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View Project Fact Sheet
RSC 5&6 Fact Sheet
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Project Background
The existing River Supply Conduit (RSC) is a major transmission pipeline built in the 1940’s
and is responsible for transporting large amounts of water from the Northeast Valley area
to the Central City area. Approximately 30,000 linear feet of the RSC that runs between
North Hollywood Pump Station and the Headworks Spreading Grounds site, located near
Forest Lawn Drive just west of Victory Boulevard, will be replaced with a larger diameter
steel pipe. The new pipe is referred to as the RSC Upper Reach and will be constructed
under two separate projects: RSC Improvement Upper Reach – Units 5 & 6 (RSC 5 & 6) and
RSCIUR – Unit 7 (RSC 7).
The improvements that will be completed under these two
projects are necessary for the following reasons:
Safety and Improved System Reliability: New pipe replaces an aging concrete pipe
built in the 1940’s.
Improve Water Pressure: Pipeline will provide higher water pressures as required by
California Department of Public Health regulations.
Comply with Water Quality Regulations: Pipeline will allow for greater operational
flexibility to compensate for loss of water storage within the distribution system. It also
Update: April 10, 2015 Page | 1 RSC 5&6 Fact Sheet
assists in facilitating planned changes to method of disinfection. These actions are
required to meet stricter federal/state water quality regulations.
Increased Water Capacity: Pipeline requires upsizing to accommodate future demands
Mitigate Air Entrainment: The new pipe will minimize air entrainment and improve flow
Scope of Project
The RSCIUR – Units 5 & 6 Project consists of installing approximately 15,800 feet of 78-inch
diameter welded steel pipe and appurtenances utilizing tunneling and open-cut, also
known as cut and cover, methods. The new pipe will be installed within the following
streets: Morella Ave (North Hollywood Pump Station to Archwood St), Archwood St (Morella
Ave to Lankershim Blvd), Lankershim Blvd (Archwood St to Burbank Blvd), and Burbank Blvd
(Lankershim Blvd to Biloxi Ave) to where it will join with the future RSC 7 Project. Two
construction methods will be used for construction:
1. Open-Cut:
5,411 ft.
2. Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Tunneling: 10,357 ft.
March 2015
Construction Completion: Early 2018
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the RSC Upper Reach Program was finalized on
October 16, 2008.
LADWP Contact Information
To contact on-site staff, please contact the Project Office at (818)771-3122
For additional information regarding this project, please contact the following:
Project Manager:
Johan Torroledo • (213) 367-2296 •
Assistant Project Manager:
Fidencio Madero • (213) 367-9013•
Construction Manager:
Ali Sabouni • (213) 367-2637•
LADWP Public Affairs-Community Relations Office
Stephanie Spicer • (213) 367-1314 •
David Rahimian • (213) 367-0361•
Project Website
Project information and presentations available at:
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