NEWS&CLUES “All the news that doesn’t break”


NEWS&CLUES “All the news that doesn’t break”
News & Clues 10/20/12
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“All the news that doesn’t break”
Volume Five, No. 7
Week of October 20, 2014
News&Clues is an internal newsletter of Rudolf Steiner College, published to
promote “cluefulness” (an awareness, however dim, of what is taking place on
campus) among students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends of the College.
News&Clues is posted each Tuesday in the Quad, is available in hard copy from the
editor, and is accessible on the College website at
Contact the editor at
Medical Emergency in Raphael Garden Pond
While the rest of the world is focusing on the Ebola virus, the College is having its
own, little-publicized medical crisis. For several weeks, the pump that works the
flowform and thus aerates the Garden pond has not been operating. According to
Maintenance Czar Bill Cranstoun, this has resulted in the resident fish coming to
the surface among the reeds and gasping for air. Anyone trained in piscine mouthto-mouth resuscitation please contact Bill immediately. Remuneration will be on a
per-fish, rather than an hourly, basis.
Bill is looking into a general overhaul of the flowform’s pump and filter
configuration that will be more reliable than the current one. The flowform is like
the beating heart of the Campus and we look forward to its return to operation.
Accreditation and Office Geography Update
RSC President Liz Beaven writes:
RSC is working hard toward the next steps in our WASC (Western Association of
Schools and Colleges) accreditation. As part of this work, many faculty and staff
members were back in school on Friday and Saturday for a two-day workshop. Led
by Dr. Cindy Carter of Fresno Pacific University, the workshop covered many
essential aspects of our upcoming accreditation report. Those who walked by the
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Teacher Education Room would have seen a group hard at work—and would have
heard laughter as we blended focused work with artistic and group activities.
Accreditation is of great importance to RSC's future as a center of learning and
for all past, current, and future students. We will be involving many people in this
work over the next few weeks and will provide regular updates.
[Also, recently a game of office musical chairs has been played on campus.]
A number of members of our staff have moved offices and are adjusting to new
views of the campus! These moves were taken with the goal of providing a better
service to our students and the public.
Page 5 of this issue of News & Clues (suitable for framing) includes a full list of
“who is now where ” and might be worth holding onto until we all get used to the
changes. The page also includes the hours of the Library.
Exhibition of Student Art
Magical landscapes, fairy-tale scenes, Norse gods, and many other archetypal
images are on display in the Painting Studio. They are among drawings and
paintings in the exhibition of work by year-one students in the Teacher Education
Program. Master art teacher Ted Mahle cordially invites all to stop by. The
exhibition continues until October 30. If the room is locked, Campus Services will
open it for visitors.
Festival and Community Life Committee
Students, staff members, and faculty are all invited to join the Festival and
Community Life Committee. The committee plans and organizes the various
festivals celebrated at the College during the academic year, as well as other
community events. The committee meetings are brief, efficient, exciting,
elaborately catered, and profoundly meaningful. There will be a very short
organizational meeting on Wednesday, October 22, at 11:05 a.m. at the picnic
tables during morning break. Attendance at the meeting, out of interest or morbid
curiosity, involves no commitment to join the Committee. Look for Ronald.
Clara’s Counter Temporarily Closed
Because of water heater problems, Clara’s Counter will be closed Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week, but will reopen Thursday.
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“Michaelic Outreach – A Trip to China”
With Cynthia Hoven and Harald Hoven
In this “Signs of the Times” evening, Cynthia and Harald will talk about and show
photos of their recent trip to China and their work helping to bring eurythmy and
biodynamic agriculture to that county.
Wednesday, October 22
7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Teacher Education Room
Members & Students – Free
Seniors - $5.00
Non-Members - $8.00
Peg Doll-Making Workshop and Storytime Bookstore Events
Saturday, October 25
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
RSC Bookstore
Margaret Bloom, author of Making Peg Dolls, will lead a peg owl-making workshop
for ages 10 and up and a peg doll-making workshop for all ages. She will also
present stories and music using peg dolls and puppets.
Owl workshop: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Story Performance: 11:30
All ages peg-crafting: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Free and open to all.
Preregister at the Bookstore or 916-961-8729 or
All children’s toys, children’s books, and parenting books will be 15% off
during the event.
Community Outings
Gold Discovery Park
Two outings are planned for the coming weeks. One is to Marshall Gold Discovery
Park in Coloma on Saturday, November 8. The Park will be having its monthly
“Historic Days” events. There will be docents dressed in period costume doing
traditional crafts such as candle-making and rope-making and giving talks about the
Gold Rush era. We will leave from the Library parking lot at 9:00 a.m. and return
around 5:30 p.m. Participants should bring a picnic lunch and drinking water. There
will be an opportunity to wade in the North Fork of the American River, which runs
next to the Park. There will also be an opportunity to pan for gold! All members of
the broader College community are welcome to join. If you are interested in going,
please contact Ronald at
Camphill Community California
The Camphill community in Soquel is the only Camphill in California. It provides a
therapeutic and nurturing environment for adults with developmental challenges.
Located on six acres in the hills above Santa Cruz, the community includes a small
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biodynamic farm and a weavery. Since Soquel is about a three-hour drive from Fair
Oaks, we are considering making this outing an overnight trip and are researching
the possibility of camping at the community or someplace nearby.
Ronald is in communication with the community about appropriate dates. The
current possibilities are November 1 and November 15. An announcement will be
made as soon as a date is set.
Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul
Week 29
October 20-26
Sich selbst des Denkens Leuchten
Im Innern kraftvoll zu entfachen,
Erlebtes sinnvoll deutend
Aus Weltengeistes Kräftequell,
Ist mir nun Sommererbe,
Ist Herbstesruhe und auch Winterhoffnung.
Out of my own full strength
To ignite the fire of thinking within me,
And out of the world spirit’s source of power
To sense the meaning of life,
Is to me now the legacy of summer,
The repose of autumn,
And also winter’s hope.
trans. REK
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The Official New Who’s Where,What’s What,& Why’s Why at RSC
(Valid from October 20, 2014 to the Onset of the Sixth Post-Atlantean Epoch)
Alcott House
Liz Beaven, President/Academic Dean
Oliver Cheney, Executive Director
Shana Murray, Meristem Assistant
Faculty Workroom
Stegmann Hall
Lyn Dixon, Admissions/International Students
Anne Boyd, Reception and Admissions
Stasia Griffin, Reception and Admissions
Plus, our wonderful "relief receptionists" Nancy Weiner and Elizabeth East
Monet Building (Finance and Business offices)
In addition to CFO, accounts, and conference registration:
Clint Harless, Registrar
Robin Gallowglas, Financial Aid
Kim Hofer, Financial Aid Assistant
Library Offices
Patrick Wakeford-Evans, Associate Dean
Lauren Hickman, Early Childhood
Jeanette Arch, Academic Assistant
Nancy Walent, Assistant Registrar
Library Hours
The current Library hours are:
Sunday: 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday & Thursday: 3:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Tina Glishich is the new librarian.