn Rose
Usher / Greeter
Thank you for volunteering! If you ar e unable to ser ve on your scheduled date please switch with another
volunteer and notify the church office at 610.838.0400.
Volunteers are ALWAYS needed (and much appreciated). Call the office to learn more about the many
volunteer opportunities.
at CLC
Giant A+
School Rewards
Give us your bonus card numbers,
and earn free money for the
Learning Center.
The Giant program gives the Center
1% of all of your purchases made
from October to the end of March,
and also features some double
rewards programs. This will NOT
affect the gas rewards or any other
program they are running. This
program gives us FREE money and
you don’t have to do anything but
give us your bonus card numbers.
Contact Linda Reinbold at 610-838–
9790 for more information, or
To pick up a registration form.
Classes for the Fall session begin on
Monday, August 25th. We currently
have a few openings in the Preschool,
PreK, Kindergarten Readiness and
School Age Classes. Our PM Kindergarten Enrichment class is full so we
will be opening an AM class and will
need at least 4 or 5 to have the class.
Our Infant and Toddler Rooms are full
and have a waiting list. If you know of
anyone in your neighborhood, work
place, church, family or friends looking for a unique learning and/or care
program, please refer them to the
Center at 610-838-9790. Thank you in
Help Wanted
Subs & Floaters
The Center is looking for substitutes
and “floaters” on an “as needed”
basis. These are paid positions. All
clearance checks and health assessments are required. Forms are
available in the CLC office. If you
know anyone who might like to work
on an “as needed” basis, or who
might like to volunteer for a few
hours, please contact the Director at
Please welcome Jessica Flok to the
Children’s Learning Center. She
has over 25 years of experience in
early childhood education, and is a
welcome addition to the Toddler
Gift Cards
You will soon be able to order over
100 different gift cards from
October thru December, and a
percentage of your purchase will be
returned to the Learning Center at
no additional cost to you. Order one
week and receive the cards the next
week. Contact the Learning Center
for more information.
for CLC
Save your ink and toner cartridges
and put them in the box in the lower
level by the CLC Bulletin Board.
Detroit Dreamin’ Oldies Dance
Saturday, October 18
6 — 10 PM
Tickets for sale in the Narthex, or call 610-838-0400.
Adults: $35
Under 10: $20
Raising money for the 2015 National Youth Gathering in Detroit.
Food, music, dancing, raffles
Classic cars on display at 4:30 PM
Classic Cars Needed! Do you have (or know someone who has) a
beautiful classic/antique car that you would love to show off? If so, we
are looking for classic cars to display prior to our Oldies Dance Fundraiser
on October 18th. Free dinner/dance ticket for showing off your car!
Call Lenore if interested 610-838-6718
If you require a visit from the
Pastor please call the Church at
(610) 838-0400
& Teams
President: Mike Flack
Vice President: Chris Kulp
Secretary: Alice Karpa
Treasurer: Leigh Feather
Chuck Bender
Kim Blake
Lisa Cawley
Peg Eure
Jackie Jacoby
Jeff Koehler
Gary Reinbold
Lou Savant
Kristin Wetzel (Youth Rep)
From Nick Savant ~ I want to offer my
heartfelt gratitude for the Christ
Lutheran Church Youth Scholarship
awarded to me this year. This week I
begin my college adventure with the
beginning of football practice at
Muhlenberg College. A week later I
will begin my classes, and I want to
thank Church Council and the scholarship Committee for your generosity and
let you know that I really appreciate it. I
plan to major in biology and pursue a
career in medicine or physical therapy,
so I have quite a bit of academic
endeavors ahead of me. This scholarship will certainly help me pursue my
career dreams and aspirations. I will
honor this award with my very best
effort! Sincerely, Nick Savant
Dear Mary Ann, Thanks for the card
for my 89th Birthday. Having your
name on it would have been
sufficient, but having other names,
including our Pastor, made it very
special. God Bless you in your card
ministry. It is a vital and important
ministry. In Christian Love, H.W .
Dear Members of Christ Lutheran:
Thank you so much for the prayer
shawl, meals, gifts, cards, well
wishes, and prayers for my recent
medical diagnosis and resulting
surgeries. Your outpouring of love
is very comforting as I await test
results which will determine my
future treatment needs. Dennis
Caregiving: Enid Rank
Christian Education:
Jennifer Pluim
Children’s Learning Center:
Amy Kares
Evangelism: OPEN
Finance: Ann Borovies
Mutual Ministry:
Council Executive Team
Mission: Kathie Jones
Parish Life: Allison Sterner
Property: Randy Raab
Tracy & Dan Bingaman
Worship & Music:
Ursula Merriman
Youth: Mark Stana
THANK YOU for the New Roof on the shed! Thanks to Allen Wolfe,
Randy Raab, Larry Achey, and Ron Weirbach. Roger Miller is missing
from the picture. Thanks to Kevin Gough for donating the roofing
materials. The Gentlemen’s Club continues to hammer down the projects!
10/01 Weaver, Margaret
10/01 Stohl, Bonnie
10/01 Laub, Gary
10/02 Hoffman, Jeanette
10/03 Ackerman, Mark
10/03 Branco, Anthony
10/04 Snyder, Marie
10/04 Kares, Amy
10/04 Housley, Laura
10/04 Blasco, Sofia
10/06 Sterner, Verna
10/06 Rambo, Wilbur
10/06 Ravier, Logan
10/07 Koehler, Jeffrey
10/07 Ratushny, Lindsay
10/08 Jones, Melvin
10/08 Laub, Jennifer
10/08 Flack, Adessa
10/08 Reichl, Erica
10/09 Ward, Mercer
10/09 Rohach, Jeffrey
10/09 Snyder, Kendra
10/09 Gawronski, Vicki
10/09 Rotondo, Asher
10/10 Wean, George
10/10 Sterner, Ruth
10/11 Rambo, Mark
10/11 Paskewicz, Harry
10/11 Johnson, Jodie
10/12 Ivenz, Erica
10/13 Ward, Patricia
10/14 Nagy, Donna
10/15 Patterson, Jeff
10/15 Rank, Enid
10/16 Mundt, Bruce
10/16 Kovacs, Adam
10/17 Stana, Mark
10/17 Kadingo, Tori
10/17 Appel, Katherine
10/18 Appel, Stefanie
10/18 Shankweiler, Donna
10/18 Wean, Emily
10/19 Hamman, Ellie
10/20 Seeds, Dorothy
10/22 Good, Irvin
10/22 Krock, Kathy
10/22 Kemmerer, Kory
10/23 DeLeon, Betty
10/23 Cawley, Michael
10/24 Weaver, Nathan
10/26 Rohach, Jayne
10/27 Reber, Martha
10/28 Sterner, Cynthia
10/28 Branco, Kevin
10/29 Apple, Madison
10/30 Bonser, Trudy
10/31 Yochum, Alana
10/31 Kares, Madeleine
Classes at
St. Mark’s
3771 Easton Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18020
October 21 at 7:00 pm
5 Risks to a
Sound Retirement
David Ellowitch, Certified
Financial Planner
October 28 at 7:00 pm
Steve Sora
November 18 at 7:00 pm
Affording Senior Care ~
Benefits You Should Know
Eileen Kutzler,
Country Meadows
Verna Sterner will be 96 on October 6th, and
Will Rambo will be 92 on October 6th.
Host Family
Lutheran Congregational Service is
eagerly seeking a host family for a 25
year old woman from Korea, who will
be volunteering, serving refugees in the
Allentown area. The young woman
speaks English well, and is serving
through the International Visitor Exchange Program, a faith based organization which brings Christian young
people to the US to volunteer. The host
family will receive a small stipend of
$240 per month, to cover the cost of
food. Ideally, the organization would
be looking for a family willing to host
for a period of six months or a year. If
you have interest or know of anyone
who is interested, please contact Marla
Sell at 484-695-6373 or by email at
Saturday, October 11
at 1:00 pm
. . . Teaching proper etiquette,
leadership skills, and building
For more information, call Lorita
Musselman at 610-867-8135
Office Hours
Coverage in the office will be
temporarily altered to accommodate
staff vacations during the end of
October and early November. Please
leave a message and your call will be
returned as soon as possible.
November 5
On Wednesday, November 5,
2014 there will be a Blood
Drive at Christ Lutheran
Church. This year it will be
new. You can go on line and
make your appointment.
This is what you do: Go to / click on
Miller Keystone Blood
Center. Go to Donor Portal
and it will walk you through
the whole process. Very
simple. Important!!! FOR
must establish your own
password to make the
appointment and also find
the results of your donation.
Vote for the "Rise Up" Scarecrow!
at Steel Stacks
Help the Youth raise money for the National Youth Gathering.
See link below for the article in the Morning Call.
Every vote counts!
Detroit 2015
Every vote counts!
Christ Lutheran Church
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
69 Main Street
Hellertown, PA 18055
Lehigh Valley, PA
Permit No. 588
Dated Material—Do Not Delay
Contribute to your DaySpring! Submissions due by the 15th of the month.
Send articles, ads, text and photos to Leigh Feather
If you have any address, phone or email changes, please inform the office.
To have the DaySpring emailed to you, call the church office or visit this page: or scan the QR code below.
PASTOR: Phil Spohn
SEXTONS: Barbara Grello,
Norman “Sonny” Johnson
The Staff at
(Monday & Thursday afternoon appointments)
MINISTER OF MUSIC: Stephen Wysocki
CENTER: Linda Reinbold
Christ Lutheran
Elizabeth Amato, Donna Bergstresser, Michelle
Bonfrancesco, Jessica Flok, Laura Housley, Mary
Housley, Elizabeth Lees, Jennifer Mertus, Abeer
Niemet, Linda Reinbold, Felicia Trapp